Here are 9 ways to improve your gut bacteria with diet. If you like the taste of fermented juice and have access to a safely fermented supply, its definitely worth making the switch! Tropicana Pink Lemonade is not only a delicious, incredibly refreshing complement to summer taco binging, but its also a constant reminder of the American dream. Hi Rita! Course Drinks Cuisine Indian Keyword easy, healthy, probiotic Prep Time 10 minutes Servings 10 Author Sarah Pope Ingredients 6-8 medium lemons or 1- 1.5 cups of lemon juice (preferably fresh squeezed) 1/2 cup sucanat Fermented Food & Drink Market Boosting the Growth Worldwide | Coca Cola, Cargill, Conagra Foods, Dr Pepper Im unsure of the sugar content, but you could ferment it longer if you want it less sweet , [] Simple Fermented Lemonade Bring that classic summertime drink up a few notches with a big probiotic boost from this simple fermented lemonade from Raising Generation Nourished! The short answer is NO WAY! Therefore, consuming fermented beans or legumes like tempeh increases the absorption of beneficial nutrients, making them more nutritious than unfermented alternatives (23, 24). This batch makes a good gallon of lemonade. This article takes a look at food fermentation, including its benefits and safety. Read below about making lacto-fermented strawberry lemonade. Can I Use Lemon And Honey On My Face Everyday? Now I know. (Guide), [] orange juice intentionally fermented in a controlled environment does not contain bad bacteria and yeast and will not cause [], Orange Juice Facts(13 Things You Probably Didn't Know), [] it is unsafe to consume randomly fermented orange juice, you can drink intentionally fermented orange beverages because they are made in a controlled []. Sounds delicious! Place a pinch of salt in the slit and press it a bit. Place all of the ingredients in a large glass jar or pitcher with a tight-fitting lid. However, if you have persistent diarrhea or vomiting and dont seem to be getting better, you may want to consult your doctor. Hi Elaine! A number of health benefits are associated with fermentation. All it takes is two days to make fermented lemonade! I make my own yoghurt but dont particularly like the taste of whey. Stir to dissolve the sugar or honey. As if that isn't enough, juice manufacturers use acid sprays during processing. Finnish fermented lemonade (or Sima) is a traditional carbonated beverage made for Vappu celebrations on the first of May. I read one estimate that the finished beverage has around 0.05 to 0.15% alcohol or similar levels to Kombucha. Ive made this now its sitting on my kitchen bench waiting to finish Fermenting, I put in and extra 1/2 cup of whey today to help move it along as it is cold here in Sydney Australia right now, dont know what you think of this? However, this is almost never necessary unless severe symptoms persist beyond a few days. I cant use dairy whey, and I have the same time problem for making a ginger bug. If it smells ok, taste a little bit. Im making more right now. Juice enough lemons to yield cup of fresh lemon juice. How Long Does Asparagus Last in the Fridge? I was thinking it may be like wine or hard cider. I made this and left it out for the second ferment. What Do Mustard Greens Taste Like? Use it whenever you want before 3 months. Cobalamin 0%. Fermented beverages and foods have risen in popularity in recent years thanks to their many health benefits. Refreshing *and* nourishing all in one! If you have a little nausea or vomit once or twice and then feel better, then its safe to assume that your body did a good job of clearing the irritant. Thats great! In fact, there is nothing more satisfying than chugging down cold-pressed lemonade after a long, hot day on the beach or a hot summer day. It is so delicious right after the first ferment or you can bottle it and give it a second ferment to give it a bubbly, fizzy finish! When juice ferments spontaneously, often it is due to contamination with bad bacteria. [Surprising Facts]. Juice thats gone bad may become contaminated with bad bacteria and make you sick. Hi Sandra! Thats a great question Nicci I have not tried it but it would be worth a try I think! Does Buttermilk Go Bad? Hi, . Once the raisins float, pour the sima through a fine mesh strainer and bottle in flip-top Grolsch bottles or another mason jar. The lemonade drank is a great idea. YES. Recipe Tags: Step 2: Juice the lemons. It's nutrient dense. Hi Renee, thanks for the reply. Hi, I was wondering what is the amount of lemon juice in ounces? I dont drink soda at all except for what I brew at home if you can call that soda so this was a lot of fun. The lemonade can still ferment even if its Tropicana. Well it went completely moldy! like 3 cups or something? In cups? Made from just cabbage and salt, this fermented food delivers a healthy dose of probiotics and fiber. Can I still use it, or does it need to be used right away? All you need is a ginger bug, ginger, and some lemonade. She didnt have a nut milk bag so we tried using a clean but old kitchen towel. I am not familiar with soy based yogurts as we dont consume soy. Of course some will choose to drink them and things may turn out OK. I was gonna throw away all the whey from my home made yogurt! The reaction gives off carbon dioxide, which produces bubbles. This drink gets its probiotic qualities from whey, which is the watery substance that forms on top of yogurt. How Long Does Buttermilk Last? On a trip to Oaxaca City, Mexico, just before the start of . Sauerkraut is good for more than just topping a hot dog. Drinking spontaneously fermented beverages can make you sick. As a result, those with lactose intolerance are generally fine eating fermented dairy like kefir and yogurt (21). Bacteria and yeasts gobble up the sugars in the drink and release gases and ethanol. Wikipedia states that the high concentration of citric acid in lemonade helps prevent calcium-based kidney stones. Whisk the water, salt, and honey together in a medium-sized pitcher, and then pour over the berries, allowing 1-inch headspace and discarding any remaining brine. In order to try it out, you will need a few lemons, some salt and a jar to store them. is fermented lemonade safe. However, its much safer to ferment your juice on purpose or buy pre-fermented juice to avoid even the smallest risk of contamination. Orange juice can ferment on its own when left too long in your fridge, perhaps shoved behind something else that made you forget it was there. I put a lid on it the plastic one you see in the pic that has the big jar. Would this ratio work with the whey? Or maybe its the orange juice youve been drinking for the past week. Fermented apple juice is safe to drink, but may contain traces of alcohol. Drip it off overnight! If youve tried fermented foods and beverages like kefir or kombucha, you might have wondered if its safe to drink fermented juice. And while it gives you an excellent boost of vitamin C, you can make it even better for you by adding gut-healthy cultures into it. One more thing though, we didnt strain the pulp is this OK? For example, lactose the natural sugar in milk is broken down during fermentation into simpler sugars glucose and galactose (20). I smelled it and could detect no smell. Fermented fruit drinks are super refreshing and delicious for the summertime. Hi Elise! The end result is a sweet, zingy, creamy beverage. 8 Fermented Foods and Drinks to Boost Digestion and Health, 11 Probiotic Foods That Are Super Healthy, 9 Ways to Improve Your Gut Bacteria, Based on Science, 8 Surprising Benefits of Sauerkraut (Plus How to Make It), 12 Foods That Contain Natural Digestive Enzymes, 9 Evidence-Based Health Benefits of Almonds. I am a foodie and I love to cook. This article reviews the most common side effects of, Sauerkraut is a fermented cabbage dish that has been linked to several health benefits. So, about that pH thing, yes, citrus can be hard to ferment, particularly the more acidic types such as lemon juice which is 2.0 pH. However, some individuals may experience side effects. If they do not, such as beet kvass, they are still fermented under controlled environments, generally with salt added to help stunt growth among harmful bacteria and allow lactic acid bacteria to flourish. Lemonade is a good source of Vitamin C and can also promote hydration. Salted lemons can be fermented and used in many recipes, salads and even juices. It made us gag, and we laughed hysterically at how gross it was. Im afraid to drink it, but I dont want to throw it away if its still good. I hope that helps , Sounds amazing! The raisins in this recipe add nutrients, tannin and wild yeasts. These symptoms may be worse after consuming fiber-rich fermented foods, such as kimchi and sauerkraut. Should I try a glass? Read further below to know. You forgot to put it back in the fridge for several hours, and suddenly its got some bubbles and a tang. Im worried my sugar level drinking this thanks! No, fermented juice is NOT safe to drink. Is this sugar? If you live in a cooler area and/or the bottles where were a draft or you have air conditioning on in the house, it will take more like 5 or so days. Stir to incorporate. How long does lemonade last? My first experiment in lacto-fermented lemonade! Fermented Strawberry Soda - Raising Generation Nourished, 70 Refreshing Summer Drinks - Recipes to Nourish, Learn to Ferment Vegetables: 50+ Recipes to Get You Started, Paleo Drink Recipe Roundup | Made It Love It Paleo, Patriotic Cherry Lemonade Recipe | Naturepedic Blog, 30+ Refreshing & Nourishing Delicious Paleo Drinks. When you add the two together, aN acid-base reaction happens. The longer you leave the lemonade the more sugar the bugs will eat up - you can taste it every day if you want to test for sweetness. Or should I throw it out and start again . Yeasts and bacteria will easily react with the sugars in the juice, releasing ethanol and gases. The answer is noif you leave your juice out overnight or in your fridge past its expiration date and it begins to ferment (spoil), its not safe to drink. Awesome recipe for summer. Most lemonade has very short shelf lives. Mold typically happens that quickly if the jar wasnt clean or whatever was covering the jar wasnt clean. What Happens If You Accidentally Drank Fermented Juice? If its a preservative-free lemon juice, it goes bad real quick, especially if stored at room temperature. Lemonade is a sweet lemon-flavored beverage typically made from freshly squeezed lemon, sugar, and ice. Add some strawberries and lacto-fermentation and you've got a healthy, delicious beverage that we all love! "That means you shouldn't consume more than 12 ounces of kombucha a day," says Smith, who points out that the average bottle of commercially prepared kombucha exceeds a daily, single serving at 16 ounces. Hi John! Cloudy at the bottom is not bad that is the mother just like you would see in a jar of real fermented pickles or apple cider vinegar it is all the beneficial bacteria. If i dont have cane sugar i never seen that in north sweden there i live. In a large pot, bring the water to a boil. Any ideas? Read the guide thoroughly to learn how long it lasts. They also boost your immune system and prevent inflammation. This lemonade is sharp with a slightly fizzy, fermented taste. Wiith the recent boom in focus on gut health, fermented foods and beverages have become all the rage. That is the fermentation process! Keep refrigerated and serve cool. As such, orange juice that has fermented on its own is not safe to drink and can leave you feeling sick. If any ferment is fizzy, it could have a higher concentration of alcohol (such as a fizzy kefir or . will []. It tastes much more lemon-y than any lemonade Ive ever tasted, and you can smell it well before you taste it. I have tried sucanat before and it didnt ferment as well. 3 real kids. Make sure that your soda base includes a good amount of sugar. Beloved old techniques for food preservation bubble up again and ride a wave of new popularity in southern Mexico's culinary capital. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. I have never tried fermenting anything at 50/50 so Im not sure how the outcome will be! Same here! Is it a good bacteria source now to go ahead and drink it? As you may know, CO2 is the same gas that is added to sodas to give them their fizz. I cant think of many other things more summer than lemonade, but if we are going to be sipping on something more than a couple times a month during a season, I want it to have some nourishment to it. You will find in most fermenting literature to use just plain sugar for feeding probiotic bugs as in a drink like this because they feed better than on sweeteners such as honey, molasses, or even sucanat. It could be tainted with harmful bacteria such as E. coli or salmonella and make you very sick. These signs could imply whether your lemonade is in a good or imperfect condition. For specific advice or treatment programs please consult your personal physician / health professional as individual needs do vary. You dont want the water too warm or it will kill off the beneficial bacteria that will ferment the drink. Extra whey will need more sugar to feed on so if you want to add more just add a bit more food (sugar) for the bugs to feed on. is fermented lemonade safe. I dont feel like you taste the whey though . I freeze the juice and use it in everything until my next crop. Step 1: Make the base. The leftover yogurt in the towel is like Greek yogurt or cream cheese yum! Letting your lemonade sit for a few days with some probiotic-rich whey to ferment fills it with gut nourishing flora and it tastes really good! Cheers to a fellow fermenter. Kombucha, ginger beer, kvass and kefir are fermented drinks. Take a jar and sprinkle a teaspoon of salt in it. Hi May! This is a detailed article about almonds and their health benefits. TIL lemon juice will eventually ferment if left in the fridge. Thanks for the recipe. While lifestyle decisions play a critical role in determining our everyday exposures (See Sleep, Melatonin, and Electronic Devices ), it can't hurt to add some proven antioxidant boosting, anti-radiation foods to your diet. The starters help good bacteria flourish in the fermented juice, and have a preserving effect. This is because of the added preservatives and high concentration during production. Open it when you're ready to consume, but be sure to drink within seven days for best results. Ive been experimenting with other ferments (beet kvass, preserved lemons, kimchi) and am looking forward to trying this. Massage Your Face With These 3 Ingredients In The Morning For Glowing Skin! What happens when juice ferments spontaneously? But I made the yogurt at the beginning of the week, and have no idea how long I can keep and use it for something like this. Zest as much citrus as the recipe calls for and add it into the hot sugary water along with a few sprigs of fresh mint and basil. TheBruSho 22.5K subscribers Bright, refreshing, and great for your gut health; this Fermented Lemonade recipe is so easy to make! Hiya, quick questionhow long does it take for the whey to drain from the yogurt? Additionally, many fermented foods are rich in vitamin C, iron, and zinc all of which are proven to contribute to a stronger immune system (17, 18, 19). Im a newbie on fermented sodas and want to give my family the alternative of healthy soda instead of Coca Cola. They also contribute valuable vitamins A, D and K; B vitamins; and minerals including calcium. Rest assured that you dont need to jump to the conclusion that youre going to die. I read somewhere some use 50/50 whey and water! Think "no warmer than bath water". Fermented foods: Definitions and characteristics, . I told him be careful we might get drunk. Fermentation is a process in which bacteria and yeast break down sugars. There will be a fermented tang to the soda, as with any fermented beverage. What is this? This means that fermented juice will last longer than non-fermented juice - up to several months in some cases. Hi Kathy! Very disappointing! Put them on snug, and then burp them every day or so to let the gasses out by opening the lid, and then closing it back up. The key to good bottle fermentation is sugar. Or do you think it can introduce bacteria/mold? Bottled lemon juice is typically concentrated and/or has other things added to it to keep it preserved I would guess (I could be wrong?) The best thing to do is to check on the labels for expiry dates. The answer is yesfermented juice may contain small traces of alcohol. To make the drink, bacteria and yeast must first grow together to form a culture. Fermenting Supplies & Equipment Recommendations. Does Sangria Go Bad? A common question I get is whether or not a ferment is safe to consume. I was discarding things that might have spoiled and when I opened the cherry juice it let off a stream of what looked like fog and kept emmiting this fog for a long time. Freshly squeezed, you should consume homemade lemonade within a day or two if you dont store it in the fridge. Even though lemonade is an acidic type of liquid, it can definitely go bad. . Seal the jar tightly, and shake. Great question Allyson! The initial signs of spoilage are difficult to notice, and a week is a long time for fresh-squeezed juice. How long do you let the yogurt hang from an unrefrigerated door to get the whey?? I usually use 1 1/2 cups of juice to the same amount of sugar, then add about 1/2 gal. You know that people purposefully ferment drinks to make natural, probiotic sodas, so youre wondering if this is the same general idea. Lemon juice is an acid. of water for lemonade. We all know that lemons offer so many health benefits. Gently warming honey to help it dissolve is fine. Great idea to ferment lemonade! Plus, fermentation helps break down and destroy antinutrients such as phytates and lectins which are compounds found in seeds, nuts, grains, and legumes that interfere with the nutrient absorption (22). Here are the top 8 benefits of sauerkraut, plus a step-by-step, Low stomach acid prevents the stomach from breaking down bacteria and absorbing nutrients into the body. 2. It's simplewhey (I had plenty of that), lemon juice, and sugarand I went with the simplest method, from Hello Glow. But you have to do a lot of playing around with the lemon juice to get the acid correct (cut it with water) get the sugar levels correct (add lots of sugar) then ferment it with wine yeast.But the sugar is so low that you might be lucky to get 1 or 2 % alcohol. Then the mix is allowed to ferment. Seal the bottles, and allow the lemonade to sit at room temperature to ferment at least four and up to seven days. I think whey is seriously the easiest option for fermented drinks so simple, it feels like cheating. Eating fermented foods with live probiotics can have powerful benefits for your body and brain. 1. Jan. Hi there i wondering, should i put the lemons in the jar too when i fermented it? Lacto-fermented drinks almost always contain a starter. As time passes, the quality deteriorates over time. Fermented Lemonade Fermented lemonade can be enjoyed by itself or combined with homemade kombucha or water kefir. I am ready to use it but want to know if I need to strain the lemon juice pulp that is in the lemon juice. I put it back in the fridge with a loose lid. Squish the strawberries in the pot (I use a potato masher), and pour the strawberry sugar water through a fine mesh strainer into a large bowl. Question: Do you leave the lemonade out of the fridge for the second ferment? :: Gluten Free, Grain Free, Dairy Free, Nut Free! If you can persuade your children to drink it, it's a wonderful way to introduce friendly bacteria into their diet. Generally juices recommend keeping them under refrigeration, and discarding within 7-10 days of opening. Thanks! It is safe to start drinking kombucha again after your baby is born, says Dr. Fischer. But fermented foods don't have E.coli. I have just made your recipe except that I used Jaggery sugar! Thanks. The white cloudy stuff is fine that is the mother all the good bugs. How to Make Fermented Honey (Mead) When you ferment honey and water, you get mead, an alcoholic beverage. Also, I am not very tolerant of carbonation. This is particularly the case if it is a pasteurized beverage, because all the good bacteria has already been killed. Interesting, I had no idea you could do this in a lemonade. Why You Should Not Drink Kombucha While Pregnant . Our website services, content, and products are for informational purposes only. Fermented juice is packed with probiotics, electrolytes, and additional vitamins and minerals. If you have water kefir grains or a ginger bug alive you can use that versus the whey! While there are many health benefits linked to taking probiotics, there can also be side effects. Wash the citrus and strawberries thoroughly under cold running water. For bottled lemonade, the process is very gradual. 1. A single orange juice factory is able to squeeze up to 1,800 tons of oranges each day. Fermenting even allows nutrients to be absorbed more easily, meaning youll reap the maximum health benefits from the vitamins and minerals already in the juice youre drinking. 1.) If fermenting at home, always follow recipes to avoid spoilage and read nutrition labels when consuming store-bought products. Thank you! I find using just simple whey to be the easiest for me to handle right now. However, when certain juices are fermented properly, they can be safe to drink and offer some health benefits. 2. Does Provolone Cheese Go Bad? After several weeks, depending on storage conditions, cider develops a slight fizz that is the result of natural fermentation. Would you totally be ruining this recipe by making a cocktail with it? You can ferment lemonade a couple different ways. Hi Amy! Therefore, adding fermented foods to your diet may benefit your overall well-being. There are many different types of fermented foods consumed around the world, including: Fermented foods are popular worldwide. Its worth noting that some pasteurized juices, like apple juice or apple cider, are generally safe to drink after theyve naturally fermented (even if theyve spoiled by accident). This is wonderful! Hi there! Here are some great options that you can enjoy: Fermented Lemonade . The fiz that comes with the gas actually has an interesting taste and sensation, like soda pop. How To Boost Your Immune System Naturally, Garlic Oil For Ear Infections: Why You Should Make Your Own, Home Remedies For Ear Infections: The Best Tips For Healing Ear Infections Naturally, 14 Non-Dairy Fermented Foods You Must Try, How To Use Green Bananas (Unripe Bananas). What volume of lemon juice do you get from 2lbs of lemons? Sugar typically has a bad rap, is the sugar in this bad for someone who has cancer? (Yes, Tropicana can ferment into alcohol. Also Read: Is It Safe To Use Saliva As A Lubricant? Made from fermented green or red cabbage, sauerkraut is high in fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin K and B vitamins. "At that point, the huge amount of sugar they contain is probably more than negating any positive effects from the fermented foods." Kombucha, a type of fermented tea, is another food that can. How do I know if its good or if its bad? Accidental fermentation is never safe. That is so great to hear glad the family enjoyed it! My daughter made a Black Forest Cake for my birthday mid September, all from scratch, beautiful and delicious. Second day shouldnt present that unless the jar wasnt cleaned well or the batch was somehow contaminated. Fermented lemonade is great by itself or as a base for adult beverages. You can strain the pulp if you wish! Would you recommend these for the first ferment? And when anyone asks me if randomly fermented drinks are safe, I will always say NO. Or does it even matter? Fermented lemonade is a fun summertime tradition in our house every year! Also Read: Benefits Of Intercourse During Periods. Some products may contain high levels of added sugar, salt, and fat so its important to read nutrition labels to make sure youre making a healthy choice. The conclusion showed that fermentation of Lemon juice by probiotic bacteria not only increase antibacterial and anti-allergy effects but also enhance health benefit. Learn 5 ways to improve stomach acid levels, Without sufficient digestive enzymes, your body is unable to break down food properly, potentially leading to digestive disorders and unpleasant, People talk about the health benefits of pickles, citing weight loss, diabetes management, and even anticancer properties, too. Ill have to try this out . Yes all 3 girls drink the lemonade it tastes just like lemonade you are used to if you let it ferment longer obviously it will be less sweet but my kids dont mind this. You should tightly close the lemonade in a container and refrigerate it. With this in mind, you might be wondering if its possible to ferment your own juice by leaving it out overnight in order to drink it and reap its new health benefits. Posted on Last updated: February 20, 2023. Thanks! This drink should be regarded as spoiled. Lemonade can ferment if you let it sit for a few days with some probiotic-rich whey. It results in a distinctive tart flavor and is used to make foods like yogurt, cheese, and sauerkraut. Prolonged fermentation is not recommended because of the accumulation of organic acids, which might reach harmful levels. Here is my rather dumb question do I need to let the gas out of jar every day burp it?? This is a great start for those new to ferments! Place it in the refrigerator. Do you think its still good? Even though lemonade is an acidic type of liquid, it can definitely go bad. Chances are that the worst that will happen is youll have some digestive distress, like a stomachache or diarrhea. Ok this sounds delicious. Sometimes I see white puff cloud? It's also a great source of iron, copper, calcium, sodium, manganese and magnesium. Hi. Can you use a starter culture instead of whey? Thanks for this info. However, if you suspect youve consumed spoiled juice, dont fretany symptoms youre experiencing will likely resolve themselves in a few days at most. Common fermented foods include kimchi, sauerkraut, kefir, tempeh, kombucha, and yogurt. Thank you Carol! I am not sure how sucanat works with fermenting if you dont see anything fuzzy like mold at the top it should be fine. It must be a sign telling me to make it already . Probiotics have been shown to improve immune function as well as digestive and heart health (1, 2, 3). Due to the high probiotic content of fermented foods, the most common side effect is an initial and temporary increase in gas and bloating (32). Since the temperature in your home is not perfectly regulated, the juice might become contaminated with bad bacteria and make you sick. In addition to its fermentation benefits, the authors of a 2014 review noted that research in animal models and test tubes suggests that apple cider vinegar may have the following properties . However, fermented cider is typically much lower in alcohol than hard liquor. Hi Krystn! I would imagine the natural brown sugar would work just fine though! The culture is added to the sugar and tea. However, drinking improperly fermented or spoiled juice can be far riskier. Due to their high probiotic content, fermented foods can give your immune system a boost and reduce your risk of infections like the common cold (12, 13, 14). If it's a preservative-free lemon juice, it goes bad real quick, especially if stored at room temperature. And ginger bugs are great too but again its more time to make, and to keep it alive for more batches they need to be kept fed just like kefir grainsI have enough mouths around here to remember to keep fed, so right now lacto-fermenting (using whey dripped off from yogurt) is the simplest method for me! Will this become alcoholic (hard lemonade)? The end result is a sweet, zingy, creamy beverage. Since Im dairy-free, Ill have to try the water kefir grains. I would not drink it because when you add a good bacteria medium and ferment the drink quickly at room temp and then refrigerate, you are keeping the bad bacteria at bay your drink may have had a good proliferation of both good and bad bacteria. However, if you are nursing, you may need to take precautions. Fresh Fact 3: Our lemonade is a tangy, sweet, yummy source of vitamin C 45 percent of your daily intake to be exact. It has a unique taste, will allow you to absorb the nutrients in the juice more easily, and will promote healthy digestion (and even improve your mood). Whey keeps in the fridge for 3 months so you should be good! Hi. It is basically how they make Greek Yogurt a really thick, strained yogurt , Hi there Ive got two blobs of black mold formed on the top of my ferment can I just carefully remove them and all should be well? 1 real daddy. Its possible to get drunk from drinking fermented juice, but not likely. Any idea what couldve gone wrong? In some cases, you may have more serious digestive issues such as vomiting. By simply adding one extra ingredient, you can have your own, fermented drink with natural bacteria which is great for your gut. Making this, second day on the counter and it has a bit of a cloudy white ish layer about 1 inch sitting on the top. I made this for the first time three days ago.
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