Eventually (it's a slow process), there will be a tipping point where the individual communities (KHs) are too small to avoid marrying or being friends with non-JWs. Growth is pretty much stagnet in America and other countries like Great Brittan, Austrialia and other English speaking nations. If the religion continues to have to pay out millions of dollars to the victems of child abuse, and it they continue to loose new converts simply because theyre finding out the real truth about the religion, then theres no way that it will be able to remain standing. Much of their growth from these nations is from people being born into the religion. Once more and more world wide governments either ban Watchtower from their nations, or make them pay for all the evil that they have done through their evil practice of shunning and other terrible things not mentioned here, the Watchtower organization may be forced to shut its doors. She was especially close to her sister Cynthia. Jesus himself is truth, not those club-like religions. Jehovah's Witness 'ordered to renounce faith and join Russian army' Europe. These groups are designed to approach the young people where they are at right now not from where someone thinks they should be. Just because they make the claim doesnt make it so. But in another respect, its quite sad, when considering the young people in the organization who desperately need and yearn for something more. Is it any wonder that they would seek to fill the void in their life with sex, drugs, and alcohol? - The number of young Jehovah's Witnesses (aged 18-24) has dropped by 6% over the past 7 years. Found some information I thought you all might be interested in. Id been treated badly by as many people who were Witnesses as I had non-Witnesses. Jesus Christ is God's agent, through whom sinful humans can be reconciled to God. Jehovah's Witnesses detained in inhumane conditions June 4, 2021 Number of Jehovah's Witnesses on trial in Lipetsk grows June 2, 2021 Christian attorney gives advice for staying on good side of law June 1, 2021 Crimean Pentecostals fined for violating Russia's anti-evangelism law May 31, 2021 American prayer breakfast figure feted by Ukrainian . This raises the question: Who is an. A big part of the JW organization's power comes from keeping dissenters isolated until they give in due to loneliness. However, the Watchtower stubbornly sticks to a one size fits all program for everyone. https://www.pewforum.org/religious-landscape-study/religious-tradition/jehovahs-witness/, https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2016/04/26/a-closer-look-at-jehovahs-witnesses-living-in-the-u-s/, https://www.freep.com/story/news/local/michigan/2018/03/18/jehovahs-witnesses-murder-suicide-keego-harbor/409695002/. The Jehovahs Witnesses originated as a branch of the Bible Student movement, which was founded by Charles Taz Russell, a Christian Restorationist minister. Nothing can be allowed to take any time away from the Watchtowers sole purpose of existence: proselytizing. Jehovah's Witnesses, a Christian denomination with an estimated 175,000 followers in Russia. JWs are leaving in droves, all because of the internet. With multiple documentaries being filmed, protests being organized, news reports being written and lawsuits being filed, Jehovahs Witnesses can choose to buckle up and attempt to survive the crash or they can release that belt and get the hell out of the vehicle which is about to catch fire. Jesus said himself that he was the way, the life and the truth and that nobody comes to the father but through him. We are in a great position to be a source of strength and compassion for those younger people who are wandering out and stumbling into forums like this. I remember that first year after Id left the Jehovahs Witness faith. I think the issue is much more serious than they would like to admit. Are you inspired yet? First of all, I think the Watchtowers problems with their inability to retain the young people runs very deep. Truth Be Told Documentary - 63% of current Jehovah's Witnesses are a high school education or less. That our faith is true. These doctrines made perfect sense to me!. I would love it if the young ones were leaving in droves, and I believe because of the Internet this will happen, but I don't see a great deal of evidence at present. Religious fact, faith and delusion, home> There was always an air of mysti'c never seeing them except on occasion at a district convention. Find some websites which you believe are honest and accurate and share them. Was Russell a Freemason? Should you Disassociate and Sample Letters, The Hardship of being a Gay Jehovah's Witness. In most cases of child sexual assault, the pedophile commits the heinous acts when alone with the . [1] People are waking up and leaving in droves. However, today, information is in the form of aTsunami which cant be stopped. Amber Scorah writes about exiting the Jehovah's Witnesses in Leaving the Witness. The Supreme Court of Canada will rule this year in a case involving shunning and discrimination, and if Watch Tower loses this case, the repercussions will be felt worldwide. Governing Body member Geoffrey Jackson callously stated in 2015 before the Royal Commission in Australia that he had not even read the details of the victims who had testified before the Commission. And, it doesnt help the organization at all when governing body members like Jeffery Jackson get onto the stand in court and lie about their organization saying that it would be presumptuous to say that theyre the only spoakspeople for God when in fact, it says just that very thing in their literature. For years, members have gone door-to-door to spread the word about the faith. "I would be sick. It is already collapsing under its own weight. The leadership of Jehovah's Witnesses has never admitted that any valid reasons to leave the religion exist. Jehovah's Witnesses said in a statement it did not join because it does not have the institutional settings that result in children being separated from their parents, such as youth groups, choirs . But fortunately, after having been out for a number of years, many of us are getting to know who we really are and what gives our lives meaning. They are told to just go and pioneer.). - The number of young Jehovah's Witnesses (aged 18-24) has dropped by 6% over the past 7 years. Basically it is in the process of imploding. Attending My Father's Funeral They affirm that GodJehovahis the most high. Why so many raised as Witnesses leave Brummies happily shopping and going about their day to day business have seen them in their droves. You have no place in this house. He told me to pack my things and go.. No other religion can do that. She has never found a discrepancy between what is written in the Bible and the teachings taught in the Church Of Christ. When curious JWs find communities like this one, they realize they're not alone and there's hope/life for them outside the borg. Simple forgiveness isnt in their vocabulary. -65% of JWs are women, compared to only 35% men. The Watchtower organization is like a restaurant that keeps serving the same bland menu even though many of the patrons dont like the food and arent coming back. Now that their arrogance has has gotten the better of them and they mistakingly feel theyre better than anyone else to sit in front of the camera and pontificate, we see how bad they are. Originally from Kent, Laetitia says her parents became Jehovah's Witnesses about four years before she was born. They have their little pet scriptures that they have taken out of context of course and they use those to try and convert you to their brand of religion. Jehovah's Witness pervert who got sexual kicks from strangling children jailed despite cover-up by congregation. In March 1997, the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society, the nonprofit organization that oversees the Jehovah's Witnesses, sent a letter to each of its . He lives in Stockholm. 6 months later in a private seminar, branch officials announced that Letts plea resulted in 30 million extra dollars in donations, but this would not stem their financial issues and would continue with layoffs and cutbacks. As she grew up as a third-generation Jehovah's Witness, there were certain things . It isnt about the children. In order to avoid climate passivity, we must redefine Armageddon. It is more like Satans group simply because of the harsh and inhumane rules and regulations that they harbor in their midst. It is all about the rules and their governing body. But the fact that there is such a large turnover of the young people is a major symptom that something is deeply and fundamentally wrong with the Watchtowers model. Besides me, at least 75% of the kids I grew up with in the congregation are out for good. In situations such as this, I have often noticed that the kids dont have much in the way of emotional support and guidance. If a Jehovah's Witness were to break any of the rules they could be spoken to by an elder (the equivalent of a . When a religion starts telling you what to wear, what you can and cant do, whether you can vote, join the military, play sports, read literature from other religions and whether or not you can do certain things within marriage is a religion that is a pure cult. More than that, though, it infuriated me the way my most important reason for leaving was brushed aside because it was the most irrefutable: I simply did not believe in the Bible and God, and by extension any Christian belief. How many schools do you know of, that stick preschoolers, high school students, and graduate students all into the same classroom together? Copyright 2023 Jehovah's Witnesses. Aside from the Bethel layoffs, all non-essential branch projects were either cancelled or put on hold. More and more people each day are posting YouTube videos about their terrible experiences with this organization. As a matter of fact, theres absolutely nowhere in all of scripture that even remotely leads to anything that the Jehovahs Witnesses are the true faith. The graph below shoes how the 18-29 crowd have aged up, but new young adults are not replenishing the numbers. It's already a small pool of potential friends and romantic interests in a KH. "Overseers of Jehovah's People", an article in the group's publication called the Watchtower . Is the Book of Daniel Prophetic or Historical? Reportedly, one of the rules is that unless a perpetrator confesses to committing a sin, two people must witness the commission of the sin. The Internet's most comprehensive resource for ex-Jehovah's Witnesses, a community for support, recovery and a few laughs along the way. We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. They compared the doctrines taught by the churches with what the Bible really teaches. Mum, I havent died. I have a loving husband that I adore. Feeling deceived by the teachings of the Jehovahs Witnesses, she confronted her grandmother. -65% of JWs are women, compared to only 35% men. It is the interpretation given those prophecies by men like Stephen Lett and the other members of the GB over the decades that has caused so many witnesses to lose their faith and even, in the case of many, to turn away from God entirely. The family of Jehovah's Witnesses is writing letters instead of knocking on doors to spread their faith. We shared everything our whole lives, and I felt like I had to give her that opportunity to the point where, if this was the wrong path, at least I would have a chance to change her mind. It was important for Andrea to have a relationship with God, and to worship Him the right way. Two thirds of those disfellowshipped never return. Jehovahs Witnesses can now be found in Birmingham city centre. Many will have had to cover over passions and talents that would have given their lives much greater meaning. If they act up and dont sit still; spankings are usually soon to follow. They have been issuing subpoenas from the Southern District of New York to various internet providers in the US, along with Google, Inc., in an attempt to track down the source of the leaks and identify the individuals involved in leaking their literature and videos. Personally, what this all adds up to for me is this: Young people, and most especially men, are leaving this religion in droves. The people present were Jehovah's Witnesses -- a Christian religious sect first founded in the United States in the 19th century but now has an estimated 8 million followers around the world. AND I'm going to do the most non-Jehovah's Witness-y thing ever and, instead of just making up any shit I please, I will actually supply sources for my data so you can look it up for yourself: - 52% of Jehovah's Witnesses are 50 years of age or older, - Only 29% of Jehovah's Witnesses are parents to children under 18 - a decrease of 8% over the past 7 years. For what Christian would ever call somebodys baby a little enimy of God? Press J to jump to the feed. As education becomes increasingly important to eek out even a meager living, Witnesses are already being forced to become more educated. 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Find some books which are truthful and sincere and share them. How can anyone watch these buffoons and think theyre Gods voice. A survivor of childhood sexual abuse by a member of a Jehovah's Witnesses congregation in Pierce County recently sued the organization. So when Cynthia invited her to meet George and his family at a gathering, she felt obliged to go. Brummies happily shopping and going about their day to day business have seen them in their droves, Never miss breaking news by signing up to our free email updates. Lets make it happen. On February 4, 2019, rumors of the release of a new Elders manual, meant only for the eyes of the top leaders in each congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (JW), began to surface on ex-JW forums across the Internet. Its not hard to figure out why so many Jehovah's Witness children are conditioned from an early age to associate drudgery with the meetings and assemblies. Many teenagers in the organization have issues that require a little more remedy than sitting with a notepad at the assembly and counting with tally marks the number of times the speaker says Jehovah. The faith discourages more than the bare minimum education, advising that higher education is a waste of time that could be better dedicated to ministry (a practice that is deemed so important every individual is required to submit a report card of the amount of hours theyve spent preaching each month), and that it fosters a materialistic and selfishly ambitious attitude. Much like Kim Jong walking out and clapping his hands, the Watchtowers idea of motivating its people is to deliver talks denouncing college, Watchtower articles ridiculing those who disagree with them, and the repetitive promise that the end is just around the corner. With all of the publically displayed lies and deceptions that this organization has dished out over the years, people are finally waking up to the real truth about the Watchtower organization and its agenda. Are Watchtower reasons for being the only true religion valid? I made a concentrated effort to stop using the word, because I knew it wasnt the truth to me, and that its use was just a very 1984 Newspeak method of subtle control. The groups are handing out copies of The Watchtower from carts outside New Street station. 239) In this video I share the story of my transition from believing. . When Cynthia became friends with George, who was a member of the Church Of Christ, Andrea had her guard up because she refused to let someone from another religion influence their faith. The verdict has since been overturned, but the case is still being litigated. They tell you that you need to follow these rules in order to receive salvation and so on. Right away, Andrea recognized that there was nothing Biblical about her grandmothers answer. Like all enthusiastic followers, they owned a copy of the Let God Be True, which was written, printed, and distributed by the Watchtower Bible & Tract Society. At what point do they begin to ask themselves if there is something that THEY are doing wrong? And they actually tell you that you cant read the Bible alone that you need these other publications written by them to be able to understand scripture because it comes down from the governing body, and what they say goes. And so after learning from the Bible that God commissions or sends people to communicate the truth, Andrea came to the conclusion that those who wrote the Let God be True book could not have been commissioned by God. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I've never showered as much in my life. This religion is indeed a cult and a terrible one at that. Well, the reason for the recent increase is simply due to a change in tactics, according to our sister title the Chronicle. For them to stay in the organization and have an approved standing, they will have had to squash their inner self, and adopt an organizationally-created identity. Im grateful every day for my education and my desire to learn and think independently, a skill that fostered in me those initial doubts about Jehovahs Witnesses, and enabled me to have the strength to search for answers elsewhere in non-biased literature.
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