However, his father Jor-El's memories remains sentient in the mysterious Kawatche Caves and Fortress of Solitude an disembodied AI, and the disembodied spirit of Zod is similarly sentient albeit trapped in the Phantom Zone. In some continuities, he is the planet's only survivor. It's really fun not having to look at the subtitles or wonder what's being said and just being able to read the kryptonian text. Male Kryptonians are identified by hyphenated names, which identify both them and their houses, such as "Jor-El" and "Kal-El" (of the House of El). 1970s E. Nelson Bridwell created an alphabet of 118 letters, Kryptonese, History With the destruction of Krypton, it is largely considered a dead language, though it is still primarily spoken by those who have survived the planetary catastrophe, specifically, the residents of "New Krypton" and the denizens of the Phantom Zone. In 2011, Warner Brothers approached Schreyer to develop the Kryptonian language for Man of Steel. [The glyph creator] would ask you a series of four questions, like, do you have a good sense of morality, perception or adventure? Kind of like a little personality quiz, said Schreyer. var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); They just used this alphabet to Consider that during their time in space, they probably encountered other species and used translation technology to broadcast in multiple languages simultaneously. The exact number of days between February 29, and June 16 two years later, is 838 (or 2.294 years). [Yay! })(); For the 2013 film, Man of Steel, linguistic anthropologist Christine Schreyer was brought in to develop a new and unique writing system and spoken language for Krypton, unrelated to any previous depictions of Kryptonian. Persian | _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-16097713-1']); Believing Kara is the last surviving Kryptonian, Brainiac offers to spare Earth if they hand over Kara Zor-El as he wishes to study the effects of yellow sun radiation on Kryptonian cells, though Batman refuses. Visit Dr. Schreyer's own Kryptonian page for links to more interviews and information. Sometimes it is to explain why or how something works or came to be. In Injustice 2, Power Girl appears as an alternate character skin for Supergirl, though she does not appear in the main story and originates from Earth-2. var _gaq = _gaq || []; Students will look at how languages become endangered, what people are doing to document and revitalize them, as well as how technology fits in. six loraxo (Kryptonian months) per amzet (Kryptonian year). It is with great deference to the creativity already poured into the Kryptonian mythos that I offer these creations, improvisations, and interpretations of my own. But it's a lot further from completion than the other versions since it was barely used or seen. They are artificially grown in "genesis chambers" using information from the Codex, a skull containing the entire genetic code of the Kryptonian race. You can build on the knowledge and wisdom that it provides. Click over to the Man of Steel Kryptonian Writing page for a detailed breakdown of the writing including a downloadable chart, as well as the phonology of the language. Despite Brainiac being responsible for Krypton's destruction, Supergirl sides with Batman and choose to spare Brainiac so he can help them restore the worlds and cities he has collected. The Religious, Artist, Military and Science castes had representation on the ruling council, while the Worker caste did not. General Zod, Faora, and Quex-Ul are implied to be the only three prisoners of the Phantom Zone. The aesthetic for the Kryptonian historical culture is based largely on the Silver and Bronze age depictions of Kryptona world with a violent past, strong family culture, ruled by a science council, and full of wonders., Constructed scripts for: Ainu | In the episode "Gemini", a character muttering in an unconscious state is revealed to be speaking Kryptonian. "Kryptonian has never been spoken in a moviebut now there is a created language," says Schreyer, an assistant professor with the Irving K. Barber School of Arts and Sciences. 'https://ssl' : 'http://www') + ''; She is still hopeful this may be an option in the future as the franchise develops. The Phantom Zone also appears in one episode. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Turniansky, Al. Schreyer has happily fielded emails from fans who want to get tattoos in the syllabic writing system, which she responds to when she has time and a word that answers the request. Pretty cool! There is no one Kryptonian language, as the planet Krypton had many different cultures and languages. She has already managed to translate quite a few words and phrases. The Man of Steel. Only when youre telling someone you love them or when youre talking about something with them can you use /:zhaoodh khuhp w rraop/. He was also devoid of any Kryptonian minerals, because any such minerals would turn to kryptonite upon leaving Krypton's atmosphere. In the Arrowverse TV series Supergirl, another Kryptonian House was revealed, this one led by Alura Zor-El's twin sister, General Astra. [10] It can be demonstrated that one Kryptonian sun-cycle is approximately 1.37 Earth years, as follows: Using this ratio of 1.37 Earth years per Kryptonian year (amzet), and ignoring any potential Kryptonian leap day and any differences in time of day, one can approximate other units of time: Major events in the Kryptonian calendar include:[17]. For the masculine form, one dot is used, and two for the feminine form. I have been very much fascinated with what you were able to do with the language, taking it to the next level of complexity. All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. Superman's cousin Supergirl also survived Krypton's destruction, as did Kristin Wells, who had been on the run in space at the time of the planet's destruction. var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; How will the other members of the Justice League cope with the loss of their leader? Batman, his allies and the remaining Regime members manage to overload the shields protecting Brainiac's ship. Throughout the site you will encounter facts and references to Kryptonian culture and history; Although I try to rely on existing canon as much as possible, much of this material has been created by me for various reasons. WARNING: The following article contains spoilers for Batman/Superman #2 by Joshua Williamson, David Marquez, Alejandro Sanchez and John J. Hill, in stores . Members. Later, it is revealed that another Kryptonian, the scientist Dax-Ur, has been living on Earth for over a hundred years, using blue kryptonite to render himself powerless, and has even fathered a son with his human wife. I guess I did get to go to Krypton.. Press J to jump to the feed. Brainiac destroys Metropolis reminding Superman of his past failure, causing him to attack the ship with all his might, only to be seemingly killed by Brainiac. Kal-El. So here is the official Kryptonian and just my own twist to make it easier to write because who wouldn't want to write in Kryptonian? For now you can see her work-in-progress on this Google Doc. 438 zetyaro (Kryptonian days) per amzet (Kryptonian year). In Superman: The Animated Series and later Justice League Unlimited, the only survivors of Krypton are Clark and two Phantom Zone criminals (Jax-Ur and Mala, introduced in "Blasts From the Past", parts 1 and 2). 73 fanffo (Kryptonian weeks) per amzet (Kryptonian year). Using the gender neutral forms, it is possible to write the words under the kryptonian name. During Brainiac's attack on Metropolis, Supergirl witnesses Wonder Woman's brutal attack on their ally Harley Quinn after Harley tried to stop Wonder Woman from killing the Cheetah, as it violated Batman's no-killing policy. "The Kryptonese Alphabet: A Real-World Historical Tale", in Eury, Michael. Shes also become a filmmaker in her own right, appearing as executive producer on a documentary about con-langing (constructed languages). Characters, character names, logos, and related indicia are of and DC Comics. The world of Krypton was so lavishly imagined by the production designer for Man of Steel that she gained important evidence from visiting the movie set and by studying other pre-existing texts. six zetyaro (Kryptonian days) per fanff (Kryptonian week). Superman speaks multiple languages, including Spanish, French, and Italian. It is the official language of the city of Kyan. I taught myself to read and write this version of Kryptonian after Smallville started using it back in 2003. Copyright 19982023 Simon Ager | Email: | Hosted by Kualo,, Constructed scripts for constructed languages. In subsequent films, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice (2016) and Justice League (2017), the writing can be seen on several places on Superman's suit, most prominently on the "S"/"hope" symbol on his chest. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? This class on endangered languages and language documentation will include a community project with the Splatsin First Nation, whom Schreyer has been working with since 2008. In the Super Friends Kandor appears inside Superman's Fortress of Solitude in one episode and several of its miniaturized (yet still super-powered) inhabitants provide aid to the titular group of heroes. I put the file here if you want to listen. Kal-El is the first (and technically, last) naturally-born Kryptonian in centuries, as Jor-El and Lara believed that Krypton had lost the freedom of choice and wanted their son to choose to become who he wanted to be. Malay & Indonesian | an artificial language for the Kryptonians in Man of Steel. _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-16097713-1']); With the aid of the Justice League from another universe, the Regime is defeated and the Insurgency works to rebuild. Relatively small crystals can hold vast amounts of information. Man noun : "adult male person" = Sod noun : "adult male person". I do wish the Kryptonian was a little less directly translated over. It would have undoubtedly drawn parallels with Lord of the Rings' Elvish and Star Trek's Klingon, serving to build immersion and make the film's world (or universe) feel far deeper and richer. Both Superman and Supergirl converse in spoken Kryptonian (the movie used a mix of esperanto and gibberish). Jor-El launched the Phantom Zone projector into space on 30 Ogtal 10000. All Kryptonians are capable of long range telepathic communication. ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? In addition Kryptonian beings are vulnerable to infection from viruses or bacteria native to Krypton. Kryptonian culture and its language (well, its writing, at least) have appeared in many different forms and places over the 75 years of Superman's history. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The animated adaptation of All-Star Superman features the inhabitants of Kandor, and a pair of surviving Kryptonian astronauts named Bar-El and Lilo. I love Languages are trademarks or registered trademarks of the George Lucas Educational Foundation in the U.S. and other countries. It is written as a different language than English and is spoken as a second language. Taino | The Last Son of Krypton. In the 1970s and 1980s, details about the Kryptonian calendar as it existed in the Earth-One universe were revealed. According to the Superman movie and sequels, a shape similar to the Latin letter "S" represents the House of El, for example. DC Reveals Batman Speaks Kryptonian Because, of Course He Does. Considering that the creative team behind MOS came up with an actual Kryptonian language, I think the idea is for audiences to suspend their belief and imagine that, amongst themselves, the. So sign up for that directed seminar and pursue what interests you, because you never know it may even take you to an imaginary world. In its most basic form, the polite imperative form of please do is spelled out in the comic book world of Kryptonian. Other Kryptonians not present at the time are the people of Kandor (who were abducted by Brainiac) and Zod and at least two of his minions (who are confined to the recently created Phantom Zone). The language has its own alphabet and grammar, and is very different from Earth languages. Tal-Rho comes into possession of a Kryptonian invention called the Eradicator which survived the planet's destruction and contains the consciousnesses of many Kryptonians like Lara Lor-Van and General Zod.
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