On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Paul attended Baylor University and is a graduate of the Duke University School of Medicine. [276], On June 12, 2017, U.S. senators reached an agreement on legislation imposing new sanctions on Russia and Iran. Within a day of his announcement, Paul raised $1 million. [286][287] He introduced the Justice Safety Valve Act in 2013 to provide judges with greater sentencing flexibility,[288] the Civil Rights Voting Restoration Act in 2014 to restore voting rights for non-violent felons,[289] the REDEEM Act in 2014 to allow sealing and expungement for non-violent crimes,[290] the FAIR Act in 2014 to rein in police use of civil asset forfeiture,[291] the RESET Act in 2014 to address the crack sentencing disparity and how drugs are weighed,[292] the Police CAMERA Act in 2015 to increase the use of body cameras by police,[293] the Stop Militarizing Our Law Enforcement Act in 2015 to reduce the use of military equipment by police,[294] the MERCY Act in 2015 to restrict the use of solitary confinement on juveniles,[295] the Pretrial Integrity and Safety Act in 2017 to encourage states to reform bail policies,[296] the Pregnant Women in Custody Act in 2018 to protect the health and safety of pregnant women in prison,[297] and the Justice for Breonna Taylor Act in 2020 to end the use of no-knock warrants. [219] In March 2014, the Republican-controlled Kentucky Senate passed a bill that would allow Paul to run for both offices, but the Democratic-controlled Kentucky House of Representatives declined to take it up. Senators Booker and Paul Introduce Legislation Calling for Criminal Justice Reform", "Sen. Rand Paul Wants to Make it Harder for the Feds to Take Your Stuff", "Here's Rand Paul's Plan To Reform Drug Laws", "Sens. [215], Paul began to assemble his campaign team, setting up campaign offices and hiring his campaign manager in the beginning of 2015, fueling speculation that he was preparing to enter the Presidential race. [30] Three years earlier, the ABO had changed its certification program, which previously awarded lifetime certifications, and required ophthalmologists to recertify every 10 years, while those who had already been given lifetime certification were not required to recertify. He later released a statement declaring that he would have voted for the Act and stated "unequivocally that I will not support any efforts to repeal the Civil Rights Act of 1964". [337] On February 2, 2015, he told conservative radio host Laura Ingraham regarding vaccinations, that "most of them ought be voluntary". I think an Iran war would be even a bigger mistake than the Iraq War. Randal Howard Paul (born January 7, 1963) is an American physician and politician serving as the junior United States senator from Kentucky since 2011. Just for clarity, in spite of all the preaching about saving our democracy, we have , or rather, had a Republic, not a mob rule democracy. The fund was estimated to run out by the end of the year; the bill would renew it until the year 2090. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky, a potential 2024 Republican presidential contender, argues that "its time to stop election fraud" in a mailer sent by the Protect [53] Paul was included in Time magazine's world's 100 most influential people, for 2013 and 2014. [218] Had he become the Republican presidential (or vice-presidential) nominee, state law would prohibit him from simultaneously running for re-election. [357], Paul supports repealing the Affordable Care Act[358] and opposes universal healthcare, having once equated it to slavery. [131][132] When it became apparent that Paul's op-ed in The Washington Times on mandatory minimums and related testimony he had given before the Senate Judiciary Committee both contained material that was virtually identical to an article that had been published by another author in The Week a few days earlier,[133] The Washington Times said that the newspaper would no longer publish the weekly column Paul had been contributing to the paper. [64][65][66], On August 20, 2009, Paul's supporters planned a moneybomb to kick off his campaign. [111], On March 67, 2013, Paul engaged in a filibuster to delay voting on the nomination of John O. Brennan as the Director of the Central Intelligence Agency. Something the Democrat party used to be against and lost their credibility and balls a while back now for 3 straight times they nominated 6 war criminals in a row for President and V.P. It is sad but we must face it. He requested a pledge from the Administration that noncombatants would not be targeted on U.S. "U.S. Paul went on to win the straw poll for the next two years as well, leading to some considering Paul to be a front runner for the nomination, although CPAC attendees are typically considered younger and more libertarian-minded than average Republican voters. [369], Boucher's attorney, Matthew Baker, described it as "a very regrettable dispute between two neighbors over a matter that most people would regard as trivial". In an interview with the Daily News, Paul "[198] Later, he accepted the state-certified electors that named Biden. Paul describes himself as a constitutional conservative and supporter of the Tea Party movement. [214], During the 2014 election, Paul launched a social media campaign titled "Hillary's Losers" which was meant to highlight many of the Democratic candidates that lost their bids for the U.S. Senate despite endorsements from Hillary Clinton. He was re-elected to a second term in 2016, and won a third term in 2022. [320] Also in 2022, he introduced the Breakthrough Therapies Act to allow Schedule I drugs such as psilocybin and MDMA to be rescheduled when they are designated as breakthrough therapies by the Food and Drug Administration. He urged that the United States impose economic sanctions on Russia and resume an effort to build defensive anti-missile installations in Poland and the Czech Republic. [18], While attending Duke University School of Medicine, Paul volunteered for his father's 1988 Libertarian presidential campaign. Parents own the children, and it is an issue of freedom. [19] In 1994, Paul founded the anti-tax organization Kentucky Taxpayers United (KTU), and was chair of the organization from its inception. Buy Rand Paul For President 47 2024 T-Shirt: Shop top fashion brands T-Shirts at Amazon.com FREE DELIVERY and Returns possible on eligible purchases [353][354][355] Paul also released a video of himself calling on people to "resist" public health measures to halt the spread of COVID-19. [68] The theme was a UFC "fight" between "We the People" and the "D.C. [157][158] Paul responded the following day by saying McCain "makes a really, really strong case for term limits", suggesting McCain had become "a little unhinged" as a result of his seniority. (Ark. His website reported that this set a new record in Kentucky's political fundraising history in a 24-hour period. [199] He additionally condemned the attack while it occurred, calling it "violence and mob rule" and "un-American." [80][81], Paul's campaign got off to a rough start after his comments on the Civil Rights Act of 1964 stirred controversy. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, notebooks and windows. Trump should have denounced the nuts completely, then they would not have been able to pin Jan 6th on him. WebThe United States will hold a presidential election on November 5, 2024. [19] In his teenage years, Paul studied the Austrian economists that his father respected, as well as the writings of Objectivist philosopher Ayn Rand. [228], Paul announced the suspension of his presidential campaign on February 3, 2016, shortly after the Iowa caucus, where he finished in fifth place. [185] In response, Paul said he has always insisted on "pay-go provisions" for any increase in spending, including for disaster relief funding, and called Stewart uninformed and a part of a "left-wing mob". [113][114] Paul said his purpose was to challenge drone policy in general and specifically as it related to noncombatants on U.S. soil. Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination at the 2016 U.S. presidential election. He suspended his campaign in February 2016, after finishing in fifth place out of 12 Republican candidates at the Iowa caucuses . [309] Paul has also supported states' rights-focused cannabis legislation, introducing the RohrabacherFarr amendment in 2014,[310] cosponsoring the STATES Act in 2018,[311] and introducing other amendments. [186], On November 4, 2019, Paul called on the media to reveal the secret identity of Trump's Ukraine quid pro quo whistleblower after threatening to reveal the name himself. [229], A supporter of the Tea Party movement,[230][209] Paul has described himself as a "constitutional conservative". [180] Paul tweeted on September 15 that Graham-Cassidy retained "90% of Obamacare" and dubbed it "more Obamacare Lite". Our founding fathers went to the local courthouse to be married, not to Washington, D.C. [58] Paul's father said, "Should Senator Bunning decide not to run, I think Rand would make a great U.S. [305], On cannabis legalization, Paul says the issue should be left up to the states and that "you ought to be able to pretty much do what you want to do as long as you don't hurt somebody else". Andy Beshear. [67] A second "moneybomb" was held on September 23, 2009, to counter a D.C. fundraiser being held for primary opponent Trey Grayson, by 23 Republican United States Senators. [161][162], Paul was one of 22 senators to sign a letter[163] to President Donald Trump urging him to have the United States withdraw from the Paris Agreement in May 2017. [107] Paul lifted his hold on the bill after Democratic leaders promised to hold a Congressional hearing into how individuals are selected for refugee status and request an investigation on how the two suspects were admitted in the country through a refugee program. Seven independent agencies would be eliminated and food stamps would be cut by 30percent. [261], Referring to ISIS, Paul stated: "I personally believe that this group would not be in Iraq and would not be as powerful had we not been supplying their allies in the war [against Syrian Bashar al-Assad's government]. [247], On September 5, 2017, the Trump administration announced the intended rescission of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. Sen. Rand Paul ran an infamously inept campaign for the Republican presidential nomination in 2016 when he was under the delusion that the time had [335][336] In 2009, Paul was interviewed by conspiracy theorist Alex Jones and suggested mandatory vaccination would be akin to martial law. Paul sustained five broken ribs, of which three were displaced fractures. [31][32][33] Board members were Paul, his wife, and his father-in-law. [35], Paul maintained his own ABO certification from 1995 to 2005. [352] In August 2021, Paul was suspended from YouTube for a week under the company's misinformation policy after he published a video which falsely claims that masks are not effective. [234] Paul has frequently appeared on Infowars with radio show host and right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones. He is done. White or transparent. Paul held the floor for 12 hours and 52 minutes. President Trump opposed the bill, pointing out that relations with Russia were already "at an all-time and dangerous low". Boucher expressed his regrets and contrition for his attack. [103] On August 3, Paul voted against a bill that would raise the debt ceiling. [16][13], When Rand was 13, his father Ron Paul was elected to the United States House of Representatives. [82] Paul stated that he favored 9 out of 10 titles of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, but that had he been a senator during the 1960s, he would have raised some questions on the constitutionality of Title II of the Act. He supports term limits, a balanced budget amendment, and the Read the Bills Act, in addition to the widespread reduction of federal spending and taxation. [329][330], Paul has not definitively accepted the scientific consensus on climate change, which has found that global warming is real, progressing, and primarily caused by humans. [93], In February, Paul was one of two Republicans to vote against extending three key provisions of the USA PATRIOT Act (roving wiretaps, searches of business records, and conducting surveillance of "lone wolves" individuals not linked to terrorist groups). [10] Paul went to Brazoswood High School and was on the swimming team and played defensive back on the football team. [40][41], Paul managed his father's successful 1996 congressional campaign, in which the elder Paul returned to the House after a twelve-year absence. [246] In 2011, Paul signed onto the No Taxpayer Funding for Abortion Act which was intended to prohibit federal funding for abortion, with the exception of abortions in the case of rape, incest, and to save the life of the mother. [124] In an op-ed, Paul disputed the Obama administration's claims that the threat of military force caused Syria's government to consider turning over its chemical weapons, instead arguing that the opposition to military action in Syria, and the delay that it caused, led to diplomatic progress. "[11][12], The Paul family moved to Lake Jackson, Texas in 1968,[13] where he was raised[14][15] and where his father began a medical practice and for a period of time was the only obstetrician in Brazoria County. [99], Paul voiced opposition to U.S. intervention in the Libyan Civil War and has criticized President Barack Obama for not gaining congressional consent for Operation Odyssey Dawn. [179] Paul also told reporters on September 11 that he did not believe the Graham-Cassidy bill would pass. WebRandal Howard Paul (born January 7th, 1963), is an American politician who served as the 46th President of the United States from 2025 to 2033. "[184] As of June 2020, according to FiveThirtyEight, Paul had voted with President Trump's position on congressional issues 70% of the time, the second lowest among all Republican senators. "[170], Paul introduced a bill on January 25, 2017, that sought to replace the Affordable Care Act which included each person's having a tax credit of $5,000 and not requiring everyone to have coverage, unlike Obamacare. The Republican Party Red Logo Sticker. "[250][251] Prior to the Supreme Court's 2015 decision in Obergefell v. Hodges legalizing same-sex marriage across the United States, Paul held the view that the decision to ban same-sex marriage should be in the hands of states. [150], After the death of Antonin Scalia in February 2016, on February 15, Paul indicated that he would oppose any nomination by President Obama to replace the late Supreme Court Justice. [167] Paul was one of fourteen Republican senators to vote against the proposal. Paul said that Romney's criticism of Trump's character was bad for the country and for the Republican Party. [241][242][243] In 2009, his position was to ban abortion under all circumstances. [303][304], On May 28, 2021, Paul voted against creating an independent commission to investigate the 2021 United States Capitol attack. "[170] Paul said that the campaign finance violations were "an error in filing paperwork or not categorizing" and that going after such violations would turn the U.S. into a "banana republic, where every president gets prosecuted and every president gets thrown in jail when they're done with office. [26], Paul has faced two malpractice lawsuits between 1993 and 2010; he was cleared in one case while the other was settled for $50,000. [112] He ceded to several Republican senators and Democratic senator, Ron Wyden, who generally also questioned drone usage. [23][24] He worked for Downing McPeak Vision Centers for five years. [240], Paul describes himself as "100% pro life", believing that legal personhood begins at fertilization. [326][327] He also filed a class action lawsuit against the Obama administration seeking to end the program. [314], Regarding industrial hemp cultivation, Paul has supported efforts to legalize in Kentucky[315][316] and at the federal level as well, introducing the Industrial Hemp Farming Act in 2013. [360], Paul is married to Kelley Paul (ne Ashby), a freelance writer. [146] Paul also introduced the FAIR Act, or Fifth Amendment Integrity Restoration Act, which would restrict civil forfeiture proceedings. Brennan. [344][345] Paul asked Fauci if he had "second thoughts" about the CDC's mitigation recommendations, including mask-wearing and maintaining a six feet space of social distancing. [266], In 2016, Paul was one of the first members of Congress to come out in opposition to United States support for the Saudi Arabian-led intervention in Yemen. [193][194], After the 2020 presidential election, Paul refused to accept Democratic candidate Joe Biden's victory against Trump and falsely claimed that the election was "stolen."[195]. [2], Paul was a candidate for the Republican nomination in the 2016 U.S. presidential election. The protestors' main contention point with Paul was the shooting of Breonna Taylor and their demands for Paul to "say her name". [171], On March 2, after marching to the House of Representatives side of Capitol Hill, Paul was filmed knocking on a door while demanding to see their copy of the replacing and repealing the Affordable Care Act bill. [368][370] According to a memorandum filed by Baker the dispute was over Paul repeatedly leaving tree yard debris near his property line with his neighbor. [372], Boucher was originally charged in Kentucky state court,[373] but was later charged in federal court, where he ultimately pleaded guilty to assaulting a member of Congress. [74], On May 18, Paul won the Republican Senatorial primary by a 23% margin,[75][76] meaning he would face the Kentucky Attorney General Jack Conway, in the November 2 general election. Paul said he thought a federal bailout would send the wrong message to other cities with financial problems. "[274][275] In January 2020 he criticized the U.S. airstrike on Baghdad International Airport which killed high-level Iranian General Qasem Soleimani. [366], Boucher was arrested and charged with one count of fourth-degree assault and released on a $7,500 bond. Rand Paul is the only Senator trying to reduce spending, & 1 of only 2 in Congress doing so. [175], After the bill was pulled by Republican leaders from a vote, Paul released a statement on March 24 thanking House conservatives for rebelling "against ObamaCare Lite. The state doesn't own your children. [108], In June 2012, Paul endorsed Mitt Romney after it became apparent that he would be the Republican nominee for the 2012 presidential election. Paul, Gillibrand Introduce Bill Protecting Pregnant Women in Federal Custody", "Rand Paul introduces bill to end no-knock warrants", "Paul: The madness of mandatory minimums", "Emotional debate erupts over anti-lynching legislation as Cory Booker and Kamala Harris speak out against Rand Paul amendment", "Rand Paul holds up anti-lynching legislation as he seeks changes to bill", "Senate advances bill to combat surge of anti-Asian hate crimes", "On Cloture on the Motion to Proceed (Motion to Invoke Cloture Re: Motion to Proceed to S. 937)", "Which senators supported a Jan. 6 Capitol riot commission", "Rand Paul goes into detail with Stephen Colbert on how the drug war unfairly targets "black and brown" people", "Senator Rand Paul shows support for medical marijuana bill", "Sens. Bush. Paul, who is deaf in one ear,[365] was wearing noise-canceling headphones while mowing his lawn, reportedly enabling Boucher to tackle Paul without his own approach being noticed. Paul describes himself as a constitutional conservative and supporter of the Tea Party movement Republican senators from Ted Cruz to Josh Hawley to Rick Scott are all taking a pass on a 2024 presidential run after former President Donald Trump announced his campaign. The official campaign took in $433,509 in 24 hours. Ron DeSantis, former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, Virginia Gov. [216] Paul officially announced his presidential candidacy on April 7, 2015. [380] On April 7, 2020, Paul announced his recovery. [19], In response to President Bush's breaking his election promise to not raise taxes, Paul founded the North Carolina Taxpayers Union in 1991. [343], At a Senate committee hearing on September 23, 2020, Paul clashed with Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. In addition, a three-page-long passage of Paul's book Government Bullies was taken directly from an article by the conservative think tank The Heritage Foundation. WebRand Paul 2024 or we vote Libertarian again 1.7K 132 132 comments Best Add a Comment andrew_craft - LibRight 2 yr. ago of the US population that doesnt vote be like: 197 Netherspin - LibCenter 2 yr. ago A significant portion of them can't though for various reasons. [252] Following the Court's decision, Paul said in 2015, "While I disagree with Supreme Court's redefinition of marriage, I believe that all Americans have the right to contract. However, as was pointed out by several media organizations in the aftermath of the incident, Paul had previously authored a bill named after Taylor aiming to make no-knock warrants illegal.[382][383][384]. [165], Paul confirmed in an October 2017 interview he would not vote for the Republican budget in the Senate unless billions in spending were removed from the plan: "If leadership is unwilling to compromise with somebody who is concerned about the debt, then they deserve to lose. [27], Paul specializes in cataract and glaucoma surgeries, LASIK procedures, and corneal transplants. He said that further action should not be taken without congressional authorization. [96] One week later, he voted against the Democratic and Republican budget proposals to keep funding the federal government, saying that both bills did not cut enough spending. WebBy Anonymousbtb. He has often cited his involvement with KTU as the foundation of his involvement with state politics. [152] Paul advocated for the abolition of gun-free zones during a speech to the National Rifle Association on May 20, citing repeated tragedies occurring in these locations. In 1995, Paul was certified to practice by the American Board of Ophthalmology (ABO). Specialty certification does not affect physician licensure, and Paul's medical license has been valid continuously, with no board actions, since June 1993. In May 2019, Paul opposed the decision of the Senate Intelligence committee, chaired by Republican Senator Richard Burr, to subpoena Donald Trump Jr., a close friend of Paul's, to testify in front of Congress about his involvement with Russians during the 2016 presidential campaign. [378][379] Paul received bipartisan criticism from his Senate colleagues after it was discovered that he attended Senate lunches and used the Senate gym while awaiting his test results; he defended his actions because he had no symptoms of the illness and believed it was "highly unlikely" he was sick. [342], In May 2020, during the COVID-19 pandemic, Paul said that stay-at-home orders amounted to "dictatorship" by Kentucky's Democratic governor Andy Beshear. [31] By Paul's estimate, about 50 or 60 doctors were certified by the NBO. He said that the United States should try to maintain a "respectful relationship with Russia" and avoid taking actions that the Russians might view as a provocation, such as seeking to have Ukraine join NATO or otherwise interfering in Russia's relationship with Ukraine. [192] This purchase was the only stock in an individual company that Paul or his wife bought in the previous 10 years. I just want you to go to a judge, have an individual's name and [get] a warrant. [153] On June 6, Paul spoke of introducing legislation to cease Selective Service, three days after the death of Muhammad Ali, after whom he intended to name the legislation in tribute. With 45 Republican senators supporting him, Paul stated the impeachment was 'dead on arrival'. [374] The state-court charge was dismissed after Boucher pleaded guilty to the federal charge. [164] In July, Rand Paul joined Reps. Justin Amash (R-MI), Thomas Massie (R-KY), John Duncan Jr. (R-TN) and Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) in opposing a bill that would impose new economic sanctions against Russia, Iran, and North Korea. While there are a lot of choices, the early betting is on a Capitol Hill firebrand uniquely poised to bring in the libertarian wing of the GOP, which could provide a bump of 3% to 4% of the vote. [248], Paul was one of 11 Republicans in 2019 to vote against Trump's demand for "emergency border funding". He was the first member of the United States Senate to test positive. Senator. He favors a flat tax rate of 14.5% for individuals and business, while eliminating the FICA payroll taxes, as well as taxes on inheritance, gifts, capital gains, dividends, and interest. [267] In June 2017, Paul tried to block Trump administration's plan to sell more weapons to Saudi Arabia. [147] Paul spoke for ten and a half hours on May 20, 2015, in opposition to the reauthorization of Section 215 of the Patriot Act. [318][319], In 2022, Paul introduced the Right to Try Clarification Act to clarify that the Right to Try Act allows terminally ill patients to use Schedule I drugs for which a Phase I clinical trial has been completed. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) took to Twitter to react to a report published by The Wall Street Journal about the origin of COVID-19. [109] However, he was later vocal about his disagreements with Romney on a number of policies. It's been a long time since that has happened", "Senators consider vote to block United States arms deal to Saudi Arabia report", "Rand Paul and Most Senate Democrats Almost Blocked Trump's Saudi Arms Deal", "Sen. Rand Paul On Yemen And U.S. Foreign Interventions", "Rand Paul urges Trump not to open State Department to neocons", "Mike Pompeo approved out of committee following Rand Paul flipping his vote", "Sen. Rand Paul opposes confirming Trump's secretary of state and CIA nominees", "Mike Pompeo Said Congress Doesn't Need to Approve War With Iran. [54][55] He is also a contributor to Time magazine.[56]. [44], In February 2014, Paul joined the Tea Party-affiliated conservative advocacy group FreedomWorks in filing a class-action lawsuit charging that the federal government's bulk collection of Americans' phone records metadata is a violation of the Fourth Amendment of the U.S. WebAnswer (1 of 17): This is not about democrats and Republicans. For other uses, see, Rand Paul on why he blocked $40 Billion of military aid for, Statewide elected officials and legislative leaders of. This will be the 60th presidential election in United States history, and the first to be held after the But Florida Gov. This page was last edited on 1 March 2023, at 19:49. It was recently argued that Beshear would be an With two Republicans already in the 2024 presidential race and possibly a half-dozen more in spring, some forward-thinking strategists are already looking to next year, when the eventual nominee will pick a running mate. ", "Analysis 'A disturbed person': The mystery behind the attack on Rand Paul grows, as Paul's side weighs in", "Sen. Rand Paul's injuries far more severe than initially thought", "Rand Paul undergoes lung surgery stemming from assault", "Suspect in attack on Sen. Rand Paul might face more serious charges, police say", "Court records: Neighbor upset over Rand Paul's yard debris", Sen. Rand Paul, wife Kelley on death threat package sent to their home, "Suspect in attack on Sen. Rand Paul pleads not guilty", "Rand Paul's Neighbor Is Sentenced to 30 Days in Prison After Attack", "United States of America v. Rene A. Boucher", "New sentence for Boucher: 8 months behind bars, 6 months home confinement", "Rand Paul becomes first known senator to test positive for coronavirus", "Rand Paul Tests Positive for Coronavirus Days After His Father Dismissed Panic Over the Disease as a Hoax", "Sen. Rand Paul kept working for six days after virus test", "Senator Rand Paul Announces Recovery From Coronavirus, Now Volunteering At Hospital", "Sen. Rand Paul: I was 'attacked by an angry mob' following Republican National Convention", "Protesters confront Rand Paul outside White House after RNC", "Sen. Rand Paul: I was 'attacked by an angry mob' following Trump's RNC speech", "Official results for the 2010 primary elections in Kentucky", https://elect.ky.gov/results/2020-2029/Documents/2022%20Primary%20Election%20results.pdf, Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, A Foreign Policy of Freedom: Peace, Commerce, and Honest Friendship, Foundation for Rational Economics and Education (FREE), Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs, International Narcotics Control (Permanent Caucus), https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Rand_Paul&oldid=1142324472, 21st-century American non-fiction writers, Candidates in the 2016 United States presidential election, Duke University School of Medicine alumni, People involved in plagiarism controversies, Republican Party United States senators from Kentucky, Articles with dead external links from February 2019, Articles with dead external links from July 2018, Articles with dead external links from August 2021, Articles with permanently dead external links, All articles with bare URLs for citations, Articles with bare URLs for citations from June 2022, Articles with PDF format bare URLs for citations, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected biographies of living people, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Pages using Sister project links with hidden wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0.
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