They'll even tell you your dog is ugly. On the other hand, things could be resolved very easily. You're a perfect candidate for successful interrogation! Due to the Tremendous amount of Information contained on this website and the Exorbitant amount of bandwidth needed and other operating costs, we are forced to charge a small membership fee, Members are allowed to View All Information and Post New Information, including access to the Informant Profiles, Agent Profiles, Message Board, Important . The discovery of informants led to some of The Sopranos' best episodes, like in season 2, episode 13, "Funhouse." Officer B will then call him off and suggest that "just a little cooperation" on your part will help avert all that. Then there's the type of snitch the British call a grass and old American gangsters might have called a stool pigeon. That mouthful means that it is okay to copy and distribute this booklet for non-commercial purposes as long as you attribute it to the original source. Is there a danger in such a wait-and-see approach? an instant and easy case against virtually anyone they want to target. They selling out their homiez to avoid 30 days hole time or to keep that measly 54 days a year. rat facts snitches. He's "only" going to give sworn affidavits and courtroom testimony against you, justifying it as a means of saving his own skin. They may make hyper-strong appeals to your cause then use the leverage they gain to make equally strong appeals for committing crimes. The police can and will lie to you. They giving motherfuckers up for a 305 contraband shot. Acts are what they did. He looked the part but things just did not add up. Believed to be the biggest rat, it is more than 32 inches (81 cm) long (including the tail) and weighs more than three pounds (1.36 kg). Turn them in to the "legitimate" authorities. Stop talking with them. But public humiliation, shunning, and the attack on their femininity was hugely degrading and psychologically damaging. There are people who believe that some snitches especially young, inexperienced people who get in over their heads, get in legal trouble, and are intimidated into becoming snitches should be forgiven, rehabilitated, and eventually brought back into the fold of trust. There would never have been a crime, had the federal agents not provided the means and a big chunk of the motivation. They may even force you into life-threatening situations and not give one bit of a damn what happens to you. Some lawyers in some circumstances will advise a client to go ahead and accept an offer to snitch in exchange for more lenient treatment. However, if you're very sure a person is a rat and you want to take further steps to render the snitch ineffective or miserable, here are some milder, but potentially effective, tactics. Then, when you resist getting into dubious activities, he drops all interest in you (he's looking for an easier mark). Repeat the question before answering? The article was written by a man who, as a young outlaw, was twice subjected to Reid interrogations. Repairing the damage snitches do When you finish the last entry of the day sign your name. The real Jordan Belfort, aka the Wolf of Wall Street. There are two common categories of snitch you need to look out for: The infiltrator/agent provocateur. He doesn't sell secrets for power or cash, he betrays the trust of his team or his family hoping to save his own cowardly a**. First, an innocent person suffers a grave wrong. It could even help you avoid being pressured into becoming a snitch yourself. Your betrayed associates may kill you and you won't have to worry about any of this. they nosy as hell always and somebody else business but won't snitch on their own damn self 15 More answers below Why has being a whistleblower become a crime or viewed as a negative thing? First thing to understand: Once you are arrested, ALL of the rights you had as a US citizen are gone except for two: the right to remain silent and the right to have an attorney present during questioning. Each and every one of these people is a betrayer of friendship and trust. They just sit back and listen to them reveal secrets. Years later, archives all over the Internet still tell the story; you can easily find a copy of Black's snitch letter. But, again, to be blunt - DO NOT DO ANY OF THIS! Interesting facts about rats 1. Mindset: The common territory between snitches and victims "Nyet" Says the other, "One of us might be KGB!". Undercover Treasury agents encouraged him to really do it. Prior to talking to you, the LE tries to learn everything there is to know about the event leading to your arrest. I'll pay you. Snitch are those who witness or are aware of unlawful or immoral activities while not participating or being part of a criminal organization. Unprepared for bad things happening to them, Loudmouthed or prone to blat information without thinking, Prone to believe that "nice" cops really do want to "help" them (yes, it's another form of being overly naive and trusting, but it bears repeating because if you get caught because you trusted a rat you're more likely to turn around and trust that rat's handlers), Very good at rationalizing their own less-than-stellar behavior. Brief your group on known or suspected surveillance. You've seen good cop/bad cop on TV, well, this is it in real life. The informer/informant. In that case, reporting on you isn't snitching, it's self defense. USE THEM!!! Sometimes there are practical reasons: you're guilty as hell, the cops have the evidence to prove it, and your lawyer thinks that cooperating would be the best way for you to avoid a long prison sentence. One female Norway rat may give birth to up to 20 young in a year. If not, you may not have a snitch, but you have an untrustworthy person, for sure. But, sadly, almost everyone I asked responded, "Don't mention me!". naked mole rat, (Heterocephalus glaber), burrowing member of the rodent family Bathyergidae, named for its wrinkled pinkish skin and hairless bodily appearance. Or perhaps not so briefly; torture may be involved first.". Again, you'd still want to do an advance consult/interview with your proposed attorney. Snitches and rats, snitches and rats Snitches and rats, they all get whacked (Pussy) He told on his brother (Pussy), his brother told back (Pussy) They say that they twins, we call them Siamese rats (On God) Snitches and rats (21), snitches and rats (21) We snatchin' your jewelry (On God) and takin' your pack (Lil bitch) Snitches and rats (intr) to act as an informer. They may appeal to your loyalty or your fear or some other emotion ("You won't do it? They'll try to know as much about you as your best friend, and use it to try to be your friend. Sit up straight, slouch, fold your arms in your lap, fold them across your chest? We never saw him reading books, he talked about watching TV and working at a warehouse, but he was able to be cultured, had a good vocabulary, and really wanted to be part of everything. The Initial Behavioral Analysis is supposed to weed out innocent suspects, but in reality this is where LE determines your susceptibility to further questioning and picks the strategy they will use against you. With rare and noble exceptions, they are probably not your best resource if you really hope to be represented as you wish. THE POLICE OFFICER IS NOT YOUR FRIEND. Contributors came from all walks of life from the ultra-respectable to the underground. A snitch is often either a real scumbag who's in the pay of police or a formerly decent person trying to save herself (or family members or friends) from a long prison sentence by getting others to commit crimes. They've gotten a story from a snitch. Snitch commits the crime with you and tells on you . Naturally I stayed on to enjoy the festivities. The years go by, and the brothers find themselves as old men, sitting on a park bench, sharing a bottle of vodka. SpotemGottem is being accused of snitching on fellow rapper Y&R Mookey. Sometimes they get everything they need from some anonymous person who makes false accusations via a tips hotline. As Bovard says, standards have changed. Appendix 3: Line up a lawyer me 30 years ago), I thought I'd share. Snitch Transcript of a PBS/Frontline documentary on the whole dirty business of snitching. All they think is, "Oh, Group X; yeah, they're a bunch of violent loonies. Beware of anybody who not only wants you to commit illegal acts but goes out of his way to "help" you do so! . It can teach you the importance of good security practices. Your "friends" in the police department or any federal agency that you snitch for will turn out not to be your real friends. It is a method of interview and interrogation (read: psychological manipulation) specifically designed to produce confessions. You'll know it when they open the door. Title Page Uncovering a snitch can help the remaining trustworthy members of a group to pull together. Government agents just round up some snitches, get them to lie or arm-twist them into spying and voila! Stop asking them to be involved in projects. But some people will distrust you; that's just reality. Also be aware that sometimes they don't HAVE to lie to get what they want from you. Don't say anything on the phone you don't want to hear in open court. Find stuff, data dump it to a secure source, and read it later. Don't ramble and make excuses. LE are trained in detecting the smallest, subtlest change in your story and ripping it wide open. Has she been seen with police? "Government" may mean local cops. Think of East Germany under the STASI or the old Soviet Union. They'll give you scenarios in which to minimize your participation and guilt. Worse, prosecutors may threaten to bring charges against those you love. gunna is a snitch 6ix9ine is a rat. He doesn't sell secrets for power or cash. Years ago, when the New York Libertarian Party was starting up, a new member joined and became active. The other side is playing for keeps and to them rules are irrelevant inconveniences. Blog about it. A person joins your group and is overly eager to be useful, to pay for the group's activities, to initiate activities, supply equipment, to escalate dangerous activities, etc. Relationships between friends and associates complicate matters, too. (Same sorts of urgings as in the last bullet point, but this time coming from somebody for whom that wouldn't be characteristic behavior. You have a brain: USE IT. If you get arrested, DO NOT TALK. All shared the same goal of helping non-violent people save themselves from snitches and hopefully, someday ending the corrupt and evil "snitch culture." North Carolina, Monaca Once you have been broken down and are ready to admit to anything (search on "Central Park Jogger case" for false confessions) LEO will attempt to get you to tell your story to his associates or write down and sign your story. The official Reid Interrogation has nine steps, beginning with an accusation of guilt and ending with a confession. They often deal with petty criminals who expect nothing more than to be "processed."
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