And for a time there was only Chaos and Gaia. Let me say this right off the bat, No. Where you can see in the map shown above that the map in the previous scan was still valid. Hulk (whom Thor obviously scales to) and Ironclad matched this feat in . Still, Thor managed to crack the Celestials skull, something no mortal has accomplished. That was the original story of how Galactus survived and became who he is which was told in Thor #161 I believe it was. Its one of the most iconic scenes in Marvel Comics, as the two heroes remained effectively frozen for an entire hour, their muscles straining as they try and overpower one another. You're all over MY thread. Old King Thor is the new All-Father and ruler of Asgard. HAHAHAHAH RKT sux! RELATED:All Of Silver Surfers Powers, Ranked. And then we already know the story. And dont worry, Thor got better. To better understand the feat of Thor pushing the World Engine, its important to understand Yggdrasill. Thus the nine realms are simply special nine planets/worlds. In an effort to assist Odin, Thor evades the Silver Surfer and flies directly into Galactuss head. Kratos is the protagonist of the God of War series. Depends on how strong phoneix force is as Thor definitely held his own against the bird. This version of Thor was less reliant on Mjolnir as a power source. I never really saw him being wanked alot. Let me say this right off the bat, No. Also congrats on cherrypicking an outdated map from nearly 3 decades ago (is that from the World Engine arc?) ~ THor fanboys, Yes, so every ghost u see in background of night sky means it merged with cosmos ? Back in 1973, it was another matter entirely. At this point, Hulk is nearly stronger than ever in his savage mode. In Journey Into Mystery #118, a big game hunter comes across the Destroyer armor in the Temple of Darkness and inadvertently sets it free, his mind waking the weapon. As they tried to blast each other with their respective cosmic energies, a resulting chain reaction caused the planet to explode., More so the Silver Surfer himself points out that Asgard is simply part of Universe 616. And so he does. The witch then turned Simon into a frog as punishment. Zachary Zahara is an author from Massachusetts who dabbles in many different mediums. As for the Worldengine, it was a device connected to the World Tree that could trick the World Tree into thinking Ragnarok had already occurred. Incapable of feeling pain, and meant to withstand the worst attacks the Celestials could inflict, Thor can barely put a dent in the Destroyer. Instead of killing Galactus, Norrin Radd chose to use his cosmic abilities to satiate the being's hunger, then traveled with him again, all the while sustaining Galactus with his power. And Deadpool could be put into basically a pulp and still be somewhat conscious. Written by Tom DeFalco and Ron Frenz, the tale featured Thor and Hercules standing high atop a plateau on a far-off planet, where they would arm-wrestle one another to finally put an end to the question about who was stronger. On one of these trips inside a black hole, Silver Surfer fought the Red Shift. Quora has a lot of BS. Wrapping around the Earth twice, the creature is nearly 900 miles wide. All of Asgard does, crushing the monster, but not Thor and Beta Ray Bill, as the two actually hold up Asgard. This. Before they part ways, Thor and Hercules, realizing they need to close the gateway, each deliver a punch to the portal, their blows impacting upon part of the universe itself, closing the rift. Only out of context statements or implications that they don't understand themselves and wank the characters anyway, Pretty good debunk but werent the realms simply just retconed to being universes(atleast the space they inhabit). Wait..but isn't Necro Multiversal as well. Thanos, the Mad Titan, is one of the most feared beings in the Marvel Universe. Here are the top ten reasons Silver Surfer is the most powerful Marvel character. For reference, Namor has fought the Sentry and the Hulk on occasion, and even beaten the latter. He even says: "The Black Winter killed the universe before ours, Thor" But going back to RK Thor. >TWSAIS aren't Celestials, Celestials aren't so weak that they will let Thor do his thing. A Multiverse is a hypothetical set of infinite or finite possible universes that together can comprise anything from a comparatively simple collection of parallel 4-dimensional universal space-time continuums, to the 11-dimensional multiversal structure our reality is assumed to be in some theories, or sometimes even higher levels of reality. For more information, please see our Kevd4wg. Having been an Avenger and also knowing many Asgardian warriors, the thunder god had many powerful allies to call for help. But Gaia felt lonely and thus with the permission of the Chaos she birthed the Sky and everything in the firmament. Morg, another herald of Galactus, sought to kill the Surfer. Goes triple for you straight up lying about the Galactus Seed. Everyone has bad days, but not quite like Thor. It's probably something akin to what happened in Mark Waid's History of the Marvel Universe, where Galactus and Franklin sited at the birth of a new creation and the last of the previous ones. The universe didn't crumble or was shattered or destroyed. Knowing the history of the Phoenix and how it tends to destroy planets, Captain America wants to keep Hope as far away from it as possible. Instead he destroys that which apparently fed their power. In a fight where Thor uses every ounce of power, he performs such feats as beating Mangog by ramming Mjolnir down the monsters throat and unleashing a massive energy blast, withstanding a blast from Thanos capable of destroying a planet, and then going on to defeat the Mad Titan himself. This solidified him as one of the most dangerous beings in Marvel. So here are RK Thor feats: Feat #1 RK Thor can't escape death on his own, he needs to summon the spirit of Odin to take him away from Hel. Hes walked in the Sun with zero discomfort, withstood bombs capable of destroying planets (while unconscious), and even his soul has proved too strong for Mephisto (the devil) to control. Now these are not multiversal but a non holding back Thor is definitely way way beyond planet busting. Many Thor variants exist in Marvel Comics, including powerful versions from across the multiverse. It isn't even a universe. Although the Surfer was not strong enough to overpower Durok, he used his cosmic abilities and cunning wit to defeat the monster nonetheless. This is not anywhere near multiversal, tbh. Instead he can only free their souls from what they had become. Or has had Thor Force for even longer. these delusions have to be a result of webcamparrots videos. Flying up on the largest Celestials head, Thor summons every ounce of strength and delivers his mightiest blow. While Captain America and the Avengers end up battling the X-Men on Earth, Cap has sent a team of heroes, including Thor, Beast, War Machine, Ms. Marvel, and a couple others, to try and fight the Phoenix off in space. RK Thor essentially discovered their Kryptonite and used it to end their hold on the fate not just of Asgard but apparently the nine realms as well. - Quora Answer (1 of 5): All right!! Thor doesn't faces Those Who Sit Above In Shadow directly. They are part of the universe and don't exist apart from it. A literal godkiller, the Skrull demolishes the Warriors Three and Beta Ray Bill before Thor arrives. Cope? The nine realms to which Yggdrasil is linked to refers to nine special worlds/planets. And you're not even hiding it. Their battle raged on for some time, leading them to an uninhabited planet. True. If even Thanos can grant immortality to this degree then what RK Thor did was actually nothing of notice. Yggdrasil is not a multiverse. There are infinite planes of reality. He has used his raw power to dispatch some of the most powerful enemies in the multiverse. The 9 realms being merely a part of land of Asgard separated by water and mountains rather than being complete planets or universes is a nice debunk, I haven't noticed that part before. They would've simply obliterated RK Thor out of existence. Both have demonstrated feats that go well beyond mortal understanding. Jane would then assume the mantle of Thor and join the Avengers, saving people throughout the galaxy. Carrying over from the previous issue, Avengers #100 featured an amnesiac Hercules getting captured by the god Ares. Beta leads his people in search of a new home, landing in the Milky Way. Here are some of his amazing feats of strength. Thus what RK Thor accomplished was to destroy a parasitic tree, that at the time fed on the lives of those nine realms. Outside of Collider, Zachary also writes comic books, novels, screenplays, and more. And from the union of Ouranos and Gaia came the Titans. Out of all the materials in the Marvel Universe, the most notorious, and arguably the most powerful, is the metal known as adamantium. Join our Discord! Odin himself made such a claim that Asgard was a universe in itself, in the past. Knocked-Out the Hulk. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. And from that Chaos came to be a single spark of light and Order. The Mongoose is one of Thors more lackluster villains. I'm tired. Seda Tripkolic Yazklar Olsun Sz Mzik Ne Ay Geceden mran Var feat. When Old King Thor merged with the Phoenix Force, becoming Old Phoenix King Thor, his powers greatly multiplied. It also exists on every plane of reality. TL;DR: RKT is not multiversal regardless of wank. They couldn't stop under their own power, admitted their defeat, and offered Thor a reward to spare them - concession, apology, and make-up. Still the universe kept on going. Celestials wouldn't plee and they wouldn't simply sit and let Thor ruin their plans. And it's dying because the Black Winter has already entered Universe 616. So when RK Thor does this. Thus what RK Thor accomplished was to destroy a parasitic tree, that at the time fed on the lives of those nine realms. They are very separate categories. Long story short, Loki tricks the two heroes into doing battle and as two of the strongest heroes in Marvel, there battle is as epic as youd imagine. Although his telepathic resistance to Moondragon was incredibly impressive, there are a few other beings in the universe with more powerful minds. With the narrators saying that the two could go on forever, because of their immortality, the comic ends with the two still arm-wrestling, the winner not decided. And Deadpool could be put into basically a pulp and still be somewhat conscious. One of these combinations was Iron Man and Thor. Same for the other realms. And has already begun the initial process to begin destroying it. While there, Mephisto's power grows exponentially stronger. During his frog adventures, Simon meets Thor, who has also turned into a frog. Has quite a few multiversal feats. After learning about the nature of their predicament, the Avengers make their way over to Mt. Marvel and DC teamed up to create a comic mixing the two universes with a limited series. Thor may be one of the Marvel Universe's strongest characters, but these OP acts are absolutely ridiculous. One of their weapons is a bunch of wraparound rockets, made of adamantium, which ensnare Thor like snaking cables. 13 KNOCKED GALACTUS OVER Dr. Eric Solvang also explains to Tony Stark what . After becoming a doctor, she later met the God of Thunder himself. vs. mobius chair wally west vs cosmic king thor. Now Destroying the Loom is not the same as actually directly defeating Those Who Sit Above In Shadow. In a surprising turn of events, Jane was able to lift the magical hammer, gaining the powers of a god. Thus we arrive at a simple but factual conclusion RK Thor never had universal power less alone multiversal. The biggest superhero rivalry in all of Marvel Comics is unequivocally Thor versus the Hulk. He has certain feats people try to wank to multiversal (using lightning to damage Amatsu Mikaboshi, briefly knocking out the Phoenix Force, etc.) He actually helps Surtur reach Asgard. Thor agrees, but the one thing he didnt count on was being attacked by the planets inhabitants and their advanced technology. But again, all of that has been more than debunked. Using Mjolnir, Thor divides the timestream (which is itself an impressive accomplishment) and attempts to travel to the past. So what Odin lavish story comes down to is this: When the Asgardians (and other races) already existed, His father Bor, Odin, Vili and Ve found a crack in the ground, In that crack they found a seed that clearly held great power within it, And Bor planted the seed and from the seed a tree grew. If you followed the ancient Greek ways then in the beginning there was only Chaos. Galactus was the one who gave Silver Surfer his power. Still that tree is back. He has base Superman at Multiversal and thinks New 52 is relative to Pre-Crisis as well. And a few complex multiversal feats (scaling to Odin with Odin Force,or the time he bench pressed the world engine. However, in The Mighty Thor #309, the God of Thunder proves more than up for the task. No, it wasnt any kind of mind-control that convinced the God of Thunder to fight for the Nazis, but it was Hitler manipulating the thunder god. The Phoenix Force is a massively powerful sentient entity that roamed the cosmos. In Silver Surfer #4, Loki convinces the Silver Surfer that Thor is a danger that needs to be stopped. After capturing Silver Surfer's former lover from his home planet, Mephisto lures the cosmic hero to his realm. The massive explosion incapacitates Morg., When our heroes realized anyone could be a Skrull, trust ran in short supply. When the Asgardians (and other races) already existed, His father Bor, Odin, Vili and Ve found a crack in the ground, In that crack they found a seed that clearly held great power within it, And Bor planted the seed and from the seed a tree grew, RKT said that Mangog's "magic fails him" because he was drained by Loki, implying that Mangog would have been a trouble for RKT if he was at full power, The Yggdrasil isn't very durable from what I have seen: it could be penetrated by the human machinery and its roots were eaten by some dragon which got beaten by Thor, I've seen some people argue that Yggdrasil is multiverse or even high outerversal, but Thor cut it open with a Mjolnir strike, apparently Mjolnir must also have high outerversal or multiversal durability gg. Assaulted while in his human guise, Sigurd Jarlson, Thor gets thrown off the building and is saved by Spider-Man, who happens to be swinging by. Jane would then assume the mantle of Thor and join the Avengers, saving people throughout the galaxy. First appearing in 1962's "Journey Into Mystery" #83, he's initially the alter ego of Dr. Donald Blake, who finds Mjolnir and . But Gaia felt lonely and thus with the permission of the Chaos she birthed the Sky and everything in the firmament. people wouldn't nit pick to high heavens and harass writers on Twitter about some dumb shit like scaling lol xd. When it landed on Earth, the entity was just a formless mass of energy. He also injured Galactus even he defeated serpent who is a Odin tier enemy. Like Thortards can't prove me directly that Thor "merged" with cosmos. Galactus is a massive cosmic being that consumed planets to sustain his powers. So it probably is multiversal in powerbut power=/=durability. He has Lucifer below Darkseid too. Their battle grows fiercer with each passing second until Umar catches Thor in an energy field that has the constricting strength equal to the weight of 20 planets. Beta Ray Bill is the champion of the Korbinites, a race whose home was destroyed by Surtur. That spark was Gaia, Mother Earth, Mother of all Life. If even Thanos can grant immortality to this degree then what RK Thor did was actually nothing of notice. A feat few Marvel heroes could hope to accomplish. Zachary also creates music, films and has his hand in any creative medium you can think of. Special worlds without a doubt but they are still part of the universe at large. He's traveled the universe, defeated powerful cosmic beings, and defended Earth as best he could. Lol Nice downplay, Yggdrasil has been confirmed multiple times to be an all encompassing, extra-dimensional Cosmic structure thats connected to all planes of reality. At one point in the comics, Thor was chosen as the next Herald of Galactus. Throughout this multiverse, there have been many versions of the mighty Thor, some more powerful than others., Piercing the Chaos King with lightning, forcing Galactus to fall back with God Blast and maybe scaling to Hulk's outliers, as far as I know. [/QUOTE. Thor can't save his own people and land. The son of Zeus, Hercules is a demigod and practically the equal to the God of Thunder. [4] Only this time without the Loom. While fans constantly debate about whether the Hulk or Thor is stronger, theres another group of readers who pontificate on whether Hercules, the Prince of Power, is mightier than Thor, the God of Thunder. I'm sorry am I missing something here?. While these days Loki is looked on as something of the occasional villain turned hero and back again (however a particular situation fits him) back in the early days of Journey Into Mystery, Loki was unequivocally a bad guy. That he couldn't simply end Surtur and end the madness of Ragnarok. Enraged, Thor breaks free of the restraints and defeats her. Same for the other realms. Because their first words are about Thor's strength as well as his wisdom - they know what he's capable of, and if they could have stopped him, he wouldn't be capable of such, and they would have never acknowledged that so freely. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The attack is so phenomenal that Exitr, the most power Celestial, is staggered. His job undone, Thor enters Exitars head and performs another of his all-time greatest feats: Tying his Belt of Power around Mjolnir to focus his energies, Thor unleashes his God Blast, hitting Exitars brain with the all of his lifeforce. Thor has many universal feats. Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. I own it but don't want to look it up. He is way more powerful than Galactus. Follow 17364. . Thor can't save his own people and land. Michael Giacchino To Compose Thor Love And Thunder, Thor Love And Thunder Toys Reveal New Costumes And More, The 10 Darkest & Grittiest Crime Movies of All Time, Ranked by IMDb Score, Jack Nicholson's 10 Best Movies, Ranked by Rotten Tomatoes. Mjolnir can control the weather on a global (or sometimes universal) scale, rain down lighting, create portals, fly at faster-than-light speeds, discharge massive energy attacks, and lets Thor time travel whenever he wants. Hes immortal, imperious to the majority of earthly weapons, and hes one of the greatest fighters of any age. Sure, RKT isn't multiversal, but everyone with a functioning brain cell knows that, already. When Captain Americas god squad encounters the Phoenix, the cosmic bird easily incapacitates everyone until only Thor is left. And unlike what some have made it seem, what he did was simply open a path to where the kingdom of Asgard lies. Without the help of his board, Silver Surfer managed to defeat the Red Shift within the Black Hole, proving not only is he a powerful being in his own right, but also that he is one of the most powerful heralds of Galactus. Yet Mongoose was, and is, nowhere near Thors level of power. Golmen discovers he is the most recent reincarnation of Thor Odinson and begins his journey as the new God of Thunder. Their battle continues into Journey Into Mystery #119, and Thor is becoming more and more desperate. This universe is seen as one of the darker timelines introduced by Marvel. @princesscadenza: Did Galactus and Franklin straight up tank the birth and death of the multiverse or was there something else that allowed them to see that? Just a question, it can be from any point in time in any arc. Plus all sites just seem to have an overall different standard for feats and scaling, which makes every site think every other site is absolute bunk. Jane Foster was a nurse who worked with Dr. Donald Blake, Thors first human vessel. First appearing in The Mighty Thor #387, Exitar the Exterminator is prone to destroying worlds completely. He is a founding member of the Avengers and Norse god. If thats how much body he has in just his pinky, its frightening to consider how much strength courses through his whole body. For example, some guy said that Superman would beat Multi-Eternity, and that base hulk is thousands of times stronger than strange visitor superman. great thread so far hopefully this whould clear misconceptions about this version of thor, as for discord no its arguably way better than the entirety of debating forums if you actually look for good servers (obviously not ones that focuses on arguing), >Surtur hesitates to reforge Mjolnir because he thinks Thor's gonna murder him with it. Eventually, Thor comes across the villains and knocks them out of the sky. He did nothing universal, less alone multiversal. @takenstew22: I think the old Eternity put him(back when he was just Galan) into some sort of protective metallic egg and then after some matter of time(which was long enough for the Watchers to come about and see when it opened) Galan came out as Galactus. For whatever reason, Thor is the only one to oppose both of them. Because they can't provide fact, BUT HE LOOKS LIKE HE MERGED WITH COSMOS !!!! In The Invaders #32 and #33, Thor ends up killing Josef Stalin at Hitlers request and almost destroys Captain America and his troupe of heroes. The strongest version of thor has all the power of Galactus after the latter got a power up to fight what may or may not be an aspect of oblivion. Towards the end of the event, the Hulk and Thor run into each other and start fighting. In The Mighty Thor series from 2011, a giant geyser of power has erupted from Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Feeling proud of yourself, yet? Thor Odinson is a superhero appearing in comic books published by Marvel Comics. beating a well fed Galactus who doesn't have any multiversal feats. Rune King Thor is not multiversal. And God saw that the light was good. After getting wind of whats happening, Thor steps in -- though hes actually in a weakened state at the time the events are unfolding. I won't be going that detail onto scalings but I'll show feats worth mentioning 1.Stunning and KO'ing God of God Hercules The same Hercules has access to powers forbidden to Gods and Mortals Gods in Marvel are Jungian Archetypes Here is . And from that light he created the firmament, the stars, the Earth, and everything from highest to lowest. We see that by the huge crack of apparent empty darkness that hid within. Towards the end of the battle, it appeared as though Cable was going to win. Kinda like a self fulfilling wish, where they made Those Who Sit Above In Shadow become real. [5] Eternity succeeded the Sentience of the Sixth Cosmos as the embodiment of the Seventh Cosmos alongside his sister-self Infinity. The universe didn't crumble or was shattered or destroyed. Now having to return to Earth, Thor and company come across the interdimensional gateway through which Ares forces invaded. The two fight each other with everything they have until eventually the pair grab hands, locked in mortal combat, either unwilling to budge an inch. The two gods arm-wrestle with everything they have until the plateau they are on crumbles under the force of the pressure theyre applying. Which obviously was not the case. You can see that Asgard is even given a scale of size. I feel really bad because you clearly put time and effort into this only to be disproved by a single sentence. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Come here to talk about fictional characters, fictional events, concepts, objects, etc. During one of his stints as a god-like mutant, Cable found himself at odds with the Surfer. Momentarily confused by the strength of the cables, Thor regains his senses when he realizes innocents are in jeopardy because of their battle. Thor appears in 8145 issues. Yggdrasil is not a multiverse. And unlike what some have made it seem, what he did was simply open a path to where the kingdom of Asgard lies. As if it had been undone. Each culture has its own lavish story about how the world came to be and how their god(s) were the makers of everything. Despite this, Silver Surfer still managed to defeat the demon quite handily. See how her comic version ranks amongst Thor's strongest variants. The light and power that has burst forth is acting like a beacon of extraordinary power. Still the universe kept on going. The Black Winter is a cosmic entity that fulfils a similar purpose to Galactus on a far larger scale - rather than simply devouring planets, it consumes entire universes. Essentially, its linked to all the realms, past and present, and shares the weight of every planet its connected to. isn't Rui Silva the guy who generally underrates Lucifer and Thor??? During his time spent on Earth, Silver Surfer gained the attention of the evil demon Mephisto. Galactus, unsurprised, decides to go to war with Asgard. Odin banished the creature to the bottom of the ocean, but of course the Midgard Serpent came back, hungry for some sweet revenge. In the mini-series Secret Invasion: Thor, Beta Ray Bill crash-lands on Asgard, warning that the Skrulls are about to invade. 9 9. They refuse and Silver Surfer relays the message to his master. Every universe in the Multiverse manifests itself as an anthropomorphic being called Eternity. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. When forced to battle Durok the Destroyer, Thor found himself at a severe disadvantage. RELATED:Michael Giacchino To Compose Thor Love And Thunder. In his many journeys, Norrin Radd has proven to be an extremely powerful hero. Now unleashed, its up to Thor to put the Destroyer back in the ground. Iron Hammer can be seen wearing a red, yellow, and silver suit of armor and wielding a giant version of Mjolnir. Not only did he defeat another herald of Galactus, but he also destroyed an entire planet without causing himself any harm. Later on, in the same story, the Surfer simply rendered Hulk unconscious with a wave of his hand. Regardless From what we know that seed links to ten specific worlds in the universe. Now cope. The victory is short-lived, as the Phoenix quickly recovers, and moves on to Earth. He even says: "The Black Winter killed the universe before ours, Thor". And I say the nine realms, because as the Loom is destroyed, we can then see that Yggdrasil had always been a tool of Those Who Sit Above In Shadow. Kinda like a self fulfilling wish, where they made Those Who Sit Above In Shadow become real. send you an email once approved. The Ultimate Universe was Marvels attempt at transforming their characters to be more realistic and relatable to the times. It was intended for him to be the protector of not only Asgard, but also all the Nine Realms and true to form, Thor Odinson proved mightier than anyone anticipated. RELATED:Valkyrie's New Costume In Thor Love And Thunder. Then, he left the beast there and traveled back, stranding Durok in a time where humanity no longer existed.
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