My name is Tina and I'm a data scientist at a FAANG company. This raises the possibility that the replacement by the Oberkassel cluster and the formation of the Sidelkino cluster might have been the result of population expansions influenced by the abrupt warming during the BllingAllerd interstadial4,24. Wren, C. D. & Burke, A. Habitat suitability and the genetic structure of human populations during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) in Western Europe. Quat. Our knowledge of the genetic relatedness and structure of ancient hunter-gatherers is however limited, owing to the scarceness and poor molecular preservation of human remains from that period3. B 370, 20130624 (2015). The responsible co-authors for the material from each archaeological site are listed in Supplementary Information, section 1. Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers, . We also do experiments to test out the features we build and see how users respond to them. Opin. PubMed 14 following. The MDS analysis showing the genetic affinity among European hunter-gatherers was based on the distance matrix derived from outgroup f3-statistics, in the form 1f3(Mbuti.DG; pop1, pop2) and performed with classical MDS algorithm (cmdscale) implemented in R 3.5.1. Sci. Ice Age survivors. Thisancestry profile survived during the Last Glacial Maximum (25,000 to 19,000 years ago) in human populations from southwestern Europe associated with the Solutreanculture, and withthe following Magdalenian culturethat re-expanded northeastward after the Last Glacial Maximum. Tina Huang Fans Also Viewed . 1c) and a west Eurasian principal component analysis (PCA) (Extended Data Fig. Nat. Huang, Y. Int. Great explanations and feels like real interviews that helps me warm up myself before the real interview! Quat. View Tina_Huang_Resume_i.pdf from HCI 445 at DePaul University. In anticipation of possible near-term approval from the US Food and Drug Administration for renal denervation, there must be an insistence on longer-term clinical outcomes and safety data. 116, 105100 (2020). Initial Upper Palaeolithic humans in Europe had recent Neanderthal ancestry. She then served as a postdoctoral associate at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. To mark the occasion, rather than doing some data analysis or looking at trends, we wanted to dedicate this bulletin to seven women in tech, data, and science that you should know about. Join a growing community of 11K+ to find accountability partners, take part in productivity sprints, and join discord only events! The Kostenki genetic signature (related to the Kostenki 14 genome, and hereafter referred to as the Kostenkicluster or ancestry) contributed to the later Vstonice genetic cluster(hereafter,Vstonice cluster or ancestry), named after the Doln Vstonice site in Czechia4. Interviewed Taiwanese designers and analyzed the interview data. The length of each coloured bar represents the fraction of individuals carrying the corresponding haplogroup (legend on the right of each panel). When Gravettian-associated individuals are included in an admixture graph also featuring Kostenki 14, we find that Fournol 85 fits best as a sister lineage of Goyet Q116-1, whereas the Vstonice group is modelled as a mixture between a lineage related to the Sunghir group and one related to the Goyet Q116-1Fournol 85 branch (Fig. Commun. Quat. On the basis of the genetic variation of present-day Europeans, this could imply phenotypic differences between post-14ka hunter-gatherer populations across Europe, with individuals in the Oberkassel cluster possibly exhibiting darker skin and lighter eyes, and individuals in the Sidelkino cluster possibly lighter skin and darker eye colour. performed or supervised laboratory work. Dev. Compared with the genetic diversity observed among all analysed Gravettian-associated groups, Epigravettian-associated individuals show significantly lower amounts of genetic diversity (two-tailed t-test, P<0.001) (Fig. of estimates from 5-cM-block jackknife analysis. 272273, 354361 (2012). Curr. and H.F. produced a subset of the radiocarbon dates. Known to have been the coldest phase of the last Ice Age, the LGM is considered to have caused a demographic decline in large parts of Europe10, with populations retracting to southern latitudes as attestedfor exampleby the contemporaneity of the Solutrean culture (2419ka) in the Iberian peninsula and southern France. Tina started her YouTube channel in 2020. Proc. Both of these ancestries carry a genetic component distantly related to the Goyet Q116-1 individual dated to 35ka, with the Iberian individual also showing an affinity to the Villabruna cluster4,14. PubMed Central National Science Council feb. 2009 - feb. 2009 1 maand. First, we show that individuals associated with the Gravettian culture across Europe were not a biologically homogeneous population. Both of these books focus on the science and math behind data mining. Karmin, M. et al. My experience includes an [] You need a lot of information to predict whats going to happen, but then you also need a lot of information to make decisions about what youre going to do. BMC Res. Biol. Disease-modifying, readily available, and easily affordable medical therapies for hypertension are ubiquitous and set a high bar for any new therapeutic. My name is Tina Huang and I'm a data scientist at a FAANG company. Our results show that the contact zone and the admixture patterns betweenthe Oberkassel and Sidelkino ancestries changed over time (Fig. - Developing a high . Furthermore, the gene pool of the western Gravettian populations is found continuously for at least 20,000 years: their descendants who are associated with the Solutrean and Magdalenian cultures stayed in southwestern Europe during the coldest period of the last Ice Age (between 25,000 and 19,000 years ago) and later spread north-eastward to the rest of Europe. volume615,pages 117126 (2023)Cite this article. In product development, we do lots of opportunity sizing to decide which features to build and what opportunities to invest in. Tina is a data scientist working in tech and does Youtube part time. In many cases, this means loading data into a relational database (such as MySQL, MS SQL Server, or Oracle). c, MDS plot of European hunter-gatherers based on 1f3(Mbuti; pop1, pop2). This broadly distributed ancestry (the Oberkassel cluster (also known as WHG)) is most closely related to an Epigravettian-associated individual from northwestern Italy, suggesting that its expansion into continental Europe might have started from the westand not the eastside of the Alps. E.A. Then we merged the genotypes from different libraries of the same individual, by randomly picking alleles from available genotype calls, using a custom script. Other individuals from that period, such as Zlat k from Czechia and UstIshim from Russia, do not carry significantly more Neanderthal ancestry than other non-African groups1,7, indicating differential interactions between Neanderthals and early modern humans during their initial expansions across Eurasia. These data cover a time span of around 30,000 years from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Late Neolithic (defined here by the presence of pottery rather than by farming subsistence economy if not indicated), derive from multiple prehistoric cultural contexts, and originate from 54 archaeological sites in 14 countries: 1 Aurignacian-associated individual from Belgium and 1 culturally unassigned individual from Romania (3533ka), 15 Gravettian-associated individuals from Spain, France, Belgium, Czechia and Italy (3126ka), 2 Solutrean-associated individuals from Spain and France (2321ka), 9 Magdalenian-associated individuals from France, Germany, and Poland (1815ka), 4 Epigravettian-associated individuals from Italy (1713ka), 2 Federmesser-associated individuals from Germany (14ka), and 81 Mesolithic to Neolithic foragers from across western Eurasia (115ka), together with 1 central Eurasian Neolithic individual from Tajikistan (8ka) (Fig. These models are easy to implement as well as really helpful in deciding what to build and how much to invest in it. 4). USA 110, 22232227 (2013). Palaeogenomics of Upper Palaeolithic to Neolithic European hunter-gatherers. The generation time is set to 29 years and the error bars show the SE of the admixture date estimated from jackknife resampling (n=22 autosomal chromosomes). The genomic history of the Iberian Peninsula over the past 8,000 years. In no time, she established herself as one of the favorite vloggers of the data community. The triangles show the average calibrated dates of the tested groups and the dots show the estimated admixture dates with the software DATES105 using Oberkassel (red dots) or Villabruna (blue dots) clusters as one source and ANE-related individuals as the other source population. Int. Google Scholar. 1c and Extended Data Fig. Science 360, eaar7711 (2018). The pairwise f2 distance matrix of Epigravettian-associated groups was generated with qpfstats 200 in ADMIXTOOLS 7.0.2 package, with parameters allsnps: YES, scale: NO, and Mbuti.DG set as the outgroup. 3a and Supplementary Fig. This suggests that the newly reported Neolithic individual from central Asia carries an ancestry that might be a good proxy for the ANE-related contribution to Iran and the Turan region45 from around 5.5ka but not to roughly contemporaneous hunter-gatherers from eastern Europe. Along with pushing for more accessibility, she also creates content around working in the tech industry, the challenges that come with it, and career advice. Nat. (grey) of the f4 values estimated from 5cM-block jackknife analysis. This is in sharp contrast to the genetic history of Iberian hunter-gatherers, where the spread of the Villabruna/Oberkassel ancestry involved multiple local admixture events with groups carrying high proportions of GoyetQ2 ancestry14 (Fig. This is further validated by f4-statistics of the form f4(Mbuti, Arene Candide 16; Goyet Q-2, Magdalenian-associated individuals), which is significantly positive only for El Mirn, whereas all other tested individuals and Goyet Q-2 are symmetrically related with respect to Arene Candide 16 (Supplementary Fig. Her YouTube channel is dedicated to data and computer science, including how to educate yourself in these topics. Nat. After 2 washing steps using the manufacturers wash buffer, DNA was eluted in TET (10mM Tris, 1mM EDTA and 0.05% Tween) in two steps for a final volume of 100l. A dynastic elite in monumental Neolithic society. Korlevi, P. et al. TV Actress. Meet Tina Huang. 12). The Villabruna ancestry later appeared in central Europe and it is thought to have largely replaced groups related to the GoyetQ2ancestry4. 17, 60 (2016). At the same time, these two groups started mixing with each other, and continued to do so for around 3,000 years," Krause says. However, the research team found no evidence for this, on the contrary: hunter-gatherer populations associated with the Gravettian culture and living in central and southern Europe are no longer genetically detectable after the LGM. The phylogenetic reconstruction of Epigravettian-associated genomes, with Pradis 1 diverging more deeply than all others, indicates that the turnover took place much earlier than 17kathe date of the more derived Tagliente 2 genome. For ds_halfUDG libraries, we masked 2bp from both ends of the reads with trimBam in bamUtil 1.0.13 ( to remove the damaged sites. 8). The incoming Villabruna ancestry later became the most widespread hunter-gatherer ancestry across Europe. a,b, The ancestries of individuals in the GoyetQ-2 cluster and Iberian hunter-gatherers (HGs) (a) and individuals in the Oberkassel cluster (b) were modelled using qpAdm, with Fournol 85 and Arene Candide 16 representing the Fournol and Villabruna ancestries, respectively. Ecol. Li, H. et al. Test cases development, automated test tool design, and validation testing for Alaris' first attachable/detachable infusion pump, which is . Cardiff, Wales, United Kingdom. My name is Tina and I'm a data scientist and YouTuber. Rev. Hajdinjak, M. et al. For ds_halfUDG libraries, we called genotypes on all targeted sites from 2bp-masked bam files; for ds_nonUDG libraries, we called genotypes on transversion sites only; for ss_nonUDG libraries, we called genotypes with single-strand mode, which ignores forward reads at C/T polymorphisms and reverse reads at G/A polymorphisms. Despite this wide geographical range, it is not clear whether different groups associated with this culture originated from a common source population and how those groups were genetically related to each other. From AI YouTubers to accessibilityadvocates. Shes the founder of Coding Black Females, a nonprofit with the aim to provide opportunities for Black female developers to develop themselves, meet familiar faces, network, receive support, and build relationships through having regular meetups., Check out the Coding Black Females website. Individuals and groups are plotted with the same colours and symbols as in Fig. I'm interested in tech, trading, and how to minimize effort and maximize outcome. PubMed Radiocarbon 55, 163177 (2013). Curr. In the video above, she explains the two major components of big data: data warehousing and data science. 276, 107319 (2022). A negative and cave bear positive controls were included. & Fennema, K. Hunters of the Golden Age: The Mid Upper Palaeolithic of Eurasia, 30,000-20,000 bp (Univ. Nature 513, 409413 (2014). This Villabruna ancestry(hereafter, Villabruna cluster or ancestry) showed connections to ancient and present-day Near Eastern populations4,16, but the mode and tempo of its expansion into the Italian peninsula remain unexplored. Using DATES software, we estimated the admixture between Villabruna/Oberkassel and ANE ancestries in these old Sidelkino-cluster-related individuals to around 1513ka (Extended Data Fig. The good news is that there are other faster engines, such as PostgreSQL, which should be faster than MySQL by quite a bit, but will take time to get running. Kircher, M., Sawyer, S. & Meyer, M. Double indexing overcomes inaccuracies in multiplex sequencing on the Illumina platform. Philos. Track your course progress, set daily goals, and make success a routine. Thank you for visiting As long asyouget a exam score of 60% or above,youare eligible toreceive aCourse Certificate! Packed with 10 mock-up interviews with real life questions, this course provides you with the expert walkthrough you need to feel at ease showing your SQL knowledge, along with helpful tips on how to and recover from mistakes quickly and gracefully, prepare for follow-up questions, and remain calmduring the interview. The code for the newly developed ROH based contamination estimate method is available at Science 358, 659662 (2017). What is a Scatterplot in Data Visualization, Machine Learning in R: Building a Classification Model. This derived ancestrythe Fournol clustersurvived during the LGM in Solutrean-associated individuals, possibly within the Franco-Cantabrian climatic refugium25, leading to later populations associated with the Magdalenian culture (GoyetQ2 cluster and El Mirn). The Gravettian from a palaeodemographic point of view. Questions? The pre-40kagroup and theFournol and Vstonice clusters are marked as shaded areas in different colours. Rep. 11, 15005 (2021). Martiniano, R., De Sanctis, B., Hallast, P. & Durbin, R. Placing ancient DNA sequences into reference phylogenies. Feb 2015 - Jun 20161 year 5 months. 40, e3 (2012). Dual ancestries and ecologies of the Late Glacial Palaeolithic in Britain. Single-stranded DNA libraries were built from 30l of DNA extract in the absence of uracil DNA glycosylase (ss_nonUDG) followed by double indexing, using an automated version of the protocols described in61 on the liquid handling system mentioned before. Tina Huang Popularity . 39, msac017 (2022). This genetic signature is shared among individuals associated with the archaeologically defined Gravettian culture (3326ka) in central and southern Europe and seemingly disappeared after the Last Glacial Maximum4 (LGM). Sign up below if you'd like to join a growing community that is enthusiastic about learning and improving their lives. Fu, Q. et al. Sign up for the Nature Briefing newsletter what matters in science, free to your inbox daily. Tinas authentic and engaging delivery style allows her to create original content on topics like how to be more productive, how to learn more efficiently, how to land a job in data science, and more. In this video @Tina Huang and I go through 5 subscriber submitted resumes and review them. USA 116, 16391644 (2019). 18 and Supplementary Data 2.O), suggests the Balkans as a source of the incoming Epigravettian-associated population. Mateja Hajdinjak, Fabrizio Mafessoni, Svante Pbo, D. M. Fernandes, D. Strapagiel, R. Pinhasi, Pavel Flegontov, N. Ezgi Altnk, Stephan Schiffels, Daniel M. Fernandes, Kendra A. Sirak, David Reich, Sandra Oliveira, Kathrin Ngele, Mark Stoneking, Eirini Skourtanioti, Harald Ringbauer, Philipp W. Stockhammer, Vanessa Villalba-Mouco, Marieke S. van de Loosdrecht, Wolfgang Haak, Joseph H. Marcus, Cosimo Posth, John Novembre, Natalija Kashuba, Emrah Krdk, Anders Gtherstrm, Nature Evol. As a general rule of thumb, we start from the simplest issue and gradually increase in complexity. Happy International Womens Day! Required fields are marked *. I hold a Bachelor's degree at the University of Toronto where I studied pharmacology. It encourages me to go out and re-learn SQL and excites me for the mock interviews to come. Tina is excellent when it comes to getting overall data science career advice. The observation that post-14ka individuals from western and central Europe andalso from Britain41 carry a homogeneous genetic makeup instead of displaying repeated local admixtures with GoyetQ2 ancestry implies that the Oberkassel-ancestry profile was already largely formed before its dispersal. With a lot of raw data, you need to put in some work. ADS Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Within Sicily, the 14ka Oriente C individual shows higher affinity with the much younger but geographically closer 10ka Uzzo group30 (n=2) than with the almost contemporaneous San Teodoro 2 individual from eastern Sicily. 15, 22792300 (2020). Further palaeogenomic studies on Upper Palaeolithic individuals from the Balkans will be essential for understanding whether southeastern Europe represents the source of the Villabruna ancestry and a climatic refugium for human populations during the LGM. Tina K. Sorensen. Science 366, 708714 (2019). Fourth, we extend the finding of a large-scale genetic turnover as early as 14ka in central and western European hunter-gatherers associated with multiple techno-complexesFedermesser, Azilian and other Final Palaeolithic groups4despite considerable technological continuity with the preceding late Magdalenian. Tina Huang. Subsequently, I worked in . 101019659 (to K.H.). Genetics 192, 10651093 (2012). Well be back on Friday so, if youre not already, get subscribed to the Brandwatch Bulletin right away. Second, data-driven product development meshes very well with my own philosophy, commonly known as the 80/20 rule, where 80% of the results come from just about 20% of inputs. Patterson, N. et al. b, Calibrated radiocarbon dates of individuals plotted in a. 7, eabd6535 (2021). The error bar shows the s.e.m. Using f4-statistics and qpAdm, we confirm that EHG populations in eastern Europe are a mixture of Villabruna/Oberkassel and ANE ancestries (Supplementary Information, section11 and Supplementary Data 2.K). K.H. C. Posth, H.Y., A.G., A.B.R., W.H. Tina's authentic and engaging delivery style allows her to create original content on topics like how to be more productive, how to learn more efficiently, how to land a job in data science . Mol. The sample size of individualpairsincluded in each groupis reported in SupplementaryData 3.A. Bioinformatics 25, 17541760 (2009). Rohland, N., Glocke, I., Aximu-Petri, A. If you are interested in the full curriculum offered on our platform or would like to enroll in a more extensive career track, consider continuing your data science journey with one of our subscription plans today! Finally, unsupervised clustering and more complex techniques, such as deep learning, also have their place. Edgar, R. C. MUSCLE: multiple sequence alignment with high accuracy and high throughput. View Tina Zhang's business profile as Brand Specialist at Dymind Biotechnology. Conversely, the ancestry found in pre-30ka eastern European individuals (Kostenki cluster and Sunghir group) contributed to Gravettian-associated individuals from central and southern Europe (Vstonice cluster), the latter without descendantsretrieved in post-LGM populations from those regions.
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