Meanwhile, the symbiote hated Peter Parker for rejecting them. Hollands Parker goes one-on-one with Osbourne, and almost kills him, but Maguires Parker steps in, only to get stabbed by the Goblin. In other words, we should expect to see Venom attach himself to someone new and cause chaos in the MCU. The least he could do is back the kid up when he needs help the most. Clearly, whatever is coming through from alternate universes would be immensely destructive, but Strange plays coy about the specifics of the danger. Garfields Parker is also taken from the current moment just on an alternate timeline. I have so many questions. The symbiote, however, isn't dead, and it soon seeks Eddie out and breaks. So, what will happen in Doctor Strange 2? She would never let anyone drag Tony Stark's name. Thinking its Reeds costume fixer, Peter makes contact with the symbiote, covering him entirely in a new black costume and enhanced versions of his spider powers. "No Way Home" doesn't show what happens in the Raimi-verse and Webb-verse when everyone returns, but the changes are undoubtedly huge. "NWH" finally did right by his character by making him someone to root for and giving him some much-needed closure. Who is funding this man's conspiracy website? Having everyone forget about Peter Parker also acts as an exciting new launch pad for Hollands Spider-Man. "Looking beyond Marvel or Sony, Im very excited. It's great that Peter finally has the upper hand in his fight, but how were those nanobots able to interface with Doc Ock's technology? That all changes when Peter discovers that almost all the villains he's captured died in their universes. 3. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. At the same time, Strange has broken free from the Mirror Dimension, and Hollands Parker asks him to undo everything with a spell one that will make the world forget who Peter Parker is. Together, Eddie and the symbiote became Venom and sought to destroy Peter and Spider-Man. Since the movie moves on quickly from this subplot, I'm going to pretend that's precisely what happened off-screen. Those are the biggest questions about the Spider-Man: No Way Home ending answered. However, this severely alters Peter's personality, and he realizes he must get rid of it. One explanation could be that Eddie's actually transported into a non-MCU place first, finds out who Spider-Man is, and is later transported again into the MCU. Peter had a full speech prepared for his friends, so we know that he really intended on trying to convince them of everything that they'd forgotten. Most of the world might be convinced of Spider-Man's innocence, but Jameson and the Bugle's fans are still holding out for solid proof of Spider-Man's misdeeds. He is also the third villain in the films to be redeemed. Curing Flint stops him from causing any issues in the future, but would not have saved Sandman as Sandman was not going to die. Garfield spoke pretty candidly about his feelings on his films with The Guardian in November and how he felt they were guided by money rather than a character-driven story with heart. What are we waiting for? Because the role is so important, it needed to be filled immediately after the Snap turned Strange to dust in the wind. To him, it suddenly looks like the future he envisioned for himself happily studying at college alongside his best friend and girlfriend will never become a reality. Unless it's later revealed that Doctor Strange has some magic in his family's past, he became a sorcerer through nothing more mysterious than rigorous study and hard work. Acuna: Every scene with the trio of Spider-Men was so much fun, I could've watched another hour of it. Then theres the possibility of Hollands Spider-Man training up someone new: namely Miles Morales. We will unfortunately never know, as Doctor Strange sent all the multiverse-men packing back to their universes. It's almost as if they've been hinting at Ned's downfall from the start of this franchise. I'm the Senior Entertainment Editor here at GamesRadar+, bringing you all the latest movie and TV news, reviews, and features. Theres a catch, though: when they return to their original universes, they will die. On the other hand, "Eternals" recently introduced a whole slew of new dangers into the MCU. But the multiverse is a funny, abstract thing. Aunt May is dead. as well as other partner offers and accept our, Columbia Pictures, composite by Kirsten Acuna/Insider, Columbia Pictures, Kirsten Acuna/Insider composite, despite my best efforts to see if Kingpin/Wilson Fisk purchased the tower, "NWH" producer Amy Pascal said that Holland will appear in three more movies, version of the character called Agent Anti-Venom. They all escape and Gobbers ends up killing Aunt May with his hovercraft. Venom is bigger and stronger then Spiderman. But despite being in three standalone Spidey movies, we never really learn much about MJ's family life or why she's so particular about her name. Weve already seen Morales uncle, played by Donald Glover, in Spider-Man: Homecoming. Let's start. Spider-Man: What Really Happened to Peter Parker's Parents?,Richard and Mary Parker, Spider-Man's parents, had wild lives with surprisingly deep ties to the history of the Marvel Universe. Brock pretty much made his career on unmasking the Sin Eater, but it turned out he'd found a copycat, and the real Sin Eater was caught and unmasked by Spider-man. "They are coming," he tells Peter, but he doesn't bother to explain who "they" are. It was just toying with the Spider. According to Strange, only people who knew Peter Parker was Spider-Man entered their Earth. Acuna: By the film's end, no one remembers Peter Parker exists, but MJ is still wearing the broken necklace he gave her in "FFH." radio Because all Mysterio's framing plot could rely on was some faked audio and footage of himself merely saying that Spider-Man was about to attack him, it all fell apart pretty quickly. 2023 BDG Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Access your favorite topics in a personalized feed while you're on the go. He strikes a deal with Harry Osborn, who tells him that Peter Parker knows where to find Spider-Man. However, Eddie Brock and his favorite parasite made only a brief appearance in the film's mid-credits scene. I'm thinking humiliation. Spider-Man: No Way Home left us with a few questions about the future of Peter Parker. After the death of his Uncle Ben, Peter learned . It stands to reason this "hive knowledge" would contain something about Peter Parker being Spider-Man, so Venom was pulled in by the spell and Eddie just had to go along for the ride. When a giant metal tentacle tears into Peter's Stark suit, the severed nanobots fuse into Ock's arms and hand over their control to Peter. Why do symbiotes kill their host? Instead, we received a throwaway gag with the duo. "No Way Home" opens at exactly the point where "Far From Home" ended. When they are sent back to their respective universes after Doctor Strange casts a new spell, the Spider-Men hope that thanks to the five villains no longer being evil they will not cause any more havoc and therefore will not die in their universes. A breaking news report from the Daily Bugle's incorrigible J. Jonah Jameson reveals two key pieces of information to the world: Spider-Man is Peter Parker, and he killed Mysterio. The last film really made it seem like something troubling was going on with Flash's home life when his parents weren't responding to him. His best friend's grandma had a sewing machine. Both multiversal Spider-Men explicitly arrive from some point in time after they were last seen on the big screen. Venom could be sensing a connection to a Peter Parker, no matter what they look like. Singh: It almost felt like this movie was setting up Ned to be some sort of amalgamation of a sorcerer and Hobgoblin from the comics. Knowing that returning them home means sending them to their imminent deaths, Peter resolves to find a way to save them all. Does that still happen? However, a symbiote that was earlier discarded there by Spider-Man sensed his anger and merged with him, becoming one of the deadliest foes of Spider-Man. After his identity is revealed to the world, Peter Parker struggles with his newfound fame. The motivation here makes perfect sense for the version of Peter Parker that the MCU has been building for years, but it's also pitch-perfect for the comic book character fans have come to love over more than 50 years. Just like Eddie Brock/Venom, his alias "Sandman" was never mentioned in the film. What does it mean? She simply could have remained Michelle Jones, but maybe you're onto something. Besides communicating the apparent fact that Venom wants to eat brains and Peters looks tasty to Venom Venoms hunger appears to be proof of an intrinsic attraction to Peter Parker. Will there be a "Daredevil" reboot? Turns out, not just villains were brought into the MCU: Andrew Garfield and Tobey Maguires web-heads are here, too. If we don't learn who bought the tower in the "Hawkeye" finale, I'm rioting. Peter knows that she got hurt because of his Spider-Man activities, and in an effort to protect both her and Ned, he decides to keep the truth to himself. Lets hope so. Acuna: Peter asked Strange to cast a spell that would make everyone forget him just to save the multiverse from breaking. It's like the rules of time travel; the more you try to make sense of it, the more you make your brain hurt. His emotions in every scene just seemed so genuine, whether he was being self-deprecating or looking at the other Spider-Men and saying: "God, this is so cool. By the end of No Way Home, everyone even MJ, Ned, and Happy have forgotten who Peter Parker is. He became Spider Man's arch-enemy and became a supervillain, but eventually redeemed himself, becoming . Peter finds the symbiote in Reed Richards ' lab in the eighth issue of the original 1984 comic book series Secret Wars. R eader I wholeheartedly disagree with Pastor G Craige Lewis's commentary(You Can Read It Here)that this is the plan of the enemy for the church.Dr. Spider-Man: My God, Eddie! We all wondered if this meant Venom was officially part of the MCU and whether or not he would team up with the other baddies in "No Way Home" to create the Sinister Six. Before he became a mature anti-hero, Eddie Brock and the now-iconic Venom symbiote were ridiculously petty evildoers. While the scene was cool, it left me wanting more. By subscribing to this BDG newsletter, you agree to our. Eddie is seen at a bar getting up to speed on the incredible events of the MCU, but then he's transported away when Doctor Strange closes the multiverse though a small piece of symbiote is left behind. Eddie Brock is the former-villain-turned-hero Venom. He also known as Eddie Brock. (Does he consider Oscorp or his penthouse apartment to be home?). But the fact that his first scene in the MCU involved the Palpatine Lego and one of the last scenes of "NWH" showed Peter putting that Lego on a table in his new apartment had me worried. why did eddie brock want to kill peter parker. Acuna: Can Venom stop shedding parts of his symbiote? Venom, still solidly on the villain side of superhero alignments, lunges at Peter Parker while proudly proclaiming "We want to eat your brain!" A line memorable enough to be quoted on action figure packaging, cementing the Symbiote's signature hungers. Parkers moral conscience wont allow that. Scott Pilgrim vs. the World (2010) Edgar Wright's energetic adaptation of Bryan Lee O'Malley's hit indie comic book has its detractors. Unlike the 616 universe, Eddie goes through with committing suicide at the church. On top of that, it has more than a handful of surprise appearances that made audiences around the world completely flip out. Symbiotes can attach to any host and have done so, notably characters like Eddie Brock (a rival of Peter Parkers at the Daily Bugle) and Peters former high school bully Flash Thompson. He says that the electricity in the MCU feels different and more powerful than that of his home universe. Warning: Spoilers for Venom: Let There Be Carnage ahead. I used to work at The Independent as a general culture writer before specializing in TV and film. No one wants that more than Hardy, I think. Alfred Molina who plays Otto Octavius is even de-aged using CGI. Acuna: I really loved what this film did with Garfield's version of Spidey. "Spider-Man 4?" I would guess that the intention is that those two are strictly platonic. But it all makes me wonder whether or not Peter's selfless act will be rendered pointless. But it seems like the multiverse is going to break regardless based on the "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" teaser attached to the film's end. Eddie Brock: Hey, Parker. Theres nothing more special about Peter Parkers physiology than anyone else. Because thats what Venom seems to crave at the end of Venom: Let There Be Carnage. We know Mordo is returning in next summer's "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness.". The unfortunate consequence is that he switches sides too late, and must die alongside his science experiment. For Eddie Brock's alter ego, see Venom. Norman Osborne, meanwhile, is taken from just before he impales himself using his own glider in Spider-Man. It also seems to point toward the plans Marvel has for Spider-Man in the years ahead. There, they manage to turn Lizard back into a man, de-sand Sandman, and unplug Electro. Then theres the fact that Green Goblin and Doctor Octopus are the same age as when they were killed in Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2, respectively. Eddie likes using innuendos to mess with Peter because cheesy porn dialogue is funny to him Peter Parker reasons for being Bi is because of Harry Osborn there's kinda a bit of symbrock in this but the raimiverse version of that warning this fic is kinda cheesy so if you can't handle the cheese then please leave sorry Eddie Brock was a freelance photographer, and former staff photographer of the Daily Bugle. This isn't the first time Stark's tech has been shown to be adaptable and capable of more or less thinking for itself, and clearly, Peter's nanobot-powered suit was designed to change depending on the problems he encounters. Brock was in ruin, and he blamed Spider-man for it. If Marvel wanted Hardy in the next movie, they could have Venom attach himself to the MCUs Eddie Brock variant, but that would be more than a little confusing. Back in July, Zendaya told E! Peter crawled his way out of any legal troubles with ease, but there's always someone who will fall for a conspiracy theory. Perhaps the two are linked. This is a tricky one. I think it shows how distanced Peter is from MJ and Ned because of the spell. Of all the mementos that Peter possibly could have put on his table to remind him of Ned, he chose that? Now that Kingpin has been revealed on "Hawkeye," it feels like we're due to see the two share the screen again. Does the multiverse break in Loki or Spider-Man: No Way Home? First, Spider-Man really is a low-key local neighborhood hero now, and could just swing around New York saving the day. After Ned had that little heart-to-heart with Maguire's Peter and learned that his best friend, Harry, became a villain and died, Ned vowed to never become a supervillain. But eventually the game would have to end. Am I missing something? However, in the film when the news was broadcasted to the citizens of New York, the news reporter called Flint "The Sandman". Remember, this isnt the first time that Venom and symbiotes have been on the big screen. That also means there are potentially two versions of Venom, one played by Tom Hardy in the Sony-verse and another portrayed by someone else in the MCU. Business, Economics, and Finance. A great memorable quote from the Spider-Man 3 movie on - Eddie Brock / Venom: (Whilst praying) I come before you today, humbled and humiliated, to ask you for one thing. Where we see that, how we see that, when we see that, remains to be seen. The actor, best known for playing Dani Rojas in Ted Lasso, is a recognisable face to those who have watched the beloved Apple TV Plus show. We knew this because of the end-credits scene of "Far From Home," but where exactly is he? I'm hoping we get some better closure there. Venom is a villain in Marvel's Spiderman. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider Singh: I had the chance to speak with Bert and Bertie, the directing duo who helmed episodes three through five of "Hawkeye" and despite my best efforts to see if Kingpin/Wilson Fisk purchased the tower (which is a popular fan theory), their lips were completely sealed. There were some major flaws in Mysterio's posthumous plot right from the start. However, as far as we know, Eddie Brock (Tom Hardy) doesn't know anyone named Peter Parker. When he arrives, he's clearly going for mass destruction, and he starts off poised to give the MCU's Spider-Man just as much of a run for his money as he did Raimi's Spider-Man back in 2004. Heres how it works. He managed to find work with Dr. Curt Connors at ESU. However, MJ and Ned forget Parkers existence, and after Parker visits MJ and sees that shes OK, he decides not to reintroduce himself properly. Now, Ben and May have switched roles. While the No Fun Stuff re-release hasn't changed anything in the movie's final act, it does include a new post-credits scene that bounces off the movie's surprise conclusion.
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