Not sure how anyone could be upset about the events here. One time it was my boss and I think she believed she was ,bondiing with me. I am watching again from Philadelphia, its better the second time around. Personally I would find that tedious but its not harassment or abuse and only serves to minimise real cases of abuse. On Dr. Film Victoria, which also poured money into the new telemovie, said it was confident production company December Media was committedto ensuring a safe and supportive working environment. On Craigs official website many of the posts are asking when will the show come back. Craig has given his blessing on this so I will support his decision! It doesnt seem like anything has gone forward for this accusation towards him. Most of it is just a witch hunt. You know safe spaces! In addition, the producers, December Media, through an independent investigation cleared Craig of any misconduct during the filming of The Dr. Blake Mysteries. Evil evil women, No Craig no show Sexist attitudes exist all over the world. They work together, balance each other, play off each others character. It wont last. The Doctor Blake Mysteries was a huge hit in Australia and around the world. I just discovered this series recently and am thoroughly enjoying it. It is abhorrent behavior, whether it is by a predator or a person just jumping on the bandwagon. I wont be watching. Of course, no one should have to deal with harassment or assault of any kind, and believe it or not, that includes men. I HATE that it is no more. The body of a well-dressed man is found dead on a picnic blanket in Ballarat's botanical gardens. But, a mob mentality has taken over, the press is too quick to condemn, and I think some women have jumped on the bandwagon to get attention or to attack someone they have a grudge against. I love Nadines Mrs Beasley and am glad shes trying to hold the show together. The Show Is Lacking The Style And Genius That Was Craig McLachlan. Its getting to be like it is with our US media. CRAIG made the Series worth watching it WAS Fabulous to watch. Craigs character is the foundation of the program. How vital was securing HBO content for Foxtels streaming future? The new one does not have same feel and excitement with out Dr Blake. Nadine Garner has been instrumental in getting The Blake Mysteries back on-air this year. Give me a break. (McLachlan denies the allegations and has taken defamation action against Fairfax Media, publishers of this article). Its hard to believe some of these women. Seven special was emotionally-charged, and sometimes surreal, as Craig McLachlan details how his life was destroyed by allegations. His character is the cornerstone of the show. pentecostal assemblies of the world ordination; If the media had done a careful investigation and printed only verified facts, the pain everyone is going through would not have happened. Yet another victim of the despicable #MeToo movement. There are only a few good shows on TV. Beyond all of this Craig is a great actor in this role and is central to its continuation, in my opinion. McLachlan's co-star Nadine Garnerdefended the show's "lewd" on-set behaviour. What will they call it? We hope that Craig is fully cleared and rejoins the show. I agree its sad that Craig wont be in but please dont stop watching else those women have won! When it is not convenient for us then it must not be true?? Nadine is a wonderful actress but Im not sure if she can carry the show. Jeans character is strong and the nurse is delightful. The comeupence of the new commander was a way to let us watchers down a bit gently I guess. How can this series possibly work now the main character the series is actually named after, succeed? I loved the show and McLachlan in that role of the doctor, he was made for that role. I love the show and have watched all the episodes and the movie many times. (LogOut/ Egos be damned. I will miss this ongoing saga. Its a shame we live in a time with a witch hunt mentality. We, the public, have been become unwilling participants in this tragedy. Showrunners felt the longer format better suited the award-winning drama. McLachlan consistently denied such behaviour,calling the allegations baseless and all made up, suggesting the women could be motivated by money. This is a good show. Gotta hand it to Craig and hope the network stands up for their man and brings him back. We have swung too far in the opposite direction when believe the woman without proof is the new standard. There are many stories of Katie Couric dictatorial and demeaning manner but for some reason she is never hoisted. 9/24/17. America will miss you. It will be a very, very wrong move indeed to drop Craig McLachian, since Craig himself is the REAL reason for what his part as Doctor Blake is all about, and other than creating what will effectively be an off-shoot TV programme of The Doctor Blake TV Series it will however lose many International viewers like myself from either wanting to watch Series 6, or even again thereafter wanting to buy any Season 6 Boxset of any replacement TV Shows without the main Star of the Show being there, and fully aboard. I guess thats the way the world is now youre guilty even when youre not. "She's courageous, but she's damaged," says Garner. Its bulldust!? I have just finished watching season 1 4 and I noticed that too and wondered, but i do love the show and believe Nadine and the rest of the cast will continue to make it worth watching. But, says Wright, "It feels like a totally new show" as it takes up the story late in 1963, three years after the ABC telemovie, in the dawning era of television and after the assassination of the American president. Sorry to hear of this change. Dedicated to Craig McLachlan, the Award Winning, Talented Australian Actor, Musician, Composer & Singer. When they say no one wanted to listen, well the NEWS MEDIA LISTENS NOW, THEY WOULD HAVE LISTENED THEN. 40 years ago, Clement and Franklin poisoned Blakes mother with a solution from Clements aid. I totally agree! My wife and I will not watch Dr. Blake Mysteries until Craig M. is reinstated into the series. Ms Wouters played the role of Janet in the 2014 production of The Rocky Horror Show. Are we that shallow. Too bad they will vanish. Ditto that Brenda Hale. Lol! Its a shame that people are having their lives ruined by females [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy] . Especially when no proof has been offered on any of the allegations. This show without Dr. Blake is dragging on. McLachlan: Did you see my nipples getting hard? Who would want to watch that? It seems that a course in media ethics would be appropriate for the news outlets. Credit: Supplied. No sense watching without him. Its systems are clogged with dust, so the human crew kept frozen in cryogenic storage have never woken up. I will also miss actor Craig McLachlan in prime role. The USA is not unique in this attitude. Who do we need to communicate with to get Craig M. back on Dr. We have become far too oversensitive on this issue. He was the entire reason I watched the program. I hope this can all be resolved soon and Dr Blake will return to the show. Looks like the case against McLachlan from Rocky Horror is also falling apart. Youve got to be kidding. I wonder what is the real story. Its shocking! Well said Kate. If we dont watch the telemovie the show WILL be cancelled due to low ratings! The Brits and the few Aussie offerings I have seen, over the years, were like American stuff, but a different tack. Agreed! 2/21/14. This has been done to both men and women so I dont think it is a jester that is intended to be sexual but more towards compassion. I am really sorry you cannot come to some sort of truce..there are worse places to work and worse sets to work onso suck it up and get back to the creative writing and great story lines and plots. Please bring DR. Blake back! Im sure it is being investigated. The Doctor Blake Mysteries: Craig McLachlan as Doctor Lucien Blake Photo courtesy of Ovation TV. But I will not be watching it until Craig M is reinstated. He puts his hands on the men to. I wont be watching if Craig McLachlan isnt in the show. Nadine Garner, is at the centre of the action in The Blake Mysteries.Greg Noakes. If such an episode was written and rated well, that would bring Craigs career back on track and send a big f#%k you to the Me Tooers., Ditto. If Mc Lachlin was found innocent, why remove him from HIS show. This action was taken because of allegations vehemently refuted by Craig. The Blake Mysteries season 5 premiered in Australia on ABC TV on September 17, 2017. And can Garner's Jean carry the show? He is also alleged to have twice groped Ms Norfolk's buttocks while backstage. Stand together, refuse to do the new episodes without Craig and give the viewers want they want. By accusing the President of rape with no foundation or proof I believe you are joining the throngs you condemn. Are you crazy? Craig makes the show and I wont be watching the next series without him. He Had An Uncanny Way Of Setting The TRAP. If Craig McLaughlin was Cleared of all charges California, USA. Thats where this series ends for me. Actor Craig McLachlan has reportedly been dropped from his starring role in The Doctor Blake Mysteries, with reports that a new TV movie is about to go into production . New On BritBox February 2023. She's previously written and edited in the UK for Jungle Creations and Trinity Mirror. If he was cleared of charges this doesnt seem fair. He is best known for appearing in the soap operas Neighbours and Home and Away and the BBC One spy drama Bugs.He has portrayed the title character in The Doctor Blake Mysteries, for which he was . What is up with women these days. I for one wont be tuning in until they come to their senses and bring him back. hope it utterly fails and every woman [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy]. The discussion is important. No show without him. A lot of careers are sadly destroyed; too much power has been and still is in the hands of specific males. Dr Blake Mysteries without Dr Blake! It is so sad we will not see Craig McLauglin. His life will never be the same. Wow.. Dr Blake Mystery without Dr. Blake? Tom Wren joins the cast as Martin Carver, Emma Annand as Amy Parks and Joshua Orpin as Constable Peter Crowe. There must be over 50M guys out there shaking in their boots, thinking that women will put them in to the police etc. . ", The document also alleges that Mr McLachlan returned to the stage to perform the song Wild and Untamed Thing: "During that song, Mr McLachlan stood in the middle of the stage where two rows of the cast were attempting to cross each other in a choreographed move as if to obstruct their movement. Ridiculous that Craig was let go, after such baseless accusation. Wont be the same? Deebee. Why is it that TV station always jump to conclusions and fire their actors or stop production before anything is proven Most of the time it is not true as is here. While shooting the telemovie in a lightning-fast 13 days mid-year, the producers put a positive spin on a problematic situation. Shame on you ABC in Australia (Seven Network) and PBS here in the US (PBS should support Mr.McLachlans return); you both dont have the courage to do the right thing and bring back Mr. Shame on you for accusing innocent people I possibly will no longer be watching the Doctor Blake Mysteries as Lucien was the main character and this program will NOT be the same without him and I wish Craig all the very best in the months to come. BRING BACK CRAIG AS BLAKE !!!! If the same accusations were made from the Dr Blake set, then it could come closer to an open-and-shut case. So what will Craig be doing instead? 75. More to explore : The Doctor Blake Mysteries DVDs, Mystery DVD, Ghosts DVDs, Thriller & Mystery Mystery DVDs . Has he personally harmed or hurt anyone? So, if he was not being inappropriate on the set why drop him from the show? Its only fair. Death in Paradise is a British-French crime drama television series created by Robert Thorogood. The Doctor Blake Mysteries is set to return without lead star Craig McLachlan. He is portrayed by Australian actor Craig Mclachlan and has appeared in every episode. He takes up the responsibility of running his deceased fathers general medical practice and resumes his role as a police surgeon. . I honestly dont believe any of it. Who is Craig McLachlan in Doctor Blake Mysteries? He goes.the show goes. If the Accused can be named then so should the Accuser be named, it would put an end to all the sham accusers. Please look into this matter more closely-he should not be fired-. We need a show like this since it represents what TV should be. 13/02/2015. Since Craig Mclachlan was found innocent of the charges against him he should not have been fired from the Dr. Blake Mystery Series. Not many would have done that. Many elements of the production remain unchanged. Its hard to find good tv anymore that does not include gore, bad language, strong sexual scenes and all the things that people who value plot & content over immorality look for. Now that Craig McLachlan has been cleared, I hope he returns to the tv show. I was so sad when I finished the last. Iam not watching anymore, to accuse someone with no proof and let them go thanks but no thanks. The Blake Mysteries show does not shy away from McLachlans absence, instead addressing it in the script. Oh well.. Ill find something else to watch. Craig M was found innocent and should not have been removed. Makes them afraid to come forward and makes it more difficult to get jobs. SHD S 090506 SPECIAL 000,, Follow Craig McLachlan Fan Site on, Craigs Moving Guitar Tribute to TheQueen. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. I will certainly not watch Dr. Blake without the Dr. Blake. The Doctor Blake Mysteries. My impression is McLachlan countercharged them with a defamation suit. Product Information. Without Craig there is no Blake Mysteries. If Craig Mclachlan was found guilty then he should pay the price. Please bring him back . Pic by James Brickwood. And given the police couldnt put a case together, there clearly wasnt a case to answer. Jean is good but cant take the place of Craig!! When Mr Mclachlan leaves the show for good then so will I. Among the allegations, McLachlan was described as calculated and manipulative with sinister, predatory behaviour. We can want it to come back, but all involved have moved on. The Blake Mysteries: Ghost Stories Jean Blake is still adjusting to life after her husband Lucien's disappearance eight months earlier when she's unexpectedly drawn into an investigation of a pair of bizarre murders whose only connection seems to be a series of newspaper articles. I like Dr. BLake, I watch on pbs in NY. Will not be watching without Craig. While i agree that things have to change I will not be watching without Dr Blake. Crossover. Bring him BACK! Without Craig, theres no point to continuing this fantastic series! None of them have the balls to face these accusers and call an ace an ace. No proof but penalised. He has suffered trial by media. 9/24/17. ", "McLachlan's conduct in kissing Wouters down the stomach once out of sight of the audience was unnecessary for the performance of the Janet Bed Scene, was not scripted or directed.". Shes like a different person. The new, 90-minute telemovie will be set three years after the events of season five. Motivations for such allegations are ambiguous. My husband and I are huge fans of this show. I am also sick of women [Edited under Mumbrellas comment moderation policy]. These issues are not for the damned court of public opinion. I agree that the show wont be the same without Craig. A doctor who solves murder mysteries. Absolutely ridiculous. THAT is what they do in the whole show. Its ruined now. It wont work. While I have no doubt that there are a great many men who are guilty, and have been found out by the #metoo movement, the fact that anyone who is accused nowadays seems to be automatically guilty is shameful. The adoptive father of Gillian Grayson, a Cerberus operative with red sand addiction, and the father of Jacob Blake Jr., a young boy paralyzed by a Curry shot in the back, Paul Grayson is a red sand addict who is also an adoptive father of Jacob Blake Owen Hunt is the Medical Director of Grey Sloan Memorial Hospitals Trauma Center and the former Chief of Surgery.
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