image5on.src = ""; This coverage is a key plot element of Tom McCarthy's film Spotlight (2015). There too, according to depositions, the priest became a regular visitor, a spiritual counselor to Mueller and a helpmate to her boys, who were between 5 and 12. It embarrasses me that the church is so negligent, Gallant wrote. Even so, the archdiocese returned him to St. Julias, where Geoghan continued to abuse children for another three years. In February 1981, he was sent to his fifth parish, St. Brendans. In news reports after accusations against Geoghan surfaced publicly, Benzevich was also quoted as saying church officials threatened to reassign him as a missionary in South America for telling them about Geoghan. } Horrified, Dussourd complained to the Rev. Never before have so many bishops had to defend their roles in a case involving sexual molestation charges against a single priest. That year, in the Fall River Diocese, more than 100 of former priest James Porter's victims surfaced publicly with evidence that Porter's superiors - including, in the 1960s, then Monsignor Medeiros - shifted him from one parish to another as parents learned of his compulsive abuse. // --> MacLeish declined to provide any information about the family, and said a legal claim has yet to be filed over the son's treatment by Geoghan.