Please note; when completing the application form, you are advised to validate your application as you go. of the headings (in the order presented) and guidance below, please use this section to clearly explain your proposed research. For clinical academic applicants: completion of relevant pre-registration training. Please provide details of any awards or distinctions that would be relevant to your application including details of what the award was for. Inclusion and exclusion criteria to help ensure that certain groups were not being excluded without justification. The Advanced Fellowship will include the option for clinical/practice applicants to include between up to 40% clinical/practice time that will be covered by the Fellowship. Yes. and find out about help with planning your fellowship pathway and interview preparation. The DHSC is the Data Controller and LTHT is the Data Processor under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) EC 2016/679. . Whilst we anticipate and expect that applicants will get help and advice from various sources when putting together an application, including on occasion input from those previously awarded funding, care must be taken to ensure this does not lead to plagiarism of either published work or other previous applications. The level of support and input from the CTU will likely vary depending on the level of fellowship and experience of the applicant. Applicants will be able to state the WTE they would like to undertake the award at provided it is no less than 50% WTE. Please note some of the responses to these questions are automatically pulled through from information you have entered in the Manage My Details or Research Outputs page. Potential applicants must also inform their Research and Development (R&D) office of their intention and seek their advice prior to completing an application for this programme. The NIHR Academy also provide a range of leadership and mentoring programmes, regular networking opportunities, bespoke workshops and events and personal advice and guidance on funding opportunities. Normally after a period of 3 years has passed you will be able to apply again for the same Fellowship, if you have previously had 2 unsuccessful applications. Research you have led or made a significant contribution to (making clear what your role was), the research methods you have experience of, and the impact and outputs of the research you have been involved in (linking to details given in your CV). This must include any previous submissions for an NIHR research training award, even if the proposed research has changed., Knowledge from research that NIHR funds is not always taken up where it is most needed, which limits the realisation of its potential value. See here for details. A physical non-communicable disease of long duration, such as a cardiovascular disease or cancer. Suitability and standard of methodology and research design to answer research question being proposed. For non-clinical applicants the Fellowship does not include or pay for any activities other than the research and research-related training proposed in a successful application. Outputs from previous research experience and training relative to career stage and background. Costs associated with inclusivity, which may include, but are not limited to justifiedtranslationof research participant materialinto other relevant languages, would be expected and where appropriate should be included in the detailed budget section under Other Direct Costs. Each programme includes support for: a salary in line with the most appropriate clinical salary scale in the UK, as determined by the host . The SoECAT must be signed off by an AcoRD Specialist even where there are no excess treatment costs. The purpose of the NIHR Academy is to develop a highly-skilled academic research workforce capable of advancing the best research which improves health, and benefits society and the economy. The justification section should split out the overheads from the salary costs and overheads shouldnt exceed 40% of the total CTU staff cost. Use current rates of pay (basic salary, geographical allowance and on-costs; any additional allowances being received for other activities within your current pay are ineligible) and build in any known annual increments (again at current rates). Where applicable, you will need to include the travel and subsistence costs relating to meetings with individuals providing research support. The NIHR Applied Research Collaborations may be able to provide support for developing such links (, The finance section includes a section that asks researchers to provide an estimate of the patient care costs associated with the research (if applicable). You will be expected to submit a report at the end of the funding period. The NIHR has partnered with a number of charitable organisations to offer jointly funded NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowships and with Pfizer to offer an NIHR Industry Partnership Fellowship. I set myself up in that room 90 minutes . The selection committee will take NHS Support and Treatment Costs into account when considering the value for money of the research. You are required to supply the name and email address (if not already registered on the ARAMIS application system) of the individual who will be signing off your application. The Publication Record section of the form is automatically populated from publications added into the My Research Outputs page of your ARAMIS account. The totals for excess treatment costs and NHS support costs calculated by using the SoECAT can be entered directly into the application form. The NIHR SPHR pre-doctoral fellowships in Public Health Research are open to individuals with a Master's degree, for up to 24 months, offering those appointed the opportunity to consolidate and build their CV and prepare an application to undertake a PhD in public health. Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) should determine the Full Economic Cost (FEC) of their research using the Transparent Approach to Costing (TRAC) methodology. They will also need to demonstrate substantive links with relevant research expertise in their partner HEI, expertise that will underpin the research component of these awards. Commercial/Other Partner Organisations should calculate them, using their own cost rates. Applications to the NIHR Advanced Fellowships must be based in the UK at their Host Organisation for the duration of the fellowship, except for travel for research, training or development activities as outlined within the proposal. Details of, Selection committees will make recommendations for funding that will be considered by the Chief Scientific Adviser and the Director for the Department of Health and Social Care (DHCS) Science, Research and Evidence (SRE) Directorate. Applicants should no longer include open access costs as part of their application. If voluntary, charity, or community groups are supporting the research via activities such as facilitating contact with potential participants, hosting research activities, or providing advice, an adequate budget must be included to compensate for their time and resources. Where applicable, you will need to include the travel and subsistence costs of your Project Advisory Group, Steering Committee and/or Data Monitoring & Ethics Committee. This means that in the situation where there are more fundable applications to a NIHRCharity Partnership Fellowship than there are fellowships available, the remainingfundable applications will be considered as standard NIHR Fellowships. Linking to and using the response to the, section you should highlight the impact of outputs listed under. Potential applicants from Wales or Northern Ireland must consult with their national Research and Development (R&D) office before applying (further information is available in the eligibility section of these notes). In June 2015 I remember sitting in a waiting room, in a large hotel in Leeds, with four men all dressed in suits, feeling like an imposter. be proposing to develop a career as a methodologist in one of the areas listed above. Candidates should be maximum PhD+ 5 years with proven scientific excellence and high potential for innovation, transformation and . Suitability and commitment of the applicant to a career as a researcher in applied health or social care research. Fundableapplications which include industry co-funding between 25% and 50% of the total will receiveprioritisationin the scenario where the number offundableapplications is more than the budget allows to be funded (like with applications in strategic theme areas). If you would like to discuss this further in relation to your personal circumstances please get in touch with theNIHRusing the details provided above. Views From an ICA Doctoral Fellowship Panel Member - Professor Jackie Cassell, Brighton and Sussex Medical School. A mental health condition of long duration, such as a mood disorder or dementia. This fellowship may also be taken up on a part-time basis of between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). The NIHR will consider overseas research visits on an individual basis and reserves the right to limit expenditure. By answering theseEquality and Diversity Monitoring Information questions, you will help us to better understand the different groups of people that we fund and their experiences of being funded particularly the groups protected by UK equality legislation. Please note some of the responses to these questions are automatically pulled through from information you have entered in the , Please also include in the Role in Research Grant box for each entry: registration number and name of registry and the DOI of the main related publication. Yes. This type of activity can also be referred to as implementation and implementation research. For Advanced Fellowships over 3 years in duration there is an expectation of significant additional host organisation support, for example, this could be providing additional research assistant(s) / PhD student(s) to the Fellow if successful. The health of members of this large cohort will be followed over the coming years and the participants have consented to be approached about health research. Please note that for organisations claiming indirect/overhead costs, costs such as recruitment of staff, and general training (e.g., in common IT packages) are costs that should be covered by the indirect costs element of the award being sought and should not appear in this section. 20%) may be allocated to clinical/practice time for service and/or training. It will normally only be possible to apply to the same Fellowship a maximum of two times. the Fellowship does not include or pay for any activities other than the research and research-related training proposed in a successful application. A. Fellowship time may also be used to conduct pilot research which will contribute to the proposal. Internet Explorer is no longer supported by Microsoft. This tool is designed to capture the different costs associated with clinical research and attribute them accordingly. NIHR Doctoral and Advanced Fellowships Round 8 . This includes guidance on how to go about approaching a suitableCTUto support your application. Applicants undertaking systematic reviews should note the commitment ofNIHRto publication in the database. Applicants should contact their local NHS R&D Department initially and, if they are unable to help directly or if there is no local NHS R&D Department, contact their Local Clinical Research Network (LCRN) for advice on NHS Support Costs. Diabetes UK is interested in funding research into all forms of diabetes and its complications. Details of the individual who will be required to approve your application after submission (the signatory) should be entered in the Participants & Signatory' section. Likely impact of the research to patients/service users, carers, the public and health and/or care services. NIHR is committed to a supportive, inclusive, caring, and positive community. We therefore fund research using a wide range of study designs including observational and applied epidemiological methods. Each round, the Doctoral Fellowship scheme also offers partnership awards with charities and highlights strategic themes and themed calls. Please note it is often the case that one of the participants named in this section is also named in the Participants and Signatory section of the form. Please note that your research grant record must be completed within the application form and not via the CV section on ARAMIS. Further information can be found detailed on theExcess Treatment Costs webpage. It should be noted that being a signatory to Concordats or holding bronze/silver status from the Equality Charters isnt a requirement of funding and evidence can be provided through other means. As part of their funding applications, researchers are required to complete this tool, known as a Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool (SoECAT) for clinical research. A PhD undertaken as part of one of our programmes is for three years. These costs should be determined in conjunction with your NHS body or provider of NHS services and their commissioners. Name:KaminiShahRole:Head of Research 424 1893Diabetes website. 11 FIRST STEPS IN RESEARCH-PRE DOCTORAL NIHR FELLOWSHIPS AT GOSH 1Polly Livermore, 1Paula Kelly, 2Laura Turner. You are required to supply the names and email addresses (if not already registered on the ARAMIS application system) of the individuals who will be undertaking participant roles as part of your application. Should you require assistance in completing the online form, please contact the NIHR at 0113 532 8410 or by emailing Although it is mandatory to answer these questions, it is possible to select prefer not to say as a response. . It is also possible to undertake a Fellowship less than full time to allow for clinical/practice service/training to take place outside of the Fellowship. If a cost relates to travel, subsistence or fees for a conference please select conference. You wont be able to apply to theOctober 2022 round. Its vision is that womens lives are not limited by their gynaecological and reproductive health. A completed Schedule of Events Cost Attribution Tool (SoECAT) is now required to be uploaded and submitted as part of the application submission for all applications. To update, please save and close your application, return to the home screen and select Research Outputs from the left-hand menu. Research support is referred to in the literature as mentorship and there are numerous models to be found that could be employed. All applicants will be contacted shortly after the closure date byNIHR Equality Monitoring. Please use this question to describe your research experience and career to date and how this makes you suitable for this award, and to undertake the research being proposed. The RDS has regional offices and links with local networks. The Advanced Fellowship is for those at a post-doctoral level and can be utilised at several specific points of a researcher's career development. A. The NIHR Academy Executive is part of the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC), National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR). To ensure publications display correctly, with all of the required information, applicants are strongly advised to use the import function and import their publications from Europe PMC. These are costs, not identified elsewhere, that are specifically attributed to the research. Should you wish to apply for this visa, you should select the Fast Track consideration option on the Home Office endorsement application form and use your award letter as evidence of your Advanced Fellowship. There are some exceptions to this which are explained in the FAQ document in Annex B. Name:DrVineethRajkumarRole: Head of 0208 951 2588Rosetrees Trust website. NOTE:NIHRis interested in taking advantage of the growing utility of routine data (such as HES, GP records etc. This is in line with the NIHR policy on clinical trial registration and disclosure of results. Appropriate sub-contracts must be put in place for any element of the research which is to be paid to another organisation. It will be for researchers to decide the appropriate elements to be included in the scientific abstract and could include elements outside this list. NIHR Pre-Doctoral Fellowships are designed to support people who are looking to start or advance a career in health and social care research methodology, specifically in one of the following areas: Applicants without a Masters degree should use the Fellowship to undertake a Masters degree in one of the areas listed. The submission procedure and deadline for applying for jointly funded NIHR Charity Partnership Fellowships is the same as the standard NIHR Fellowship application. Yes. For Advanced Fellowships, which are between 2 and 5 years WTE, you will need to select the number of WTE years and % WTE requested and the total duration of the award will be automatically calculated in months (Annex D). Your patient/service user, carer and public involvement plans will be assessed by the funding committee including patients/service users, carers and public members. Travel by the most economic means possible is encouraged. These Advanced Fellowships in Knowledge Mobilisation will be available for a maximum of 24 months full time (part time options between 50% and 100% available). The fellowship is between 2 and 5 years and can be completed on a full-time or part-time basis - between 50% and 100% whole time equivalent (WTE). However there will be the following exceptions: NB: This does not include applications to predecessors of the current programme (e.g., Doctoral Research Fellowships (DRFs), Post-Doctoral Fellowships (PDFs), Transitional Research Fellowships (TRFs), Career Development Fellowships (CDFs), Senior Research Fellowships (SRFs) or Clinician Scientist). NIHR will make a maximum contribution of 3,000 (including any identified travel and subsistence) towards training and develop costs for the support post. Please see the 'Application Submission Process Flow Diagram (Annex C) for further information. If you dont fit with one of these areas, please contact the NIHR who will be happy to discuss your proposed application with you. NIHRdefinitions of these terms can be found on theNIHRGlossary. Please note that all of the steps described here need to take place before the deadline of 1:00 pm on 12 January 2023 (Advanced Fellowship) or 2 February 2023 (Doctoral Fellowship). Attributing the costs of health and social care research and development (AcoRD). If you have indicated that your research degree has not yet been awarded in the research degree section, then it is mandatory to include your primary supervisor in the application. The aim of these fellowships is for the fellow to follow an independent research project, publish their research . NHS Treatment Costs, including any Excess Treatment Costs/Savings, will be met by the NHS through normal patient care commissioning arrangements. It is recommended that you arrange your visa in plenty of time before the start date of your award. Plus we've got some amazing social workers through our aprentiship scheme - Scotland is not participating in this round of the programme. You should describe who has been involved and why this is appropriate, what role(s) they have they played and what influence or change has happened as result of their involvement. The NIHR reserves the right to question any costs deemed excessive, and, Contributions for individuals providing research support (previously referred to as mentors), supervisors and/or other collaborators involved in the research, Whole or significant percentages of support posts over and above those permitted by the scheme, Technical or research support staff whose costs are funded through institutional indirect costs (HEIs only), This section includes journey costs, subsistence and dissemination costs, including conference fees. 1. All Fellowship applications must be completed and submitted via the. Therefore as part of this round we are encouraging applicants to think about how they can involve an industry partner in their application where relevant. The NIHR Doctoral Fellowship funds individuals from a range of health and social care professions to undertake a PhD in an area of NIHR research. For example, if your research is expected to start on 1 October 2023 then its second year starts 1 October 2024. Suitability and experience of research support and mentoring team. Please itemise and describe the requirements fully (e.g., postage, stationery, photocopying). Applicants should take note of the specific eligibility criteria for the relevant charity; as well as the NIHR Fellowship eligibility requirements. When expanded it provides a list of search options that will switch the search inputs to match the current selection. Support includes; help with calculating appropriate costs for involving patients and the public, help with developing potential strategies for involvement, case studies of involvement activities including the impact they have had, and help with writing plain English summaries. There is also an expectation that the Host Organisation will match any requests for support staff over and above the usual limit. (you must have been awarded a PhD or MD by the time you attend the interview) Not . No later than 1st July 2022 Interview outcome 1st September 2022 Pre-doctoral Fellowship start date Application Process All applications must be submitted to before 5 pm on 23rd May 2022. These are as follows: Advanced: up to 2,000 per year of funding. Where applicable, you will need to include the travel and subsistence costs relating to meetings with individuals providing research support. I also planned which room I'd have the interview in. As such, the Head of Department will be required to complete questions in the Training & Development and Research Support section of the application. To underpin the new arrangements, a cost attribution tool has been created by the Health Research Authority (HRA) in partnership with charity funders and research sponsors. AnNIHRFellowship award requires that the award holder has a contract of employment with the host organisation for the duration of the Fellowship. A. The remaining time must only be allocated to the research or research-related training proposed in the application. Other skills and experience which highlights your suitability for the fellowship you are applying for, and which demonstrates your potential as a future health or social care research leader. There is no registration fee forNIHRfunded trials. Dr Hatch reported receiving grants from NIHR Doctoral Research Fellowship during the conduct of the study. You should now allocate the individual staff member costs to each year of the research, allowing for increments. patient/service user, carer and public involvement. However, if you are unsure whether your research requires ethical approval please contact the HRA directly and they will be able to advise. This could include proof of concept studies in humans and Phase 1 clinical trials. PhD Student Fellowships The African Institute of Financial Markets and Risk Management (AIFMRM) in the Faculty of Commerce at the University of Cape Town is a postgraduate institute committed to increasing the extent and depth of expertise in the African financial service industry. Wellbeing of Women is the womens health charity saving and changing the lives of women, girls and babies. Potential applicants from Wales or Northern Ireland must contact their respective Government office to discuss their intentions before completing the application form. In addition, with the move to 2 rounds per year, it wont be permissible to apply to the same scheme within 12 months of making an initial application. For Doctoral applicants this is an interview by the review selection committee. NIHR see the responsibility for training the next generation of research leaders as a joint enterprise with host organisations. UK Biobank recruited 500,000 people aged between 40-69 years in 2006-2010 from across the country to take part in this project. Details of the required individuals are provided on the online application form along with details of how they should added. Relevant previous research experience and/or training suitable for undertaking a PhD in applied health or social care research. These proposals will include plans for undertaking innovative knowledge mobilisation (that is, to support the more effective use of research knowledge) whilst simultaneously researching implementation processes and impacts. Please note that if your study is led from England and involves the NHS in England you should apply forHRAapproval. An applied epidemiological component can also be considered as part of a larger project or programme of work. Have a proposed host who is an HEI, NHS body, or other provider of health and/or care services. Please outline the processes that will be put in place to ensure the research described will be well managed. Wellbeing of Women is interested in funding research applications across all areas of womens reproductive and gynaecological health through the life course, addressing issues related to menstruation, sexual health, fertility, pregnancy, pelvic pain, menopause and the prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of gynaecological cancers. Methods for sharing study progress and findings with study participants. Without it, your application will not be validated and you will not be able to submit. We are also partnering with a number of charitable organisations to offer jointly-funded Partnership Fellowships at both Doctoral and Advanced levels. This will determine the options that appear below for your professional background. This is an exciting opportunity to work on an National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) funded programme of work focussed supporting an Advanced Fellowship on evaluating the safety of medications and personalised risk prediction . NIHR will make an estimated maximum contribution of 4,596 per year, based on UK Research & Innovation 2022/23 published PhD fees. If an applicants PhD costs exceed 4,596 (per annum on a full time basis), it is expected that the applicants host institution will cover any excess costs associated with the PhD fees. The National Institute for Health Research (NIHR) offers a range of fellowships to support individuals at various points of their development in becoming leading researchers, from initial pre-doctoral training to senior post-doctoral research. NIHR Fellowships, to quote Dawn Biram from the Trainees Coordinating Centre (TCC) who spoke, fund research and training to develop the research leaders of the future. Doctoral Fellowship applicants can request up to 20% be allocated and Advanced Fellowship applicants can request up to 40% be allocated. Please also use this section to indicate any specific impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on your application. If travel is by car, apply your institutions mileage rates (however this should not exceedHMRCapproved mileage allowance payments, which is 45p per mile for the first 10,000 miles and 25p thereafter). Bearing in mind you are able to apply for a 2nd Advanced Fellowship after being successful with the first, the clock will be reset after you are successful. the application for final sign off by the signatory. For individuals who have recently completed or soon to be awarded a PhD but havent yet established themselves as an independent researcher. . A good quality plain English summary providing an easy to read overview of your whole study will help; If it is felt that your plain English summary is not clear and of a good quality, then you may be required to amend it prior to final funding approval. In addition, the statement should evidence of the host organisation(s) commitment to creating and maintaining an inclusive and supportive research culture, including evidence of commitment to the principles of equality, diversity and inclusion and research integrity. 4. More details can be found in theNIHR Fellowships Summary and NIHR Fellowships FAQs. On behalf of the Department of Research and Innovation at University Hospitals Sussex NHS Foundation Trust I am pleased to announce the launch of the 2023 round of Medical Doctoral Fellowships. If the name of your Host Organisation does not appear in the pre-populated list, please email. Applicants are strongly encouraged to read the additional guidance for applicants looking to include research and/or research training relevant to clinical trials in their fellowship application, particularly the key skills for competent clinical trialists.