Letters: 250 words or less. We do this wherever, whenever and however our customers need it. Letter must include your address and a daytime number. Letters: Timely, original, and short. The essay should be persuasive, not promotional. Submissions must be exclusive. You can send letters to letters@tennessean.com or go to this link to fill out the letters form. Email: letters@pioneerpress.com. The first session of the 14th National Committee of the CPPCC is scheduled to conclude on March 11, Guo Include text of submission in body of email, or in attached Word Doc. Reach statewide contact Dan Hawkins, opinion curator, at dhawkins@mlive.com. That is a daunting prospect. And that was two years ago. WebWRITE FOR THE MAGAZINE POLITICO Magazine is always looking to work with new writers from around the country and the world. All letters must include the writer's name, full home address and daytime and evening phone numbers for verification. There should be a well-reasoned expert analysis. Letters: All material must be exclusive. Include name of author followed by the topic in the subject line, and paste the text of the article into the body of the message. Only previously unpublished pieces. Email: letters@oregonian.com. Travel & Experiences. Op-eds: Email as preferred method of submission. Child care can be a problem for many people in the workforce and an obstacle for others who might otherwise want to work. Must include hometown. WebClive Crook is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and member of the editorial board covering economics, finance and politics. The leadership team will be composed of seven editors, all reporting to Anderlini. Outlook. Letters: Click here to reach the online forum where you can submit your letter, which should be 200 words or fewer. Op-eds: 500 words. Op-eds: Columns typically run 550 to 750 words. Commentaries should not exceed 800 words. Do not send letter as an attachment. Op-eds: Op-eds are views of an expert in a particular field. Submit to info@lareviewofbooks.org, with piece attached as a word document, or a pitch in the Addresses and phone numbers are not published. National or international news that impact Atlanta readers welcome as well. Musk Made a Mess at Twitter. Op-eds: Submit through their online form here. Under the new rules, corporations that apply for $150 million or more in subsidies will be forced to ensure affordable child care for workers who build or operate a plant. Latest news, analysis and comment on French politics and beyond. For teachers: submissions should describe a personal moving and meaningful experience. Email: letters@news-jrnl.com. Email: opinion@nytimes.com. Each week, editors select 1-2 opinion pieces for the print issue based largely on relevance (e.g. In the current developing field, hes obviously the only former president and the only one with a track record of winning (and losing) at the national level. Hes the dominant force the one whose standing in the race affects everything, and, importantly, the one everyone fears. Personal Essays: Send a personal essay with a narrative arc of 1200-1700 words to jhaward@newsweek.com. Letters should be 200 words or less. Op-eds: Emailed submissions preferred. The National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), the country's top political advisory body, will start its annual session on Saturday in Beijing, a spokesperson said Friday. But there should be no mistake regarding Trumps leadership of the party, he can set up like the Texans defending their canon at the Battle of Gonzales and defy his adversaries to come and take it.. Include full name, address, and telephone number. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. Include background and where you live, plus your telephone number. Letters: 200-250 words. Op-eds: Must be exclusive. Op-eds: No longer than 650 words. If the current situation holds, theres no way around Trump only through and that will require making a case against him. All letters must contain writers name, address, and telephone number. Letters: Email: letters@telegram.com. Letters: Submit through their online form. Op-eds: While The Chronicle of Higher Education covers the academy, they are not a scholarly journal. Previously unpublished pieces preferred. Shorter essays welcome. Your own commentary should be 600-650 words. Letters: See instructions for submitting op-eds. Kim Reynolds. POLITICO Europe, its seven-year-old European edition has grown to nearly 200 employees. Outside writers on national or international topics are okay. Op-eds: The NYT accepts opinion pieces on any topic. Our culture is defined by relentless grit, total integrity and a prioritization of innovation. Submit on this online form. Must be exclusive to the News Journal. If considering letter for publication, will call to verify authorship. The Washington Post provides award-winning news and understanding about the politics, policies, personalities, and institutions that make Washington, D.C. the worlds seat of power, and is a critical tool and information source for those who call Washington, D.C. home. Letters: To submit a letter to the editor, fill out this form. Email: letters@providencejournal.com. Also include day and evening numbers, and a short bio of the writer. All submissions must contain a one-sentence bio of the writer and relevant background, daytime phone number and email address. One proposal would require schools to have a library program with "age-appropriate" material, while another would require parents' permission , The Bettendorf School board is advancing a funding request to the voters that will raise property taxes by hundreds of dollars for each homeow. Op-eds: Publishes opinion pieces on pre-K through 12th grade education in their Commentary section. Latest news, analysis and comment on elections in Europe and beyond. Op-eds: 500-600 words for guest columns. No. Op-eds: To submit an op-ed, email voices@Arkansasonline.com. Form here. Deal with a single subject. Email: theforum@usatoday.com. Letters: The Commercial Appeal welcomes letters from our readers. 250 words max. A former chief Washington commentator for the Financial Times, he has been an editor for the Economist and the Atlantic. Discuss issues of teaching and education policy, or reflect on teaching methods or other pedagogic issues. WebRead the well-informed political editorials at the Washington Times and stay engaged in what promises to be an interesting year. Include name, address, day and evening phone numbers. Op-eds: Email: letters@ibdeditorials.com. The Boston Globe is the leading newspaper in New England, with news, sports, lifestyle features, and arts and entertainment news. Max of 700 words, plus a head and shoulders picture, and a short bio. Donald Trump has had a terrible couple of months and still leads national polls for the Republican nomination handily. Provide source material for fact checking. Op-eds longer/shorter than that will not be considered. At Politico, Schaffer will rejoin Editor-in-Chief Matthew Kaminski. Op-eds: Email: letters@express-news.net for consideration. Letters become the property of The Times and may be edited for publication. Op-eds: Send op-ed the same way as letters to the editors. Letters: Email: letters@tribune.com. Begoa Surez, enfermera andaluza de 25 600-800 words. , Post and Courier, an Evening Post Publishing Newspaper Group. They do not publish open letters or third-party letters. Op-eds: 650-900 words in length. We dont think books are among them. Rich Lowry is editor in chief of National Review and a contributing writer with Politico Magazine. Letters: Submit online here. Political cartoon proof paper sold out to left. Previously, he reported on economics for the Wall Street Journal and was managing editor of Vedomosti, a Russian-language business daily. Provide full name, address, and telephone number. With reading less comes less practice. Email: commentary@washingtontimes.com. Include short biography of writer. Low 54F. Clear skies. Submit here. Op-eds: Submit your piece to Open Forum, where letters are expected to be 500 words or fewer. 750 words max. But that fundamental principle is not being applied to the CHIPS Act, and new rules announced this week show that the Biden administration plans to wield the act to advance social programs at corporations that receive semiconductor subsidies. Submit to views@statesman.com. 150 words. voted in the last Congress for a bipartisan gun-control bill after the mass shooting at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, which is part of his district. Letters should not exceed 250 words, which is roughly the length of the text in this post. And we do it better than anyone else. POLITICOs mission from the beginning was to win the audience. In October, 2021, POLITICO was acquired by, and is a subsidiary of, Axel Springer SE. We strongly favor letters of 250 words or fewer. Email: opinions@al.com. 200 words. Include name, address, and numbers. To be the man (or the lady), as the immortal Ric Flair said, youve got to beat the man. Respond to pieces in Globe. Trumps MO is to bludgeon them with highly personal, belittling attacks, in a way that has proven highly effective in the past and quite unpleasant to the targets. You must include name and phone number. Letters: Letters must include the writers first and last names as well as the writers address (including city of residence) and telephone number. Comments are 750 words. The shorter the better. There should be a headshot of you as well, at least 200KB. Science. If you do not receive a response within 48 hours, you may follow-up with our editors list: editor@crain.com. Click here for the online form. The CHIPS Act, which devotes $39 billion to boost U.S. semiconductor factories as part of $52 billion for the industry, is meant to promote the domestic production of semiconductors. This is national politics filtering down to our locally controlled schools. Include name, number, and address. Letters: You can use this form to submit a letter to the editor or a Point of View column, or you can email your submission to forum@newsobserver.com. Hes the creator of the movement that nearly everyone else wants to take over or, at the very least, accommodate. They are looking for insightful commentary on issues of the day. Explore the live extension of our journalism, The wonk's survival guide to the EU Green Deal. Include address and numbers. Email: letters@theadvocate.com. Winds N at 10 to 15 mph. If so, another outlet might be a better fit. You will be contacted within a week if there is interest in publishing your article. Reynolds would require school districts to publish online all materials used in classes and books available in classrooms and school libraries and create a process for parents to request material be removed. Plain text email. Provide sources of quotations and factual references for copy-editing purposes. Letters: Letters must be signed (no pseudonyms or initials) and are subject to editing for clarity and length. Political professionals read POLITICO. Or submit via this online form. Submit through form [here][1]. You can also submit online here. Easier to read in text message; can accept Word files. They should be pasted directly into an email and sent to theforum@usatoday.com. Email: letter@globe.com. Submit here. They should include a writers headshot, title, city of residence, phone number, and any other relevant information, like your experience or expertise. You can cancel at any time! Almost everything that hes done lately really, everything since hes left office should redound to his discredit, and yet he remains in a relatively strong position. Submit completed works for consideration. Sign up for our newsletter to keep reading. Industrial policy should be guided by economics, not politics. Germany Latest news, analysis and comment on German politics Latest news, analysis and comment from POLITICOs editors and guest writers on the continent. They prefer that you do not send it as an attachment. Email: oped@sacbee.com. Email: stateeditor@thestate.com. Letters: Email: letterstotheeditor@msmagazine.com. Should be sent as Microsoft Word attachments and pasted into the body of the email. Please include a full name, home address, occupation and daytime phone number, for verification purposes. This opinion and video series features solutions-oriented ideas and Op-eds: Email: oped@freepress.com. POLITICO Pro is a customizable policy newsfeed and intelligence platform for professionals on the front lines of policy. The piece should be between 800-1000 words in length. Email: edweekteacher@epe.org. No anonymous submissions. While this movement is driven by conservatives, what if liberals gain a majority in Iowa? To pitch: Send draft (500 words or less is best) to opinions@chicagobusiness.com. Industrial policy particularly when it's being implemented by the executive branch rather than written by the Congress should be based on economics, not politics, to avoid becoming a vehicle to implement whatever ideological view holds sway at a particular moment. Op-eds: Email: oped@dailynews.com. Must arrive latest by Wednesday for publication on Saturday afternoon. Letters should preferably be 150 to 175 words, should refer to an article that has appeared within the last seven days, and must include the writer's address and phone number. POLITICO, a global nonpartisan politics and policy news organization, launched in Europe in April 2015. Also provide a JPG photo. Its not difficult to fathom pressure from the left to ban a different set of books, say Huckleberry Finn and To Kill a Mockingbird. How about we keep state and national politics out of our school libraries? Jamil Anderlini, POLITICO Europes Editor-in-Chief, today announced a new editorial leadership team which will come into effect in stages over the coming months. Email: commentary@oregonian.com. The inability to obtain chips also exposed a worrying vulnerability for the U.S. military, which relies on semiconductors in a range of weapons. Republican state lawmakers continued Thursday to advance bills opponents say target and discriminate against Iowas LGBTQ community. Letters: Preferred length is a maximum of 200 words. Mark Whitehouse is a member of the editorial board covering global economics and finance. Op-eds: 650-750 words. If you are responding to a specific article, letter, or editorial, please include date of publication. You have permission to edit this article. Therese Raphael is a columnist for Bloomberg Opinion covering health care and British politics. Facts and Arguments is personal rather than political. Letters may be edited for clarity and length. Anonymous letters, letters using a pseudonym and open letters addressed to third parties will not be published. Tracy Walsh is a member of the editorial board covering public health and environmental policy. Letters to the Editor. WebOp-eds: Ideally 800-2000 words in length, but any length will be considered. Op-eds: Christian Science Monitor is not accepting general, unsolicited op-eds. They are accepting topic specific commentary submissions for their Energy Voices and New Economy blogs. Email: letters@jacksonville.com. Submit online here. Op-eds: 500-750 words. Include your name, address and phone number to be considered for publication. No attachments, please. Email: forum@newsobserver.com. Writers retain rights to their work after publication. No attachments. Or submit to their online form. Interested in public policy, especially state and local. Please include your name, street address and daytime phone number, for verification of your identity and so that we they contact you if they have questions about your submission. The two last worked together as editors of the Augur Bit, the student newspaper at Georgetown Day School. Mail: Letters to the Editor, Democrats and Chronicle, 55 Exchange Boulevard, Rochester, NY 14614. Submit either was a Word attachment or in the message field. All writers must provide full name, full home address and day and evening telephone numbers. They run about 650 words usually. Further, if any school in Iowa removes a book, that book would be added to a statewide removal list, maintained by the Iowa Department of Education. Some Iowa Republicans have made increased library scrutiny a central focus this legislative session. Op-eds: Email: opinion@bayareanewsgroup.com. The New York Times cannot acknowledge unpublished letters other than by an automated e-mail reply. Op-eds: letterstoeditor@bostonherald.comLetters: Submit to their online form here. Email: hleditorial@herald-leader.com. You retain ownership of any copyright to the article and right to resell it. Submit to columns@denverpost.com and also include a high resolution photo of yourself with a short biographical paragraph. In the 2016 primary debates, he was the tall, orange-hued man standing in the middle of the stage, hushing the other candidates as necessary. Donald Trump is the creator of the movement that nearly everyone else wants to take over or, at the very least, accommodate. Previously, she was a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and editorial board member. May become property of the Star. Email: letters@ajc.com. Op-eds: 800 words. Facts should be annotated. The number of books banned or challenged in the United States doubled from 2021 to 2022. No attachments. Email: opinion@inquirer.com. They should be brief analyses of new developments. Those with less than 150 get priority. If you email, send as plain text no attachment and include real name, address (community), and phone number. Must include full name (no pseudonyms or anonimity), address, and phone number. By logging in, you confirm acceptance of ourPOLITICO Privacy Policy. Provoke fresh thinking and shake up conventional wisdom. You must include a short note with your name, address, day, evening and cell phone numbers and credentials. Article should be exclusive to the Chronicle. Write, edit, and save copy before copying and submitting to this online form. Email: letters@sduniontribune.com. You dont need any special expertise to have your article considered for publication, but if you do, please elaborate. Letters: Email: letters@freepress.com. Complete form. All fields are required. All letters become property of The Bee. Of greatest concern is the fact that America gets 90% of its chips from Taiwan, and with Chinas increasingly belligerent behavior toward the island nation, and the intensifying U.S.-China rivalry, the act was framed as a national security imperative. The Guardian view on Italys failing left: time to rethink and reset. Submissions should be 700-750 words. Letters: Subject to editing. Letters: Only accept letters if you are from Arkansas. Email Community Opinion Editor, Laura Castaneda at laura.castaneda@sduniontribune.com. Email: jane@undark.org or info@undark.org. Op-eds: Commentaries are 600-750 words on current public policy/societal issues on the local, state, national, and international scene. Please keep your letter short and concise; ideal length is 200 words or less. Perseguir al disidente, obsesin del poder poltico en Catalua. 150 words. Provide name, address, and telephone number. The latest news, data and analysis on the worlds pandemic response. A study by Alexandra Spichtig, sponsored by Reading Plus, an adaptive literacy intervention platform, found that students read 19% slower than their counterparts of 50 years ago. Ideal length is 600 words. Letters: Fill out their online form here. Op-eds selected for the print edition rarely exceed 500 words. Op-eds: See instructions for submitting a letter to the editor. Letters: The Fresno Bee edits letters for brevity, clarity, grammar and accuracy. Local and regional authors and topics are preferred, along with the Silicon Valley. They are: Anderlini explains: Since joining in early October, I have been hugely impressed by the depth of talent and the commitment to success I have found in our newsroom. Essays should be written in a clear, informal style free of jargon and accessible to non specialists. WebThe Editorial Board How to Stop a Senator From Blocking a Federal Judge Allow people to evaluate any objections. Clive Crook is a Bloomberg Opinion columnist and member of the editorial board covering economics, finance and politics. Op-eds: 500-800 words. Clear and concise. Email: opinion@startribune.com. Timothy L. O'Brien is senior executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion. Letters may be edited for publication in The Huntsville Times, The Birmingham News, or Mobile Press Register. Email: insight@orlandosentinel.com. Op-eds have a limit of 675 words, and submissions must be exclusive. If you have not heard from them within five business days, assume they have declined. 150 word limit. High volume prevents acknowledging receipt of submissions. Your letter should be exclusive to The Courant. To go deeper, come to one of our workshops. Thats why were encouraged by the citys decision to create what is Read moreEditorial: Sprawling North Charleston park is just what the city needs. In our nation's hyper-partisan environment, this risks opening the door for both Republicans and Democrats to pursue this fraught tactic in the future. Strong opinion. (renews at {{format_dollars}}{{start_price}}{{format_cents}}/month + tax). Letters: Limited to 200 words. document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "© " + html; Sports. Letters: 200 words or less. Editorial writers are not involved in newsroom operations. The Iowa House Education Committee meets on Wednesday, March 1, 2023. Email to George Pyle at gpyle@sltrib.com. We also look for pieces that offer insights about life in Iowa and beyond. Letters and articles may be edited and may be published, reproduced or distributed in print, electronic or other forms. Before submitting your letter to the editor, please type your name at the end, as though you are signing it. Articles are 1500-2500 words, which present reporting and analysis. Of 30 words or fewer. That he could take a large hand in blowing the 2022 mid-terms, follow that up with a limp campaign announcement, immerse himself in bizarre and unnecessary controversies (pass the ketchup, Kanye), attack an up-and-coming Republican governor in crude and sophomoric terms, and not just live to tell the tale, but stay at the head of the pack may be the most astonishing testament to the power of his political brand yet. We seek passionate, collaborative and respectful people. Since he first entered the race in 2015, Trump has benefited from a natural sense of command. Matters of national or international scope should be written about with expertise and conciseness. the issues dominating the current discussion) to our readers. That departure from established practice sets a worrisome precedent for tying ideological strings to federal funding, with the potential to direct money to politically favored corporations rather than the most effective manufacturers. Letters: Letters must be signed. Op-eds: 600 words max. Send to opinions@arizonarepublic.com. The political cartoon depicting Tucker Carlson (Feb. 25-26) was awkward for The Maui News. Grand Rapids - grletters@mlive.com. Email: edit.features@wsj.com. Perseguir al disidente, obsesin del poder poltico en Catalua. Op-eds: 650 word limit. For guidelines, please e-mail oped@timesdispatch.com. Only 17% of 13-year-olds surveyed in 2019-20 read for fun nearly every day, which was down from 27% in 2012 and 35% in 1984, when the question first was asked. Nationally, kids are reading and comprehending less. Op-eds: The Sunday Perspective is reserved for the opinion and daily editorial page. Newsday.com is the leading news source for Long Island and NYC. They cover national and international affairs and arts. Email: blog@msmagazine.com. Op-eds: Send drafts no longer than 1000 words to think@nbcuni.com. What hes lacked in policy depth or in dignity, hes made up with his considerable personal force and authority. Kate Day will be Deputy Editor-in-Chief. Letters: Email: letters@detroitnews.com. No unsigned letters, or letters with pseudonyms. Submit here. Letters will be edited for length and clarity. Breaking News, data, and opinions in business, sports, entertainment, travel, lifestyle, plus much more. Op-eds: No more than 650 words. The general rule of thumb is 500 words or less. He was an editor at Newsweek magazine, as well as an editor and writer at Time Asia in Hong Kong. 750 words max. We update this information regularly and are always looking for new thought leadership publications to add to the list. Letters: Letters should not exceed 600 words. The Daily News reserves the right to edit letters. Prepare a photo as well. Please include your name, address and daytime telephone number. Get opinion pieces, letters and editorials sent directly to your inbox weekly! Pieces become property of cleveland.com. They cannot be election endorsements or un-endorsements, although at times the editorial department will solicit op/ed columns on both sides of an election for publication. You may also discuss national or international affairs in the context of impact on the work of charities and grant makers. POLITICO strives to be the dominant source for news on politics and policy in power centers across every continent where access to reliable information, nonpartisan journalism and real-time tools create, inform and engage a global citizenry. In fall 2021, Glenn Youngkin backed a local school boards banning of two books during his successful campaign for governor of Virginia. Submit online here. Email: comment@globeandmail.ca. Nisid Hajari writes editorials on Asia for Bloomberg Opinion. Op-eds: About 750 words. Include name, number, and address. The number of 9- and 13-year-olds nationally who say they read for fun daily has dropped to its lowest level since at least the mid-1980s, according to a National Assessment of Educational Progress survey conducted in late 2019 and early 2020 (before the pandemic). If its a temporary dynamic, thats one thing; if its another prisoners dilemma among the non-Trump candidates, waiting for someone else to take him on and hoping to emerge unscathed in the aftermath, its repeating the same mistake and expecting a different result. Theres no doubt that Trump has taken on water, and is at his weakest since sometime in the first part of 2016. Letters: Letters should be exclusive to The New York Times or The International New York Times. One of our master editors will live-edit a few drafts (chosen from among those you submit) and will answer your questions in real-time. Include day phone number. 150 words or fewer. When you submit to either, include your address, telephone number, and a brief author ID. Op-eds: The Times-Dispatch welcomes columns from the community on the page opposite the Editorial Page. Letters: No more than 200 words. Letters: No pseudonyms or or anonymity. You will be notified in a month if your article is being used. The bill also would ban instruction on gender identity in kindergarten through fifth grade and notify parents if a student expresses a different gender than their assigned birth. Facebook; Twitter; White House My top economic priority: Biden op-ed lays out plan to fight inflation. If you do not have an account you can register here. Op-eds: Email: letters@telegram.com. Its one thing to imagine supplanting Trump as he slip-slides away, defeating himself with his own obsessions and animosities; its another to figure out a way to topple him, to come up with lines of attack that diminish him and convince his voters to go elsewhere. Subject: Op-Ed Submission. Include your position, city or community, and relevant background information. Opinion pieces must be exclusive to Crains and no portion of them should appear elsewhere. Include a bio. Give preference to local, regional, and Californian topics and writers. Email: stareditor@starnews.com. Or email: letters@enquirer.com. If youre interested in a publication not listed here, we suggest searching the name of the news outlet and the words opinion and editor on Twitters search bar and looking under the people vertical when the search results come up. Writers of letters selected for publication will be notified within a week. Deadline for all submissions is Friday noon of the week preceding publication. While time spent reading is declining, screen use among teens and tweens grew 17% from 2019 to 2021, according to a survey by Common Sense Media. Max is 650 words. They should come from authors who are authoritative on the topic or offer some unique perspective. Straying from the law's original intent and even expanding such a strategy puts the country on a perilous path. (Washington is a small place.) Great journalism and great businesses require a great workplace. Letters: 200 words. Letters: Email: letters@washpost.com. Emailed letters do not require a signature but must contain the full name of the writer, street address and phone number for verification purposes. Op-eds: The primary outlet for opinion pieces is the Crains Chicago Business website: Chicagobusiness.com. Previously, she was editorial page editor of the Wall Street Journal Europe. Opinion: Latest News, Top Stories & Analysis - POLITICO Opinion News, Analysis and Opinion from POLITICO Fourth Estate Opinion | Rupert Murdoch Rides Letters will be edited for length, grammar and clarity. Email: letters@al.com. Include links to previously published work.