Born 7th September 1533 , Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry VIII and his second wife, Anne Boleyn. King Phillip tried to send two further Armadas in the 1590s however, both were unsuccessful. Before the rebel army was able to reach Tutbury, a large royal army forced them to retreat. In January 1558, the french conquered Calais, England's last remaining territory on the European mainland. If this union between Scotland and France became something, Spain could help England by attacking France from below. - rebelling of scottish lords. The second concern of legitimacy again comes from the marriage of Anne Boleyn and Henry VIII. - I partly agree with the statement as both France and Spain were powerful Catholic countries, who could unite against Protestant England. - Leith blockade. Led by two powerful Catholic landowners, Thomas Percy, Earl of Northumberland, and Charles Neville, Earl of Westmorland, this rebellions principal aims included the restoration of Catholicism to England, as well as the installation of Mary as Queen of England. However, the Dutch had always governed themselves. This was viewed as significant because it was seen as a means to increase trade, to expand Protestantism and to use the area as a base for attacks on Spanish colonies in the New World. This peace treaty between England and France ended the war inherited by Elizabeth from her half-sister Mary I, who went to war alongside her Spanish husband Philip II in 1557. The death of Spains leading admiral, Santa Cruz, in February 1588, led to the appointment of the inexperienced Duke of Medina Sidonia to lead the Spanish Armada. Those involved planned for an invasion of England by French troops and were financed by Phillip II of Spain and the Pope. During Drakes raid, he captured more than 1000 tons of planks made from seasoned wood, which was needed to make the barrels used to carry food and water. The English sent 8 fireships loaded with flammable materials in the middle of the night towards the anchored Spanish ships. He plotted a Spanish invasion of England, which would involve the killing of Elizabeth and the placing of Mary, Queen of Scots on the throne. Phillip was warned against this mission but believed he was on a mission from God. 2. Her arrival and ultimate house arrest were the result of her having to flee Scotland. Elizabeth, however, did not sign the death warrant until February 1587. Catholic priests are first smuggled into England. The treaty also stated that Mary would give up her claim to the English throne, although this was not formally agreed by Mary. The victory over the Spanish boosted Elizabeths popularity and strengthened the Protestant cause as it was a sign that God favoured Protestantism. Here is an example answer to the following 16-mark question on the reasons for the increased Catholic threat to Elizabeth I after 1566. Elizabeth I is by many historians considered one of England's greatest ever monarchs, which heralded the 'golden age' in English history. She managed these difficulties with great pragmatism and opportunism, reducing the threat of invasion. He then banned English trade with the Netherlands for a period of time which damaged Englands economy and caused much hardship for the English people. 1560 - death of francis II, Mary returns to scotland as queen. The evidence was enough to persuade Elizabeth to put Mary on trial and eventually execute her for treason. Boston House, The attack was a success. The treaty essentially allowed Elizabeth to focus on developing events in the Netherlands and not worry about protecting her northern border. Which three countries were a threat to England and Elizabeth? Many people refused to recognize Elizabeth as a legitimate heir because her mother was Anne Boleyn, who was Henry VIIIs second wife. W ith the first female vice president taking office in the US, and female leaders around the world excelling despite a global crisis, it's hard to imagine why women have been wildly underrepresented in leadership for so long. The Spanish Armada sailed in 1588 and was completely defeated by the English. This was seen as a huge blow for English pride as England had territory in France for hundreds of years. Reasons why Philip used the Spanish Armada. Boston Spa, [Relative comparison made to inform the judgement here shows instantly criteria are being established, helping to signpost the rest of the answer.]. Phillip was warned against this mission but believed he was on a mission from God. - The threat increased by the fact that Spain and France were catholic, but Elizabeth had chosen to move her country towards Protestantism. The Student Room and The Uni Guide are both part of The Student Room Group. The answer does touch upon the issue of religion but this could be extended further to acknowledge the extensive divisions within society given the preceding tumultuous changes (a brief mention of the role of the puritans for example could help). In 1558, the same year Elizabeth became Queen of England, a number of However, there were other challenges facing Elizabeth. Legitimacy of succession: The Pope did not recognise Henry VIII's marriage to Anne. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 2nd point + evidence. They were also fearful that France would rekindle their loyalty to Scotland and threaten England from the north and south together. Complete the sentence in a way that shows you understand the meaning of the italicized vocabulary word. Their complete failure effectively ended any threat Spain posed to the English. Anthony Babington, an English Catholic, wrote to Mary about the plot. Over the last 40 years there had been 3 different rulers, Henry VIII, Edward VI and Mary I all of which had very different views on religion and running the country. Official Oxford 2023 Postgraduate Applicants Thread. More significantly, she was worried she would have to adopt a secondary role in the running of her country, as the period was very patriarchal. At the start of her reign in 1558, Elizabeth faced many problems it was a very tumultuous time for her. Both could be serious threats to Elizabeths England. Parents: Henry VIII and Anne Boleyn. . Born: 7 September 1533. - Threats of invasion or Elizabeth's authority were made worse by her financial situation. On the death of Mary and the accession of Elizabeth, many hard-line Protestants returned from mainland Europe (where they had fled for their own safety during the reign of Mary) in the full expectation that they were returning to a state where Protestantism was the one and only . Good explanation and link back to the question here at the end of the paragraph.]. The execution of Mary, Queen of Scots, finally removed the on-going threat at home from Catholics who wanted to replace Elizabeth with her. Walsingham had established a large spy network and was able to intercept letters of Catholic conspirators and work with an expert cryptographer to decode them. The Spanish had planned to come alongside their opponents and attempt to board their ships to try to overcome the enemy through hand-to-hand fighting. She's regarded as one of the greatest monarchs of England. In October 1586, Mary was found guilty of treason and sentenced to death. The war with Spain continued for 15 years, but the Armada of 1588 was the last real serious Spanish threat to Elizabeths throne. - Most significant problem she faced as if she didn't have money she couldn't defend England against invasions. There was a very real risk that he could form an alliance with other Catholic powers such as France and Spain and invade England. Another serious contender was Francis, Duke of Alencon, later Duke of Anjou. Surviving colonists abandon Virginia and return to England. English Catholic Francis Throckmorton was the link of communication within this plan. Moreover, when Henry executed Anne Boleyn in 1536, Henry VIII himself declared Elizabeth illegitimate (although this situation was later reversed). However, the Catholic Church bans divorce which presented a problem for Henry as he could not legally get rid of Catherine. One was debt. LS23 6AD West Yorkshire, I think I'm about to officially choose the Uni im going to but I'm not 100% sur, HELP, Official Imperial College 2023 Undergraduate Applicants Thread, Official Cambridge Postgraduate Applicants 2023 Thread, Plucking Serene Dreams From Golden Trees. King Phillip had been preparing for an attack on England since 1585 and Marys execution made the situation worse with him even more determined to invade England. As King Phillip II ruled the Netherlands, he had control over the access to these vital Dutch ports and he could, therefore, limit English access. Level 4 is about analysis supported by a detailed line of reasoning, so embracing counter-arguments like this are encouraged (so long as they can be explained).]. The northern nobles felt Elizabeths advisors were responsible for many of these policy changes. Spymaster and Secretary of State from 1573 Francis Walsingham uncovered the plot. In 1568, a final blow came when some Spanish ships were blown off course into English waters, and the English seized them. No Payment details required and completelyRisk Free. England and Spain had tried to remain on good terms but a growing rivalry between them led to increased tensions. Elizabeth couldn't restore authority and teachings of the Pope. Although her small kingdom was threatened by grave internal divisions, Elizabeth's blend of shrewdness, courage, and majestic self-display inspired ardent expressions of loyalty and helped unify the nation against foreign enemies. A number of Catholic plots to remove Elizabeth in the 1570s and 1580s had his involvement although he was reluctant and half-hearted in their execution. The French were Catholic but did not have the same hostility to English Protestantism as Spain was. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 1st point + explanation. Pick a key scene from the story and tell it from the third-person limited point of view, through Doodle's senses and feelings. Sue Gray quits the civil service to become Starmer's aide: is it a big deal? Save. The Spanish had a greater army and Dudleys army was significantly smaller. Queen Elizabeth had become aware of this plan and in 1587, sent her most successful privateer, Sir Francis Drake, to spy on Spanish preparations and attack their ships and supplies. This was because the society was very patriarchal, male dominated, meaning that she . Throughout her reign, Elizabeth was engaged in expensive financial issues, especially foreign policy. Elizabeth was inheriting a terrible situation, which she had to sort out. During this journey, they encountered several powerful Atlantic storms and this resulted in many ships sinking or being wrecked on the Scottish and Irish coasts. Dudleys campaign in 1586-1587 proved to be unsuccessful and he suffered heavy defeats at the hands of the Spanish general, the. Cleopatra, Queen Victoria and many more. This meant atholics did not think . JPs provided the able-bodied with raw materials (like wool) to make items to sell. This was one of the more serious courtships of Elizabeth's reign. Study notes, videos, interactive activities and more! Elizabeth chose to give direct help to the rebels by signing the Treaty of Nonsuch, which placed the Netherlands under her protection and promised military help. There are many reasons for this, including interference in English affairs from the Pope, Elizabeths role in the Dutch revolt (which angered Catholic Spain), Mary Queen of Scots arrival in England in 1568 and the rebellion in 1569 that was led by the Catholic Earls Northumberland and Westmoreland. She pledged to finance an army of 7,400 English troops and placed Robert Dudley, Earl of Leicester, in charge of them. Edward was born on 12 October 1537 in his mother's room inside Hampton Court Palace, in Middlesex. Spain did not control a deep water port where the Armada could anchor safely and this left them extremely vulnerable to an attack while it waited for Parmas troops to escape the Dutch blockade. Who we are Changelog Terms of Service Privacy Policy FAQ Sitemap, Psychology History Sociology Business Studies, Psychology Sociology Business Studies Mathematics, Latest Posts Resources Workbooks Past Papers. Seeing Spain as a threat, Elizabeth tried to form an alliance with France. Mary became the inspiration for frequent revolts and rebellions, as it suddenly appeared possible that Elizabeth could be realistically replaced by a legitimate Catholic heir. migration? This established a new Anglo-Scottish peace and also reconfirmed the agreement at Cateau-Cambresis. Phillip II of Spain proposed marriage to Elizabeth. 1. This was signed by the English nobility and gentry and required the signatories to execute anyone who attempted to overthrow the Queen. AQA GCSE History Paper 2 Section A 8145/2A/C - 16 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE History Paper 2: British depth study 1HI0 B1-B4 16 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE History Paper 2: Period study 1HIA P1-P5 - 21 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA A Level History Paper 1 (options A to L) 7042/1C - 26 May 2022 [Exam Chat], OCR A Level History Non-British period study: All Exams - 22 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE History Paper 1: Thematic study 1HI0 10-13 - 19 May 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE History Paper 2 Section B 8145/2B/C - 21 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE History Paper 2 Section A 8145/2A/A - 16 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE History Paper 1 Section B 8145/1B/C - 19 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level History Paper 3: 9HI0 30-39 - 22 June 2022 [Exam Chat], AQA GCSE History Paper 1 Section B 8145/1B/B - 19 May 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel GCSE History Paper 3: Modern depth study 1HI0 30-33 - 9 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat], Edexcel A Level History Paper 2: Depth Study 9HI0 2A-2H - 10 Jun 2022 [Exam Chat]. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th explanation. There was also a fear that France and Scotland, alongside Spain, could launch an invasion of England as part of a greater Catholic crusade against the rogue English Protestant nation. Drake knew he wasnt able to attack this port with any realistic hope of success. Also, the activities of English pirates', who looted Spanish ships, caused problems between Spain and England. One way in which Mary was central to the Catholic threat was through her part in various plots to overthrow Elizabeth. William Cecil, 1st Baron Burghley, Burghley also spelled Burleigh, also called (1551-71) Sir William Cecil, (born Sept. 13, 1520, Bourne, Lincolnshire, Eng.died Aug. 5, 1598, London), principal adviser to England's Queen Elizabeth I through most of her reign. The plan was then for the combined forces would then sail across the Channel to England under the protection of the Armadas warships. Queen Elizabeth showed no mercy to the rebels and the Earl of Northumberland along with 400 rebel troops were executed while the Earl of Westmorland fled abroad. Social Studies American History: Reconstruction to the Present Guided Reading Workbook. After Anne Boleyn was executed, Henry had the marriage annulled, effectively meaning that it never happened. How To Revise For GCSE Psychology Step-by-Step, Chapter 3:Elizabethan society in the Age of Exploration, 155888. Tel: +44 0844 800 0085. In total, less than 10000 men and half the fleet made it back to Spain. 214 High Street, The invasion failed, however. 14-16 / This helps to explain why Elizabeth had to deal with so many plots, the intention of which was to replace Elizabeth with Mary. English canons could also be reloaded more quickly than the Spanish ones allowing them to inflict greater damage. There were several factors that influenced Queen Elizabeths decision to sign the Treaty of Nonsuch including: Elizabeth believed in Divine Right and due to this, she didnt want to remove King Phillip as the ruler of Netherlands. Answer:Despite initially being a threat to England, civil war in France from 1562 meant the French monarchs were too preoccupied with home affairs to pose a thr eye27 eye27 11.05.2020 Although he promised to help the conspirators, he rarely followed through on these promises. Spains forces in the Netherlands mutinied (as they hadnt been paid by the now bankrupt Spanish government). This time, however, the evidence gathered by Walsingham was enough to persuade Elizabeth to put Mary on trial. The Duke of Medina Sidonia sailed up the Channel and anchored at Calais while waiting for reinforcements from the Duke of Parmas troops. Elizabeth increased her financial commitment to the cause of the Dutch rebels and hired mercenary soldiers to intervene in the conflict under the leadership of John Casimir. Describe two features of Mary Queen of Scots' threat to Elizabeth I. The Throckmorton plot was a conspiracy to assassinate Queen Elizabeth and replace her with Mary, Queen of Scots in 1583. Register for free, Home / Another extremely important problem Elizabeth faced were the threats from the Auld Alliance of France and Scotland, two Catholic countries that England was sandwiched between. Elizabeth I inherited a position of war with France, which was declared by Mary in 1556. When Mary, Queen of Scots arrived in England in 1568, replacing Elizabeth with Mary became a realistic possibility. After his death, his two sons Harold and Hardicanute took over the throne in succession. During the 1570s, England was starting to have ambitions of establishing an empire of its own and had hoped to become an imperial power that could rival Spain. The plan was supported by various Catholic nobles, including the Earls of Northumberland and Westmorland as this would mean Elizabeth (a Protestant) could be succeeded by a Catholic queen. He was a protestant and head of his country; however England viewed Sweden as a mediocre power and not a nation to be linked with in marriage. To study the ways in which Henry consolidated his rule. There were a number of factors that contributed to the English victory and Spanish defeat which included English strengths, Spanish weaknesses, as well as luck itself. This delayed the Spanish attack and gave the English more time to prepare (hence the attempted invasion of the Armada one year later in 1588). Foreign threat: Spain and France were the most powerful countries in Europe and were Catholic. There was broad support for the new Settlement and very few refused to take the oath of loyalty to the queen. he could also overthrow her. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - 4th explanation - Most significant problem she faced as if she didn't have money she couldn't defend England against invasions. There were fewer naval ships anchored there and the port was the centre for a large number of naval supplies which Drake intended to either seize or destroy. Charles Neville, 6th Earl of Westmorland was part of the rebellion against Queen Elizabeth. Anyone refusing to pay poor rates could be imprisoned and officials failing to organise poor relief could be fined. Elizabeth would receive a share of the privateers profits and as Englands financial situation was poor at the time, this proved to be an incredibly important source of income for the Queen. Boston House, From 1566 the Pope had instructed English Catholics to take part in recusancy, and by 1570 a Papal Bull had been issued excommunicating Elizabeth and stating that English Catholics had no need to have loyalty towards their Queen and instead should help overthrow her. Continue with Recommended Cookies. Therefore, France controlled the whole of the northern coastline and posed a major threat to England. When Elizabeth I came to the throne in 1558, she inherited a difficult financial situation and a debt of 227,000. "the threat of invasions was Elizabeth's main problem when she became queen in 1558" - conclusion. In response to the Throckmorton Plot, Elizabeths advisors drafted the Bond of Association, which was aimed at deterring any further plots. Elizabeth had given financial help to the rebels, however, remained reluctant to provoke King Phillip by getting directly involved. These problems all led to supply issues for the Spanish Armada and had a major impact on the morale of the Spanish troops. The Spanish attempted to regroup at Gravelines, however, the weather made it impossible for them to reform their defensive crescent formation which opened up an opportunity for the English to intercept and attack. Elizabeth had reinstated Protestantism as the official religion of England when she inherited the throne, but that did not mean that there were not still Catholics residing in the country. Spain and France were the major European powers. The leading figure involved in the plot was Francis Throckmorton, a young Catholic man who carried messages between Mary and Catholic conspirators abroad. Therefore, Henry created the Church of England, a protestant church, which allowed for divorce. The English were worried about the threat of invasion and they attacked the Spanish ships as they sailed along the Channel, but the Armada was so strong that most of the ships reached Calais safely. Elizabeth's legitimacy was one of many problems that Elizabeth faced when she became Queen in 1558. Mary was spared. The New World, privateering and the significance of the activities of Sir Francis Drake. The threat posed by the pretenders Perkin Warbeck and Lambert Simnel. The war against France ended in 1559, and following Elizabeths accession, they tried to maintain good relations between the two countries. When Elizabeth's reign began in 1558 England was in the middle of a 'mid-Tudor crisis'. Francis Drake is knighted on the Golden Hind. 214 High Street, Elizabeth delayed the opening of this Parliament that had originally been summoned in the autumn of 1588 in response to the defeat of the Spanish Armada for as long as she could afford to, knowing that the Commons would be eager to broach two topics, religious debates and foreign policy, that she usually reserved to her prerogative. However, the settlement was abandoned and no trace of the colonists was ever found. This meant two of the most powerful European nations were now united against Protestantism, placing Elizabeth in a precarious position. Company Reg no: 04489574. However, Elizabeth was fearful that a foreign husband would have not put the needs of England first. The Armada set sail in May 1588, but due to bad weather and attempts by an English fleet to intercept it, was delayed for several weeks in the Bay of Biscay. What he meant by this was he had inflicted significant temporary damage on the Spanish Armada and it would regrow in time. By 1572 Protestant ideas had spread in the Netherlands and Protestant Dutch rebels began a campaign for independence from Catholic Spain, leading to the Dutch Revolt. Coronation: 15 January 1559, Westminster Abbey. Stimulus = Anne Boleyn / The threat from France, [Examiner commentary following each paragraph and at the end is provided in italics], ____________________________________________________. The fear of a Catholic uprising and a plot against Elizabeth was a constant threat to her. What made the Auld Alliance stronger at this time was the fact that Mary, Queen of Scots was married to the French Prince Francis II. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. [Clear link back to the question at the end of the paragraph here.]. Another suitor for Elizabeth was Prince Eric of Sweden, later King Eric of Sweden. The defeat of the Northern Earls showed there was little appetite for a Catholic revolution. The imprisonment owed to her likely involvement in the murder of her second husband, Lord Darnley. Elizabeth had also claimed all the profits from copper mines that were discovered in his estates which meant he lost a significant amount of money too. Two influential Catholic families the Percys and the Nevilles plotted alongside the Duke of Norfolk to overthrow Elizabeth and replace her with the Catholic, Mary, Queen of Scots (who now resided in England). Instead, her goal was to ensure freedom of worship for Dutch Protestants and protect Englands Military, commercial and strategic interests listed above. Cecil was a master of Renaissance statecraft, whose talents as a diplomat, politician, and administrator won him high office and . - death of henry II. Elizabeth made England protestant, which caused tension with the rest of Europe as they were heavily catholic (such as Spain and France). Throckmorton was tortured and although he confessed, was then killed. For two weeks of the second half of November, Catholic mass was heard at Durham Cathedral too (with all evidence of Protestantism destroyed). We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. Marriage to a foreign prince would ensure a foreign alliance and would have strengthened England against threats from abroad. However, the Act also established a national poor rate, made JPs (Justices of the Peace) keep registers of the poor and gave towns and cities the responsibility to find work for the able-bodied poor. These privateers also raided Spanish ships and attacked the treasure fleets that carried gold and silver from the Americas to Spain. As long as Mary was alive, the plots could always be deemed credible and many Catholics secretly wanted a return to Catholocism. Probably at the core of Elizabeth's decision to remain single was an unwillingness to compromise her power. For example, from 1567, Elizabeth allowed the Dutch sea beggars to shelter in English harbours (from where they then attacked Spanish ships in the English Channel who were making their way with men and materiel to support Albas mission). - Overall, I think the threat of invasion was one of Elizabeth's problems when she became queen as both Spain and France were powerful countries who had reasons to invade England and this was increased as Spain and France could unite against Protestant England. In the eyes of the Church of England, Henry and Catherine were divorced and then Henry could marry Anne. He also had a big empire in North and South America and by 1581, he had also become King of Portugal which gave him control of the important Atlantic port of Lisbon. [Blog], Medicine Community Feedback and Suggestions, 2023 entry A100 / A101 Medicine fastest and slowest offer senders, Borders & Enforcement, Immigration Enforcement - Immigration Officer June 22, Official University of the Arts London 2023 Applicants Thread. Therefore, I disagree with the statement. Another reason Dudley failed was a number of his officers were divided over questions of strategy. When are the GCSE exams for 2020?Which exam board are you studying? Elizabeth was eager to nullify the threat of the Auld Alliance (Scotland and France), which had been further reinforced by the marriage of Mary, Queen of Scots and French King Francis II. Elizabeth's sister Mary I had lost this port back of Calais to the French in an unsuccessful war that England and Spain had fought against France Elizabeth wanted it back to demonstrate England's strength France and Spain were no longer at war and there was a real possibility they may unite against England. Official Thread: (Undergraduate) Medicine 2023 Entry, St George's University of London (SGUL) A101 2023 Entry. The relative strength of France and weakness of England was further compounded by the fact that Elizabeth had to recognize the loss of Calais to France under the Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis in 1559, following a disastrous English military campaign under the reign of Elizabeths predecessor, Mary I. Calais had been in English hands since 1347. From there we will look at the career . He was the son of King Henry VIII by his third wife, Jane Seymour.Throughout the realm, the people greeted the birth of a male heir, "whom we hungered for so long", with joy and relief. How significant was the threat to Elizabeth I, posed by her Roman Catholic subjects in the years 1558-1588? She was the last monarch of the Tudor period. Boston Spa, Englands victory over the Spanish navy in 1588 contributed to their development as a strong naval power to rival Spain. Design engineering imperial 2023 applicants, Border Force Officer - Core and Mobile teams recruitment campaign September 2022.