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.mm-row-equal:after { content: ''; width: 100%; display: inline-block; font-size: 0; line-height: 0 } Thank you in advance! #ie6 table.suf-tiles { width: 731px } I did order the play Zoot Suit to gain some insights. Thanks for stopping by and being a lamb of a fella. background: rgb(0,0,0) ; Drats! rules. .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-b { width: 100%; } #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-1c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-2c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-3c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-4c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-5c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-6c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-7c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-8c { width: 32%; margin: 5px 0.49%; } I use killer diller a lot, swell, and humdinger. #container, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #container, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #container, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #container, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #container, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #container, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #container { padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } While some recipes varied, it was basically a blend of turnips, carrots, cauliflower, and oatmeal. out how Oxford University Press handles your personal information, and .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #container { padding-left: 0px; padding-right: 370px; } #ie6 .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-container { border-bottom: 1px solid #000000; Bloody - adv., intensifier, popularly used in the phrase "Bloody hell!" Very common, medium strength. Wonky - is another word for shaky or unstable. #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-1c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-2c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-3c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-4c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-5c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-6c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-7c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-8c { width: 32%; margin: 5px 0.49%; } #cl-warea-id-5 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-5 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-5.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-5.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } #cl-warea-id-1 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-1.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } .attachment object.application { width: 300px; } .format-status .title-container { padding-left: 0; } -webkit-box-sizing: border-box; .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php .sidebar-container-right { margin-right: -222px; } + ts + '" alt="Find vintage clothing at VintageSearch.org" />'; right: auto; Translation: .page-template-1r-sidebar-php .sidebar-wrap-left { #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-1c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-2c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-3c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-4c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-5c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-6c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-7c, #horizontal-outer-widgets-2 .suf-widget-8c { width: 32%; margin: 5px 0.49%; } max-width: none; 1. #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } #ie6 .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-container { Each decade ushers in new slang terms that become part of the popular culture. Not all 40s slang is about positive circumstances. .format-chat .permalink { float: left; text-align: left; } } Are you hep to the jive and would you use any of these words today? img.left-thumbnail, img.right-thumbnail { float: none; width: auto; } .suf-tiles .suf-tile-1c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-2c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-3c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-4c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-5c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-6c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-7c, .suf-tiles .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } which means that your rules can take precedence and override the theme CSS .post.format-chat span.author { float: left; padding-right: 10px; } .flattened { } ; Above my Pay Grade=Don't ask me. .format-quote .permalink { float: left; text-align: left; } #main-col { width: 756px; } border-right: 1px solid #000000; box-sizing: border-box; Its driving me crazy trying to figure out what it means.lol, I found this: tace licet which is a latin phrase meaning a secret message. .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #widgets-above-header .col-control { width: 1000px }.page-template-1l-sidebar-php #nav .col-control { width: 1000px } It also recognises that some service slang has made its way into civilian use. } border-left: 1px solid #000000; @media screen and (max-width: 480px) { Hobby Bobby - Another slang term for Community policeman. Fifty years ago, the Sexual Offences Act became law, decriminalising homosexual acts that took place in private between two men over the age of 21. Doreen says. margin-left: -100%; Others are restricted to smaller regions, even to small geographical areas. left: auto; .page-template-1r-sidebar-php .sidebar-container-left #sidebar-wrap { right: auto; } It did seem very 50s. the stress and comradeship of war produced a wealth of slang, much of it of the 'whistling in the face of adversity' type. [15] It was reprinted in 2008. #sidebar-shell-2 { width: 49%; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; left: auto; right: auto; float: right; } margin-left: 15px; } Thanks! } } })(); .page-template-2r-sidebars-php .postdata .category { .description { display: block; width: 100%; margin-top: 0; margin-left: 0; margin-right: 0; } Mouth. In the first three lines of the song we learn Minnie is not only a moocher, but also a "lowdown hoochie-coocher" and "the roughest and toughest frail.". .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-1c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-2c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-3c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-4c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-5c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-6c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-7c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-1c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-2c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-3c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-4c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-5c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-6c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-7c, .suf-mag-excerpts .suf-tile-8c { width: 100%; } right: auto; Cheaters==glasses in general, not just sunglasses. #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-1c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-2c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-3c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-4c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-5c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-6c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-7c, #widgets-above-header .suf-widget-8c { width: 32%; margin: 5px 0.49%; } #sidebar, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #sidebar, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar, #sidebar-b, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-b, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-b { width: 100%; } .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #nav-top .col-control, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #top-bar-right-spanel .col-control { width: 1000px } Another way to describe being pissed, drunk, trashed, and so on. width: 100%; These terms were commonly used to describe people, based on certain characteristics or behaviors. h1.posttitle, h2.posttitle { color:#663300;font-family:'Dancing Script', cursive;font-weight:bold;font-style:normal;font-variant:normal;font-size:34px; } #slider .left, #slider .right { height: 250px; max-height: 250px; width: 250px !important; } -moz-transition: opacity 100,000ms linear; Facts another way of saying "good point" or agreeing. And as if this were not enough, there was now talk of a hydrogen bomb (1947), exploded by nuclear fusion (1947) and perhaps delivered by a guided missile (1945). } Mind you, most of these words can even make their way into our vocabulary, and still not sound dated. } .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar.flattened, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-b.flattened { width: 205px; width: 168px; #ie6 .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-shell-2 { left: auto; Collins English Dictionary (3rd edition) defines slang as "Vocabulary, idiom etc that is not appropriate to the standard form of a language or to formal contexts, may be restricted as to social status or distribution, and is characteristically more metaphorical and transitory than standard language". .format-aside .tags { float: right; text-align: right; } width: 265px; The introduction acknowledges that slang is an ever-changing language with new slang terms emerging all the time. width: 100%; .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-1, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-1 { margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; width: 100%; left: auto; right: auto; } ; : To cause to be imprisoned, to 'get (a person) into trouble', Last edited on 17 February 2023, at 23:17, Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, A drama concerning the life of three homosexual men in Manchester England, "Something lacking in the trouser department? .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-2, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-2-b, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-shell-2 { Institutions for international cooperation, such as the United Nations (1942) and the Security Council (1944), came into being, while in Europe, Benelux (a customs union of Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxemburg; 1947) gave a foretaste of future integration. .page-template-2l-sidebars-php .sidebar-wrap-left { #nav, #nav.continuous { A very thin or emaciated person or animal. #cl-warea-id-3 .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3 .cl-warea-row .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3.cl-warea-all .cl-widget, #cl-warea-id-3.cl-warea-original .cl-widget { width: 100%; } box-sizing: border-box; [8] Grose's book was eventually superseded by John Camden Hotten's Slang Dictionary in 1859. margin-left: -100%; #sidebar-container.sidebar-container-right { float: right; } .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #sidebar-wrap { .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #sidebar-wrap { #header-widgets .suf-widget-1c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-2c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-3c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-4c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-5c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-6c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-7c, #header-widgets .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } margin-right: -370px; box-sizing: border-box; #wsidebar-top, .page-template-no-sidebars-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-1l-sidebar-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-2l-sidebars-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-2r-sidebars-php #wsidebar-top, .page-template-1l1r-sidebar-php #wsidebar-top { width: 100%; } -khtml-transition: opacity 500ms linear; Way to go, Roaring Twenties! The secret language that broke taboos. It was the single most massive sea invasion in 1940s history. Reet means right not very. #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-1c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-2c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-3c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-4c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-5c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-6c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-7c, #ad-hoc-2 .suf-widget-8c { width: 100%; margin: 5px 0; } box-sizing: border-box; .sidebar-wrap-right { Brown Sugar Meatloaf. 2. Like many staple 1940s recipes, meatloaf experienced a resurgence in popularity during the Great Depression. var widget = '