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At the close of this chapter 9, in His deep compassion He bids the disciples pray the Lord of the harvest to send forth labourers into His harvest. But he refused. & Moses Kotsensis Mitzvot Tora, pr. Their state had long been that of a man whom the unclean spirit had left, after a former dwelling in him. (2.) The passage begins with Verse 15: This verse is a tough pill for Protestants to swallow. Q&A Peters authority based on Matthew 16:18-19, Q&A The Church: Truth versus conduct, Catholic Wedding Ceremony Traditional and Modern Services. 3. But I see no sufficient reason to refuse the impression that John found it hard to reconcile his continued imprisonment with a present Messiah; nor do I discern a sound judgment of the case, or a profound knowledge of the heart, in those who thus raise doubts as to John's sincerity, any more than they appear to me to exalt the character of this honoured man of God, by supposing him to play a part which really belonged to others. Finally, we have all wound up, after the going forth of a testimony which was truly universal in its scope, by the judicial severance at the close, when it is not only the good put into vessels, but the bad dealt with by the due instruments of the power of God. The Lord works in delivering power; but withal the power of Satan fills and carries away the unclean to their own destruction. We have noted that the terms "lord," "disciple," "apostle," and others came to have more specific meanings as Gods kingdom plan unfolded. the apostle directs there (Matthew 18:5; Matthew 18:5), Is there not a wise man among you? The perfect example of all this is Jesus in Gethsemane. But first appears the new and great fact, that Christ was going to build a new building, His assembly, on the truth and confession of Himself, the Son of God. 14. y Ib. As you correctly note, the Church has a local and universal aspect. Nor is this all. In the evening multitudes are brought, taking advantage of the power that had so shown itself, publicly in the synagogue, and privately in the house of Peter; and the Lord accomplished the words ofIsaiah 53:4; Isaiah 53:4: "Himself," it is said, "took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses," an oracle we might do well to consider in the limit of its application here. Simply because we are human beings, with human hearts and fears and hopes and desires, most of our prayers are prayers for escape. If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. If they still refuse to listen, tell it to the church; and if they refuse to listen even to the church, treat them as you would a pagan or a tax collector. The glory of Christ's person strengthens us, not only to understand His cross, but to take up ours. (SeeMatthew 9:32-33; Matthew 9:32-33.) And whenever there are two, there are always three, wherever there are three visibly present, there is always four. And so with the other conversation: "Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father;" it was after the glory of Christ had been witnessed on the holy mount, when man's selfishness of heart showed itself in contrast to the grace of God. Read full chapter. "I will build my church." The church belongs to Jesus. The context, as well as the New Testament parallels to this exhortation, shows that Jesus had exclusion in mind (cf. The church is different from the world and its organizations, the church is easy to enter but difficult to leave. Get Your Bible Minute in Your Inbox Every Morning. Although reconciliation is the ultimate goal of Matthew 18, if there is no repentance for sin, believers "must gather evidence in the proper order in case they later need proof of what transpired."665 The final disposition would be removal from the fellowship of the church (vv. Pass no sentence, which you cannot in faith ask God to confirm. Sorrow would come full soon when He, the Bridegroom of His people, should be taken away; and then should they fast. He is not going to lower Himself to a human measure. For God no man is unimportant and no one is lost in the crowd; for the Christian every man is important and is a child of God, who, if lost, must be found. How Daniels Prophecy of 70 Weeks Connects to the End Times. But here pardon dispensed on earth arouses the pride of the religious leaders to the quick, and implacably. And if it so happens that he finds it, verily I say unto you, he rejoices more for the one sheep, than for the ninety-nine which never went astray. I wish I would have seen all of that when I was younger. Now if he does not hear you, then take with you one or two witnesses, so that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established ( Matthew 18:16 ). And they feared exceedingly, and said one to another, What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?" Better to go through life maimed, than into hell whole. The faithful and true witness, it was His to display that power in goodness which shall be put forth fully in the world to come, the great day when the Lord will manifest Himself to every eye as Son of David, and Son of man too. We shall find something of these mysteries later on in this gospel; but here it is simply a Jewish testimony of Jehovah-Messiah in His unwearied love, through His twelve heralds, and in spite of rising unbelief, maintaining to the end what His grace had in view for Israel. What is to be done in this case. What does the Bible mean when it says, Do not judge. It betrays the Spirit of Christ, even while professing and attempting fidelity to the text. In many ways this is one of the most difficult passages to interpret in the whole of Matthew's gospel. (2) In Matt 18, the sin in question is, by the authority of the church, excommunicablein at least two senses. Perhaps they thought He was referring to a Jewish assembly, a synagogue. It is true, we have only one in Mark, as in Luke; whereas in our gospel we have two. (iii) There is the child's trust. He had a baby son who was his heir; and, before he departed, he made his barons and nobles come and swear fealty to the little infant, in the event of anything happening to himself They came with their waving plumes and their clanking armour and knelt before the child. 2. The woman of Canaan, out of the borders of Tyre and Sidon, appeals to Him; a Gentile of most ominous name and belongings a Gentile whose case was desperate; for she appeals on behalf of her daughter, grievously vexed with a devil. Thank you. The ultimate goal in every situation must be for grace and reconciliation among the body of Christ. When they get into trouble, we are apt to say, "It's their own fault; they brought it on themselves; don't waste any sympathy on fools." This step calls for the matter to be brought before the church. Matthew 18:1-20. The "you" in the Greek text is singular indicating that the initiator is a single individual and the sphere of life Jesus had in mind throughout this section was interpersonal relations (cf. Thus, in many ways, tax collectors are hated more and are considered outside the limits of normal Jewish fellowship. Therefore it was not a mere simple fact that He banished sickness or infirmity, but He carried them in His spirit before God. The care of children is something which is carried out for the sake of none other than Jesus Christ. The sin of all sins is to teach another to sin. Since Jesus uses Church only one other time (in Matt 16:18), it is obvious that this Church must mean the one He built upon St. Peter. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." Indeed he grew, for that baby became William the Conqueror of England. Who are you to hold a little crutch or a grievance against your brother, not forgive him, because of some slight, or some mean thing that he has said about you, or some dirty thing that he has done to you. I forgive you, but I won't forget. 17 And as Jesus was going up to Jerusalem, he took the twelve disciples aside, and on the way he said to them, 18 "See, we are going up to Jerusalem. This means that it is not only a sin to put a stumbling-block in another's way; it is also a sin even to bring that person into any situation, or circumstance, or environment where he may meet with such a stumbling-block. 81. z T. Hieros. Verse 29 gives us strict time. Matthew 18:15-17 The New King James Version (NKJV) 15 "Moreover if your brother sins against you, go and tell him his fault between you and him alone. They mock the calm utterance of Him who chooses things that are not; and the Lord turns out the unbelievers, and demonstrates the glorious truth that the maid was not dead, but living. Scripture is clear: The church must practice biblical church discipline toward professing Christians who persist in known sin. Misguided church leaders often use Matthew 18 as a speech/thought-control template. Take a leader or two along. If the person with the concern has confronted the other, and that person denies it or the sins severity, take the next step and intervene on their behalf. 6:12). Your email address will not be published. At 18:6 He shifts and talks about interpersonal trespassesoffenses literally: scandals. How I wish I wouldve come across a read like this/been exhorted as much when I was a few years younger. We are not meant to pray only for our own needs, thinking of nothing and no one but ourselves; we are meant to pray as members of a fellowship, in agreement, remembering that life and the world are not arranged for us as individuals but for the fellowship as a whole. (ii) It can mean with a blessing. It is nice to see so much scripture support the Catholic faith or Catholic faith support Scripture. Father give to me the spirit of forgiveness. If there is something in your life that is causing you to stumble, if there is something in your life that is creating an offense, cut it out, get rid of it.Sometimes when a person comes into the office and sits down and begins to pour out their story, and they say, "Well, Chuck I am really in a mess. This done, with a word for the conscience appended, He takes up and pleads the cause of John. They were always wrangling about well, I am going to be bigger than you. Your materials are a healing balm in the Church. And his lord was angry, and delivered him over to the tormentors, until he should pay all that was due from him. Of course, both do preserve chronological order when it is compatible with the objects the Holy Spirit had in inspiring them; but in both the order of time is subordinated to still greater purposes which God had in view. The scribe had no heart for the hidden glory. Let God's work be done effectually, but with as little noise as may be; his kingdom comes with power, but not with observation. The first thing to be remarked is, that the leper was an early incident in the manifestation of the healing power of our Lord. The term "heathen" (that is, Gentile) refers to one who is steeped in paganism. Not merely were there many pieces of value, but one pearl of great price. Oh, for grace so to bow and bless God, even when our little travail seems in vain! Ought you not to have had pity on your fellow-servant, as I had pity on you?' Consider that Matthew 16:18 teaches us a least the following five truths about the church (adapted from Alan Highers, "The New Testament Church"): Jesus is the builder of the church. The Lord, while thoroughly proving that He forgot nothing, owned everything that was of grace in Peter or the rest, while opening the same door to "every one" who forsakes nature for His name's sake, solemnly adds, "But many that are first shall be last; and the last shall be first." Rather, he went away and flung him into prison, until he should pay what was due. Lowly, noiseless grace now it was to be, according to the prophet, till the hour strikes for victory in judgment. Thank-you for putting into words what the Spirit has been whispering in my heart. There were, therefore, usually two or three shepherds with them. Moreover, only the Catholic Church can demonstrate a continuity and consistency in doctrine and morals which would be necessary if we are to make any sense out of Jesus words in Matt 18:17-18. On this occasion Peter thought that he was being very generous. There is something about their innocence and simplicity that is absolutely glorious. If you have any questions, please review our Privacy Policy or email us at Copyright 2002-2023 Got Questions Ministries. But none the less do we find His affections engaged for the help of the helpless. Matthew 18 Matthew 18:18 If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church; and if he refuses to listen even to the church, let him be to you as a Gentile and a tax collector. 2. 18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. I. And besides, this is given, not as a rule to the church, but as advice to the offended person, how to behave towards the offender: after he has come under the cognizance, reproof, and censure of the church, he is to look upon him as the Jews did one that disregarded both private reproof by a man's self, and that which was in the presence of one or two more, , "a worthless friend", or neighbour; as a Gentile, with whom the Jews had neither religious nor civil conversation; and a "publican", or as Munster's Hebrew Gospel reads it, "a notorious sinner", as a publican was accounted: hence such are often joined together, and with whom the Jews might not eat, nor keep any friendly and familiar acquaintance: and so such that have been privately admonished and publicly rebuked, without success, their company is to be shunned, and intimate friendship with them to be avoided. He can only be treated as one outside the church, not hated, but not held in close fellowship." The leper approaches the Lord with homage, but with a most inadequate belief in His love and readiness to meet his need. I am so thankful I have discovered your site and books. It spares him the embarrassment of having his sin made public. In our culture the closest equivalence would be civil or criminal offenses, not petty local church squabbles. They have treated the Bible either with levity, or as too awful a book to be apprehended really; not with the reverence of faith, which waits on Him, and fails not in due time to understand His word. The servant fell on his face and besought him: 'Sir, have patience with me, and I will pay you in full.' Thereon, coming into the ship, the wind ceases, and the Lord exercises His gracious power in beneficent effects around. Well, Jesus is our pattern in all thingsthe same Jesus of Matthew 18. It is only after careful prayer and consideration for the other person should we go to and point out their sin in the hopes they will be restored. No doubt the first verse says, that "when He was come down from the mount, great multitudes followed Him;" but then the second verse gives no intimation that the subject which follows is to be taken as chronologically subsequent. Should there still be no change, believers should treat the offender as if no longer part of their fellowship; though they should also desire the persons repentance and restoration (Matthew 18:15-18). The Palestinian shepherds were experts at tracking down their lost sheep. They are hereby encouraged with an assurance of the presence of Christ; There am I in the midst of them. . Matthew 18 1. (i) It stresses the terror of teaching another to sin. God proves what He is by the revelation of Jesus. Yet is He the Son of man who hath power on earth to forgive sins; and He uses His authority. Matthew 18:17. You say, "Well, isn't that works then, forgiveness on works?" Maybe it is more likely that it was Peter who asked the question, and that it was Peter's little boy whom Jesus took and set in the midst, because we know that Peter was married ( Matthew 8:14; 1 Corinthians 9:5). Tell it unto the Church Lay the whole matter before the congregation of Christian believers, in that place of which he is a member, or before the minister and elders, as the representatives of the Church or assembly. Note, It is a good rule, which should ordinarily be observed among Christians, not to speak of our brethren's faults to others, till we have first spoken of them to themselves, this would make less reproaching and more reproving; that is, less sin committed, and more duty done. It is not possible that Jesus said this in its present form. Ask students to silently rate each offense on a scale of 1 to 10, with 1 being the easiest to forgive and 10 being the hardest. The Lord was in Capernaum, where Peter lived; and on a certain Sabbath-day, after the call of Peter, wrought in the synagogue mighty deeds, which are here recorded, and by Luke also. Where two or three are assembled together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.". God had given his soul a deeper, fuller sight of Christ; for the Gentile's words prove that he had apprehended God in the man who was healing at that moment all sickness and disease in Galilee. Jesus point is that a believer who persists in his evil ways is to be put out of the church and to be offered the same fellowship as an unbelieving, unrepentant outsider. Regardless of how many times offenders do them wrong, believers must still forgive them (Matthew 18:21-22). He had been preparing them for the new things, and the impossibility of making them coalesce with the old. They must have felt embarrassed and ashamed. 1-4); How we receive and treat "these little ones who believe in Me," (vss. . To the end the events are put together, just as in Matthew 8:1-34, without regard to the point of time when they occurred. But whoever puts a stumbling-block in the way of one of these little ones, who believe in me, it is better for him that a great millstone should be hanged about his neck, and that he should be drowned far out in the open sea. God gives the church the authority to disfellowship a member who is habitually committing sin or is a danger to the congregation (Matthew 18:17; Romans 16:17-18; I Corinthians 5:1-5, 9-13; II Thessalonians 3:6, 14; Titus 3:10-11).Every private association possesses power of this sort. Answer (1 of 8): (1) Preliminary comment: Matthew 18:15-35 is often treated in isolation as the classic passage about church discipline, given to provide rules for running the church and principles for applying church discipline. Only if these steps fail is the matter opened to public scrutiny. The Lord turned the captivity of Job, not when he prayed for himself, but when he prayed for his friends who had trespassed against him. essayed to destroy the testimony with their utmost and blasphemous contempt. That is why the Kingdom of Heaven can be likened to what happened when a king wished to make a reckoning with his servants. The rules prescribed, Matthew 18:15-17; Matthew 18:15-17. (ii) It stresses the terror of the punishment of those who teach another to sin. And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican. All these passages use the word aionios ( G166) ; but we must be careful to remember what it means. Your book on apostolic ministry has been a tremendous help. Telling the elders, the deacons, or the preacher, or anyone else, of the evil detected in another is wrong (until after the first admonition); and even after the first admonition, the greatest number to be acquainted with it is two others (see Matthew 18:16). . This would not be a legal claim on man, but the scattering of good seed, life and fruit from God, and this in the unlimited field of the world, not in the land of Israel merely. Verse 15: "And if your brother sins, go and reprove him in private; if he listens to you, you have won your brother.". I cant express to you how much you have helped free me. This is the purpose of church discipline: to restore and show love (Matthew 18:15). It does not say, that " then there came a leper," or " immediately there came a leper." [1] For a fuller treatment of this topic see: The Rescue of Matthew 18 available at in softcover and Kindle format. That is what He wanted His disciples to do regarding the erring brother or sister. Inattention to this has perplexed many. What instrument so suitable? Humble thyself in the eyes of the Lord, and He shall lift you up. So, when more is added, He says, "All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. I am the surgeon and I am telling you, we've got to operate immediately. Tell it to the guides and governors of the church, the minister or ministers, the elders or deacons, or (if such the constitution of the society be) tell it to the representatives or heads of the congregation, or to all the members of it; let them examine the matter and, if they find the complaint frivolous and groundless, let them rebuke the complainant; if they find it just, let them rebuke the offender, and call him to repentance, and this will be likely to put an edge and an efficacy upon the reproof, because given," 1. I feel so blessed to have found you. Nor was the unbelief confined to these religionists of letter and form; for next (verse 14) the question comes from John's disciples: "Why do we and the Pharisees fast oft, but thy disciples fast not?" And how is the rule usually observed? Jesus says that, if two upon earth agree upon any matter for which they are praying, they will receive it from God. Now what you need to conceptionalize and to realize is the fact that Jesus is here tonight.Now if you have a real need and you knew Jesus was there, what would you do? In the Greek translation of the Old Testament, the number in Genesis 4:24 is the same as in Matthew 18:22 where the emphasis is on limitless forgiveness. Disagreeing with someone is not scandalous behavior. Thus, in the scene of the leper, we have Jesus presented as "Jehovah that healeth Israel," as man here below, and in Jewish relationships, still maintaining the law. There am I, not only I will be there, but I am there; as if he came first, is ready before them, they shall find him there; he repeated this promise at parting (Matthew 28:20; Matthew 28:20), Lo, I am with you always. The Greek word is constantly so used as an expression of contempt, "This [fellow] doth not cast out devils, but by Beelzebub the prince of the devils." Matthew 18:15-17 contains the words of Christ to his church, instructing us on how to deal with internal conflict with a brother or sister who sins against us and doesn't know it. At last they got him to tell why. If your . Is it not most sweet to see, that He who proves His divine glory at once associates us with Himself? We are dependent, therefore, for determining this case, on the fact that Mark does habitually adhere to the chain of events. A fish was the last being for man to make his banker of; with God all things are possible, who knew how to blend admirably in the same act divine glory, unanswerably vindicated, with the lowliest grace in man. I heard the podcast of how you and Bryon handled the Matthew 18 principle. The Church is the Body of Christ; if that body is to be healthy and health-giving, that which has the seeds of cancerous and poisonous infection in it must be even surgically removed. "This man blasphemeth." . As a result of being at your seminar on the prophetic mind, I feel like I have been put in touch with my creator for the first time. In Matthew 18:17, Jesus' instructions on the brother who sins reach a climax: If he refuses to listen to them, tell it to the church. There is a tradition that the child grew to be Ignatius of Antioch, who in later days became a great servant of the Church, a great writer, and finally a martyr for Christ. He takes accordingly the title of the "Son of man" for the first time in this gospel. None the less does the Lord uphold it, purged of what accretions had come in to obscure its original and proper character.