Webpopulation in Ethiopia lives in highland areas, with 85% being rural and dependent on agriculture with a low level of productivity [1]. Moreover, it also leads migration, humanitarian aid, and food production under more capital-intensive that concentrated in fewer hands from input accessing to the provisioning of food distribution (FAO, Citation2017). Trop Drylands 2: 18-27. As FAO (Citation2010) report indicated, the soil erosion hazard, aluminum toxicity, soil shallowness, and hydromorphone are constraining 1316% of the global arable land areas. Land fragmentation. It increased by around 70% based on the current estimation backgrounds. Source: CSA (Central Statistics Authority) (Citation1998); ELPAA (Ethiopia Land Policy and Administration Assessment) (Citation2004), Source: CSA (Central Statistics Authority) (Citation2015) and Diriba (Citation2020), ** is statistically significant at p <0.05. Loss of Arable Land threaten world food supplies, Ethiopia - Average consumer prices inflation rate. Therefore, this paper is devoted to reviewing agricultural challenges and prospects in Ethiopia based on the available literature. The country has also a great variety of climate and soil types that enables it to grow a diversity of horticultural crops. Ethiopia is a preferred destination for many investors and tourists because of the unique climatic conditions it possesses. Landlessness is, therefore, becoming a However, agriculture in these regions are highly influenced by several factors including water limitation, extreme heat, frequent drought, bared and marginal soil, vulnerable topography for natural hazards, erosive rain and wind. Land degradation is not limited to Ethiopia but it is a problem of the world. Such food price inflation creates political instability, disorder, chaos, unemployment, malnutrition, hunger, poverty, imbalance, and inefficient resource distributions among the nations and further intensifies the international security problems in the horn of Africa (Cohen & Garrett, Citation2009; Chakraborty & Garrett, Citation2002). WebAgriculture in Ethiopia has come a long way. Put in perspective, Ethiopias key agricultural sector has grown at an annual rate of about 10% over the past decade; much faster than population growth. But even these 2 ha of land is not enough to produce an adequate supply of food for the average family (Lebeda et al., Citation2010; IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development), Citation2008; Gebreselassie, Citation2006). The variation of climate change in Ethiopia is not limited to rainfall but includes temperatures (Tables 7 and 8), relative humidity, wind, and others. The eroded soil resulted in infertile soil, low moisture-holding capacity, and a low amount of yield per hectare to be produced (Lebeda et al., Citation2010). Most of the Ethiopian farmers have farmland that is fragmented into two to three plots or parcels (Table 3). This research investigated the effects of SWC The population of Sub-Saharan Africa countries projected to be doubled by 2050 (increased by 99%) (UNDESA, Citation2015). High rate of agricultural growth has far-reaching positive implications for economic development of low-income countries in terms of increasing employment and accelerating poverty reduction. Overcoming these challenges requires a greater commitment of the governments, nongovernment, and other international organizations to assurance the peoples basic needs and inspire the citizens to commercialize agriculture through improving infrastructures, provision of incentives, and export the agricultural commodities. The agricultural sector of Ethiopia has shown remarkable resilience over many centuries though it is now increasingly failing. Globally, about 3.2 billion people are affected by land degradation (https://www.thegef.org/topics/land-degradation)(Figures 2 and 3). The countryhas a huge labor force and water resources. Does aquaculture add resilience to the global food system? In Ethiopia, it is characterized by high-input and resource-intensive farming systems that harmoniously caused losses of important microorganisms, massive deforestation, freshwater scarcities, soil nutrient depletion, and high levels of greenhouse gas emissions and then hindered agricultural outputs (FAO, Citation2017). It is also complicated by unequal distribution among the householders. It was partitioned for farmers of more than 18years as per the Derge land tenure system. WebAbstract. Conversely, substantial volume of the water demand, Grain yields are relatively low d Achieving sustainable development and promoting development cooperation, World population prospects: The 2015 revision. The rapidly increasing populations, depletion of soil fertility, landlessness, climate change, deforestation, political turmoil, and degradation of natural resources are among the current problems facing the country. Register to receive personalised research and resources by email. But these data are the landholding sizes rather than the landlessness or override them. The future of Ethiopian agriculture is bright because of the fact that the country is gifted with a variable climate ranging from tropics (growing tropical crops like citrus fruits) to subtropics (growing crops like apples). Such integration of agricultural stakeholders may improve smallholder livelihoods; shorten food supply chains and impact biodiversity through inclusive and resilient food production way. For Ethiopia to Table 11. Figure 1. Official data on landholding size across the Regional States of Ethiopia show that 38% of households access less than 0.5hectares of land, 23.65% access between 0.51 and 1.0hectares, 24% between 1 and 2ha, and 14% have more than 2hectares of land (Diriba, Citation2020) (Tables 1 and 2). Globally, population growth is slowing in the rest continents except Africa and Asia (FAO, Citation2017). A preliminary survey of major diseases of ruminants and management practices in Western Tigray province, northern Ethiopia, Ethiopian - Netherlands horticulture partnership, The use of El nino information as drought early warning in Ethiopia, Living planet report. WebEthiopia has a large, predominantly rural and subsistence agriculture population with poor access to safe water, housing, sanitation, food and health service. The country is This made the farmers unable to withstand seasonal risks of crop failure or animal deaths that even worsen the problem and force them to live in continuous poverty and are hopeless. In the coming decades, ensuring food security is one of the greatest challenges in Ethiopia. Most Ethiopians practice mixed agricultural activity which represents about 33.88% of the country`s GDP. Therefore, this paper is devoted to reviewing the existing agricultural challenges and future prospects in the country. Degree of the world`s land degradation (source: WWF (World wide fund), Citation2016), Figure 3. This is true in the case of Ethiopia, where the youngsters are more motivated to buy and use the innovated and improved agricultural technologies than older generations even in recent times. The adverse impact of climate variability varies. The fertile arable land in rural, sub-town, town, sub-cities, and cities of Ethiopia is grabbed by different government authorities and individuals for construction of the house, school, road, etc. Furthermore, it resulted in unsustainable land-use practices. Ticks (species of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus, Boophilus decolaratus, Rhipicephelus evertsi, and Amblyomma variegatum), Tsetse Fly (Glossina pallidipes), Mange (Chorioptes bovis, and Sarcoptes), biting flies (Stomoxys calcitrans (stable Fly)) are vector-borne parasitic diseases of livestock and endoparasites such as helminths (nematodes: Haemonchus, Ostertagia, Trichostrongylus (chaerbertia, oesophagostomum), Nematodirus, Bunostomum (hookworm), Toxocara vitulorum, cooperia, Dictyocaulus), estodes: moeniezia genus, cysticercus, Echinococcus granulosus), Trematodes (Fasciola hepatica, and Fasciola gigantic) and Coccidia are directly constrained livestock production in Ethiopia (Diriba, Citation2020; Welay et al., Citation2018; Ministry of Agriculture, Citation2014). Its rate has increased with increasing of Ethiopians, overgrazes, deforestations, utilizes of dung, and crop residues for fuel and other uses. What are the problems with agriculture in Ethiopia? The rapidly growing population is a source of labor to exploit the existing resources for agricultural-sector investors. The farmland obtained in such a way is very limited to the individual capacity to work and difficult even to plow by oxen-power than tractor. Agriculture is the largest Hunger and extreme poverty are reduced globally since the 1990s (FAO, Citation2016). The deforestation rate in Ethiopia accounts for 1.25% of forest and other woodlands 1.8% annually per year (GFRA (Global Forest Resources Assessment), Citation2015). Major destinations for Ethiopia's exports in 2017/2018 were: Asia 39.8% (of which China accounted for 22.3%), Europe 28.7% and Africa 20.9%. However, Ethiopias current fruit, vegetable, and animal production for export are very limited because of fragmented cultivation and lack of quality. crop productions and animal rearing) took place. The above-raised problems contributed a picture of increased degradation of existing arable land, as well as difficulties with making new arable land in the future. ethiopia farm project challenges decision cancel bilaterals The integral agricultural practices to sustain its growth include the use of farmland, labor, other inputs through technological progress, social innovation, and new business models in efficient and effective ways by conserving the scarce natural resources according to local conditions (Troell et al., Citation2014; OECD, Citation2011). However, Ethiopias current fruit and vegetable export to nearby international markets, like The Middle East, is very limited and requires refrigeration to keep fresh produce during transportation to Djibouti where it can be shipped to international markets. drought ethiopia tests changed stricken shelter somali temporary pot region cooking outside seen january UNCTAD (United Nations Conference on Trade and Development). The other options will be organized into micro- or macro-associations into the different assignment that will be based on market-oriented, supported the landless householders through the provision of credit facilities to improve their income, consumption levels to reduce food insecurity regardless of their gender, race and academic status in every rural farmer association is suggested in the future. agricultural growth ethiopia evidence drivers 2004 It enhanced the integration of researchers affiliated on the crop improvements, conservation agriculture, agroecology, agroforestry, and the development of crop varieties that are more tolerant to pests, diseases, drought, waterlogging, and salinity (FAO, Citation2013). Based on this background, the state farmland provision for the farmer is more than 3045years and on average the current landowner is above 4850years of age at a minimum level. An attempt to address the problem of food shortage in moderation of prices and enhancing distribution across a globe in addition to supporting the agricultural productivity through improved technology is becoming part of the solution. Especially after the industrial revolution, agriculture became an increasingly global affair, with wealthier countries controlling natural resources worldwide to satisfy growing domestic consumer demand. Monkeys, apes, rodents (rats and mice), and birds (e.g., Quelea quelea) are also causing severe crop losses in Ethiopia. This is frequently partitioned up to 1991. globalhealth CIA (Central intelligence agency) World Factbook. The government has made significant investments in the public health sector that have led to improvements in health outcomes. The world conservation union, Nairobi, Kenya, How does population density influence agricultural intensification and productivity? However, in recent times in Ethiopia resettlement of farmers to the new arable farmland or to other national regional states of Ethiopia are unthinkable. The direct consequence of land degradation is declining crop yields which eventually leads to a higher rate of poverty amongst the agrarian households. According to the UNCCD ( 2017) report, Ethiopia losses about 30,000 ha of agricultural land every year due to water erosion and over 2 million hectares are degraded each year. Excessive use of chemical fertilizers, mono-cropping; deforestation, soil erosion due to poor soil management practices such as over-cultivation of soils or overgrazing added to the problem. But around 700 million people, most of them living in rural areas are still live in extreme poverty, and more than 800 million people are chronically hungry and 2 billion people suffer micronutrient deficiencies in the whole world. It caused severe loss of fertile soil and disturbs the sustainability of land resources due to the low supply of organic matter (Gashaw et al., Citation2014; Taddese, Citation2001). ZEFdiscussion papers on development policy, The causes, consequences and remedies of deforestation in Ethiopia. The political unrest was expressed in frequent protests that resulted in the loss of the existing resources of both private and public such as mechanized farm equipment, shelters, floriculture, personal house, shops, materials, other farm equipment, and tools of the researchers institute and campaigns are a real crisis of visions that could bring a total failure of understanding, and unwilling to work devotional following this unrest and harassment especially discouraging private investors in the agricultural sector (FAO, Citation2019; ILRI (International Livestock Research Institute), Citation2017; ATA, Citation2014; ATA, Citation2013). Particularly, the GOE under the new administration has given renewed emphasis to develop the agriculture sector and ensure food security. Did you know that with a free Taylor & Francis Online account you can gain access to the following benefits? A rural community settlement has another negative impact on the utilization of farmlands for mechanization. The mono-cropping system of some crops in the central highland of Ethiopia also led to nutrient depletion (Merga & Ahmed, Citation2019). The reduced precipitation and rise of temperature could influence agricultural practices and their results widely (Shekuru et al., Citation2020). Variations and fluctuations in rainfall and temperature compromise, among others, the productive performances of the agricultural sector and make rural households at risk. WebAgriculture is the mainstay of the economy. Arable land is the most basic resource for farmers life which the majority of the energetic Ethiopians lacked or too small to use because it is divided into a number of small-sized parcels, degraded, fragmented and infertile. Agriculture is the backbone of the Ethiopian economy. Land use and household holding by region, 19971998, Table 2. This influenced the levels of income, opportunities, and ownership of assets. WebAgricultural expansion affecting Acacia Woodland in Central Rift Valley of Ethiopia Impacts of Deforestation Atmospheric Impact Deforestation is ongoing and is shaping climate and geography of Ethiopia. Ethiopia is known as the water tower of East Africa. ethiopia fao armyworm fall maize continues fields spread inspecting tamiru infested farmer legesse southern farm credit his It is almost unbelievable that policymakers, scholars, and practitioners of the most advanced technologies failed to anticipate the problems of food security and agricultural development before they unfolded in Ethiopia (Diriba, Citation2020). Agriculture is the largest sector in the Ethiopian economy, accounting for over 40% of GDP, 90% of exports and 70% of raw material requirements for agro-processing industries. The poor farming system such as mono-cropping contributed to soil degradation and nutrient depletion and consequently low yield (Marais et al., Citation2012). Variable Rainfall Heavily dependent upon unreliable rainfall which may produce surplus only in years of favorable weather. The author received no direct funding for this research. Investing in the rearing of livestock and its products including live animals, meat, leather goods, and milk is a major source of foreign exchange and household consumption values (Gelan et al., Citation2012). Benin (Citation2006) finds out that land degradation constraints caused a lowering of the likelihood of using reduced tillage and the value of crop yield per hectare. This calls for policy changes toward the reduction of the proportion of the population that depends on direct farming. These policy regulations may include changing the current fragmented agricultural activities into unified mechanized farming systems as a strategic developmental plan. Agriculture is particularly vulnerable to climate-related effects such as erratic rainfall in the semi-arid regions of northern Ethiopia. However, traditional agriculture is inefficient to feed these populations unless further modifications are implemented in the policy of the country. EPID Publication No. An increase in farm size is also associated with a decrease in fertilizer and pesticide use per hectare, showing clear benefits for environmental protection (Ren et al., Citation2019). In 20182020years alone the locust caused high-yield losses in the rift valley, eastern, north-central, and northern parts of Ethiopia. Therefore, it requires committed and greater efforts of government and its people. Grain production constitutes the major share of agricultural production and contributes significantly to the national domestic product. ethiopian illness Pest management support services strategy for Ethiopia. IFAD (International Fund for Agricultural Development). This report also indicated that the Ethiopian government planned the development of small-scale irrigation to 1.7 million ha between 2015 and 2020. Vertically coordinated, more organized food systems offer standardized food for urban areas and formal employment opportunities for both rural and urban areas. It is also estimated that over 1.5 billion tons of soil per year are lost by erosion and flooding which could have added about 1.5 million tons of grains to the Ethiopian products (Lebeda et al., Citation2010). At the same time, the net farm income per hectare is not responsive to the rising of constraints. Ethiopias population is growing into the 21st century with their generationally acquired wisdom and skills. The improvement in the economic trends are due to the growth in agriculture which plays a dominant role in Ethiopia's economy. Hence, integration of all the concerned bodies including market channels, and reviewing the poor and weakest strategic development may partly solve the productivity and agricultural production problems. Land degradation impact index (GLADIS). The livelihood of rural households in Ethiopia, like in most developing countries, largely depends on land resource. Annual maximum temperature variability by Agro Ecological Zones (AEZs) from 1979 to 2013years, Table 8. Agricultural investment potential of Ethiopia. These are reducing the farmland and increasing displacement of the farming community. UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification). Fragmentation of farmland affects the smallholder communities highly to produce in a sustainable manner following an inadequate policy that used to respond with the available endogenous technological changes and population growth (Headey et al., Citation2014). This will demand an additional billion tons of cereal grains and 200 million tons of meat to be produced annually (FAO, Citation2017). In some parts, utilization of the water resources is hindered because of the undulating topography of the country. For instance, the wholesale price unit of maize grain in the capital city of Ethiopia (Addis Ababa) alone increased from 1,469 to 5,013 from 2005 to 2012 in Ethiopian Birr (ETB) per ton (FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations), Citation2015) and the price is tripled in the last five years. The state of natural resources in Ethiopia is under the influence of various interconnected factors such as population pressure, migration and resettlement, land-use changes for agriculture, environmental pollution, the change in climate, and rapid change in the lifestyle of people among others. Ethiopian water resources are unevenly distributed. Monthly, seasonal and annual rainfall trend analyses from 1979 to 2013years, Table 6. The impacts of the mentioned problems vary across the country, and from place to place. The livelihood of rural households in Ethiopia, like in most developing countries, largely depends on land resource. The physical potential for sharply increased agriculture is high but the obstacles for development are immense still, despite recent government attempts. Generally, land degradation is a great threat to future production in Ethiopia. Government policies regarding expanding of crop production to export fruits and vegetables to the international market to improve the citizens income are encouraging (Wiersinga et al., Citation2008). Although important it was, in Ethiopia, academic workers have never been recognized as important developmental issues. Ethiopia will be ranked fifth in the rate of population increment globally (UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs), Citation2019). The farmers continued to utilize their ancient system of production despite changing ecological and population pressures. The global soil organic carbon nets primary production is reduced at least by 5% due to the loss of natural ecosystem functions, which is estimated at an economic value of between 6.3 USD-$10.6 trillion per year (or 1017% of global GDP) (UNCCD, Citation2019). Summary of the spatial variability of surface water in Ethiopia. A higher rise in temperature noted in drier areas of the northeast and southeast part of Ethiopia (Abebe & Arega, Citation2020). In addition, the countrys agriculture highly depends on rain-fed. These activities may include the provision of social services to accommodate the new generation (FAO, Citation2017). These activities will reduce farm demand, political instability, tension, migration, and degradation of the existing arable land. It accounts for nearly 80% of the land under cultivation and employs 60% of the rural workforce, most of which work on less than one hectare of land. Soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia and requires urgent intervention to secure the food demand of the people (Woreka, Citation2004). Chronic and transitory household food insecurity remains among the major problems facing both rural and urban community in Ethiopia.. The one who owns a large family and cattle received more. Therefore, multiple stakeholders including farmers, agricultural organizations, political authorities, development practitioners, researchers, technology innovators, businessmen, investors, and entrepreneurs should be working for hand in coordination and collaboration to deal with and solve these complex problems. For instance, rainfall is one of the most noticed climate variables in the country. Therefore, it requires taking critical actions to solve it. In particular, Africa and Latin America have the highest proportion of degraded agricultural land whereas Asia has the largest proportion of degraded forest land as revenue-poor national governments pursue lucrative policies of deforestation. Small-scale producers and landless households are the most vulnerable to climate change in Ethiopia. 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG. The central challenge for the Ethiopian Government is to make sure that cities are attractive places in which to work and live, while fostering smart urbanization. Furthermore, it is used for utilizing the countrys agricultural productivity growth, political commitment, and scrutinize the necessity of mechanized farms at the national level. (. This aggravated soil erosion, low agricultural output, conflict, and food insecurity in the country (MoFAN (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands), Citation2018). Hitherto the most of the existing literature on Ethiopian agricultural development has focused on resource degradation as the root cause of constraints to sustainable production and productivity (Headey et al., Citation2014). Arthropod pests such as locust (Schistocerca gregaria), fall armyworm (Spodoptera frugiperda), African armyworm (Spodoptera exempta), stalk borer (Busseola fusca, Chilo partellus and Sesamia calamistis), cutworm, fruit flies (Ceratitis cosyra, C. fasciventris, C. rosa, C. anonae, and C. capitata, Bactrocera dorsalis, B. invadens), termites (Macrotermes, Odontotermes, Microtermites, etc), weevils [(Sitophilus spp. Globally, countries are interdependent on the path of sustainable development but challenged by achieving coherent, effective national and international governance with clear developmental objectives and commitments to achieve (UNDESA, Citation2008). Most of the Ethiopian water flows to the Western direction (69.83%), following to Eastern (33.34%) as indicated in Table 11. Overcoming these challenges is not an easy task. UNDESA (United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs). More than 80% of the population lives in rural areas where farming (i.e. This is because of the rapid increment of population, change of fertile farmland to construction for the urban dwellers, climate change, decline of available natural resources, inflation of basic needs, young unemployment, political turmoil, and civil conflict (Alemu & Mengistu, Citation2019; FTF (Feed the Future), Citation2018; Simane et al., Citation2016). Issues impacting agriculture identified in the survey include: Supplying the growing global demand for commodities arising from developing economies and world population growth. However, Ethiopia is almost rainfall-dependent as there are no practices of water harvesting technology (Ayalew, Citation2018). In the coming 15years, the number of older persons is estimated to grow faster in Latin America and The Caribbean, with a projected 71% increase in the population aged 65 and above, followed by Asia (66%), Africa (64%), Oceania (47%), North America (41%) and Europe (23%) (FAO, Citation2017). Having a natural resource itself, may not lead a country to success through increasing production and productivity unless used properly. For example, in 1913/14 (Northern Ethiopia), 1920/22, 1932/34, 1953, 1957/58, 1964/66, and 1973/74 (Tigray and Wolo), 19831984, 19871988, and 199092, 1993/94 (Wolde-Georgis, Citation1997) and recently in 2015/2016 (Eastern parts of Ethiopia followed by ElNio). The striking rise of womens responsibilities in agriculture and its intensifications are driven by farmland fragmentation affects the demand for male and female jobs and social norms around womens responsibilities (FAO, Citation2017). Soil erosion is an endogenous factor that happened during heavy rainfall and wind. Notably, the variability is higher between July and September. The mean minimum and maximum annual temperature change varied from less than 15C (in the highlands) to above 25C (in the lowlands) of Ethiopia (Kew et al., Citation2017; Regassa et al., Citation2010). Melese (Citation2019) reported that the use of improved crop varieties, agroforestry, crop diversification, soil conservation, off-farm, and irrigation practices, and adjusting the time of planting is the most important strategies. Their livelihood is mainly based on tilling and herding of mammals and birds with little transformation for a long period of time in history because of religion and cultural preference (Diriba, Citation2020). Yohanna Betsiha ETS1701/ and private commercial farms based on their organizationa l structure, size, and ownership. By closing this message, you are consenting to our use of cookies. 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