This is why it is better promises. And who was the new covenant given to? So now that I have a like-minded brother in Christ, I am truly interested to know how you reconcile the teachings of 119 Ministries (as I understand them presented above) to your stated beliefs in your earlier reply. May God bless you and your deliberation on this. How do you become bound to HIM through Jesus the only way to be circumcised of the heart (promised by Jeremiah). I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. Making reference to himself Yeshua said that Gods word is truth. 4 They tie heavy loads onto peoples shoulders but wont lift a finger to help carry them. Not that it has already passed away. Brethren, I write no new commandment unto you, but an old commandment which you had from the beginning. I think it's the oddness of their Hebrew Roots/Torah keeping position that makes people say that, maybe coupled with their unusual move to Costa Rica. I know that I am given the free gift of grace by the blood of Jesus in atonement for my sin. The more you know whats actually in Scripture the better you can spot the errors. Pleroo is almost always translated using one of these third choice English words. Go study all of Jesuss teachings then ask yourself, WHY do the majority of his teachings come directly from the Torah? He spoke against the law of sin and he spoke against the law of sin and death, but never against Gods Torah, who in reality is Yeshua the Messiah. If a Muslims or a Hindus life improves, should we all praise Allah or Krishna? The invite to test everything is inviting because that is what it is meant to be. I now read His Word in the light of the Holy Spirit and not with the teachings of the Christian Church and I have been absolutely amazed at how he has brought understanding and confirmation to things I never really understood before. However, no longer making the law of God applicable is an absurd translation. the Shkhinah of the Fathers only Son, Thank Rome for that. I explain well in these two videos my response to both you and McKee.. Read it 10 times and God will grant you true Biblical revelation. You obviously do not understand. I became a Christian about 35 years ago. So it is true that we are not to be under the law, as long as that is not understood to Their vocabularies didnt contain a word that could even come close to the Torah (instructions, commandments, laws, ordinances, rulings). So he DOES give her the food from the children (the healing she begged for) and he DOES demonstrate he is on earth for all humanity, not just Jews. I havent watched any of their videos in a while. Well, Torah obviously. If you read prophecy, you will see the feasts as well as the 7th day Sabbath will be kept in the Millennium. Not surprisingly, based on just a little searching, my family decided to fully keep the Torah (within reason, of course) BEST DECISION WE HAVE EVER MADE! 36 You know the message God sent to the people of Israel, announcing the good news of peace through Jesus Christ, who is Lord of all. As an example, you said, I learned that the trinity is nothing but paganism. Yet you later say, I follow Yahusha. (a.k.a. We need to use some common sense!! Are political parties CULTS in your view? Instead of spending your time trying to discredit others you may want to take the same advise that was given to the Jews in power at the time of Yahshua. Maybe a better way of putting it is ..I believe Christ was born so no need to keep going over that each year ( and the world spent over 1 trillion dollars on Christmas last year ..the godless and the godly . ) Its all about context, Leah. Then it will come about in that day that the nations will resort to the root of Jessie, who will stand as a signal for the peoples; And HIS resting place will be glorious.. I know I am sidelining, I do also understand every ministry has its flaws. 11 (10) You are to stone him to death; because he has tried to draw you away from ADONAI your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of a life of slavery. Only then could Messiah be the unblemished lamb whose sacrifice fully and completely washed away the sin of those who follow Him. The speakers are just men. You got it right Antonio thank you. As I have read this article, and some of the replies, I have come to this conclusion. Unfortunately, 119 Ministries uses the same techniques of deceit. Hmmm. There does not, need to be multiple choices in order to defend their position of defense, even if there are others. What is so wrong with going back to the beginning to search out and work out our salvation through Yeshua the Christ and Holy Spirit-empowered Scriptural insight with much fear and trembling? But this New Covenant will be different because this one will be written on their hearts and mind. a vehicle to disseminate Yahweh's truth and the whole Word of God to help others alsoseek, teach and live out the truth of the Word. Heaven-and-Earth Huge! (The fact that you rely on Strongs and Websters reveals you likely have no clue.) This is the people to whom Paul wrote. In fact, Kefa told the Sanhedrin, flat out, that is better to obey God than man. Ive asked for a while & will continue. Faith with out works is dead. Thus, YHWH did not dismiss the standard of Torah because Israel chose disobedience; rather, He installed a Renewed Covenant to write HIS Torah upon the heart of each of us through the work of the Holy Spirit according to Jesus. What Jesus chastised the Pharisees about doing was ADDING man made traditions that were elevated to be on par with Gods Instructions. 15 For if their casting Yeshua aside means reconciliation for the world, what will their accepting him mean? If the Hebrew Roots Movement has a human origin, then it will collapse. He slaughtered so many people. May you be blessed! And for the record, many of the leaders or teachers in that movement are former Baptist and Pentecostal pastors (some leading Christian churches anywhere from 20-45 years) who found that church doctrine just didnt line up with Scripture in its original context. It will blown your mind and reveal just how far off course the church has been since the Civil War. You assume I havent read the Bible when you call on me to read it myself and seeI have read it. Why cant we research what someone else is thinking? What most Christians dont understand is the fact that most of the laws in the Torah (first 5 books of the Bible) are for the Levite priests! Others at worst ignore the scriptures and claim the instructions God gave have been done away with but then they complain because they are plagued by secret sins. Perhaps you follow only some of them. Afterward we were laughing about it and commenting how we just loved it. Hebrews is also clear the New Covenant was already established with numerous references. New Flash: the Messianic Community of the 1st century was the original Hebrew Roots Movement. Where does it say in the scriptures you should disobey YHWY to please your family. Before the videos, though, an illustration demonstrating that Wilber, McKee, and 119 Ministries do not understand submission or servanthood.. These other ministers of the Gospel are very quick to show their true nature in the way they present themselves just like a wolf venomously biting and ripping into the flesh of other believers. But, have we missed somevery important things? (Whether it was written (as some believe) or oral, I do not know from scripture.) If you could provide some of your few largest disconnects, Id love to hear them. If thats what they hold to be truly the Sabbath, then they break it every weak. I did it when I left the RCC to become born again at a Baptist assembly. Tovia is incorrect in his beliefs of the Messiah and you have been misled. Very dangerous grounds and to think that what they claim Pauls letters to the Galatians mean supersedes the Words of Jesus Himself? 119 ministries do not teach that following the law of God will grant you salvation. What Christendom typically does, it has adopted from Rome taking poetic text literally and literal text being taken allegorically so they can make it mean what they want it to mean. If you have the word written in your heart you would by your new nature follow his commandments. When I was a young man, another man owed me money and said he was ready to pay. I do not know nor can I know what it has cost you to follow the Lamb of God but it has cost me more than you could know . You are right Leah, we do have the freedom to chose to obey or not, and God will still love us. I guess you need to research more you are appearing as a false prophet. The Vatican hates the Torah because it stands in the way of the Roman Catholic clergys blatant attempts to infiltrate the true Body of the Messiah Yeshua and do grave damage. to complete They do not. I have corrected some things they have posted and have seen them change their position on certain things presented. I stand opposed to 119 Ministries and cant laud them with praises, but certainly dont want to be calling names & want to correct that if its there. 35 By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another. -John 13:34-35. 1. of matters of duty: to perform, execute Who in the Bible to you imitate? Established in 2010, 119 Ministries is a Non-for-Profit ministry consisting of teachers, a few other paid staff, and a collection of international volunteers who assist with administrative and logistical operations. That is an outright lie at worst and a misrepresentation at best. Ive noticed the same thing and have blogged on it. I felt like every video that Ive watched came from a loving spirit. But many in Christendom have bought that lie that they do and the lie that Jews earn salvation that way also. You cant take a few verses here and there to phase out others. I am not comparing anything or anyone. Using the ancient Hebrew mindset of my ancestors, Leah, it is clear as a bell that Kefa is talking about people who have no real knowledge of the Scriptures, or their unstable minds distort what theyve read to their own destruction. Once we are made new creatures in the Messiah are we to continue in sin? When were these commandments given? Be careful of this spirit . And then someone challenged me. 119 Ministries is extremely active on social media and the internet, with smartphone apps and an extensive library of online teachings. But yes Moses believed in the Gospel preached in the wilderness. When the Ruach came upon me. And I have watched these same people go from belief to belief. My Messianic Jewish wife and I both agree that many Christians have never truly understood the sacrificial death and the glorious resurrection our Lord Yeshua the Messiah, or the glaring fact that he is the Torah, the Prophets, and the Holy Writings, in flesh and blood, which is now a glorified body. I think if I understand your position of trust you mean to say the Jewish Calendar that predetermines the Moedim and new moons etc? You never know whats gonna happen! What about Mehenam, son of Hezekiah? Not a chance. We simply study His Word and teach what we believe to be truth. My analogy of pleroo is NOT incorrect as you claim, because I made no analogy. I recommend you read an article written by John Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the website Amen! Really, what are those against HR afraid of? What a powerful and thorough rebuttal and summary. Once the church sees who it really is and how Christ is now riding through history with his Army, defeating the enemy in every realm of life.. we will come alive and realize these are the Days of Vengeance (justice). Now it is our responsibility to show our love for him by keeping ALL of his commandments. Again, what could be better than family, feasting, fun, Yahweh, Scripture, peace, rest, worship, fellowshipall wrapped up in knowing we are loving our Father and our neighbor the way He commanded us, not mens traditions!? Perhaps that is why Paul said to run the race to win? Id also like to use your teachings as a reference on this counter to 119 Ministries that Im working on. 18 For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not [a]the smallest letter or stroke shall pass from the Law until all is accomplished. The Catholic Church martyred those who disagreed with their doctrine. WHEN has fulfilled ever been a synonym for abolished? Praise and glory to our Heavenly Father! Heavy Burdens. They even have remastered some of their teachings when believers present them with scripture and show them where they errored. So the Messiah was telling his disciples to follow the law. Like David Wilber, a contributor for 119 Ministries, the ministry has recently taken a public stance that Yeshua was in submission to the Church when He went to the stake/cross. It is one thing to disagree and debate, iron sharpens iron, but such contempt? When you actually dig into nuances of the Greek term, you discover that it does not always imply submission (obedience) to an authority, and in the context of Pauls letter actually has the sense of voluntary servanthood. How do I enlighten him on who the Holy Ghost is and that its not a false God but part of the triune God we love so dearly? Its an active life of obeying not a static state of being. However I do not condemn them for worshipping on Sunday. What people dont realize is the fact that his Torah/law was given so we would know what sin is! Here we see it clearly detailed the whole reason the Law was given. Hebrew Roots was all they knew until the Emperor Constantine and his mother started playing havoc with the Messianic Community in order to save what was left of his crumbling empire. Do you know about the Bar Khokhba revolt? We are not to walk in wickedness, which is breaking Gods commandments but in obedience which is our righteousness, otherwise we can throw out the majority of the New Testament, do whatever you want and still get your get out of hell free card but we know that is not the case. 12 (11) Then all Israel will hear about it and be afraid, so that they will stop doing such wickedness as this among themselves. The fact is, thanks to Jesus, those who trust in Him for their salvation are grafted INTO the Commonwealth of Israel (again, see Pauls explanation in Romans 11) and as Israel, we should be following what God outlined FOR Israel. , Here it is: cuz he wasnt a single or married woman, or a farmer, etc. so we have to be ingrafted to Israel.). As with other Hebrew Roots groups, many Christians consider 119 ministries a cult. I appreciate your comment. Depending on who you ask which cult do you profess? Yet, its also hypocritical for you to condemn people who worship on Saturday. There is a way that seems right unto man and that way leads to death . It smells human and not at all of the same scent of Jesus in the gospels. Do they teach Jesus is not the Messiah?, do they teach that Salvation is not through Jesus the Messiah? WebConsider sending out the map regularly to friends and social networks so others are afforded the same opportunity. It is spreading like wildfire in the North Georgia and Atlanta area. Ill just note repost from Antonio: Is that alright? This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you . Oh foolish Galatians . Your message is based on a theme of defeatism and pessimism that the Gospel will not be successful in winning the world for Christ. It is simply astounding how the OT fully supports the NT and the NT expounds upon the OT instructionsit is like perfect harmony! Why theyre becoming atheists or agnostic? Thanks! Remember that this is in reference to believers during the upcoming end times tribulation. The entire OT bears witness to Jesus Christ whose testimony IS the spirit of prophecy. It hurts to have your heart circumcised ..ones pride must be crushed so that God gets all of the glory . Jesus LOVES you VERY VERY much for God so loved the world .. They are binding to those that consecrate themselves to the Most High, you dont have to approve, you dont have to partake, but to say it is not of God would be a grave error. This is how you are to rid your community of this wickedness. Like my analogy of a criminal given a clean slate. Now that goes for many Christian denominations that taught one thing and then a person goes to another denomination that teaches something completely different so you CANT single out 119 ministries for that. Certainly you are not following all the Mosaic Law (613) because the temple no longer exists nor do the Levite priests. May God bless us all and give us guidance and strength. Thank you for YOUR time. Anyone remember Jim Jones or other false teachers that fleeced the flock recently? Do you know any more about the leaders and this movement that I can be a good Barean in defending of the true word of God. 119 Ministries has fallen so far. Im currently composing another article in response to your earlier question about did Jesus lie in Matthew 5:17-19. And some of us listen to God. We must understand that the enemy doesnt stop in doing evil and thats why he causes such discord among denominations. This the part that blows my mind.I am parent. I too have discerned this anger it is written all over Jim Staleys face, Hi there, hope you are well.we thank God for your blog so that we can all embark on it and share ideas Are you suggesting that your disbelief in 119 ministries is based on the fact that Grace offers believers not to keep the commandments of God. The fruit taste delicious.!!! In Christ Alone, by Faith Alone. and if a few things changed no real substantial guideline as to the foundation of these changes. I distinctly remember Rav Shaul telling Gentile believers the following in chapter 11: In that case, I say, isnt it that God has repudiated his people? Heaven forbid! ( And the world hit the 1 billion dollar mark on Easter this year . ) They, like many still IN Christianity or those who left Christianity completely are angry at being lied to in various ways (notice I didnt say all ways) for most of their lives. Come and walk around the east coast city I live in with me and you will SEE how an experiential walk with the living new covenant Torah is like. Like most Roman Catholic puppets, you twist Yeshuas words and you twist Rav Shauls words to suit your own agenda. Be kept in the gospels by John Parsons entitled Olam HaTorah on the website http: // does it in. This article, and some of the same scent of Jesus himself collapse. What Jesus chastised the Pharisees about who is behind 119 ministries was ADDING man made traditions that were to... I made no analogy where they errored given a clean slate OT instructionsit is like perfect harmony is... No longer exists nor do the Levite priests right Leah, we do have the written! Why Paul said to run the race to win article written by John entitled... Message is based on a theme of defeatism and pessimism that the Gospel preached in the gospels your mind reveal... 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