View Notes - RG ST- Outline- 8 Theories of Religion from RG ST 1 at University of California, Santa Barbara. Daniel L. Pals. Why do the beliefs and behaviors we typically call "religious" so deeply affect the human personality and so subtly weave their way through human society? CiNiiのサービスに関するアンケートを実施中です(11/11(水)-12/23(水)), : hbk161/P18/12000000060116, Eight Theories of Religion offers summary, analysis, and appraisal of a number of landmark modern efforts to explain the origin and function of religion. Beginning in the middle decades of the nineteenth century, it considers the Why do some seek eternal life, while others seek escape from recurring lives? Finally, it explores the newer methods and ideas arising from the African field studies of ethnographer E. E. Evans-Pritchard and the interpretive anthropology of Clifford Geertz. Evans-Pritchard and the interpretive sociology of Clifford Geertz. Eight Theories of Religion 1. Vroom’s Expectancy Theory 8. (source: Nielsen Book Data) Summary "Eight Theories of Religion" offers summary, analysis, and appraisal of a number of landmark modern efforts to explain the origin and function of religion. features a new chapter on Max Weber, a revised introduction, and a revised, expanded conclusion that traces the paths of further inquiry and interpretation traveled by theorists in the most recent decades. It then considers the great "reductionist" approaches of Sigmund Freud, Emile Durkheim, and Karl Marx, all of whom haveexercised wide influence up to the present day. It then considers the great "reductionist" approaches of Sigmund Freud, Emile Durkheim, and The discussion goes on to examine the leading challenges to reductionism as articulated by sociologist Max Weber (new to this edition) and Romanian-American comparativist Mircea Eliade. Beginning in the middle decades of the nineteenth century, it considers the Victorian anthropology of E.B. Karl Marx Religion as Agent of Economic Oppression a. Each chapter offers biographical background, theoretical exposition, conceptual analysis, and critical assessment. "Eight Theories of Religion" offers summary, analysis, and appraisal of a number of landmark modern efforts to explain the origin and function of religion. Herzberg’s Motivation Hygiene Theory 3. 8. Accessible, Why do human beings believe in divinities? Revised and updated in this second edition, Eight Theories of Religion considers how these fundamental questions have engaged the most important thinkers of the modern era. Religious explanations of these concepts are presumed to be more satisfactory than scientific explanations, which may help to account for the continuation of strong religious connectedness in countries such as the United States, despite predictions of some competing theories for a great decline in religious affiliation due to modernization and religious pluralism. Theories of religions can be classified into substantive (focusing on what it is) theories and functional or reductionist (focusing on what religions does) theories. The book is ideal for use as a supplementary text in introductory religion courses or as the main text in theory and sociology of religion courses. Porter and Lawler’s Expectancy Theory. Publication Date - January 2006. systematic, and succinct, the text examines the classic interpretations of religion advanced by theorists who have left a major imprint on the intellectual culture of the twentieth century. Accessible, systematic, and succinct, the text examines the classic interpretations of religion advanced by theorists who have left a major imprint on the intellectual culture of the twentieth century. Eight Theories of Religion, Second Edition, begins with Edward Burnett Tylor and James Frazer--two Victorian pioneers in anthropology and the comparative study of religion. The file will be sent to your Kindle account. The second edition The file will be sent to your email address. Whether you've loved the book or not, if you give your honest and detailed thoughts then people will find new books that are right for them. Why do human beings believe in divinities? You can write a book review and share your experiences. Eight Theories of Religion, Second Edition, begins with Edward Burnett Tylor and James Frazer--two Victorian pioneers in anthropology and the comparative study of religion. and Romanian-American comparativist Mircea Eliade. Ideal for use as a supplementary text in introductory religion courses Secular theories on religion : current perspectives / Published: (2000) Theory and method in the study of religion : twenty five years on / Published: (2013) The western construction of religion : myths, knowledge, and ideology / by: Dubuisson, Daniel, 1950- Published: (2003) Revised and updated in this second edition, Eight Theories of Religion considers how these fundamental questions have engaged the most important thinkers of the … Religion as Cultural System-- Clifford Geertz--9. this controversial and fascinating subject. [Daniel L Pals] -- "Revised and updated in this second edition, Eight theories of religion considers how ... fundamental questions have engaged the most important thinkers of the modern era. [1] These theories define what they present as universal characteristics of religious belief and practice. The text presents eight theories of religion and four of those theories The discussion goes on to examine the leading challenges to reductionism as articulated by sociologist Max Weber (new to this edition) This common format allows for close comparison and careful evaluation throughout. It then considers the great "reductionist" approaches of Sigmund Freud, Emile Durkheim, and Karl Marx, all of whom have exercised wide influence up to the present day. Eight Theories of Religion, Second Edition, begins with Edward Burnett Tylor and James Frazer--two Victorian pioneers in anthropology and the comparative study of religion. Eight Theories of Religion, Second Edition, begins with Edward Burnett Tylor and James Frazer--two Victorian pioneers in anthropology and the comparative study of religion. Eight Theories of Religion. Second Edition. Argyris’s Theory 7. Religion -- Study and teaching -- History. Urwick’s Theory Z 6. : pbk161/P18/12000000124894, First published title: "Seven theories of religion", New York : Oxford University Press, 1996, Includes bibliographical references and index. Eight Theories of Religion offers summary, analysis, and appraisal of a number of landmark modern efforts to explain the origin and function of religion. Why do the beliefs and behaviors we typically call "religious" so deeply affect the human personality and so subtly weave their way through human society? This common format allows for close comparison and careful evaluation throughout. It may take up to 1-5 minutes before you receive it. Eight theories of religion. ADVERTISEMENTS: Some of the most important theories of motivation are as follows: 1. Psychological theories of the origin of religion take their departure from the work of Sigmund Freud (1856-1939). Eight theories of religion by Daniel L. Pals, 2005, Oxford University Press edition, in English - 2nd ed. ISBN: 9780195304589. This book was recommended to me by one of the men I look up to in religious studies, and it certainly makes sense that he'd recommend it, following the reading. Get this from a library! Tylor and James Frazer, the "reductionist" social science of Sigmund Freud, Emile Durkheim, and Karl Marx, the non-reductionist approaches of Max Weber and Mircea Eliade, and the alternatice paradigms that have arisen from the fieldwork of E.E. Ideal for use as a supplementary text in introductory religion courses or as the central text in sociology of religion and courses centered on the explanation and interpretation of religion, Eight Theories of Religion, Second Edition, offers an illuminating treatment of this controversial and fascinating subject. His general position on religion is found in The Future of An Illusion (1928) and Moses and Monotheism (1939). Maslow’s Need Hierarchy Theory 2. 352 pages Hardcover 5-1/2 x 8-1/4 inches Why do some seek eternal life, while others seek escape from recurring lives? Conclusion-- Index. It may takes up to 1-5 minutes before you received it. McGregor’s Participation Theory 5. The second edition features a new chapter on Max Weber, a revised introduction, and a revised, expanded conclusion that traces the paths of further inquiry and interpretation traveled by theorists in the most recent decades.

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