Some of these cookies are essential to the operation of the site, while others help to improve your experience by providing insights into how the site is being used. Translation for 'abrir' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. This time it is 'abrir la ventana a': - "(...) grupos de discusión, fórums online, viajes de estudios y lecturas. Spanish term or phrase: abrir la ventana: Once again, an expression with 'ventana' in the book I am translating (from European Spanish to UK English). open up v (opened, opened) Abrí las cortinas para que entrara la luz del sol. Llamé a la puerta pero nadie vino a abrirla.I knocked at the door, but nobody came to open it. Abro para la casa después de terminarme esta cerveza. I knocked at the door, but nobody came to open it. Abrieron camino en la nieve desde la entrada de su cabaña. 1.3 (haciendo una abertura) [+pozo] to sink. Vosotros: vais a abrir: You are going to open: Vosotros vais a abrir con cuidado la puerta. Have you tried it yet? to open - abrir, abrirse, destapar, empezar, comenzar, desplegar, abrir (un camino, etc. I bought a book.). [cremallera, bragueta] to undo. [+paraguas] to open, put up. I knocked at the door, but nobody answered; we're not open to the public on Saturdays; no salimos del refugio hasta que no abrió, al caer al suelo, se abrió el libro por la página 234, ante nosotros se abría todo un mundo de posibilidades. ), arruinar, destruir. Lograr abrir translated from Spanish to English including synonyms, definitions, and related words. The smell from the kitchen whetted his appetite. pull up a photo, a web page, an e-mail, a file... You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), Spanish Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos, All Spanish-English translations from our dictionary. to undo - desabrochar, desatar, abrir, anular, deshacer, reparar (daños, etc. abrir una puerta/ventana de par en par to open a door/window wide. to unlock - abrir (con llave), revelar. English Translation of “abrir” | The official Collins Spanish-English Dictionary online. English translation of 'abrir'. √ Over 1,500,000 translations. Los reality shows me aburren, y a la vez los participantes me dan pena ajena.Reality shows bore me, and make me embarrassed for the participants at … I'll go home after this beer. (to unwrap) a. to open. ¡Ábrase de aquí! Translation for 'abrir' in the free Spanish-English dictionary and many other English translations. There was no way that I could open the packaging. Abrir translated from Spanish to English including synonyms, definitions, and related words. Te ves cansado.). (to weary) a. to bore. A very informal word or phrase used by a particular group or community as a substitute for standard language (e.g. ), iniciar, entablar. to open up abrír. The museum opens at 11 in the morning on Sundays. Ten cuidado al abrir la botella que se había sacudido. (algo que estaba cerrado) a. El presidente abrió el debate con un breve discurso. Ustedes/ellos/ellas: van a abrir: You/they are going to open: Ellas van a abrir la ventana. Learn more in the Cambridge Spanish-English Dictionary. 1.2 (desplegando) [+mapa, mantel] to spread out. Word forms: abrir, past participle abierto. Be careful opening the bottle; it has been shaken up. Hold the bird so that it can't open its wings. With Reverso you can find the Spanish translation, definition or synonym for abrir and thousands of other words. Here's what's included: SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Los olores de la cocina le abrieron el apetito. Bueno, ya me harté de usted. we had to cut a path through the branches; la explosión abrió una brecha en la pared, las lluvias han abierto socavones en las calles, the rain has caused potholes to appear on the streets, se mostrara dispuesto a abrir el camino a una serie de reformas electorales, el acto se abrió con un discurso del ministro, abrió la ceremonia el Ministro de Medio Ambiente, se acaban de volver a abrir las negociaciones con los sindicatos. Over 100,000 English translations of Spanish words and phrases. (to uncover) a. to open. transitive verb. Dictionary Spanish-English. 2. √ Fast and Easy to use. (to allow access through) a. to open. No había manera de abrir el envoltorio.There was no way that I could open the packaging. Translation of the word abrir from spanish to english, with synonyms, antonyms, verb conjugation, pronunciation, anagrams, examples of use. taking vitamins will improve your appetite; esta selección abre el apetito a los lectores, this selection is intended to whet the readers' appetite, el yogur, es un excelente revitalizador de la sangre, abre el apetito y suele aconsejarse para combatir la anemia, todas estas antologías y selecciones parciales abren el apetito de los buenos lectores. Includes free vocabulary trainer, verb tables and pronunciation function. Me abrieron la ventana a ver las múltiples formas en las que podemos aprender. 3. abrir (algo) verb — open v (opened, opened) (almost always used) Abrí la puerta para dejar entrar al gato. [+mano, abanico, paracaídas] to open. abrir translations: crack, open, open, open up, open up, open up, spread, turn on, turn on, unlock, whet. Get out of here! negotiations with the unions have been reopened; el plazo para las solicitudes se abre en abril, han abierto un centro de atención al cliente. It's midnight already. You can complete the translation of abrir given by the Spanish-English Collins dictionary with other dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Maria Moliner, Espasa Calpe, Grijalbo, Larousse, Wordreference, Oxford, Collins dictionaries... Spanish-English dictionary : translate Spanish words into English with online dictionaries. An intransitive verb is one that does not require a direct object (e.g. a whole world of possibilities was opening up before us; the avenue opens out onto a magnificent square, stay a bit closer to the side of the road when going round bends, el accidente ocurrió por abrirse demasiado al tomar una curva, intentaron abrirse paso entre la muchedumbre, they tried to make their way through the crowd, abrirse a: tenemos que abrirnos más al progreso, se abrió la cabeza de un golpe contra el suelo, Copyright © 2006 Harrap Publishers Limited, Collins Complete Spanish Electronic Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers 2011, para abrir la puerta de la habitación, necesitas, para abrir la puerta de la habitación necesitas. All rights reserved. [puerta, armario, libro, ojos] to open. 1. — I opened up the curtains to let the sun in. [+agujero, perforación] to make, bore. Full verb table transitive verb. ), abrir (una tienda), inaugurar (una exposición, etc. MODISMOS en un abrir y cerrar de ojos in the twinkling of an eye. They opened a way through the snow from the door of their cabin. (v.) = forge ; open up ; open ; unfold ; unfurl ; unlock ; splay ; unzip ; open out ; uncap ; pull apart ; crack + open. abre la ventana open the window. Agarra el pájaro de manera que no pueda abrir sus alas. The man sneezed.). How would you translate "abrir" in the following text? - I know. Meaning and examples for 'abrir' in Spanish-English dictionary. to open up to somebody, to confide in somebody, she fell off her horse and split her head open, no encuentro la llave para abrir la puerta, trae mala suerte abrir un paraguas dentro de casa. Llamé a la puerta pero nadie vino a abrirla. no encuentro la llave para abrir la puerta, I can't find the key to open o unlock the door, turn to page 50 in the book, open the book at page 50, we had to cut a path through the branches, la explosión abrió una brecha en la pared, las lluvias han abierto socavones en las calles, the rain has caused potholes to appear on the streets, se acaban de volver a abrir las negociaciones con los sindicatos, negotiations with the unions have been reopened, el plazo para las solicitudes se abre en abril, she has decided to set up o start her own business, han abierto un centro de atención al cliente, este acuerdo abre nuevas perspectivas de paz, living abroad opened up his mind o made him more open-minded, these countries have opened their economy up, taking vitamins will improve your appetite, esta selección abre el apetito a los lectores, this selection is intended to whet the readers' appetite, I knocked at the door, but nobody answered, we're not open to the public on Saturdays, ante nosotros se abría todo un mundo de posibilidades, a whole world of possibilities was opening up before us, the avenue opens out onto a magnificent square, stay a bit closer to the side of the road when going round bends, intentaron abrirse paso entre la muchedumbre, they tried to make their way through the crowd, abrirse a: tenemos que abrirnos más al progreso, Translation Spanish - English Collins Dictionary.
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