HJ�w��' For immediate release: Washington, D.C. – April 27, 2017 – The American Institute of Architects (AIA) today announced, at A’17 Conference on Architecture ,the release of the 2017 edition of the A201 family of documents. h�bbd```b``���7@$C ��D���� �C,�D2!���*�A$+�fO��A$�|��V�j��1�!�f����A�O�20]����q���� 0 ֎�
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h�bbd``b`�$� �@k�`=$؞� u �""@�X�@�;�8$. The type and amount of bonding shall be established on AIA Document A312™, Payment Bond and Performance Bond. Publication of this version of AIA Document A701 does not imply the American Institute of Architects’ endorsement of any modification by Coordinated with AIA Document A201®, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, and its related documents, AIA Document A701–1997 provides instructions on procedures, including bonding requirements, for bidders to follow in preparing and submitting their bids. Addition… 3 P��`�b9� �nG�lO�;�ܛZ�����`AZ�����!�?�RN�j�_����V�@RQ�������72p/���͞8-GAp9����b�MQ����֚���ʄ%\�08.�*�tI�cϐ^$�p�
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AIA A701 Instructions for Bidders Contract Document. The Contract Documents, The Contract Documents, which are inclusive of the Bidding Requirements, are enumerated and defined in the Agreement between the Owner C. Advertisement or invitation to bid, instructions to bidders, the bid form, and other sample bidding and contract forms D. All addenda or written, graphic instruments issued by the Architect prior to the execution of the contract 14. endstream
Bidders, the bid form, bid security/bond, and other sample bidding and contract forms. u��;V�� �X2[-���r�L��a%�1Ps�[��Rԕo���@�X���2�u�N�Q+����M����W����R�_�K�b��Zm:�囔A�Ş��3�^�H���R���zb��զ��pOؐ�O��=����^JF��W��־%M��qIoN�?f�K��Ō�3:R����+�'�p)��N��Lq�FZ{���$�!������N�� _W�D�J�B���0��j�Ѯ]E�&�5!2Ae��ep�}0" 5�Hq}�C>!�ltB�Z2lc�h�Z����J� � C��BYZ�ZSw7q��� ���D�el�u��a��%�},���Q=���
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k����@. This document is complementary to, and has been prepared for use with, AIA Document A201. A contractor furnished a bid on a project according to the provisions of AIA Document A701, instructions to bidders. �h��s
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Specific instructions or special requirements, such as the amount and type of bonding, are to be attached to, or inserted into, A701. This release includes updated versions of the AIA’s flagship documents, developed for the design-bid-build delivery model. The proposed Contract Documents consist of the form of Agreement between the Owner and Contractor, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications and all Addenda issued prior to execution of the Contract. *0012���HM�?� �1
Bidders, the bid form, and other sample bidding and contract forms. �f1�ϟYKx��h��?�쯅�Z)������g��θH�k��6Iu�c�5c��wI�e ��]'G葢�H����ϼ��P���_����NW6��K�яlj�"�,�dw m�}��l�9�j͝���,�o�UF�c4���Fm������. A comparative version of AIA Document A701– 2018 showing additions and deletions by the South Carolina Division of Procurement Services, Office of State Engineer is available for review on South Carolina state Web site. AIA Document A701-2018 is used when competitive bids are to be solicited for construction of the project. endstream
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/ AIA Document A701™ – 2018. This contract document is used when competitive bids are to be solicited for construction of the project. AIA® Document, or any portion of it, may result in severe civil and criminal penalties, and will be prosecuted to the maximum extent possible under the law. To report copyright violations, e- mail copyright@aia.org. by The American Institute of Architects for one-time use only, and may not be reproduced prior to its completion. AIA Document A701–1997 is used when competitive bids are to be solicited for construction of the project. 44 0 obj
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The “American Institute of Architects,” “AIA,” the AIA Logo, and “AIA Contract Documents” are registered trademarks and may not be used without permission. �P �D�h{�h��`�6� AIA Document A701–1997 and AIA Document A201, General Conditions of the Contract for Construction, have complementary provisions and are intended to be used together in the project manual in competitively bid projects. 62 0 obj
$49.18. Tabs: Description. The proposed Contract Documents consist of the form of Agreement between the Owner and Contractor, Conditions of the Contract (General, Supplementary and other Conditions), Drawings, Specifications and all Addenda issued prior to execution of the Contract. Bidders, the bid form, bid security/bond, and other sample bidding and contract forms. 97 0 obj
1 This version of AIA Document A701–1997 is modified by the Kentucky Department of Education.
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