The Standard English unit is pounds mass per cubic foot (lbm/ft3). Tungsten is a chemical element with atomic number 74 which means there are 74 protons and 74 electrons in the atomic structure. One unified atomic mass unit is approximately the mass of one nucleon (either a single proton or neutron) and is numerically equivalent to 1 g/mol. The chemical symbol for Titanium is Ti. Beryllium is a chemical element with atomic number 4 which means there are 4 protons and 4 electrons in the atomic structure. Arsenic occurs in many minerals, usually in combination with sulfur and metals, but also as a pure elemental crystal. Terbium is a chemical element with atomic number 65 which means there are 65 protons and 65 electrons in the atomic structure.  The density of Hassium results from its high atomic weight and from the significant decrease in ionic radii of the elements in the lanthanide series, known as lanthanide and actinide contraction. Antimony compounds have been known since ancient times and were powdered for use as medicine and cosmetics, often known by the Arabic name, kohl. Tin is a chemical element with atomic number 50 which means there are 50 protons and 50 electrons in the atomic structure. Europium is a chemical element with atomic number 63 which means there are 63 protons and 63 electrons in the atomic structure. Is there a way to search all eBay sites for different countries at once? All Rights Reserved. Pure radium is silvery-white alkaline earth metal. Despite its high price and rarity, thulium is used as the radiation source in portable X-ray devices. Europium is one of the least abundant elements in the universe. The chemical symbol for Polonium is Po. Berkelium is a member of the actinide and transuranium element series. Liquid nitrogen (made by distilling liquid air) boils at 77.4 kelvins (−195.8°C) and is used as a coolant. Bromine has two isotopes, Br- 79 and Br- 81. The chemical symbol for Chlorine is Cl. Mendelevium is a chemical element with atomic number 101 which means there are 101 protons and 101 electrons in the atomic structure. Gadolinium belongs to a rare earth elements (it is one of a set of seventeen chemical elements in the periodic table). Gold is a transition metal and a group 11 element. Neodymium is a soft silvery metal that tarnishes in air. Therefore, we cannot determine the neutron number of uranium, for example. Rhenium is a silvery-white, heavy, third-row transition metal in group 7 of the periodic table. The chemical symbol for Zinc is Zn. 1 moles Bromine to grams = 79.904 grams. Polonium is a rare and highly radioactive metal with no stable isotopes, polonium is chemically similar to selenium and tellurium, though its metallic character resembles that of its horizontal neighbors in the periodic table: thallium, lead, and bismuth. Neptunium is the first transuranic element. Rhodium is a rare, silvery-white, hard, corrosion resistant and chemically inert transition metal. 5 moles Bromine to grams = 399.52 grams. The chemical symbol for Helium is He. 8 moles Bromine to grams = 639.232 grams. It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table, a highly reactive nonmetal, and an oxidizing agent that readily forms oxides with most elements as well as with other compounds. Platinum is one of the least reactive metals. Caesium is a chemical element with atomic number 55 which means there are 55 protons and 55 electrons in the atomic structure. Vanadium is a chemical element with atomic number 23 which means there are 23 protons and 23 electrons in the atomic structure. Br belongs to the halogen family. Platinum is a dense, malleable, ductile, highly unreactive, precious, silverish-white transition metal. Astatine is the rarest naturally occurring element on the Earth’s crust. The chemical symbol for Silver is Ag. The chemical symbol for Fermium is Fm. Osmium is a hard, brittle, bluish-white transition metal in the platinum group that is found as a trace element in alloys, mostly in platinum ores. Discoverer: Davy, Sir H. and Thénard, L.-J. Strontium is a chemical element with atomic number 38 which means there are 38 protons and 38 electrons in the atomic structure. Bromine: Symbol: Br: Atomic Number: 35: Atomic Mass: 79.904 atomic mass units: Number of Protons: 35: Number of Neutrons: 45: Number of Electrons: 35: Melting Point-7.2° C: Boiling Point: 58.78° C: Density: 3.119 grams per cubic centimeter: Normal Phase: Gas: … Berkelium is a chemical element with atomic number 97 which means there are 97 protons and 97 electrons in the atomic structure. Zirconium is a chemical element with atomic number 40 which means there are 40 protons and 40 electrons in the atomic structure. Lead has the highest atomic number of any stable element and concludes three major decay chains of heavier elements. Its boiling point is the lowest among all the elements. All of the alkali metals have a single valence electron in the outer electron shell, which is easily removed to create an ion with a positive charge – a cation, which combines with anions to form salts. By mass, aluminium makes up about 8% of the Earth’s crust; it is the third most abundant element after oxygen and silicon and the most abundant metal in the crust, though it is less common in the mantle below. The 79 has 44 neutrons and the 81 has 46 neutrons. Discoverer: Coster, Dirk and De Hevesy, George Charles, Discoverer: Elhuyar, Juan José and Elhuyar, Fausto, Discoverer: Noddack, Walter and Berg, Otto Carl and Tacke, Ida. The information contained in this website is for general information purposes only. The chemical symbol for Sodium is Na. How do you put grass into a personification? The free element, produced by reductive smelting, is a hard, lustrous, silver-gray metal. The chemical symbol for Californium is Cf. The chemical symbol for Sulfur is S. Sulfur is abundant, multivalent, and nonmetallic. Lutetium is a silvery white metal, which resists corrosion in dry air, but not in moist air. Tantalum is a chemical element with atomic number 73 which means there are 73 protons and 73 electrons in the atomic structure. Like all elements with atomic number over 100, lawrencium can only be produced in particle accelerators by bombarding lighter elements with charged particles. Major advantage of lead shield is in its compactness due to its higher density. Thallium is a chemical element with atomic number 81 which means there are 81 protons and 81 electrons in the atomic structure. Then 5069 atoms will have mass 78.92 u, and 4931 atoms will have mass 80.92 u. It is a volatile reddish-brown liquid that gives off suffocating vapors, is corrosive to the skin, and may cause severe gastroenteritis if ingested. We can determine the neutron number of certain isotope. The various species of atoms whose nuclei contain particular numbers of protons and neutrons are called nuclides. The chemical symbol for Magnesium is Mg. Magnesium is a shiny gray solid which bears a close physical resemblance to the other five elements in the second column (group 2, or alkaline earth metals) of the periodic table: all group 2 elements have the same electron configuration in the outer electron shell and a similar crystal structure. Lutetium is the last element in the lanthanide series, and it is traditionally counted among the rare earths. The chemical symbol for Iodine is I. Iodine is the heaviest of the stable halogens, it exists as a lustrous, purple-black metallic solid at standard conditions that sublimes readily to form a violet gas. We assume no responsibility for consequences which may arise from the use of information from this website. Titanium is a lustrous transition metal with a silver color, low density, and high strength. What is the contribution of candido bartolome to gymnastics? Copper is used as a conductor of heat and electricity, as a building material, and as a constituent of various metal alloys, such as sterling silver used in jewelry, cupronickel used to make marine hardware and coins. While Br-81 has been useful for diagnostic purposes, Br-79 is helpful in radiotherapy after getting decayed into the radioisotope Br-77. The chemical symbol for Molybdenum is Mo. Bromine has two naturally occurring isotopes (Br-79 and Br-81) and an atomic mass of 79.904 amu. A colorless, odorless, tasteless noble gas, krypton occurs in trace amounts in the atmosphere and is often used with other rare gases in fluorescent lamps. Thallium is a soft gray post-transition metal is not found free in nature. The chemical symbol for Lithium is Li. Palladium is a chemical element with atomic number 46 which means there are 46 protons and 46 electrons in the atomic structure. Chlorine, Iodine and Astatine are the other elements in the halogen family. is a rare earth element with a metallic silver luster.

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