Figure 4. Bacterial canker of sweet cherry in Oregon—infection of horticultural and natural wounds, and resistance of cultivar and rootstock combinations. Pseudomonas syringae survives on plant surfaces, is spread by splashing rain, and is favored by high moisture and low temperatures in spring. Strategies to minimize bacterial canker in high density sweet cherry orchards. Suspect this plant disease if sunken, water-soaked or “gummy” lesions form on the trunk or twigs. Widely distributed throughout the United States, bacterial canker is most common on cherries and plums, but may also affect apricots, peaches and many other kinds of stone fruits. Steps to manage bacterial canker of sweet cherry 1. Cherries and apricots are more susceptible than peaches, nectarines and plums. Bacterial canker of sweet cherry in Oregon-Infection of horticultural and natural wounds, and resistance of cultivar and rootstock combinations. Prevention Choosing species and varieties All species of stone fruit are susceptible to bacterial canker. Plant Disease 94:345-350. Azarenko. Plant Disease 94:345-350. Wallis, M. Serdani, and A.N. Various species of fruit trees are affected by the Gummosis (cherry , almond, plum, peach o peach tree and apricot).It also affects citrus such as lemon or orange. This publication covers cause and symptoms, disease cycle, and disease management. 2010. Branch or trunk cankers may be confused with perennial canker; however, perennial cankers form alternating callus rings, whereas cankers caused by Pseudomonas do not. 2010. X-disease can cause a dieback in older cherry trees that might be confused with bacterial canker. Bacterial Canker Control. Once cherry trees become 8-10 years old they become more resistant to bacterial canker, however, there is another disease, caused by a fungus called Cytospora canker that causes the same symptoms and attacks older trees. Little can be done for either disease, except pruning out the infected plant part. Comments on the Disease. Within the most common cherry tree diseases we have the Gummosis, also known as Bacterial Canker.. Wait until late winter, if at all possible, and cauterize the wound with a hand-held propane torch to prevent reinfection by bacterial canker. Treatment of bacterial canker is generally mechanical, with the infected branches being removed using sterile pruning tools. Click the "view it now" button to view or download a print-friendly, page-size PDF (8.5 x 11 inches). Spotts, R.A., Wallis, K.M., Serdani, M., and Azarenko, A.N. Use the supplemental file link below to access a mobile-friendly (smaller page size) PDF. Vigorous trees are less susceptible to bacterial canker, while young trees, 2 to 8 years old, are most affected. Spotts, R.A., K.M. The disease is worse in low or sandy spots in the orchard. Cherry leaves showing symptoms of bacterial canker Fruit: Infection causes sunken spots with dark centres and sometimes underlying gum pockets. Acta Horticulturae 1161:457-462. Bacterial canker is the number one killer of young sweet cherry trees in Oregon. The bacterium Pseudomonas syringae (Van Hall, 1904) infects the cherry tree and the bark exudes a resinous mixture of amber..

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