Fehling solution B is prepared by mixing aqueous potassium sodium tartrate (Rochelle salt) in a strong alkali (common alkali used is NaOH). Complexing the copper(II) ions with tartrate ions prevents precipitation of copper(II) hydroxide. Fehling's solution and Benedict's solution are variants of essentially the same thing. Benedict’s Solution: Benedict’s solution is stable and does not deteriorate quickly. Solution Fehling B: Tartrate double de potassium et de sodium ainsi que de la soude L’ion cuivrique Cu2+, de couleur bleue, est réduit en ion cuivreux Cu+ par le groupement carbonyle des oses pour donner de l’oxyde cuivreux Cu 2O de couleur rouge qui précipite. Therefore it is prepared only when required. Fehling’s Solution: Fehling’s solution has to be prepared by mixing two solutions: Fehling’s A and Fehling’s B. [1]. Both contain complexed copper(II) ions in an alkaline solution. BTS Diététique Glucide TP de Biochimie 2 2. Fehling's "B" uses 35g of potassium tartrate and 12g of NaOH in 100 ml of distilled water. Fehling’s Solution: Fehling’s solution deteriorates quickly. Two solutions are required: Fehling's "A" uses 7 g CuSO 4.5H 2 O dissolved in distilled water containing 2 drops of dilute sulfuric acid. It’s a colorless solution. Fehling's solution is always prepared fresh in the laboratory. Fehling's solution is a chemical reagent used to differentiate between water-soluble carbohydrate and ketone functional groups, and as a test for reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars, supplementary to the Tollens' reagent test. Fehling’s reagent (B); Synonym: Potassium sodium tartrate solution, alkaline, Fehling’s reagent II for sugars; find Sigma-Aldrich-11-0100 MSDS, related peer-reviewed papers, technical documents, similar products & more at Sigma-Aldrich. Test. Fehling's solution contains copper(II) ions complexed with tartrate ions in sodium hydroxide solution. Fehling's solution is used as a chemical test used to differentiate between water-soluble aldehyde and ketone functional groups, and as a test for monosaccharides.The test was developed by German chemist Hermann von Fehling in 1849. The solution cannot differentiate between benzaldehyde and acetone. Fehling’s solution A and B can be stored separately in the laboratory. The test was developed by German chemist Hermann von Fehling in 1849. Stability. These two solutions should be stoppered and stored until needed.

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