No cheating with fast food, French fries, deep fried anything. The fats and oils present in the fatty foods, which are derived from animal products like butter, lard and omega-6 fatty acids may cause you to produce mucus, further aggravating cold and flu. Foods to avoid when you’re sick with a cold or flu. If that’s you, the good news is that there are foods which support your body’s natural antiviral and immune work. This also means avoiding chips and salty junk food. If you’ve come down with the cold or flu, then you might be curled up under three layers of blankets, googling “how to treat a cold”. A little change in your diet can be the difference between you fighting that nasty cold and flu bug with force or curling up in bed feeling sorry for yourself. Chicken Soup Fried junk food is not just responsible for adding bulk to your waistline, but may also become a serious cause of cold and cough in your system. These will only aggravate the condition and make you feel heavy. Cold-Day Chicken Noodle Soup. We asked dietitians for the foods they recommend to help shake cold and flu symptoms, fortify your immune system, and speed up recovery when you feel sick. Cold and flu season is upon us. When you’re sick, especially with a cold or the flu, sometimes food can be a real turnoff. Fatty food is the last thing you want to eat when your stomach is bothering you and red meat tends to have a high fat content. —Anthony Graham, Ottawa, lllinois "The capsaicin in chili peppers is an irritant to the nasal passage, causing a greater production of mucus to come out," she explains. 1. 5 Foods You’d Better Avoid When Sick With a Cold, and 5 You Can Eat Instead 9. When I was sick, my mom would make me this heartwarming chicken noodle soup. Other tips: During a cough and cold bouts, it’s best to eat foods that can help alleviate the symptoms and also keep you hydrated. Lewis lists spicy foods like chili peppers as something to avoid when you are sick, especially if a runny nose is one of your symptoms. The 7 Best Foods to Eat When You’re Sick. Fried foods. 4. Oranges - Citrus food has a high vitamin C content, which boosts the body's immune system, but they may also irritate the throat, especially if you have a cold and already are having difficulty swallowing. The right foods can help strengthen your immune system and improve your symptoms sooner, while the wrong foods can make you feel even worse. It was soothing when I had a cold, but this soup is a bowlful of comfort on any chilly day. Leah Goulis | April 26, 2016.
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