For example, check your suppliers for evidence of sweatshops, child labor, unethical practices. Well, in the professional world of Public Relations one cannot afford to either be part of it or succumb to it, all 365 days of the year. Which of the following statements is not true about communication in the workplace? The grapevine can play an important part in the ‘management by walking around’ approach. A. The strength of your brand and reputation is the front line of your defence. ______________ is the process of translating a message into understandable symbols or language. Gossip is likely to arise in circumstances where there is a paucity of formal communication, for example during periods of organizational change (Houmanfar & Johnson, 2003) or in highly hierarchical cultures where information either moves slowly or does not move at all. Many have asked why such type of communication is called grapevine. In a famous 2018 project, US researchers showed how false rumors spread on Twitter, by analyzing a dataset of Twitter rumor ‘cascades’ recorded from 2006 to 2017. Gossip and rumor in an organization are part of the _____, which itself is a type of _____ communication channel. As humorist Douglas Adams (1952-2001), author of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy said, “Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.” Rumors spread extremely fast in social networks. Workplace rumors are mainly those of interest to employees, suppliers, or service providers (ie, people who are associated with the production, distribution or sale of the organization’s products or services. In an organization setting, grapevine communication is prevalent at the lower levels of an establishment or organization. Nevertheless, the grapevine still thrives as a face-to-face and word-of-mouth platform. A few clicks, and another million people can hear the rumor. 25 A New Zealand study of organisational gossip during a change of chief executive officer found that most … Ford insisted that it was a tyre issue. (True/False), The sun was shining directly into Matt's eyes, so he looked away and missed the coach's demonstration of a defensive technique. Otherwise the rumor will grow exponentially and very fast. (True/False), Jyl, a supervisor, told her employees, "The store will close Monday for inventory. But it’s an important part of social cooperation and information sharing – and is complimentary more often than you might think. Face-to-face communication is an example of this form of media. US research showed that a reasonably effective approach to minimizing rumors is to provide structuring to uncertainty. ________ is a person's characteristic speaking patterns, such as the use of pacing, pausing, questions, and stories. A. use emoticons to express sarcasm and banter. Gossip system c. Cluster system d. Rumour View Answer / Hide Answer. B. start by stating your purpose and what you expect of the reader, The introduction to a business speech should. D. "I understand your frustration; this deadline is intense, and we're running on reduced staff. (True/False), Generally people retain about 75 percent of what they hear. Online rumors can spread instantly within the organization and around the internet. Ensure they’re sufficiently prepped to outline the company position convincingly and to handle likely questions from the staff. A. With the increase of social media and a favoring of more informal communication methods by millennials, companies are going to have to go easy on the formal board meeting and email memos. It’s crucial to share the results with staff, even when outcomes are disappointing. The biggest rumour about PR as a profession has over a period of time been dealt a death blow. Which of the following statements is not true of social media? For staff, this conveys credibility and openness. Often a corporate reputation will exceed in value the tangible assets of a firm, especially big public companies. (True/False), Face-to-face communication is the richest form of communication because the receiver observes multiple cues in the message. 3. Don’t just hear; listen! C. The number of e-mail users worldwide has peaked and begun to decline. E. more distorted the message may become. How’s the new product line performing? IX. ANSWER: a. Communication audits ... 7. The wires were used to carry telegraph messages created in Morse code (the electronic alphabet, invented in 1844) because the telephone wasn’t invented until 1876. External rumors are generally about the stock market (if the organization is a public company), product or service quality, CEO and/or organizational reputation. Gossip is a mass medium or rumour, especially about the personal or private affairs of others; the act is also known as dishing or tattling.. Why? Pull your advertising on any products or services that are at risk from the rumor (at least until you have a response plan). If at fault, make restitution—quickly. Rumour is information, often a mixture of truth and untruth, told by one person to another. Generally, which of the following should the manager use in this situation? This state is natural because human beings simply cannot keep up with all the stimuli they receive. a. Rumors flow constantly through every organization. Information via the grapevine invariably moves much faster than through formal communication channels. By Leandro Herrero It is helpful even to say that information is incomplete or discussions are in progress, and staff will be informed as soon as there is progress information available. See a rumor from the perspective of your customers. Since many rumors start from someone’s account of an actual event, there are usually strong elements of truth in a rumor. “Spin backfires.” The breadth and depth of information available today has created a more knowledgeable public, less easily swayed by cover ups and misinformation, except in the case of confirmation bias, mentioned above. And try to publish it at a time when more important news is making the headlines. In 1998 Wall’s ice cream changed its logo when it was claimed that the original, when read upside down, was defamatory to Muslims. Which of the following is not a personal barrier to communication? The question of what rumours and gossip are, and how they disseminate, are not new to social scientists. Rumour is unverified information of uncertainty in which is usually by word of mouth. Formal and Informal Channels of Communication Preventing Rumors provide information through the formal system of communication on the issues important to the employees supply employees with a steady flow of clear, accurate and timely information present full facts keep formal communication lines open and the process as short as possible

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