Heat stress. The stress of movement from high to low ground often gives rise to outbreaks of disease such as pasteurollosis and heat stress is undoubtedly a contributory factor in the summer months. Effect of heat stress on changes in acid-base balance, physiological parameters and cortisol level were evaluated in Polish Merino sheep. All environmental parameters such as temperature, humidity and air movement were monitored. Fifteen sheep were exposed to high . Impacts of heat stress and the environment on farm animals were described by Habeeb et al. It was concluded that restricted placental growth in heat-treated ewes retarded fetal growth during late pregnancy even in the absence of heat treatment, and it is suggested that selection of ewes which can maintain normal rectal temperatures during periods of heat stress would produce lambs of normal birthweight in a hot climate. temperature conditions (30 °C) in order to induce heat stress. (2001). Sheep cool themselves primarily by increasing their respiration rate, and can also lose a small amount of heat through sweating. (1992) and the impact of climate on thermal rhythm in pastoral sheep by Lowe et al. Sheep are an important socio-economic activity in many countries, where sheep are produced for the production of protein and fibre resources. The continuous application of cool water therapy is highly indicated to manage a heat stressed animal. The present study was conducted to examine the physiological response and HSP70 secretion in four extensively managed indigenous sheep breeds with little access to shade. Heat stress is one of the most challenging environmental conditions affecting livestock production especially in the tropical regions of the world. Treatment of Heat Stress. However, in extreme environmental conditions, sheep and goat perform better heat stress additivity than other ruminant animals ... 75 and 100%), with six animals per treatment. Shearing Always remember that the fleece protects sheep from extremes of temperature, both hot and cold. It is believed that the temperature has great impact on grazing patterns (Thomas et al., 2008) and Nix (2007) states that drought and heat stress go hand in hand. Animals should be made to move away from direct sunlight to cool area. Heat stress tolerances can also vary between and within a species, for example: pigs become heat stressed at a lower temperature level and are very prone to sunburn; sheep that are newly shorn are at risk of heat stress and sunburn due to lack of insulation from heat provided by wool Heat stress might cause serious damage to muscles/ internal organs of affected animals, indicating the need for emergency medical care. Heat stress and exhaustion should not occur if sheep are able to find shade and rest during the hottest part of the day.

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