Like statistics majors, business analysts have a natural talent for identifying the patterns within data. Whether your passion is intellectual academic research that aims to solve the biggest mysteries known to man or tracking the performance data of your favorite athletes, there’s something to interest you. A degree in statistics is an excellent starting point for other math careers, such as actuary and operations research analyst. They look at relationships between different factors, identify trends and interpret their findings to learn from the numbers. These skilled professionals spend their days playing with numbers, figures, and probabilities—relying on detailed technical analyses to identify and capitalize on future market trends. is an advertising-supported site. If salary is the most important thing to you, then you should look for jobs in the technology industry. What is a Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health? Even beyond the math occupations, there are so many other options for a career with a statistics degree. This challenging profession brings together methods and theoretical knowledge from mathematics, finance, computer science, and statistics. Operations research analysts serve businesses and organizations of all kinds, applying advanced techniques to solve high-level problems. Here are some of the most popular careers for graduates in your field. Students choose their college majors based on a many factors - but with student debt at an all-time high, there is a growing emphasis on not just future salaries but … The low unemployment rate, high salary and rapid rate of growth all combine to make statistician a surprisingly popular profession. Suite 203-A But statisticians are more than just experts in numbers; they’re also great communicators. If you are an analytical thinker, have a knack for puzzle solving, are skilled at matching business problems to possible solutions, and get a kick out of technology, a career as a business analyst may be for you! A stock trader is someone who works for themselves or for a firm, buying and selling stocks. This compensation does not influence our school rankings, resource guides, or other editorially-independent information published on this site. Many are employed in research labs, where they use their coding skills to process and explore trends in experimental data. By building and applying mathematical models and rules, quants help their clients resolve risk-management and financial problems and plan for the future. What degree should I get for medical school? Statisticians gather quantitative data through surveys, scientific experiments and other means and use their advanced mathematical knowledge, along with statistical analysis computer software, to better understand that data. Jobs at colleges and universities account for just eight percent of statistician roles. If salary is the most important thing to you, then you should look for jobs in the technology industry. Risk and uncertainty are the bread and butter of any actuary. Statistics applies mathematical methods to analyzing real-world data, and though that data is numerical in nature, it often has a social component, such as an impact on or application to public policy, as well. 1. If you thought statisticians only worked in academia, you might be surprised. Median Base Salary: $68,438 Popular Entry-Level Jobs: Electrical Engineer, Systems Engineer, Software Developer 3. What Kinds of Sociology Degrees can I get a Job With? and interests and matches you to over 800 careers. Actuary. They use their rational thinking and data analysis abilities to assess companies’ financial and technological systems, identifying strengths, weaknesses, and suggestions for improvement. Bachelor of Sociology. Big data mining, statistical analysis, optimization, and mathematical modeling come together in this important, mentally engaging career. Top Jobs for Statistics Degree Majors. With an Associate Degree in Sociology, you will get a basic understanding of sociology and what it entails. 3. Operations research analysts, who earn a median salary of $81,390, apply mathematical and statistical methods to solving businesses’ and organizations’ problems and helping them to make sound, data-driven decisions. Accountants use their math and logic skills to help companies, individuals, and not-for-profit organizations of all kinds manage their finances more accurately and efficiently. These clever professionals rely on statistical research and analysis to ... 2. Our comprehensive career test measures your personality traits Risk and uncertainty are the bread and butter of any actuary. What Are the Highest Paying Jobs With a Degree in Math? Students in this challenging degree learn a wide range of skills during their studies, including how to conduct research, analyze data, and present their findings in clear, compelling ways. What Kind of Job Can You Get With a Degree in Statistics? Are rural or urban customers more price sensitive when it comes to groceries? These are just a couple of examples of the kinds of questions a market research analyst might be asked to answer. As the financial assets trade becomes increasingly complex, the demand for skilled quantitative analysts— or "quants"—continues to grow. Also, the results were so accurate to what I’m interested in. Primary Duties: Market researchers analyze industry-related conditions to forecast ... 2. Cost Estimator. After their analysis, they use written, oral, or visual reporting tactics to package their findings in a format that is easy to understand and use. 5. Where do statisticians work? Though these jobs require the most education, they pay the least, with a median wage of just $70,780. By conducting market research and analyzing consumer data, these talented professionals help companies understand essential information about their customers, seize new opportunities for profit, and promote their products and services as effectively as possible. Ph.D. of Sociology. 4. Business Analyst. While you don’t need an advanced degree for many non-statistician jobs, you may need coursework in specific subject areas, such as business or computer science. You might be surprised at the many different possible roles that are in this relatively small occupation of 37,200 American workers. For statisticians across the United States, the median salary is $84,060 per year, the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reported. The daily life of a data scientist can look very different depending on where, and for whom they work. Statistician. Here, we’ll review a few of the most common ones and whether they might be a fit for you. How much Science is in an Environmental Engineering Degree? Requiring a knack for numbers, a systematic mind, and a detail-oriented approach, this is a stable career ideally suited to a statistics major. This article will be covering the following careers: Are these careers suited to you? Many graduates of statistics degree programs go into careers in business, marketing and sales or in technology, data and analytics. To do so, they review and reconcile financial statements, organize complex monetary data, and provide their clients with advice for how to reduce costs, increase revenues, and become more profitable. Thriving in this career requires a thorough understanding of calculus, probability, and statistics, as well as strong communication and computer skills; statistics majors possess all of these qualities and more. U.S. News & World Report recently ranked the career #1 on its list of the Best Business Jobs, #2 among the Best STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) Jobs and #6 on the list of 100 Best Jobs in America. Financial Quantitative Analyst. 25 Best Online Bachelor’s Degrees for 2021, 100 Most Affordable Online Colleges & Degrees 2021, 100 Most Affordable Online Graduate Schools of 2021, Top 25 Cheapest Online RN to BSN Degree Programs, 25 Cheapest Online Associate’s Degree Programs, 25 Cheapest Online Bachelor’s Degree Programs, 25 Cheapest Online Master’s Degree Programs, Top 50 Affordable Online MBA Degree Programs for 2021, 50 Most Affordable Online Degree Certificates in Cyber Security, Job opportunities with a statistics degree. Actuaries earn a median salary of $101,560 for their work calculating the cost of risk with the aid of statistical and mathematical software, the BLS reported.

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