It doesn’t require extended education, but if you decide that you’d like to further your education within this profession, there are plenty of certification programs, 2-4 year degree tracks, and specializations you can take on. However, having a bachelors or associates degree could put you ahead of other prospective vet techs who only have these degrees. It will all depend on the size of the practice, the extension of your duties, the number of doctors you work with, and the traffic of the establishment. Vet assistant certificate programs are somewhat common and easily completed in under a year. As we’ve noted before, certifications are not required in order to become a vet assistant, but honestly, they could make a huge difference in your career. Research indicates that the median annual salary for a veterinarian assistant is about $29,648, however, the range for this is relatively broad. Certification requirements vary from one program to the other, but generally encompass relevant educational coursework, practical training with veterinarians and a final examination. These are the top 5 earning states in the field: The top earning state in the field is Maine, where the average salary is $3,417. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of vet assistants (and laboratory animal caretaker is projected to grow by almost 19 percent from 2016 to 2026. Consider researching your options and never stop evolving to become the vet assistant you want to be! *Salary information based on the May 2019 Occupational Employment Statistics (OES) Survey. Take affordable classes online - at your own pace - and apply what you've learned through a hands-on externship training at a veterinary practice of your choosing. Totally cool! So, what exactly does a vet assistant make, anyway? For those who love working with animals, the veterinary field offers several career paths that may be of interest. Most employers however prefer hiring individuals with bachelor’s or an associate’s degree in animal science or a related field. This is sufficient means for employment as a vet assistant. Some people rule out becoming a vet assistant right off the bat because they think they need to go to college, earn a specific degree, and deal with years of school before they can get into the field – but this simply isn’t true! It is important to note that you can earn certificates through non-degree veterinary related programs. In order to become a vet assistant in the US and many other parts of the world, you must have a GED or high school diploma. I really need to bookmark this site cause I can’t exhaust everything here at a go. Other factors which dictate the salaries include; years of experience, certification and location. The final step in your vet assistant journey? Performing routine tests that do not require a veterinary license such as fecal exams, operating blood machines, urinalysis setup and test, heartworm, leukemia, FIV tests, etc. Maintaining status on patients and organizing patient files, Restraining and assisting the vet with restraining during procedures that do not require anesthesia. For people who love animals and enjoy working with, helping, and bettering the lives of animals, there’s almost no more rewarding career than a veterinary assistant. Unless they’re looking for an entirely new candidate for their practice, it’s likely that they’ll want someone with a bit of experience. For one, you must love animals and be passionate about animal welfare. I love the profession and would really want to take it up full time. There are a number of 2 or 4 year colleges that offer veterinary assistant certificate programs that can train you in a direction you wish to go, such as theory or the practice of humane care. Much of this is going to be taught directly by other, more experienced vet assistants or veterinarians. Training involves doing front desk and animal care tasks. The final step advice we can offer you is to consistently work toward advancing your career, meaning, continue to applying for certificates and degrees to help better your career options. When it comes to skills, you’ll either need to learn or already have quite a few personal skills in your inventory. You should also be mature individuals who are emotionally stable and strong since they may be required to care for abused animals. Assisting your vet is a key factor in both an animal hospital and clinic. A. Penn Foster’s flexible, online veterinary assistant classes can be completed in as little as 7 months. I don’t need to earn a specific degree, and deal with years of school before I can get to become a vet assistant? It would even give you a firsthand experience and you’ll enjoy it. It makes sense to want to understand what kind of salary, benefits, and packages you should be getting as a veterinary assistant – it is your livelihood, after all.

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