16. Atom – the smallest unit of an element that displays the same properties as the element, for example, hydrogen. Molecule – A type of particle that is made up of two or more atoms bonded together; carbon monoxide is an example of a molecule. chemical formula… Atom – the smallest unit of an element that displays the same properties as the element, for example, hydrogen. Let’s start small. Science Teacher and Lover of Essays. Inorganic Chemistry For Dummies Cheat Sheet, Modern Marvels Due to Inorganic Chemistry, Part of Inorganic Chemistry For Dummies Cheat Sheet. Home. Matter – Anything that has mass and occupies space (volume). Fundamental Terms in Chemistry: The Small Stuff. Alvin W. Orbaek is a research assistant at Rice University, Houston, Texas, where he is completing his PhD in chemistry. 15. Your online site for school work help and homework help. Compound – A pure substance that can be broken down into smaller parts using chemical properties; water and carbon dioxide are both examples of compounds; all parts of a compound will contain identical molecules; in distilled water, all parts will contain identical H2O molecules. acid any substance that dissociates in water to yield a sour corrosive solution containing hydrogen ions, having a pH of less than 7, and turning litmus red alcohol a colourless flammable liquid, the active principle of intoxicating drinks, produced by the fermentation of sugars, esp glucose, and used as a solvent and in the manufacture of organic chemicals. Tutor and Freelance Writer. Pure substance – A substance made up of only one kind of matter; for instance, copper, distilled water and aluminum are all pure substances. kinetics: A study of the rate of a reaction. covalent bond: The sharing of electrons between to … Chemical symbol – A short form used to represent the name of an element; C is the chemical symbol for carbon. ionic bond: An ionic bond is formed when there is a transfer of electrons from one atom to another atom. Decomposition – A kind of reactivity that can break down a substance into its parts; for example, water can be broken down into hydrogen and oxygen by decomposition. Precipitation – A solid substance that can form when certain dissolved substances are mixed together. valence electrons. This glossary of chemistry terms is a list of terms and definitions relevant to chemistry, including chemical laws, diagrams and formulae, laboratory tools, glassware, and equipment. substance. Chemical property – The ability of a substance to change or react and to form new substances when interacting with other substances, for example, zinc reacts with hydrochloric acid to produce hydrogen gas. It’s an important question, as these four things (and the stuff of which they themselves are made) make up everything in the universe. They can be single, double, or triple bonds. A substance made up of atoms of two or more different elements…. a compound composed of two elements. Look up definitions of common and important organic chemistry terms. 25. 18. 22. It only takes seconds! 13. A to Z Chemistry Dictionary A- Absolute Alcohol to Azimuthal Quantum Number. 21. 2. 11. Electrons can be added, or removed to reached the neutral atom. Hess’s law: For any given chemical reaction, the total energy required to complete the reaction is the same regardless of the number of steps required to complete the reaction. Neutron – Located in the nucleus of an atom, has no charge. Family – A vertical column of elements in the periodic table also known as a group. Can... 2. electrons in the outermost shell. Nucleus – In chemistry, the charged center of an atom; contains the atoms protons and neutrons. Lustre – The ability to reflect light, or shine; silver has a high lustre and is so popular for jewellery; sodium metal is also lustrous. Science, Tech, Math Science Math Social Sciences Computer Science Animals & Nature Humanities History & Culture Visual Arts Literature In resonance processes, electrons are delocalized and the energy of the electrons are stabilized. Density – Describes how compact a substance is, and is calculated by dividing mass by volume or D = m/v. 26. Here is a list of some of the most common and most interesting terms you need to know. Periodic Table – A system for organizing the elements into columns and rows, so that elements with similar properties are in the same column. Covalent bonds have directionality. In anions, the degree of covalent bonding increases with increasing polarizability of the ion. thermodynamic control: Reactions that create products with the lowest energy and most stable product are said to be controlled by thermodynamics. combination of a metal and non metal. Free proofreading and copy-editing included. Chemical reaction – Any change that occurs when substances interact to produce new substances with new properties; changes in the chemical and physical properties of the pure substances let you know that a chemical reaction has occurred; when vinegar and baking soda are combined, they react to produce frothy bubbles. It’s based on electrostatic or columbic interactions. chemistry: terms used in chemistry. 20. Compound. An example of a carboxylic acid is acetic acid. Born-Haber cycle: An important thermodynamic calculation that is used to quantify the energy involved in making ionic compounds. 8. These are four terms to get you going. 4. molecule. resonance effects: Used to describe the situation when a chemical species donates or withdraws electrons through orbital overlap with neighboring pi bonds. mixture. Here is a list of some of the most common and most interesting terms you need to know. Important Chemistry terms. Michael L. Matson is an assistant professor of chemistry at the University of Houston-Downtown where he instructs Inorganic Chemistry. Proton – A particle of an atom that is inside the nucleus; has a positive charge. Texture – Describes how the surface of a substance feels (its roughness, softness, or smoothness).

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