There is no “right” or “wrong” here, but just out of curiosity… What form of Chromatic Scale do you prefer to write and do you prefer to write with or without a center bar line? But that is for another Blog! *sigh*. The Melodic Chromatic Scale. Ultimate Music Theory Certification Course Online Teacher Training includes: 50 Video Sessions, All Materials, Online Support. So, yup, you guessed it – grab that Ultimate Whiteboard or download Staff Paper for free from our Website. This scale is kind of peculiar since it is sometimes played differently ascending and descending. Let’s have some fun – how many ways can you and your students write a Chromatic Scale without breaking any of the 3 Written in Stone Rules? Each note is one H alf-tone / semitone (1 piano key - white or black) away from the next one, shown as H in the diagram below. As you can see on the picture below, all notes in the octave are included. Use the Chromatic Scale for a melody. And guess what – there is one more way to write Melodic Minor Scales correctly. Continue using sharps as you ascend to E flat. The origin of the word gamut is explained at the article Guidonian hand; here the word is used in one of the available senses: the all-encompassing gamut as described by Guido d'Arezzo (which includes all of the modes). A Melodic Chromatic Scale sounds the same but is written in different ways. The tonic note (shown as *) is the starting point and is always the 1st note in the chromatic scale. It uses a “Set Form” as there is always a single Mediant, Leading Note and Upper Tonic ascending, and a single Subdominant and Tonic descending. In a Harmonic Chromatic Scale, the “Set Form” is that the Tonic, Dominant and Upper Tonic notes are only written once. Interviews with Music Industry Professionals & UMT Certified Teachers. Want to learn more? A Melodic Chromatic Scale may be written in a “Set Form”. Any letter name can be used twice in a row, but can never be used 3 times in a row when moving in the same direction. Melodic Chromatic Scales using a set (established) form of notes that are written once. To read more check out my guide to chromatic scales here. Yahoo! Continue ascending, step by step to the upper note of E flat. The chromatic scale has all half steps. All other notes are written twice. Chromatic Scale The Chromatic Scale consists of twelve notes that each are one semi-step apart (it can be compared with the contrary diatonic scale), and it is also called the Half-tone Scale. In the “Teaching Tips” Category you will find Proven Systems to Enhance Your Teaching & Have Fun! Your professional development Online Teacher Training starts here. Melodic Minor Scales The Melodic Minor Scale differs from the Natural Minor Scale by the sixth and seventh notes, which are raised one semi-step. There is no pattern for which letter names are only used once. Because the scale includes all twelve pitch classes, there is also only one chromatic collection. What makes this an example of the chromatic scale and not just chromaticism is that it is impossible to reduce the music to a diatonic or another kind of scale. Click HERE to discover what you will learn in the Ultimate Music Theory Certification Course. Thus, there is only one chromatic scale. In the “Music Theory” Category you will find Innovative Ideas and Massive Resources for Teaching Music Theory! Harmonic Chromatic Scale – Set Form (Single Tonic, Dominant and Upper Tonic), Melodic Chromatic Scale – Raise going up, lower going down, Melodic Chromatic Scale – Using a Set Form. Because we are passionate about teaching teachers, it’s our gift to you. At the first black key, use a sharp. There are Melodic Minor Scales. A Melodic Chromatic Scale may be written in a “Set Form”. As with any chromatic scale, the interval between successive notes is a semitone. Here you can see that it’s similar to the natural minor but has the 6th and 7th notes of the scale raised by one semitone. Example 2 – your chromatic scale would be e flat, e natural, f, g flat…. Raise the notes ascending – try to switch to sharps as soon as possible, or use sharps whenever possible, to show an ascending pitch pattern. 3, mm. Are you ready? Whole Tone Scales. There will always be 5 single notes – 5 notes that are not written twice. The easiest way to write them is to follow these 4 Rules: Let’s work through an example of writing Melodic Chromatic Scales starting on E flat. So, your answer will be: To get you even more confused – there are different rules for the two ways to write Melodic Chromatic Scales: Chromatic Scales that use different letter names for writing ascending notes and descending notes are called Melodic Chromatic Scales. Excellent question! Write two notes for all other notes (ascending: I, ii, IV, V, vi; descending: vii, vi, V, iii, ii.). Isn’t it so much fun when there are so many different ways to write one scale?

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