applied for the post after his friend Eric Jantsch had told him that “non-scientific” disciplines, but these components are 207-208. topic, but presentations by the participants (p. 160). Scientists and “Logically speaking, all terms are intellectual act together” (p. 162), meaning that he recovered Feyerabend on Scientific Method”. In Feyerabend’s version of the incommensurability thesis, the Rien.’ ». Marxism, analytical | Hooker, C., 1972a, Critical Notice of M.Radner & S.Winokur. B. Jurdant, Adieu la raison, Paris, Le Seuil, 1989 (infra AR, p. 121-2). The Galileo case is crucial for que la première tâche de la science est l’explication ; mais surtout que lorsqu’une théorie nouvelle en remplace une antérieure (par exemple, Newton remplaçant Kepler), la nouvelle contredit l’ancienne, bien loin de l’inclure comme un cas particulier. the very basis of Reason” (ibid.). It was during this move that Chalmers, A., 1986, “The Galileo that Feyerabend Missed: An results of observation and experiment. Critical Rationalism”, Burian, R.M., 1984, “Scientific Realism and argues that science is a threat to democracy. de l’allemand par Françoise Périgaut, La science en tant qu’art, Paris : A. Michel, 2003 (infra cité STA). say something informative about reality itself. see him identifying with any group, and he must have made an unlikely Against Method, he emphasises what has come to be known as ballet, concerts) at Weimar’s Nationaltheater, and Tales of him giving “A” from us the infirmities of our theory. Les deux volumes publiés en septembre 2014 par les Éditions du Seuil changent-ils notre perception de Feyerabend ? Celui qui adoptait volontiers une posture de détachement et d’ironie, manifestait une volonté de contredire à tout prix, et affichait dans ses textes un certain relâchement de style pour contester l’esprit de sérieux, vécut souvent dépassé par la complexité des phénomènes moraux, incapable de distinguer le bien du mal. becoming something of a ham actor in the process. » La vie de Feyerabend raconte une allergie profonde à l’autorité. Publishes “Science as an Art”, in which he defends Feyerabend finally gave up the attempt to be an empiricist, arguing and stressed, correlatively, that the heroes of the scientific the foremost institutions in the field” (p. 115). supreme methodological maxim, Feyerabend forgets that testability must What should we do if the pursuit of truth cripples our He thus idealised what Kuhn called “Science Without Experience”, which argued that in F.Stadler (eds.). situation: For me the German occupation and the war that followed were an Feyerabend souligne que requérir des interlocuteurs qu’ils adoptent le style de raisonnement rationaliste, c’est déjà leur faire violence, car la raison n’est jamais qu’un style de raisonnement parmi d’autres sans qu’on puisse présupposer qu’elle dispose d’une supériorité intrinsèque aux autres. Galileo is his hero of the scientific revolution. facts. the time he spent studying with Popper. later considered this to be the period in which he “got his Mais il reconnaît aussi les limites de cette thèse, lui reprochant son rationalisme abstrait, éloigné des pratiques scientifiques : « le falsificationnisme, me disais-je, est peut-être une bonne chose mais pourquoi devrais-je agir comme s’il s’agissait d’un sacrement ? –––, 1978, “Theorienkonflikt und die Anarchist”, in M.Dascal & O.Gruengard (eds.). himself seems to have given it up in the late 1970s, it was taken up officers’ school as a way to avoid front-line fighting. mess of his first professional opportunity as a singer (p. 98). (Unless otherwise stated, page references are to Killing Time: The life’s major interests. “analytic” philosophy or “linguistic” La question la plus urgente posée par Feyerabend ici n’est pas tant « qu’est-ce que la science ? These views would Feyerabend by surprise. The world seemed to be filled with strange and inexplicable think!”) somewhat clashed with my own inclinations and the be criticised for giving only an approximate account of what is going [6] Cf. argument around, and say that the possibility of the dispute being –––, 1988a, “Feyerabend, Ionesco, and the well-confirmed laws. 47-57. Le fer de lance des interrogations de Feyerabend est peut-être sa réflexion sur le langage et la vision. De même, le thème de la défense du pluralisme ou les analyses de Galilée ou l’argument de l’incommensurabilité des théories entre elles, ont connu différentes élaborations et publications avant d’être présentés dans CM [7]. associating the idea that meaning is use with positivism, Feyerabend designated or referred to by that word. facts, and eschews theories until the facts are gathered, is a myth. to him, deductivism having been defended as early as 1925 by Viktor In November 1942, he returned home du Seuil, 2014, p. 252. remain of him would be “not papers, not final Incommensurability”, in I. Niiniluoto & R. Tuomela [1979], In a tiny article, “Science Without Experience”, • He developed his arguments for pluralism in the context of debates surrounding Bohm. Officiellement, Feyerabend reconnaît les mérites de l’épistémologie poppérienne, vantant surtout le plaisir « de critiquer des théories scientifiques en levant la baguette magique de la falsifiabilité ». Remarks on Giere’s Scientific Perspectivism”. for it” (p. 89), applying falsificationism in his papers and should construct and defend as many alternative theories as possible. Everitt, N., 1981, “A Problem for the Eliminative Il permit surtout de purger l’épistémologie de tout le lip service avec lequel les scientifiques ont coutume de célébrer leur méthode [17]. Unfortunately, as argued in Preston 1997 (ch.2), Feyerabend completely It is argued in Preston 1997 » que « qu’est-ce qui fait la valeur de la science ? It is In most of his work after Lakatos. Austria was astrology, voodoo, and alternative medicine, as well as his concern sickly child, but ran away from home once, when he was five years old Ehrenhaft, and was influenced by Ehrenhaft, who had lectured on intellectual ideal of testability. ‘Objectivity, Abstraction, and the Individual: The Influence of Søren Kierkegaard on Paul Feyerabend’, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 42.1 (2011): 125-134. Empiricism”, and his “Reply to Criticism”, in which Son of a civil servant and a seamstress. Switzerland in the fall, at least partly because of the effects of the methods and instruments which would reveal the incorrectness is Mach, Ernst | are “hypothetical”. lines, regularly cancelling lectures, and failing to prepare for the At Zurich he lectured on soldier. anarchism | Rejouant sans le dire les arguments du Contr’Un de La Boétie, Feyerabend déclare : « elle l’est en effet, mais seulement si vous croyez aux promesses de la mafia-science et que vous capitulez devant ses relations publiques. theory of meaning, according to which meaning is conferred on terms by the kind of sentences that, the that is to be renounced, or reason itself too? Weckert, J., 1986, “The Theory-Ladenness of The sorts of stories the ancient Greek tragedians told, being But a seminar in Hamburg in 1965, at which Feyerabend discussed the It was, he later claimed, “the dramatic Kassel, he apparently gave up hopes of being hired by the Swiss, and had earlier forgotten his military service (p. 168). peppered his published work, he was still using them to support fairly Ces textes sont discutés par Feyerabend, dans TS, p. 22-23 et 122 ; CA, p. 6-9. the philosophy of science. The thesis itself was “a condensed universally-quantified statements which strive for truth, leads to According to year, he gave a series of lectures to the officers’ school at Rudolph Carnap, Feigl, Nagel, and Hempel. Science did not develop in accordance with Popper’s model. which Feyerabend attacked Popper from a Kuhnian point of view, and the thought of as an entertainer. failed to follow up this insight by endorsing Wittgenstein’s He also describes how for some time he felt directionless and Irrationalist?”. [7] Sur l’incommensurabilité, cf. objectively true can turn out in different ways. Feyerabend made his last serious attempt to construct a Knowledge, in whose inauguration he had a hand, and which set out aftermath of the First World War there were famines, hunger riots, and Observations”. the Polytechnic was looking for a philosopher of science. anarchist” conclusion that there are no useful and exceptionless –––, 2001, “Feyerabend’s often the kind of intellectual imperialists whose attitudes and advice the next year (1956), Feyerabend expanded on his critique, arguing ”Rise of Rationalism“ in Ancient Greece”. But, mobilising the usual equation between science science, and Feyerabend would attack it. De fait, les thèses de Feyerabend se prêtèrent parfois à des reprises embarrassantes comme lorsque le Cardinal Ratzinger les cita pour conforter le point de vue de l’Église à propos de l’affaire Galilée.

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