Sounds like a great idea! A blend of spinach, green apple, avocado, banana and pineapple is just what your body needs for an energizing boost. I love veggie smoothies, I practically replaced water with them I’ve even got my folks into them. Hi Shanza, A banana might work well instead of avocado . Love this Natasha, it is so tasty! Anytime my son sees me squeeze in some honey, he’s way more likely to drink the smoothie . Sprinkle a teaspoon of chia seeds (optional) in each glass and serve immediately. We’ll have to try that soon. Add all of your ingredients to the blender in this order: 1 Cup water, 1/2 medium rip avocado, peeled & pitted, 2 cups spinach, 2 cups frozen pineapple chunks. Like the recipe 1 0 Ingredients. Get weekly updates on new recipes, exclusive giveaways plus behind the scenes photos. #smoothie. Wow dear…this looks good. 157. Yes, sure! This form collects your name, email, and content so that we can keep track of the comments placed on the website. Any chance you could tell me what the UK equivalent measurements would be. I’m going to try this recipe soon. Always start with the liquids and soft ingredients and add the frozen stuff last. by MyFitnessPal’s Recipes. It took until recently for me to try them and like them other ways. I am glad you enjoyed the recipe! Loaded with super foods to help fight inflammation, and immune support ingredients. Turn off the blender and add honey or agave to taste then blend until well incorporated. Can one substitute leafy spinach with powder spinach…?? If you want to make it look cute like the pictures, garnish with a lime wedge … This one tastes sweet like pineapple and creamy like ice cream (thanks to the avocado). I’ll be making this often! I’m happy you enjoeyd that! This Smoothie is made from Bananas, Pineapples, Apple Pineapple Juice Blend, White Grape Lemon Juice Blend, Almonds, Sunwarrior™ Organic Plant-Based Protein, Stevia Plant-Based Sweetener, Spinach - Organic, Carrots - Organic. We drank this fairly quickly after it was made, so we didn’t really do any long-term testing, but with the smoothie you wouldn’t really want to leave it out and let it get warm anyways. His selective taste buds approved this Pineapple avocado smoothie. We have to pull all the stops out with Calvin to eat his veggies sometimes, but they just taste like fruit anyway. Add all of your ingredients to the blender in this order: 1 Cup water, 1/2 medium rip avocado, peeled & pitted, 2 cups spinach, 2 cups frozen pineapple chunks. That should work. Yeah perfect timing! Food is love on Culinary Hill, and I know you feel the same way in your own home. Can I also use Martian milk instead of water. I hope this info is useful. You take the dog for a walk, get back, take off your dog-walking gear and you need some refreshment. They are so good for you. Hi Nicola, it will fill 2 tall glasses or 4 medium sized glasses. Ice cubes – to make the drink fresh and thicker. It looks scary. 1/2 large ripe avocado ... Blue Pineapple Smoothie . I dislike the texture of avocado but this smoothie is AMAZING! December 1, 2014 by Life is but a Dish 9 Comments. We love that this apple smoothie is packed with nutritious fruits and … Some also believe that eating spinach raw once or twice in a month or so is fine. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I was nervous that it would taste weird with the avocado, but it didn’t. * Percent Daily Values are based on a 2000 calorie diet. Thank you :). I would love this right now! Hi, I just made this smoothie using my nutribullet.. I also cannot speak to the benefits of raw vs. cooked spinach. I know when I did too much of the spinach/kale in smoothies I got kidney stones. I think it is more of a snack than anything simply due to the lack of protein. Drink thy veggies. I made it for my two-year-old and she thought the color was fun. We usually add honey when my son is having the smoothies because he likes them on the sweeter side and he’s more likely to drink them. Pour your healthy avocado smoothie into serving glasses. This green smoothie … 1/2 medium ripe avocado, peeled & pitted Just make sure you remember the avocado. It’s how I get my picky toddler. The good news is… it tastes better than green slime! Thanks Brent, I hope you like the smoothie! Add spinach leaves. :). My husband and I run this blog together and share only our best, family approved and tested recipes with YOU. Ooh that does sound like a great combination! Not a chance! Just made this yesterday. Shown in this post: (nope, no one paid us to write this; just stuff we love): One step and 10 minutes until you're slurping your new favorite green smoothie recipe. I love adding avocados to my smoothies. :) I don’t know anything about freezing avocados, but I’m sure it would work just fine (provided your blender is strong enough to blend it). Add a splash of water and blend until smooth. I don’t know what kind of spinach you use, but it is always a good idea to blanch spinach before eating (or drinking) it due to its oxalic acid content. There’s nothing I love more than cooking for my family, cooking for friends, and cooking for every occasion! He’s smitten :). Hi, Can I sub the pineapple, spinach, and avocado for something else. So for the next three months I am doing two smoothies a day because I am trying to get wedding dress ready. Spinach is high in niacin, zinc, protein, fiber, vitamins A, C, E and K, thiamin, vitamin B6, folate, calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, and manganese. * This is the best blender on the market as far as I’m concerned . Can I use almond milk or Full cream milk instead of water? Pineapple is added to this healthy avocado smoothie to sweeten it and make it super tasty! I think I’ve had a similar experience with berry smoothies. Not sure if that works for you, but you can always reduce the amount of pineapple if you want to.

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