Other comments relating to this go on to state “this makes people feel valued, able to branch into other areas of expertise and helps to retain staff”. My own self confidence is directly affected by poorly self managed confrontations and an increasing number of tasks that are left undone or incomplete. Managing confrontation with my peers will employ a more open and honest form of communication (Covey 2004, p 202). Students can always communicate with us through our live chat system or our email and receive instant responses. My Homework Writers holds a reputation for being a platform that provides high-quality homework writing services. We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. Confronting my direct reports would be the logical first step, the reason for this is the feedback I received from my peers, suggesting they (direct reports) “control me”. Finally some of my direct reports felt that the language and questions were quite technical and needed some form of political astuteness and management knowledge, therefore making it difficult to fill out completely accurately. Though I disagree with the majority of this statement, there does appear to be some obvious perceptions within my peers that this is in fact the case. The second action plans objective is to look at developing my ability to confront members of staff at all levels in a self managed way. The importance of leadership is now widely recognised as a key part of overall effective healthcare, and nursing leadership is a crucial part of this as nurses are now the single largest healthcare discipline (Swearingen, 2009). Motivating, should empower others to perform at their best, and assist them to excel in their profession. The Department of Health is looking for visionary staff members that are able to implement and carry out their modernisation plan. My staff members were aware of the issue and were uncomfortable that nothing had been done. finally, the refreezing stage involves establishing stability in the organisation . I have to provide clinical leadership whilst ensuring a comprehensive and equitable service is provided that is responsive to changing needs, that is flexible to change and has to directly follow department of health guidelines and changes. I will be forcing myself to learn from my experiences and be able to identify successful and less successful outcomes and identify why these exist or what it was that was different between each confrontation. Fill in the order form and provide all details of your assignment. Ideally I will start to document what it is I want to achieve since this will enable me to visualise what it is I am aiming for. Some of these qualities I had no idea I possessed. My role as a leader is to identify, explore and resolve issues that may be causing conflict, this may be uncomfortable but can only be achieved with perseverance and some degree of risk (Outhwaite, 2003, p347-375). To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on the UKDiss.com website then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! This causes frequent interruptions and digressions which puts pressure on myself and creates difficulty reaching deadlines. Interestingly some of my needs for development have been identified as not being self-confident, not dealing with disciplinary needs and identifying slipping standards, these development needs all point to a more transactional form of leadership or the more management orientated tasks. An example of a problem that exists at the moment as a result of poor time management and dealing with urgent and important issues all the time is patient discharge letters. I was given the task of running the area for the morning half the shift. This will help me visualise the tasks that have been completed. Currently if I reflect upon my practice and what has been highlighted in my LQF I am working in quadrant I. Evaluation of this action plan will again be in the form of scheduling and crossing off achievements, but also reflecting upon the experience. We will guide you on how to write an outstanding portfolio or resume. All these achievements that I have previously never reflected upon will start to give me a sense of confidence and accomplishment I have never previously thought about. I have been able to identify key qualities from the LQF which not only fit in with my leadership philosophy but in my role as a leader. This creates new challenges for people which maintains motivation” (LQF page 44). Feel free to contact us via the Chat window or support email: support@myhomeworkwriters.com. Tracy (2004, p14) explains that monthly and weekly lists increases effectiveness and efficiency, and ultimately improves motivation and drive since you are able to visualise your achievements. Problem-solving skills in nursing can be achieved through observing our leaders and people who are more experienced in life than us. The strategies I am going to explore are based around Stephen Covey and Brian Tracy’s methods of improving personal effectiveness. I selected this nurse as a role model for my refinement because she diligently implemented the principles of patient-centeredness (O’Grady, 2011) … However, this is sometimes not always possible and in more challenging times I can become more of a transactional leader. 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