There are also requirements, for example, for the minimum number of pupils, the competence of teachers and the number of hours of education. The free choice of religious education by parents according to their conviction is protected by Convention against Discrimination in Education. This kind of religious education has drawn criticism because, it is argued, there is no neutral perspective from which to study religions and any kind of compulsory schooling is likely to impact on the formation of a student's religious identity[2]. There is an underlying notion inside the liberal education establishment that religious belief is backwards and contrary to enlightenment. Reflections on the Does RE work? The new program of the "Culture of Religion and Knowledge of Ethics" integrated the course with the purposes and principles of general education to educate students to be critical and active participants in the educational process. 29 Sept. 2009, Department of Education. There has historically been debate about whether RE teachers should strive to be neutral or impartial in the classroom; however, this finding suggests that such a position may not be desirable at all for the RE teacher. The boundaries of this rule are frequently tested, with court cases challenging the treatment of Eastern religion meditation programs for students, traditional religious holidays, displays of religious articles and documents such as the Ten Commandments, the recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance (which since 1954 has described the U.S. as "one nation under God"), and whether prayer should be accommodated in the classroom. Many faiths also offer private college and graduate-level religious schools or seminaries, some of which are accredited as colleges. The secular concept is substantially different from societies that adhere to religious law, wherein "religious education" connotes the dominant academic study, and in typically religious terms, teaches doctrines which define social customs as "laws" and the violations thereof as "crimes", or else misdemeanors requiring punitive correction. 137 Abs. In secular usage, religious education is the teaching of a particular religion (although in the United Kingdom the term religious instruction would refer to the teaching of a particular religion, with religious education referring to teaching about religions in general) and its varied aspects: its beliefs, doctrines, rituals, customs, rites, and personal roles. In the Netherlands, a distinction is made between public and special schools. In other contexts, such as the United Kingdom, an 'open' religious education has emerged from Christian confessionalism that it is intended to promote religious literacy without imparting a particular religious perspective. Schools have long been viewed as gateways to a glorious secular and technological future, free of religious superstition. Children who are part of no mainstream religion (this applies e.g. The curricula of the various states of Germany since then have included not only basic technical skills but also music (singing) and religious (Christian) education in close cooperation with the churches. "Religious Instruction" refers to religious faith teaching, which occurs in private religious schools, integrated (religious) state schools or sometimes within Secular NZ State Primary Schools if directed by the individual schools' Board of Trustees. After the military coup in 1980, religious education in school was transformed. Education and religion are often seen to be incompatible. In the 2007 provincial election, the topic of funding for faith-based schools that were not Catholic became a major topic. Web. project 5 years on", "Mapping the Moral Assumptions of Multi-faith Religious Education", "Religious Education Teachers' Perspectives on Character Education", RELIGION AND THE COURTS: THE PILLARS OF CHURCH-STATE LAW, The Association for Asian Studies. However, children belonging to minority religions, like Jewish, Buddhist and Latter Day Saints also study religious education in their various denominations. Public school lessons are not based on religion or belief. Traditionally, a settlement may pay a mullah to teach children.

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