© 2019 Encyclopedia.com | All rights reserved. Further, they can preclude a clear distinction between the study of religious socialization and the study of religiosity, or the various ways in which individuals express their involvement and attachment to religious phenomena, e.g., the knowledge of specific religious teachings, the types and levels of participation individuals may have in religious organizations, their adherence to faith tenets, etc. . t. long and j. hadden, "Religious Conversion and the Concept of Socialization: Integrating the Brainwashing and Drift Models," JScStRel 22 (1983) 1–14. Topics discussed include (1) religious communities and the church-sect continuum, (2) religious socialization, (3) religion and family influence on adolescent social competence, and (4) religion, family, and adult well-being. One additional assumption from the general literature also bears mention. "Problems" of religious socialization. j. lofland and norman skonovd, "Conversion Motifs," JScSt Rel 20 (1981) 373–385. Although his own research on conversion is extensive (Richardson 1978; 1980; 1985), it is his 1985 discussion that proves to be most compelling. Rather, for an understanding of commitment in these spheres, attention must be directed (again) to the situationally specific bases of religion (viz., the variables of social organization) and their interplay with local church reference groups, large-scale church bureaucratic structures, and denominationally specific theological emphases (i.e., confessional ideations). j. t. richardson, Conversion Careers (Beverly Hills 1978); "Conversion Careers," Society 17 (1984) 47–50; "Studies of Conversion: Secularization or Reenchantment?" Is it a study of the effects of a process? New Catholic Encyclopedia. The Lofland research points to this as does the work of Snow and Machalek, who suggest that conversion studies should focus on the analysis of "rhetorical indicators" such as "biographic reconstruction, adoption of a master attribution scheme, suspension of analogical reasoning and the embracement of the convert role" (Snow and Machalek 1984:173ff.). In addition to the MLA, Chicago, and APA styles, your school, university, publication, or institution may have its own requirements for citations. The Sacred in Secular Age, p. hammond, ed. Second, the model indicates that such movement involves a general movement away from competing groups and toward the new group as a primary reference group or context for identity. Another factor that influences religious socialization is geographic mobility. More graphically, the symbolic interaction framework permits the depiction of conversion as a "conversion career" (Richardson 1980;1984), or a series of identity adaptations grounded in the "I-Me" dialectic of role-taking vis-à-vis "old and new" religious groups. Citations (7) j. h. westerhoff, Will Our Children Have Faith? Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. Understanding Church Growth and Decline (New York 1979). Wider implications. People tend to develop their own religious beliefs from their parents, right from their inception. The answers are obvious. And second, what is it not? literature cited by Richardson: Pilarzyk 1969; Gerlach and Hine 1979; Bromley and Shupe 1979) and, on the other hand, theoretical frameworks such as that of symbolic interaction and humanistic sociology (e.g., the sociology of knowledge) suggest an alternative context for interpreting conversion. p. phillibert and j. p. o'connor, eds., "Adolescent Religious Socialization: A Study of Goal Priorities According to Parents and Religious Educators," RevRelRes 23 (1982) 225–316. In particular, in a mobile, information based and pluralistic society, it is necessary to consider the social and demographic bases of mainline churches and denominations, and by way of specifics, their overlap with traditional and modified family and educational structures, such ascribed characteristics as age, race, and gender, achieved characteristics such as occupational and political networks (with their associated ethics and worldviews), and a host of personal psychological variables, including perceived values of success, failure, self-image, power, responsibilities to others and the like. Socioreligious definition is - involving a combination of social and religious factors. The study of the relationship of religion to social structures and social processes. This view is based upon Meadian social psychology (Blumer 1969; Hewitt 1983), and especially Mead's notion of role-taking and self-other interaction as the bases of identity development. Retrieved October 16, 2020 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/religion/encyclopedias-almanacs-transcripts-and-maps/socialization-religious. Children engaged in "let's pretend" play are Mead's illustration of this point, for as children imagine themselves as others, whether doctor, "mommy" or "daddy," they not only see these others as distinct from themselves, but they also anticipate the behavior of these others and enact it.

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