Cosmic ray dating is only useful on material that has not been melted, since melting erases the crystalline structure of the material, and wipes away the tracks left by the particles. Regardless, Scripture tells us the stars “day unto day uttereth speech, and night unto night sheweth knowledge,” (Psalms 19:2). God’s Word makes it clear, “The World That Was” became ‘overflowed with water and perished’ which perfectly aligns with the state of the world as described in Genesis 1:2 and Psalms 104:6. ; Hardenbol, J.; van Veen, P.; Thierry, J. and Zehui Huang., 1995. He also that received seed among the thorns is he that heareth the word; and the care of this world, and the deceitfulness of riches, choke the word, and he becometh unfruitful. declare if thou hast understanding. While Psalms 104:5 explains our Father “laid the foundations of the earth” in the beginning, verse 6 explains He then covered the earth with water. This word “foundation” is “katabole” in the Greek language and means, “a deposition” which is a “removal from an office or position.” “Katabole” comes from the base word “kataballo” meaning, “to throw down, cast down”. It is also difficult to determine the exact age of the oldest rocks on Earth, exposed at the surface, as they are aggregates of minerals of possibly different ages. The word “was” should have been translated “became,” just as it has been translated many other times in Scripture. The word “was” implies God created the earth “without form, void,” and full of “darkness”. In the last days there will be 7,000 (from all races) out of that remnant that the Father chose as His very elect to stand against Satan again in the last days. God is asking Job, where were you “in the beginning” when I “created the heaven and the earth” as Genesis 1:1 explains? Nevertheless, ancient Archaean lead ores of galena have been used to date the formation of Earth as these represent the earliest formed lead-only minerals on the planet and record the earliest homogeneous lead-lead isotope systems on the planet. They are none other than Jesus Christ and Satan. [1][2][3][4] This age may represent the age of the Earth's accretion, or core formation, or of the material from which the Earth formed. The first radiometric ages from the Judith River Formation (Upper Cretaceous), Hill County, Montana. He did not publish these results, which was fortunate because they were flawed by measurement errors and poor estimates of the half-life of radium. These chapters overlay one another so we will read them in parallel to gain additional insight into the Scriptures. God is gracious enough to provide us with multiple witnesses to the facts we have covered so far. Yet, this thought is not logical, nor is it Biblical and I personally believe this teaching is one of the major reasons for unbelief in the world today. The physicist Hermann von Helmholtz (in 1856) and astronomer Simon Newcomb (in 1892) contributed their own calculations of 22 and 18 million years, respectively, to the debate: they independently calculated the amount of time it would take for the Sun to condense down to its current diameter and brightness from the nebula of gas and dust from which it was born. This age will end in fire at the White Throne Judgement which ushers in the Eternity, the third and final age, “the new heavens and a new earth wherin dwelleth righteousness,” (2 Peter 3:13, Revelation 20:11-13). Barrell's research determined that the layers of strata had not all been laid down at the same rate, and so current rates of geological change could not be used to provide accurate timelines of the history of Earth. By looking at a map of the world we can make this conclusion through simple observations, by the shapes of the continents alone. Through careful study of the Bible, we can document a major change occurred between the beginning of creation in “The World That Was”, “before the heavens and the earth which are now,” (2 Peter 3:6-7). The discovery of radioactivity introduced another factor in the calculation. ; Aubry, M-P. and Hardenbol, J. and Deino, A.L., 1989. These "decay chains", such as the uranium-radium and thorium series, were known within a few years of the discovery of radioactivity and provided a basis for constructing techniques of radiometric dating. Job 38:4Where wast thou when I laid the foundations of the earth? This is important because the presence of the three mineral phases allows investigation of isotopic dates using samples that provide a great separation in concentrations between parent and daughter nuclides. This is particularly true of uranium and lead. Gen. 1:1. During The First Earth Age, mankind occupied our true bodies which are our spiritual bodies that never get sick, old or die, (see: What Were We Like In The Beginning?). Geologists quickly realized that this upset the assumptions underlying most calculations of the age of Earth. [38] The meteorite samples, however, show a spread from 4.53 to 4.58 billion years ago. Christians are taught the earth and all of creation is merely 6,000 years old. An age when mankind existed in spiritual bodies and “all the sons of God shouted for joy,” (Job 38:7). In the very beginning of creation, it was a peaceful time when “the morning stars sang together and all the sons of God shouted for joy.”. Roman 11, In the first earth age, there was a remnant that stood with God against Satan in the first earth age. Many geologists felt these new discoveries made radiometric dating so complicated as to be worthless. Turn your Bible with me to, Genesis 1:1 In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.. God’s Word does not say when the beginning was, it could have been millions or even billions of years ago. Our Heavenly Father did not create the earth “a desolation,” “a worthless thing” or “an undistinguishable ruin”, just as a carpenter would not create a home as “an indistinguishable ruin”, but the earth did “become” that way. The First Earth Age “Became” Without Form and Void. To my relief, Kelvin fell fast asleep, but as I came to the important point, I saw the old bird sit up, open an eye, and cock a baleful glance at me! Our Father is explaining the earth “became without form, and void” and even provides details to the heavens by explaining “they had no light”. The Canyon Diablo meteorite was used because it is both large and representative of a particularly rare type of meteorite that contains sulfide minerals (particularly troilite, FeS), metallic nickel-iron alloys, plus silicate minerals. 2 Peter 3:5For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water. Alternatively, more than one dating system may be used on a sample to check the date. “The stars of heaven and the constellations thereof shall not give their light” neither the sun. 2 Peter 3:6Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished. “The world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished” as our Father “coverest it with the deep,” when “the waters stood above the mountains.”. Kelvin calculated the age of the Earth by using thermal gradients, and he arrived at an estimate of about 100 million years. If they had understanding and acknowledged Him, they would have certainly followed His Word.

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