Tree sparrows visit Oregon only in winter, mainly in lowlands within the Blue Mountains and Owyhee upland regions with a few farther west in some years. The song of this bird is one of the characteristic sounds of spring evenings in much of the high desert country of eastern Oregon. Although common within its range, this handsome sparrow can easily be overlooked. Favorites. The buzzy, insect-like song of the Savannah sparrow is a characteristic sound of open landscapes dominated by grasslands throughout Oregon. Home. On both sexes the upperparts are spotted with white on the wings and the long tail. The California towhee is a fairly common permanent resident throughout the Rogue, Applegate, and Illinois Valleys. White underparts with a a small black central spot and a long, blackish tail with conspicuous white wing corners further aid identification. The principal breeding range of Sagebursh sparrow is southeast and central Oregon. Savannah sparrows are usually heard or seen when perched atop a fence post, small shrub, or tall weed, or running on the ground between openings in vegetation until the bird abruptly drops down into cover. The Grasshopper sparrow is one of the more enigmatic and erratic birds in Oregon. Hear the song of the Black-headed grosbeak. It is by far the most abundant bird breeding in the vast sagebrush expanses of the Intermountain West. Since that time, it has become a regular migrant and wintering bird along the west coast. It is a plain brown bird with a rusty throat patch and undertail coverts. This temperate migrant is a ground-nesting, ground-foraging bird of most of the grassland, agricultural land, and shrubs steppe habitats of Oregon. Hear the song of the American tree sparrow. Visit the ODFW's agency site. This species breeds from northeast British Columbia to Nova Scotia and south to north Georgia. It has expanded its range westward and northward in recent years and is now nesting in small numbers in eastern Washington. In flight their dark tail with white sides is conspicuous. A widespread towhee of the West, sometimes abundant in chaparral and on brushy mountain slopes. In the Columbia Plateau ecoregion, it is an Oregon Conservation Strategy Species. A very rare migrant and rare but regular visitor, you can find the Harris's sparrow statewide. The Swamp swallow is a rare to uncommon spring and fall transient and winter visitant in western Oregon, especially along the coast. Color: Dark hood, upper body contrast with rufous sides, white belly, bold white spots on back, white outer corners on black tail. Along the outer Oregon coast, the Lapland longspur is an uncommon but regular fall migrant, especially at the south jetty of the Columbia River. Defensive and curious, when approached it readily announces its presence with loud chips and often excitedly rises to a conspicuous perch to confront the interloper. Some Spotted Towhee songs have just the trill phrase only. The majority of Oregon records have occurred from early March through July, mostly from mid-May to mid-June. The Brewer's sparrow is an abundant migrant and summer resident east of the Cascades summit, particularly in the southeast quarter of the state among the vast sagebrush communities of the Great Basin Shrub-steppe. This small tan-and-gray sparrow with a delicately streaked upper breast is found in summer in wet mountain meadows where its bubbly song can be heard from low shrubs. It winters in Middle and South America. The spotted towhee song has a mnemonic. It lasts about 1.5 seconds. It is noticeably larger than the Spotted towhee. They are irregular on the coast in winter and spring. The spotted towhee song typically starts with one or two notes and then a quick series (called a trill) that … The Spotted Towhee differs in the heavy white spotting on its upperparts, and its songs and callnotes are more … Small numbers regularly occur along the west coast, especially in spring. Although considered by some authors to be a sagebrush obligate, Sagebrush sparrows have been found in other plant communities exclusive of sagebrush. Familiar to anyone from the eastern United States and Canada, this sparrow is much less common in Oregon. They prefer warm dry sunny slopes of desert basins. Listen to more sounds of this species from the ML archive. Contact:
Listen to Spotted towhee on - a comprehensive collection of North American bird songs and bird calls. This large brown sparrow with its handsome black-and-white head pattern is a common breeder in brushy semi-open country throughout much of the state. Salem, OR 97302
Their habit of running along the ground in a crouch rather than flying makes them a challenge to observe, but in flight their characteristic rattling call is unmistakable. The longspur is regularly reported in eastern Oregon, but numbers vary from year to year. They are most regular in the Columbia Basin and in valleys within the Blue Mountains. Although not brilliantly plumaged, the conspicuous Song Sparrow is one of the more regularly seen birds in Oregon.
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