It shall split the social groups into three major categories, age, ethnicity and gender; and attempt to distinguish reasons behind varying levels of religiosity. Social change in urban areas is faster than in rural areas. Different social groups, all show different trends in relation to religious beliefs and religious organistions. There is great debate concerning the role of religion in society, and whereas some claim that religion acts as a conservative force (that is, it inhibits change), others argue that religion is a major contributor to social change. A FORCE FOR CHANGE Max Weber In his study, The Protestant Ethic and The Spirit of Capitalism, Weber says that religious beliefs of Calvinism helped to bring about social change (in particular the emergence of modern capitalism). To what extent to sociological arguments/evidence support this view. In most societies it occurs so slowly that it is often not noticed by those who live in them. Specifically, we utilize perspectives from (1) broad currents of world-historical change, (2) communication and media studies, and (3) postmodernism. Anybody who has even a passing familiarity with social change movements of the past knows that religion and spirituality play a central role -- there was Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Christian love” approach in the civil rights movement and Gandhi’s Hindu-based satyagraha movement in South Asia. He calls … I will look at the work of various sociologists and their findings and norm’s etc. Religion is a social institution, because it includes beliefs and practices that serve the needs of society. The Relationship Between Religion and Social Change In this essay I will analyze and evaluate the relationship between religion and social change in several ways. Karl Marx viewed religion as a tool used by capitalist societies to perpetuate inequality. By encouraging the outward expression of religious views, the views become a vehicle for social change. Religion and Social Change Given the increased pressures for change in modern society, it would be surprising if any major social institution had proved immune from the consequences of the process. In this paper we consider the relationship between social change and religion using perspectives other than secularization. Although firmly entrenched in the voluntary sphere of social activity, religion has certainly responded, emerging in increasingly varied forms and with changing preoccupations. One simple argument is that in technologically underdeveloped societies religion arises as a means of "explaining the unexplained". Religion is also an example of a cultural universal, because it is found in all societies in one form or another. He says that modern capitalism is based on the systemic, rational and efficient pursuit of profit for it’s own sake, rather than for consumption. Even in modern societies there seems to be little or no change in many areas. “Religion can be both a conservative force and an initiator of social change”. This essay will only very briefly touch on the difficulty of defining religious organisations, as this is not its focus. Max Weber believed religion could be a force for social change.
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