}); Given how much of a Jane Austen fan/expert you are, Im glad James did a good job with that Pride and Prejudice sequel! What you might not be aware of is that he was a descendant of one of the accused (Mary Bradbury) during the infamous Salem witch trials of 1692. Not at all your fault, Dave, just one of those vagaries of certain websites. My father is turning 65 in August. I did not. I sometimes wonder where they go is there some great big dead email/comment office in the sky? This post will mention several of their books, and offer some interesting information about their lives. Thanks for linking to it! 4. Her son? . googletag.pubads().setTargeting("gr_author", "false"); Its like the Three Stooges meet the mob. She was an original thinker, an iconoclast if the best sort and a fine prose stylist, who fought cliche to the end of her time among us, very much including cliche about the cancer that killed her. One of my brothers-in-law still remembers me that way when hed come pick up my sister for a date. window.csa("Events")("setEntity", { The movie is hilarious. Died. Youre so right about Mary Tyler Moore being the prototype for the character portrayed by the main person in Mansfield Park, the film. Thanks for your excellent comment, Mary! Chilean writer Luis Seplveda, author of The Old Man Who Read Love Stories, died on April 16 after a six-week battle with Covid-19. E.L.s first name was Edgar after Edgar Allan Poe. My apologies to her and you for my ISP (Incessant Sending Problems). Here are some sources, and let's discuss other ways to share relevant links and obituaries: https://www.publishersweekly.com/pw/by-topic/industry-news/Obituary/index.html I am counting on three generals particularly Mattis to expose DT to the world . Whats not as well known is that Lees actual first name was Nelle (the backward spelling of her grandmother Ellens name) and that Harper worked as an airline reservation agent before achieving literary immortality. Interviewed him once, back in the 1980s. I remember when The Huffington Post would never post some comments, so I got in the habit of copying each comment of mine into a Word file before I hit send sort of the opposite of the Word-file-first approach I mentioned in my previous comment. junio 12, 2022. keyboard shortcut to check a checkbox in word . Because if I find out that you acquired a pet lion after watching The Gang, Im going to SMH. (Stopped doing that with this blog when I started it in 2014.). She said that down there Harper Lee is known as Nelle Harper Lee and those who knew her personally called her Nelle. (Though Ive read its still uncertain whether releasing Go Set a Watchman the year before she died was totally her decision.). Stop trying to confuse things with a straw man. Garcia Marquez, who had been mostly known as a journalist before then, went on to write Love in the Time of Cholera and other exceptional novels. She was definitely an influence, and as she was so fond of one of my other favorite humans, Bill Moyers, she is all the more a cherished American writer. Correction made and Tay Hohoff (like some other publishing-company editors) is indeed a mostly unsung hero. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("shelf", ["memoriam","dead","2022","writer","obituary","writers","inmemoriam","death","deaths","postmortem","obituaries","author"]); He wrote 16 No. In a way, dementia makes the actual grieving over death a bit less intense when it comes the sufferer has been mourned by those closest, and by his most devoted readers, in Marquezs case, for some time. Nelle Harper Lee I once had an office mate who was from Monroeville. authors who died in the last 10 years. Gabriel Garcia Marquez (1927-2014) was of course best known for his epic masterpiece One Hundred Years of Solitude, which took eighteen months to write Im pretty sure it took me at least that long to read it! var googletag = googletag || {}; })(); there was a conservative fellow, departed in the last decade, his name escapes me, but from a midwestern think tank whod made it a crusade to conflate the mistaken association. googletag.pubads().setTargeting("gtargeting", "1"); //=0){return}if("ue_https" in e){f=e.ue_https}else{f=e.location&&e.location.protocol=="https:"?1:0}i=f? These can be used to determine whose copyrights expire(d) each New Year in past and future years. He was 70. Stephanie Adams. Am still looking forward to finally getting to Love in the Time of Cholera though. Im wondering, with a long comment, if, after you write it in Word, you might post the first half in one box and the second half immediately under it in another box. a[a9] = { [CDATA[ Your favorite authors who died during the past five years either ones I named or others? But Adam Dalgliesh is certainly an excellent creation. I greatly enjoyed your comment and its touches of humor. The same desire to maintain a private life after becoming incredibly famous, and the same reluctance to say much more than what they said in their art. Might be uncomfortable if one perused Gogols The Overcoat in the summer, Thats not so bad. James! LOL. !function(){function n(n,t){var r=i(n);return t&&(r=r("instance",t)),r}var r=[],c=0,i=function(t){return function(){var n=c++;return r.push([t,[].slice.call(arguments,0),n,{time:Date.now()}]),i(n)}};n._s=r,this.csa=n}(); Meanwhile, I also like Jimmy Breslins World Without End, Amen, even though it is a much darker novel. authors who died in the last 10 years. bobess48, while Im having trouble coming up with a film done about a Jane Austen book that I didnt love, Ive seen multiple mini-stories about each one of her six novels that Ive loved, mostly because they were more true to the novel. Yes they did post what I wrote above which is mind..some posters are not so mild..one goes..just before mine.. What the alt-right likes are books like Atlas Shrugged and Camp of Saints. I will at some point read more of Austens novels although shes seemed a bit more superficial than George Eliot and the Brontes, but thats my bias coming through I admit. My favorite of his works is The Autumn of the Patriarch, a Faulknerian sprawl of a book, written though it is by a man who in an interview once declared his mission was not to imitate Faulkner but to kill and destroy him. I should at least read the second, as you want to do. Glad to hear Hentoff may have been a bit more mellow. Theyre too happy with the proposed huge rise in the military budget (which is already way too high). Ms. Lees death is indeed very sad, but Im glad she got to live until almost 90 on her own terms. A late '60s singer-songwriter and guitarist . q("f", arguments) } Perhaps it was something to do with the vanishing wilderness and the native American way of life being altered permanently, hence the LAST of the Mohicans. two wonderful books to read and audio reads are truly delightful. I suppose this is why I usually keep them in different compartments. A = p.createElement(s); "ObfuscatedMarketplaceId": "A1PQBFHBHS6YH1" (function() { }()); Ha I like both your longer and shorter posts, and have never had a hand in making a comment disappear. Harper Lee (1926-2016) obviously authored the iconic To Kill a Mockingbird, which also became an iconic movie starring Gregory Peck (second time that actor was mentioned in this post ). If Trump had nothing to hide, he wouldnt be trying to impede the investigation and he would release his tax returns. at the risk of starting a firestorm here, my dad, a great fan of liberal arts schools, and a liberal, but i dont know about this al franken, character enjoyed playing with those (arch-) conservatives who couldnt shed the idea that liberal arts somehow endorsed liberal politics. if (a[a9]) return; It would have been interesting if One Hundred Years of Solitude were condensed maybe 100 pages shorter. SL5 having attracted my attention on learning the night in question was on my 6-month birthday. And thanks for all that info on P.D. Great that they posted your comment, bebe! From beloved children's authors, to prize-winning novelists, here is a list of famous authors we said goodbye to in 2016. There were probably many films that were made from books that are probably better than the book itself, though Im having trouble thinking of one offhand. var ue_t0=window.ue_t0||+new Date(); a paucity of fiction, at the moment, but thats the way it is. Ah, yes, maybe the most famous book editor of them all! Book Design & Formatting. Anyway, Ive never seen the Mansfield Park movie, but I agree that Fanny Price was far from spunky in the novel. 1 New York Times best-sellers. This page was last edited on 15 February 2023, at 05:30 (UTC). [CDATA[ And I have not even seen Dorothy skate! We flew to Burlington to surprise my mom for her 65th birthday. Ill say! What a weird, funny, Wilde-like (possible) last line, jhNY! Douthat is indeed living in some alternate reality. She wrote masterfully about women. In addition to being a writer, Angelou was a civil-rights activist, film director, actress, dancer, singer, cook, streetcar conductor, and more at different times of her life. Seeing anything about Maya just causes joy for me. 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