She seems surprised that so many people from Blackwell wrote to her, including Daniel , Mr. Jefferson and even Victoria who wrote her a very sweet note. Ser que todo o bullying acabou com ela? Kate Beverly Marsh (born September 12, 1995) is a student at Blackwell Academy and a devout Christian. If Max fails to save Kate in Episode 2, the school flags outside Blackwell Academy remain at full-staff. I do like Kate Marsh, she's down the hall and in one of my classes. She resides in Arcadia Bay and is an attending student to Blackwell Academy. Is Strange, Gary jamroz-palma : concept art for the hospital room used for Chloe and Kate, depending on some of the choices you make. Amigos No final do episdio, Kate vista chorando em seu quarto durante a nevasca. The rabbit is a symbol of vulnerability, comfort, abundance - it's associated with sentiment, desire and procreation. Players might remember seeing pictures and letters from Kate's family while exploring her room for photo collectibles in Episode 2 of Life is Strange. Life Is Strange: Before The Storm. Kate pergunta Max se deveria ir polcia pedir ajuda para sua situao. De acordo com Max, Kate gosta de levantar cedo. See? While in the shower, Max witnesses Victoria and Taylor harassing Kate, and writing the link to the viral video on the mirror. Ela comenta que deu a maioria das flores para outros pacientes, acreditando que eles precisavam mais do que ela. After class, Max Caulfield investigates the paper thrown at Kate and spies the message, "Dear Kate, we loved your porn video . Additionally, Kate could have been released by the hospital after a 48 hour hold period, by which time her family would have visited (as she mentions they would during Max's visit). Around the room are letters, postcards, and photographs which relate to Kate's family. Kate regrets her suicide attempt deeply and feels very ridiculous, but Max assures her that other people need to feel responsible for what has happened. Max, who is extremely happy to see her, will talk with her, noting that she seems happier since her attempted suicide. People seem to have felt truly sorry for her, sending postcards, letters, balloons, flowers and cards to her. Max is seemingly good friends with Kate and watches out for her during this rough time._________________________________________________________________During the beginning of this episode, Max can again remove the mean comments from Kate's Bedroom slate. Em sua ausncia, Max est cuidando da coelha de Kate. Dayeanne Hutton, VA for Kate Marsh, Alyssa and Juliet begins her playthrough of Life is Strange Remastered! Max, que est muito feliz em v-la, conversar com Kate, notando que ela parece mais alegre desde a ltima vez que a viu. Morte O destino de Kate e sua ltima apario dependem da escolha de Max no final do Episdio 5. She seems to be involved in a lot of religious groups. Feminino In the first scene in class, after the nightmare intro, someone throws a ball of paper at Kate. Ela tem duas irms mais novas, uma delas se chama Lynn Marsh e tem 10 anos. provvel que o esprito animal da Kate seja o coelho, que o animal mais conectado a ela, j que ela possui um coelho de estimao. She is also very grateful towards Max for coming up to the rooftop to talk to her, because she was feeling lost and alone all the time, but Max's caring and trying showed her that she wasn't. Finalmente, ela eleva seu poder ao ponto de conseguir parar o tempo, o que a permite ir at o telhado. Also, hospitals do usually have underground storm shelters, and Arcadia Bay is known to have a lot of bomb shelters.[8]. Her family are now very protective towards Kate, and felt very guilty. Kate decides to forgive her, because she believes in forgiveness and redemption. No comeo do episdio, Max pode apagar mais uma vez os comentrios maldosos na placa do quarto da Kate. Kate later woke up outside her dorm room, stating she wasn't physically hurt but she felt gross (implying Nathan sexually assaulted her). Kate will then bring up how no one cares about her, but Max tries to bring up a member of her family, only her father and sisters will convince her while her mother and brother will not. It's most likely that Kate's spirit animal is the rabbit, which is the animal connected to her the most as she has a pet rabbit. Muitas pessoas parecem sentir muito por ela, dado o nmero de cartes postais, cartas, bales, cartes e flores que foram mandados para ela. The story is intriguing and mysterious, and the colors and the atmospheres are . It's clear he's been spying on Kate, taking photos and creating a file for her. It does not store any personal data. Watch popular content from the following creators: nova !! Following the incident, she consulted the school nurse who, concerned about Kate's current mental state, contacted Principal Wells to keep an eye on her. According to her file, Kate has a GPA of 3.9, and is one of the people who "represent" Blackwell Academy. But when you get older, you become more afraid of hurting the people you care about.". 21 Famous Life is Strange Quotes. (Mateus 11:28). So the Psycologist ends the counseling. To help guarantee Kate's happiness, players should answer her call. It is unknown if a patch will be released that fixes this issue. Defending Kate from David, encouraging Kate in her initial decision to report the matter to the police and answering her phone call earlier are helpful, but she can be saved without making those actions by making the right dialog choices. It is suggested in, Kate's favorite Bible quote is: "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." I know she's involved in a lot of religious groups, but she doesn't preach to me so I don't care. If Max chooses to talk to Kate about Nathan, Kate states that he should pay for what he did to her and that they have to stop him from hurting anybody else. Ela tem estado muito quieta e introvertida nas ltimas semanas. She asks Max to leave her alone for a while so she can think; she is clearly thinking about her reputation after the viral video she was involved in. Ao chegar no local indicado, Max v a Kate se jogar do telhado, cometendo suicdio. The character received a generally positive reception by video game publications, although some labeled her . O contedo da comunidade est disponvel sob. Provided that Kate survives the events of Episode Two, Max and Chloe will visit her in the hospital before going to the Prescott Dormitory to look for Nathan. Lastly as Max nears Kate, she tries to tell her that God has big plans for her, but Kate will say that he put her on the roof, Max can either recite a word from her bible, or convince her that she's not doing the right thing. You have to choose the M (matheus or how he is called) answer and not the P one. She has a black and white pet bunny named Alice in her dorm room. There isn't a -real- video. Informaes do Jogo I got her on the first try.. Depends, everytime you do something against her (Don't step in, telling Kate to wait for more proof and not answering her call) it adds another statement you have to "correctly" respond to. Se Max se aproximar dela, ela pedir que a deixe sozinha por um tempo para que ela possa refletir; claramente pensando sobre sua reputao aps seu vdeo ter se espalhado. Further down the hall, Juliet is watching Kate's video on her phone beside Brooke. Nathan learned with Mark Jefferson all about the art of photography and also how to torture people. Ela tambm parece ter uma relao positiva com as duas. Jefferson only killed the girls when they remembered everything that happened in the Darkroom. Approaching her, Max asks her about what she thought of Mr. Jeffersons class. Tenho que me esforar para conversar mais com ela, talvez convid-la para tomar um ch ou assistir a um filme. Ela revela que no ficou bbada, e aps consumir apenas uma pequena quantidade de vinho, foi aparentemente drogada por Nathan, que no a levou para o hospital como havia prometido. Loiro escuro No banheiro, Kate pede de volta Max sua cpia do "O Pas do Outubro". Nathan learned to like torture and dead people. All rights reserved. Due to her religious background, she is quite meek towards most (if not all) of the people who bully her and doesn't hesitate to give people such as Victoria Chase a second chance. This guide will cover how to save Kate in Life is Strange by providing the correct dialogue choices, no matter what players have done up to this point. As Kate remained unconscious most of the time, Jefferson decided to keep her alive. Ela ficou amiga da Max em seu primeiro ms na Blackwell e elas passaram a se encontrar regularmente para tomar ch. Eu entenderia se sim. Bit of a trigger warning for some of these scenes. If Max chooses to talk to Kate about Nathan, Kate states that he should pay for what he did to her and that they have to stop him from hurting anybody else. A pgina do dirio da Max sobre a Kate muda no Episdio 3, dependendo se Max consegue salvar a vida dela ou no. After Max puts her book down Kate asks if Nathan helped her or hurt her, and if she should call the police. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. To talk her down, Max needs to encourage Kate to be strong and beat the bullies who spread her viral video around as well as to have paid attention to items in Kate's room while returning the book to Kate and pointing out all those pertinent items that mean a lot to her (Kate's father or sister and her favorite Bible verse). "I think when you're a kid, you're only afraid of the things that can hurt you. Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been classified into a category as yet. So far the only victim killed were Rachel, and that wasn't Jefferson's fault since Nathan gave her an overdose. She is teased by Taylor Christensen, who throws a paper ball at her and comments about her "porn video". It does not appear to have any effect on the rest of the episode, as Max time travels back to the time before the selfie was taken. Max may comfort Kate after the class and take the first optional photo for the episode. Victoria Chase and a few of the other girls are constantly haunting Kate Marsh with this viral video; a video she has little-to-no memory of. The Bible quote is the make or break option. The adults in Life is Strange are incompetent because they inspire no trust. The game really focuses on the consequences of your choices and causes the player to really think about the implications of, for example, reporting a violent person to the principal versus keeping quiet about it. When Max enters the dorm, she notices that someone vandalized Kates board with a horrible comment. Even if they act immature, everybody at Blackwell are seniors, not high school freshmen She gets a lot of shit in fact. Yellow is also the color of friendship. So might continue to kidnap girls and using them as guinea pigs for their plans. Ao devolver o livro de Kate, Max pode explorar o quarto dela. If Kate died, a local service will be held at 2:00pm for Kate Marsh on Saturday, October 12th. Jumped to her death off the dormitory roof. She has been having trouble coping with the release of a viral video featuring her kissing strangers at aVortex Clubparty and seems emotionally traumatized. Mais tarde, no restaurante com a Chloe Price, Max receber uma ligao de Kate, e ter de escolher entre atender ou no. The other students often make fun of her religiousness, although Kate doesn't attempt to preach or convert anyone. Kate will later be deeply thankful, as evident from her messages, although it does not have any effect on the rest of the episode, as Max later travels back in time again. This . Yellow tulips stand for hope and cheerful thoughts and are common get-well gifts. During Mark Jeffersons class, Kate is hassled by Victoria Chases friend, Taylor Christensen, who tosses a paper ball at her. Sometime before the events of LIS, she had very embarassing accident, when she was at Vortex Club's party. Na Sala Escura, o fichrio da Kate um dos trs que ficam visveis no Episdio 4, com os outros dois sendo o fichrio da Rachel Amber e o fichrio vazio da Victoria. Kate gets . After a brief conversation, Jefferson tells her that there is nothing he can do and she walks away crying. As a graduate of Theology from Liberty University, he puts his experience with religion, philosophy, and debate into his work. According to Max, Kate likes to get up early in the morning. I'm already playing their drama games. Informaes Biogrficas Marsh (me)Tia Marsh (tia)Lynn Marsh (irm)Irm no identificada, Episdio 2: Out of Time Episdio 4: Dark Room (Determinante) Episdio 5: Polarized (Determinante). Katie Talking to her, Max can encourage her not to share the video anymore. Dublador(a) Max talks to Kate about the events of the Vortex Club Party and the viral video. Max pode examinar os rabiscos de Kate em sua mesa; ao olhar bem de perto, ela poder supor que Kate est tendo pensamentos suicidas. A tempestade chegaria a partir deste horrio, e Kate e sua famlia j teriam provavelmente ido embora da cidade. If Max succeeds in talking her down, the montage at the end of the episode will show her recovering in a hospital bed. Afiliao Tulipas amarelas significam pensamentos esperanosos e positivos, e so um presente comum de melhoras. Foi especulado que Kate possa ter comprado drogas com o Frank durante sua fase depressiva, pois Chihuahua seria um tipo de cachorro adequado para Kate e a tal "Katie" comprou um remdio para dormir chamado sonho verde, e uma droga que pode causar a morte (as duas drogas seriam teis para Kate, dado seu estado de insnia e depresso). She has to talk Kate down without the assistance of the Rewind. Ela no bebe lcool e lidera uma campanha de abstinncia na escola, embora ela tome alguns goles de vinho na igreja. Max can inspect Kate's notes at her table; upon closer inspection, it seems she is having depressing, suicidal thoughts. The email is found on her computer in Episode 3 during the morning Max stays over at her house. The whiteboards of hers and others in the girls dormitory have been rewritten by their respective owners in support of Kate's recovery, and Kate's social media page is full of supportive messages by a lot of Blackwell students including Victoria. If she succeeds in saving Kate, she will jump down to Max and apologize for committing suicide, but Max states that she saved her from talking in class, later she is taken to the hospital and is lying in bed with 3 balloons saying "Get Well Soon" behind her, it is unknown who brought them. On her way outside, she runs past Warren ignoring him, while David Madsen is taking pictures of her. Richard Marsh (pai)Sra. She looks like she's in zombie mode. No se sabe se uma atualizao ser lanada para consertar o erro. Cor dos Olhos Ela tem duas irms mais novas, uma delas se chama Lynn Marsh e tem 10 anos. This time, there is only one possible set of choices since the viral video is released no matter what Max does. She doesn't drink alcohol and wages an abstinence campaign at her school, although she has a few sips of wine in church. Max encounters Kate Marsh in the bathroom brushing her teeth, and depending on Max's choice with David and Kate's argument, she will either scold Max for not helping, or thank her for getting between them. The drawings seem to make her more hopeful for the future. Max can either ignore Kate or answer her call. Link to Kate Marsh Porn Video? Dayeanne Hutton (Ingls) Hana Takeda (Japons), 11 de outubro de 2013(presumido, determinante), Morta pela tempestade (presumido, determinante), Sra. To change her mind, you need to mention her sisters or father. Fora do quarto da Kate, Max pode apagar a mensagem maldosa escrita na placa dela, "Will bang 4 Jesus" (Vai rebolar pra Jesus, em portugus).