What?! Publicado por Lissette en 19:40 Jamal is finally reunited with his beloved Latika. In Peru, there is a very notable difference between the number of rich and poor people, that causes lots of society problems like for example discrimination between the different social classes. Salim shoots Javed and is himself gunned down. And their final destination is the same as the brothers from the movie. Eventually, Salim picks up and Jamal begins to speak the call center script, but Salim recognizes his voice. Immediately after the dance scene, the gang erupts into the empty train station and slaughters Jamal and Latika. If they want to sell something in order to avoid stealing, they would need a small place to put the stuff; otherwise, they wouldnt sell too many things. Instead, Jamal chose the way of honesty and hard work. This is a critical situation, that is really affecting the conditions of live of this slums, but I think that if we unit us as a state, leave the indifference, we can solution this problem and all the others. (7) For 5,000,000 rupees: Cambridge Circus is in which U.K. city? I enjoyed reading your thoughtful contribution Jean what did Salim do with the autograph that Jamal had gotten . He put a whole space between Latika and his brother, he made his brother suffer and did anything in order to get money and get out of the slums. Slums in the movie were huge and they were like in a surface. The abuser of both women is the same man.In the movie, Jamal's love interest is Latika, a childhood friend from the slums who is forced into prostitution in Mumbai.After a separation of five years, Ram bumps into Salim on a Mumbai street. Why does he make this choice? He was given the opportunity to play Who wants to be a millionaire? In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. We can see this in Lima, because the people is so prejudiced that they discriminate other people. Is Slumdog Millionaire a Hollywood or a Bollywood movie? Jamal is asked to answer questions that he wouldnt know if he didnt live that rough and difficult life. When Jamal protests, Salim tells him to do as he says, and demands sexual attention from Latika, on the grounds that he saved her life. only one side. Boys and girls are abandoned everyday by their parents when they are very little. Poor people migrate to well-known cities in their countries in order to have the same opportunities as the ones who already live there and have a job. Then, his search for Latika is motored by his belief in their mutual destiny, a conviction he tells her when they catch up at the abandoned hotel. If think that the solution for this big problem here in Peru and probably in Mumbai also is the reorganization of the government. What streaming service has Slumdog Millionaire? We have been blessed to bless, and this is what we have to do. Another thing was that they did not have roads made of concrete, just dirt. All those projects would be able to decrease slums in a long-term because of the gathering of money for supporting those projects and the way that people would take it. In the final scene, Jamal meets Latika in a train station where they share a kiss. These papers were written primarily by students and provide critical analysis of Slumdog Millionaire, directed by Danny Boyle. But nevertheless, an exhibitionist in a somewhat desperate cry for attention took a three hour dip this week and while she is described in a Somerset Live article as a "bit of a hippy" it . You can use the HBO Max app on your phone, computer, SmartTV or however you like to watch HBO Max and watch Slumdog Millionaire (2008) streaming online. And that also happens in Per. In the show Who wants to be a millionaire, all the questions they asked him, were important moments in his life, but he didnt have the last answer of the the last question: who is the third musketeer, he used his last lifeline in calling his brother, but Latika answered the call. Long-term? During his entire life, Jamal Malik crossed through many difficulties but he could get through them and find a high live condition. Meanwhile Salim, back in the safe house, sacrifices himself in order to stop Javed from coming after Latika and Jamal. However, theyre both united on a single phrase, which ensures that its the same person we are talking about. Slumdog Millionaire study guide contains a biography of director Danny Boyle, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. In this programme the finality is to win a trip for any school for his prom trip. Bollywood films are made through various Indian film studios located in the city of Mumbai. In that context, "it is written" is similar in meaning to "it is fated" or "it is destiny". What However, he could not find the right boy to play the older Jamal. What does the title mean? Well, live in the slums of Mumbai, is very hard because there is a lot of garbage and a lot of dead animal, etc and this make that all the people who live there, suffer illnes or even death. The title explains Jamal's identity, and motif, in the movie. Slumdog Millionaire essays are academic essays for citation. What did Jamal do? | That is because the population. The tv host accuse Gamal of cheating because Gamal was answering all the questions, and because he is a slum he suppoused to be a cheater and not fair, just because he is a slum. I think that the title is obviously contradictory because a slum dog is normally poor, without money; but in the title it sais that this slum dog is millionaire, a thing that its hard to believe. Second: based on movies natural plot making, we can asume he will have many troubles on the way. He goes to the red light district and asks the various women about "Cherry." The movie has many messages, but the one I think is the most important, is never lose the hope, because all is possible in this live. In the movie the slums are very similar to the ones in Lima. With a few simple steps you can change your Netflix region to a country like Argentina and start watching Argentine Netflix, which includes Slumdog Millionaire. Change), You are commenting using your Facebook account. Because he realized he had been doing wrong his whole life and he wanted to have no more regrets. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? But in the film, Jamal is a lucky slum (by destiny), because of his poorness he knew the answers to those questions on the Tv program, that is what makes him richhis life in the slums and destiny. QUESTION: As 18-year-old Jamal Malik (Dev Patel) answers questions on the Indian version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, flashbacks show how he got there. Is Slumdog Millionaire Hollywood or Bollywood? In my opinion the tv owners of this programmes need to change this kind of people and bring fair people, with fair rules and without that descrimination. Is The New York Review the same as the New York Review of Books. Jamal's motive for going on the show is to attract the attention of Latika, with whom he has lost contact (despite her being in the custody of his brother Salim). The beggar boy asks who is on it, and Jamal describes the president and the beggar says, "Benjamin Franklin," then recognizes him as Jamal. So there are much more slums in India than in all South America. ", Jamal tells the policemen that Latika is the most beautiful woman in the world, and when the older one makes a joke about her being a "slum bitch," Jamal attacks him angrily. This decissions are alson taken by people in Lima, for example poor people have to take a decission between robbing or work really hardly for their money, people who are honorable choose to make their money by their own effort, like Salim who decided at the end of the movie to be honorable and fair to Jamal. His surname comes from a family that adopted him for three days before giving him back to the church. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. "This is our destiny," Jamal whispers. So the first question states the following What does the title mean? In this way, the film shows that destiny is something that brings together free will and the ineffablea karmic collaboration. When Javed hears Latika on the show and realizes that Salim has helped her escape, he and his men break down the bathroom door. In the question: In the film, the theme of destiny is a central theme. He finds some numbers for Salim and makes some calls trying to find his old friend. "You're a sweet boy, Jamal," says Latika, taking the towel and going back in the bathroom. Ram pulls out the gun he took from the dead bar patron and reveals that his motive for going on the quiz show was to get close enough to Prem to kill him for abusing the two women in his life: the actress Neelima Kumari, and the Agra prostitute Nita. He was hopeless and depressed. Every single question was a important moment of Jamals life, thats why he could answer every question. Why there are slums I think is because how we men have been changing the world I think that this phenomenon starts in the industrial revolution. In Lima there lots of slums which are here because there lots of people who had a bad economic situation and they doesnt have too much money to keep a normal house so they built their on house with recycled objects in places were they are the same type of houses, and this everyday is getting bigger and bigger. Best summary PDF, themes, and quotes. (4) For 250,000 rupees: The song "Darshan Do Ghanshyam" was written by which famous Indian poet? Is possible that we can fine the next brain of the country how it say the new DT of China- there are like millions of people here in China somebody need to play very well. He also takes that decision for do something good in his life for redeem his self and help his brother because he knows that his brother never give up. And also, show the viewer these two choices of freedom through two slumdog brothers. How this problem began, is simple when the people doesnt treat the other with dignity and respect, insult or thinking that they doesnt have nothing at all, start when the people just want to see his own perspective of the live instead of turn around and see that maybe the world its not so great it have a great problem and that exclusion which no one should suffer. In addition, we can say that Salim wanted to stop working with the Indian mob, but didnt know how, so the only option was to sacrifice himself. Who Wants to be a Millionaire? adapted in the Indian culture. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. The hoster is also a cause of this problem, because he is very hostile with Jamal at first, he cant believe what is happening, he keeps insulting him and telling him hell lose, etc. Also, there's an old saying. Slums in Lima are mostly located in a hill and they have public lighting instead, slums in the movie didnt. How does the title and the contrasts within it provide symbolic summary of the film? How did the filmmakers secure the rights to 'Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?'. 1st question. Edit, The movie doesn't show how or when Jamal called and got accepted to be on the show. The imagery shows just how dangerous and menacing Maman is. Places where people kill for some money and crime is history of everyday. Edit. He took everything his brother wanted and also abandoned him. Once the caulk is applied and the tub drained, the caulk compresses. (A) A flower, (B) A sword, (C) A child, or (D) A bow-and-arrow. Edit, Chai is simply the Hindi word for tea. Salim chose the way he wanted to die. In the interrogation room, the younger policeman quizzes Jamal to see if he knows who is on an Indian bill, but Jamal cannot answer his question. They can hear through the apartment walls. Salim convinced Latika to have sex with him the night they were rescued to, at least according to him, take away one of her valuable assets. When he was a little boy he use to protect his brother from the evil man that abuse them. Proceed by removing the plastic caps from the center of the faucet. resource to ask questions, find answers, and discuss thenovel. A thematic thread throughout the film is Jamal's belief in destiny. He is unable to see beyond himself, and his desire for power and wealth.. even if it means selling out his brother. Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. and every school of every place can participate (f course the ones who participate are people from 5th secondary). ANSWER: Jamal does not simply happen upon Latika accidentally, but his desire to find her leads him to her. Forget about her.". Teach them how to get out of that situation, working and changing the situation. Why does Salim fill the bathtub with money? This can be stopped, giving more work, so the people can work and have more money. He couldnt do anything to change it except for one thing. Perhaps a family planning campaign would serve better instead of promoting superficial, promiscuity. Well, the destiny was a really important theme in the movie, because the caste system says that if you born in a slum you are destined to be a super poor guy, without chance to be someone in live, but in the movie, we see that Jamal Malik goes again that law and finish being someone. The differences between Lima and Munbay they are a lot but I am going to explain you only 2 the first one is the people that live in each city Mumbay have 21 255 000 million people an Lima 8,5 million the second difference is that in lima we dont have cast system and in Munbay they have this system . Honesty is the best policy. In the final scene, we see Salim and the choice he makes filling the bathtub with money, etc. Replace the stem washers and then secure your new fixtures. They see they need of surviving and start to work in streets to give some little thing to their families. But the most important thing is that for the Christians it is ethic to kill someone if killing him you are saving a lot of live. Salim makes the choice of putting all the money of Javed in the bathtub and then get into the bathtub him too, to shoot and kill Javed because he knowed that if Javed was dead he will no longer search for Latika or Jamal so they could be free. The people who live in the slums do not live in houses, they live in shacks, not houses. Also, we have this problem of a lot of percentage of poor people because we hace persons that are extremly rich and others that are extreamly poor, so is not balanced. . He is rescued from torture by a woman lawyer who calls herself Smita, and who listens to his explanations, given in the sequence of the relevant question number. That also is seen in the movie, this causes corruption, indifference, physical abuse, social impairment. Pierre, good work. External Reviews Change). Salim shoots Javed and is himself gunned down. the tittle, as already you should know, its Slumdog millionaire, now there are two opposite terms that discribe two different persons, life styles, etc. Comparing Lima slums to Indian slums, both of them are very similar. But they face a lot of problems because if they want a job first they need a house. Salim's death Resigned to his fate, the sacrifice he has made for his childhood friend, Salim fills a bathtub with money, the only reward for the life of a gangster, and gets into the tub with a revolver, prepared to meet his fate. Known by the name of "Cherry," it is implied that Latika has been kept a virgin to increase her value for her eventual sale into prostitution. But today he is a millionaire and television superstar, the first contestant to win $1 million on the Indian version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire.. User Reviews The Movie is saying that the program Who wants to be a Millionaire? They are taught songs of the blind poet Surdas and learn they will likely be blinded when they finish learning the songs, in order to work as blind, singing beggars. Where did Jamal get the $100 bill to give to Arvind? By slowing down the images of the memories, Boyle invites the viewer into Jamal's interior life. Boyle shoots Maman on the extreme left edge of the frame as rain pours down over the man.