holt WebIn 2013, Nicholas founded Nevill Holt Opera and established an award-winning education and associate artists programme. He would let us listen to Your 100 Best Tunes and Semprini Serenade of a Sunday evening in the dorm next doorI remember blackberrying, and being forced to eat tapioca and sago pudding (which I have detested ever since)There were majors and minor;, standing in front of the bell; crocodile walks to Medbourne; pirate radio; rugs; the tuck shop and sanatorium, letters home being read and censoredDCSP, now I believe 88, was a v good rugby player (did he play for Cambridge University?) I shared a cottage with Mr Lanyon and an under matron whose name I have forgotten (maybe the Miss Morgan someone mentioned?) A school that size (only 100 pupils at the end) everyone must have been aware of what was going onit utterly disgusts me I had to go through that and others did before me. We got in a lot of trouble over that.Man alive, that school was so screwed up. He gave me challenges in dorm to do press-ups, and awarded me one of those hand clenching exercise gadgets for doing 40. holt nevill holt shed lets light some Also having to take nets wearing huge pads on my legs while the boys bowled as hard as they could at any totally unprotected areas - lots of bruises. But I certainly remember Mr Copas as a very inspiring English teacher. The incomparable Mr Cooke - he of the limp? I had every NH record from 100 1500 Long Jump & High Jump and won the County Championships all under his tutelage. England. I cannot find any corroboration for this, but being in his late 80s, it is not unlikely. Nevill Holt was a good school, especially in the years after 1968. However Mr Clements had a fierce reputation, however it always seemed he was 'just strict'. I personally did not like him. FSP beat the living daylights out of me, 13x my 1st term, but it straightened me out. Presumably this whisky is matured in the Nevill Holt Vault. He'd bash doors, slam them, and so on.On another occasion when he was out of it - we weren't quiet enough in Prayers in the Library, so he flung the little brass bell across the room, narrowly missing a boy. I liked him (remember his black lab called Sally?) He never approved of Clements strict way and I even remembered walking into a classroom with Ron and Clements going at it about a punishment which Clements had handed out to a pupil. Anyway, the coppers found Copas to be a pedophile, hence why he shot out the breakfast and hung himself. We reported it to DCSP and Mr Wright disappeared from school. He sexually abused a significant number of pupils. WebEric Herndon shares his journey from graduating from the University of Louisiana Monroe in 2000 to becoming a strength coach at Neville High School in 2010. I steered clear whenever he was around; he did make me feel uncomfortable. I was one of those boys, not sexually abused but routinely physically abused, primarily by Mr Clements, for whom I have no sympathy whatever, but also by others. Pushing pupils down the stairs from his classroom, getting smacked round the head during lessons or grabbed by the ear and pulled around.As far as Copas is concerned - I was in Venetians dorm (fire escape practice out of the window!) but I'm afraid when the police were making their enquiries about Clements they turned up real, yes real, evidence against Copas. Which is why he hung himself.Anyway, everything written about Clements above is right. Have read all this with astonishment as I had no idea what had happened at the school. hove school nevill secondary county brighton And that was just my experience. For those who did suffer abuse, I have the utmost sympathy. Because he was an important critic of Marxist thought, he has generally been lumped in with What Popper did and didn't say about the paradox of intolerance, Big increase in number of Lib Dem local election candidates, The Other Side of Soho Carnaby Street, Broadwick Street, Golden Sq. In fact, they found a school with a culture of turning a blind eye to abuse.I remember the day Drageascu was busted for fondling boys in the modelling room and he was crying at the school gates. One year the queen was visiting many areas of the country and we all got dressed up in our white, blue and purple blazers and crocodiled off to the main road to Uppingham to see her. I can't imagine how damaging that must have been for those involved. might have been subject to a bit more scrutiny. Loved the place, except for my 2x weekly thrashings from FSP. Save on property services Mortgages, broadband, and more. Her rock cakes were most likely made from ingredients that included gravel from the front of the building. Wright stamped on it. David Phillips was good to me. They were such an antidote to that witch. I hated it, though took two years to pluck up the courage to tell my parents about the harsh treatment of pupils, the way girls were stripped of their female gender and referred to as boys, the ethos of bullying and beating any perceived weakness out to build a strong character. There was a memorial service for him at Medbourne church. There have been many alterations and additions in the 14th,15th,17th,18th,19th and 20th (and now 21st) centuries. In the November 2022 issue, Associate Editor Sacha Forbes met the telecoms tycoon and his son. I was incredibly unhappy at that school. Having said that, mr deas indicated to me that Clements was forced to leave as a result of his strict nature and inappropriate punishments including pulling by the ears and physically throwing people around. Check out, & 'Like' FB's "Survivors of Nevill Holt"! WebGallery of Nevill Holt Opera Theatre / Witherford Watson Mann Architects - 7. Since 2005, Nevill Holt had been hosting touring opera productions, so having its own opera house was a natural next step. Establishment Nevill Holt School URN: 120315 Other independent school Download establishment data This establishment closed on 10 August 1999. I remember she lived with her mother in a chocolate box cottage behind the church. Clements however, was a brutal and sadistic individual. Welcome to Nevill Holt!! He subsequently got into huge trouble at Dulwich Prep resulting in a (miraculously) suspended sentence. Fascinated and horrified by previous posts. The paths through the estate give you great views of the chapel, stable block and mansion, as well as the beautiful pieces of sculpture that are dotted around the grounds. I can confirm that DCSP died. Not a chance it would pass an OFSTEAD inspection these days! Search over Peace. He had a temper on him which I saw rather than experienced thankfully!Headmaster Wooley was a smiley weirdo who always seemed to be going off to seminars or such like. I was at NH 90-93 and remember it being mean and unforgiving; some fun times but whilst I was not always successful, survival strategy was to keep your head down. I do remember FSP would open the window of his private quarters often when we were on the gravel and shout a boy's nameI also remember my parents having to visit the school in person just to ask FSP if I could have a Saturday off to go to a wedding.did half term exist in those days? I said I hope you don't mind Mr Phillips but I've just told form 4 the facts of life. Im not suprised by the scandal really about the perverts there, I just feel sorry for the children that suffered unbeknown to anyone. every year, who batted with specially reduced width bats;FSP's green Bentley and the other one with the NH no plateThe gravel being raked every Saturday morning and the smoke of Corby in the distance. One boy brought his pet mouse into prep and it escaped. I read your comment many years after my time at NH and now understand how what was once a strong loyal memory is shaded by the release of my sub conscious memory through hypnotherapy. Leicestershire. He was absolutely belting them with the chain.Another was Maurice Lanyon. A single spec of mud could result in being dragged to the sinks and having your hands scrubbed raw with those rock hard brushes. My sympathy goes out to all the kids who were abused, and trust that they have not let a total scumbag ruin their lives completely. (We lived in Lyddington at the time).Some fond memories: the Civil War hiding spots; the tuck shop; some great friends; building swords and shields in carpentry to play at being knights; Guy Fawkes night; playing conkers (overrated though it was). Meanwhile, I remember the general atmosphere of the school as being a happy one (I was there 82-87). Either way, he's guilty of a gross abuse of trust in my opinion. I think we went to a village fete, and I can't remember whether she ever turned up! Funeral notice here: http://announce.jpress.co.uk/harboroughmailcouk/obituary/david-phillips/42098148To anyone affected by the events alluded to above: I was a pupil at Nevill Holt in the 1980s and am compiling the recollections of former pupils of all ages, to better understand my own experience there, and possibly with a view to writing something in the future. View details My guess is that he wasn't a participant in any of the abuse but was aware of it and said nothing, as a (wholly misguided) way of protecting the school's reputation. I feel I have to put on record what happened to me.I was at NH from 1968 to 1975. Unfortunately I missed out on DCSP at the helm, with hindsight his father was not really a suitable headmaster of a boys schoolhe also should have retired much earlier. There was Mr Cooke with his wooden leg (a limp!) If I was ever to cross paths with him, I would say the same to his face. was an outstanding teacher of Maths and much else besides and took us to very high levels. 'Bobby' was an amazing remote controlled monoplane built by a boy called Wallace. I posted on this thread some years ago and don't want to repeat myself but it has been so interesting, and often terribly sad, to read these posts.Hopefully whoever questioned the Copas story has now been duly corrected. I was worried by the amount of planned corporal punishment that went on - a miserable little queue every day lining up outside the headmasters study. I chose not to put my daughter through the same; that gives a flavour of my general experiences! I wouldn't be surprised if his 'death' was made up to appease us. But I had a close shave myself when doing inspection of the upper sixth dorm, who fuelled by pubescent lust had clearly been planning an assault for some time. I think there was quite a drinking culture at the top and it was clear that FSP and Miss Graham who became FSPs second wife were part of a serious drinking club that included EEC at weekends. holt nevill staff cunards house I remember being beaten many times on the hands and the bottom .His Secretary was always in the office I believe . SUDEEP PANDE Senior school Date of Birth : 17th February WebNevill Holt, Market Harborough . Going away to school at 8 is tough. Aside, there were some good times for a childhood and I learnt to fish and shoot at the school but in reality I wouldn't have subjected my kids to NH if it were still open.Some teachers who stand out 25 years on:Deaso who is largely credited by alumni was a self-proclaimed "Superman" was simply a bully who wielded a golf club with swift swipes and stings for innocuous 11/12 year old behaviour. And it does seem a dreadful oversight to have let Edmund Clements remain for so long without being found out. S reminiscesI am now very old, but I do have memories of NH between 1962-1966I remember EEC, who had a room at the end of a corridor. Anonymous 74-79On the whole I agree with most of the above. A headteacher who faked his name, age and qualifications to run a boarding school in Leicestershire for 40 years has been exposed as a fraud by his son. I worked at Nevill Holt between 1990 & 92. I am sad to hear that he was an abuser. Did Nevill Holt have its own railway station? He died in 1982 Swansea-born Frederick Phillips changed his accent and pretended he was a graduate from the Sorbonne to get a job teaching French at Nevill Holt.He had, in fact, only attended summer school at Besancon university, France.In 1927 he adopted the double-barrelled name Serille-Phillips and claimed he was the son of a gentleman (his father was a wheelwright) to secure a bank loan of 12,000 to buy the Grade I listed 13th century school building.He said he was 30, to substantiate a lie that he was a former squadron leader, secret service agent and medal-winner in the First World War. The gardens at Nevill Holt contain elements of their 17th-century structure, but were restored in the early-21st century in the form of three walled gardens, including a kitchen garden and an Italianate garden. The house dates originally from the late-13th century. Archaic rules, rather frightening and forbidding architecture, eccentric characters, very male dominated except for some very sweet young female art teachers and (for a brief interlude), a pretty Irish nurse. The company has introduced countless young people to opera in the East Midlands and its year-round education programme works with schools across the region. Like an earlier post we used to do the rubber (eraser) trick on the floor as she walked between the desks - pick up and look up the skirt. Best of all was the wonderful historic architecture which has given me a lifelong interest in history and architecture especially medieval. F.S.P. I was a pupil at Nevill Holt from 1994-98 when it closed down and I witnessed first hand the horrific ending. Those were some of my best years in education despite, looking back on it, the pretty harsh environment. Deas and Phillips covered this up for years. I would welcome contact from anyone who has anything to offer, anonymously or otherwise, relevant to the abuse claims or not. Most frightening teachers were, Mr. Wraight, previous comments suggest that that was Rattys proper name, who fortunately took his worst tempers out on the beautiful oak panelling, and for me a sadistic French teacher, replaced during my time, well, I think he was trying to teach me French, who I thought might actual kill me. I did though suffer extreme physical abuse, usually by cane to the hand, from the old headmaster and others, supplemented perhaps once every couple of weeks by the whipping of my arse, often protected by a layer of writing paper in my short trousers. I can believe everything here about Clements. JB. Iwas a pupil at this school from about 70 to 75.It was a bastard of a place. I think he was pretty old when I was there .In an odd way I enjoyed being there and it certainly taught you how to survive . It was such a different world back then. I was there at the same time, Copas was an inspiration but Clements taught me at an early age to be street wisethe caning every week was a badge of honour, handled that. Proper teachers such as Deas were a credit to their profession.I loathed the place and after passing my common Entrance exams to Uppingham was expelled after three further miserable years. Took history, balding ginger hair and a temper. I was too 'immature' to appreciate it then. Why do you have such an interest JOnathan. All-round, he was probably the best teacher I ever had.I don't think I approve any more of that kind of boarding education for children at such a young age. Never really got on with Copas so wouldn't comment. This was horrific for all children involved, I was 8 at the time and was so confused and upset I was excused from class for the rest of the day.The terrible things that went on at that school truely disturbed me and still haunt me now. I also remember his split personality. I remember Copas as being a man of great christian kindness. He is a physco and has lost the plot completely. I ran into an old boy in London who had also attended (but was several decades my senior)and our stories of the place where virtually the same.it was clearly in a time of its own.I think I would have been too young to understand much about the types of abuse that happened but I was terrified by Clements and recall being hit by the black board rubber or being hauled out infront of a class and whacked across my rump or the backs or my legs - not great in the summer term with shorts on. He boasted to me that he had had over 70 boys during his teaching profession and he was glad that girls were about to come to the school because he wanted to see them naked.Three other things I recall from the above.One was when he leathered his two Doberman dogs with his dog walking chain in the warren. As someone else recently observed, the collective experience was about as good a preparation for life as anyone might hope for. Why can't I imagine Boris or Liz thinking up the green lane idea? A couple of further memories from the sixties - Miss Graham, the scary housekeeper who wielded more influence over old Serrill Philips than any of the teaching staff. holt leicestershire neville possibly the only male teacher who I remember genuinely wanted to do right by the pupils. It is truly shocking to read the few posts which reveal Peter Copas' dark side. I was at Neville Holt from 1989-1994 and I loved the place,!.. I shudder to think how that man coped. Ron was very open about his hatred for Clements. nevill holt workman rhinegold As for Wraight he died in a car crash and in pre-seat belt days flew through the windscreen of his VW Dormobile and landed in a hedge tangled in barbed wire. This became less frequent as the years went by and the will of the younger, enlightened, Latin teaching with a terrible lisp, Mr. Philips was increasingly felt in the corridors.Good staff at the school were, a female art teacher, and the young nurse, the sister of a Man. David Ross made his fortune in mobile phones, now hes the man at the centre of society. We need to understand the past to help protect children now and in the future.By sharing their experiences, victims and survivors make an important contribution to the work of the Inquiry and their experiences will feed into and influence our findings and recommendations. He drove a big Humber. Better than being bathed by the formidably ugly kitchen server Miss Crombie! I was lucky not to be on the end of his temper but I remember plenty who were. Time often does a good job in removing unpleasant memories but on balance I think I came out with a positive view of the school.I do know several parents whose children went there in the latter days and they were positive about the place, especially Mr Copas. There seems to be much innuendo in these comments about Mr Copas but nothing substantial. 70 to 75,I have some very mixed memories. The Victorians were less Victorian than we imagine. I seem to have done the world a favor and ridded it of one less peado. I was greatly influenced by a school trip to Stratford to see Taming of the Shrew, um- the event rather than the play itself. In my day The Great Hall was out of bounds. Yes, it is simply unbelievable than nobody adult knew what was going on there. holt nevill witherford binet helene leicestershire lrgt The teachers were largely self-interested and two-faced to uncertain and scared kids. she insisted on being called Sir! Interestingly he has airbrushed his NH employment from his cv - he has his own Wikipedia entry, lucky man. One of my friends tried the trick of putting a mirror on the floor to see up her skirt whilst we were having our malt extracts. Dragescue, well everyone knew he was groping, but always felt the kids he had sitting in his lap didn't seem to object. And I had no bother from Copas, although in retrospect perhaps a chap who lives half the week in a room next to the dorms and the other half in the village to which he would sometimes invite a group of boys for musical evenings (records - they were quite good!) Being beaten behind the knees which the sharp edge of a ruler. I remember a friend at the school describing Copas as queer as a coot and I was surprised but thought there must have been some reason for the comment. Hi Chris, how extraordinary that you saw my post! Ratty (Mr Wraight) was in a car crash during one school holiday period and it was after that he turned violent towards the fabric of the school building and instilled fear into boys like myself who dreaded his approach to evening homework forms during prep. It lies to the south-east of the B664 road between But the education was good thanks to some very gifted teachers. Unbelievable really when you think about it, but that was Philips and that was the culture.Aside from the quirky, weird and pervy teachers (anyone remember the Druid who also got sacked for fondling? Circa Date: 1400 w/15th, 16th, 17th, 18th & 19th century alterations and additions. I liked him as a person , but found him a bit scary . He'd bend your fingers back do far to inspect nails that some boys would cry. Miss Harbottle, who during class used to seize a handful of hair and walk around the desk until the child, contorted and screaming, blurted out the right answer. nevill holt sir bache final years A former preparatory school teacher who subjected six schoolboys in his care to a catalogue of "degrading and perverted" sexual abuse was yesterday jailed for 10 years. Browse all resources Move Planner Find a mortgage Property valuation Conveyancing Post a Job Find the best broadband See tradesmen blacklist. It is on a hilltop. Nevill Holt feels like a place that is, after 700 years of ups and downs, finally entering its prime. The whole school chanted my name and I was marched down to see the headmaster, crying my eyes out - still aged 6. Then he went to the Geography Library (just a few shelves in the corner) and went off on a terrifying rant about how we didn't treat the books right. Like the contributor mentioned above (we must have known one another), I was invited - and went - to Clements' house, while his wife was out, to learn how to body-build. Overall, I enjoyed my time there, but as I get older I have to think that much of that was down to age and naivety, and not knowing anything different. NEVILL HOLT. I remember 2pm as the dreaded hour each dayI have to say I don't recall anything untoward in the behaviour of the teachers during my sentence.stay, but I do remember Mr Moorhouse (he of the jam making company?) I gave up music as soon as I could. Abuses that I experienced, not solely those of Clements', included being lifted up bodily and thrown across a grand piano, being dragged around a rugby field by my hair, and being threatened with a golf club. Having explored the centre of the village with its medieval Packhorse Bridge and churches, the route leads you out through fields to reach the nearby old mansion, Nevill Holt. 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