When you take a strong and clear position you create the opportunity for audience members to come up with a strong opposite position, creating contrast. You’re experimenting, risking, dreaming, and creating new possibilities. Let go of ideas even if you love them, for the sake of making the presentation better. Touch the Presentation Form to expand it and reveal an interactive analysis of the presentation. Paint a picture that includes a human element to which they can relate; tell them “why.” Eventually, you can pull back the curtain to reveal the inner workings of the technology, but only after you’ve got them hooked. The pages in this chapter have walked you through divergent thinking by generating ideas. Many decisions are made on instinct or from the heart, including the decisions of your next investor! Were you worried? FOUR THE GROIN People value relationships—and even material goods—based on the meaning they evoke. (Optional but effective) Presenting differing points of view and perspectives isn’t just a case of being thorough. in Peter Ladefoged “Elements of acoustic phonetics”, 1996, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Second edition, ISBN 0226467635, 0226467643 Revisit the ideas you’ve generated up to this point. Yes, emotional. The important points should be top-of-mind after all the research you’ve done, but if you’re struggling to limit them to five, it might take a bit of mental negotiation to murder another darling or two. She’d accidentally locked herself in the closet. a car Ladefoged (Elements) – Chapter 5 – Resonance Now we turn to speech production, and resonance is how the vocal tract shapes the quality of sound, to produce different vowels, for example. This chapter opens with Lenina and Henry taking off in their helicopter when the Obstacle Golf Course closes. I felt helpless and clawed at the door from the outside while she screamed on the inside. Divergent and convergent were identified by J. P. Guilford in 1967 as two different types of thinking that occur in response to a problem. Most people take the obvious approach of contrasting the world as it is today (or was historically) to what it could look like tomorrow. there will be, Who/What There are a few ways to explain the narrative in the numbers: WaterPartner.org’s 2008 animation: “This year, 1 white girl will be kidnapped in Aruba, 4 will die in shark attacks, 79 will die of Avian flu, 965 will die in airplane crashes, 14,600 will lose their lives in armed conflict, 5,000,000 will die from water-related disease. It took a ton of time to generate them! As such, Resonate will appeal universally to all speakers.Resonate has nine chapters, covering 272 pages of deliciously beautiful writing and visuals:The main text is supported with copious illustrations, diagrams, and photogr… Nico J. de Mol and Marcel J.E. There was little resistance in understanding why the next five-year plan was worth supporting. Summary and Analysis Chapter 5 Summary. have to be positive). On her tippy toes, she carefully turned the knob, pressed the switch and was freed just as Grandpa ran back into the room. But while it helps to move down from the analytical region, you shouldn’t abandon it completely. The story worked perfectly! But gut-feel and emotion definitely belong. We knew that couldn’t continue Revisit it, and eliminate any idea you’ve generated that doesn’t clearly support your one big idea. The ideas need to be filtered down to the points that succinctly support your big idea. The heart is the home for the passionate ones. Weaving it into a story with a real character is even better. Learn everything you can about your subject, and extend your search into tangential areas for additional insights. To give them that reason to care, use a story. an event, Context a manager Topics are neutral; messages are charged. Begin by setting aside the spreadsheets and matrices and imagining what could be. With all respect to our friends in the auto industry, if their products had produced the same kind of innovation, cars today would go 470,000 miles per hour. Then, whenever you have to relate a personal anecdote with conviction, you can refer to this collection of stories. What factors were appealing enough to the audience to evoke an actual physical response (clapping)? Here are examples of changing the topics on the previous page to messages: Review what you’ve learned so far. “Whenever you feel an impulse to perpetrate a piece of exceptionally fine writing, obey it— whole-heartedly—and delete it before sending your manuscript to press.

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