Organisms which are too small to be seen with the naked eye, usually smaller than a single cell Most applicable to first year students. Organisms which are too small to be seen with the naked eye, usually smaller than a single cell, Does not require oxygen to multiply and grow, Transmission of a disease by the mutual contact of two individuals i.e. The prefix is the first part of the word, which usually refers to the organ or structure that is involved. heart, lung and gut sounds), A NON-NOXIOUS STIMULI ELICITS A GENUINE PAIN RESPONSE, A MODERATELY UNCOMFORTABLE STIMULI ELICITS A DISPROPORTIONATE PAIN RESPONSE, KEEPING THE EYE CLOSED, OR BLINKING VERY RAPIDLY, AN INFECTION THAT CAN BE TRANSFERRED FROM ANIMAL TO HUMAN, AN INFECTION THAT CAN BE TRANSMITTED FROM HUMAN TO ANIMAL, AN IMMUNE DEFENCE MOLECULE, PRODUCED IN RESPONSE TO AN ANTIGEN, A TOXIC OR FOREIGN SUBSTANCE THAT STIMULATES AN IMMUNE RESPONSE FROM THE BODY, AN INFECTION CONTRACTED WITHIN THE HOSPITAL ENVIRONMENT, A DRUG USED TO ELIMINATE WORMS (HELMINTHS), THE PROCESS OF SHEDDING, OBSERVED IN REPTILES, INABILITY TO RETRACT THE PENIS BACK IN TO THE PREPUCE, HAEMORRHAGE FROM SUPERFICIAL CAPILLARIES, GIVING THE APPEARANCE OF PIN PRICK BLEEDS. THE THIN FILM COATING TEETH THAT CONSISTS OF BACTERIA AND MICROSCOPIC FOOD PARTICLES. a host or contaminated object, Development of an infectious agent on an individual within an area, The presence of an infectious agent on a body surface or inanimate object which does not naturally occur, A disease that is transmittable between animals and humans, A disease that can be transmitted to others, Recovering from a illness or medical treatment, The time that elapses between initial infection of a microorganism and the appearence of symptoms, The place in which a microorganism resides, A in-animate object which microorganisms can live on, A animate object which microorganisms can live on or in, Acts as an intermediate host in the life cycle of microorganisms or parasites, Transmits the disease without playing a role, simply transmits infection from the affected animal to the susceptible, The parasite does not affect the vector but it can shed the parasite at any time, Transmitted directly from the mother to an embryo, foetus or offspring during pregnancy or childbirth, Transmitted among individuals by either direct or indirect contact, Usually an insect, tick, or mite that transmits a microorganism from animal to animal or animal to human, A host where a parasite undergoes its final adult reproductive stage, A host which eats the parasite in order for it to undergo its next life stage, A host in which allows the parasite to undergo its next life stage, without the host the parasite cannot mature, Organism carrying an infection and shows symptoms, Organism carrying an infection but does not show any symptoms, Organism carrying an infection but does not shed it into the environment, Organism carrying an infection and does shed it into the environment, The adult has three pairs of legs and it is divided into three segments; the head, the thorax, and the abdomen, The adult has four pairs of legs and it is divided into two segments; the cephalothorax, and the abdomen, The precautions and methods used in nursing patients that reduce the risk of transference of infection, Segregation of animals of unknown disease status for a period of time prior to entry to a new premises or country, A chemical that destroys or inhibits growth of disease causing microorganisms on living tissue, The prevention of sepsis by using a agent that is safe to use on living tissue, A chemical agent that removes microorganisms on inanimate objects, A solution that contains degreasing properties, Process by which all types of microorganisms are destroyed, including spores, by means of heat, radiation and chemicals, Presence of microorganisms or their products in the blood or tissue, Absence of microorganisms or their products in the blood or tissue, Separating a patient with a suspected or diagnosed contagious disease from healthy patients, Using human intervention to control airflow such as opening doors or windows, Using mechanical means to control airflow such as air conditioning, Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, The state in which a animal is lying down and unable to get up, Bed sores and ulcers caused by lying down on bony prominences, A fluid with high content of protein and cellular debris that has escaped from blood vessels and been deposited in tissue or on tissue surfaces, Redness of the skin caused by congestion of the capillaries in the lowest layers, Ab or al accumulation of fluid in the cavities and intercellular spaces of the body, Emission of gastric contents through the mouth (active process), Return of undigested food from the oesophagus (passive process), Forceful ejection of the stomach contents, Excessive thirst manifested by excessive water intake, Into the epidural space in the spinal column, Into the spinal column, into the cerebrospinal fluid, A superficial graze on the surface of the skin, A wound in which the skin and tissue has separated, Tracts, or holes, where they are not supposed to be, A collection of white blood cells due to infection which are capsulated in a fibrous layer, A surgical wound made under aseptic conditions not entering the respiratory, alimentary or urogenital tract, A surgical wound made under aseptic conditions but with mild contamination; entering the respiratory, alimentary or urogenital tract, A fresh traumatic or surgical wound with a break in aseptic technique, A traumatic wound over six hours old or any surgical wound where ongoing infection is present, Cell death and the tissue sloughs off due to severe inflammation, Cell death due to loss of local blood supply and purification of the tissue by anaerobic bacteria, The removal of all dead tissue which is devitalised, contaminated or infected, Abnormal growth of hairs on the eyelid margin, Red spots to the mucous membranes; pinpoint haemorrhage, Repetitive involuntary to and fro oscillation of the eye, Uncontrollable contractions of the eye muscles, Difficulty breathing when sitting or lying down. To take off of the teat or to stop from nursing; to wean an animal off of its mother's milk. MISALIGNMENT OF THE UPPER AND LOWER JAW, OFTEN RESULTING IN ABNORMAL DENTITION. urine, faeces, vomit), GATHERING OF FLUID IN THE LUNGS DUE TO A LACK OF NORMAL BREATH MOVEMENT OR PROLONGED PERIODS OF PRESSURE, A PNEUMONIA CAUSED BY THE INHALATION OF FOREIGN MATERIAL (most commonly food or vomitus), BLUE COLOURED MUCOUS MEMBRANES DUE TO HYPOXIA, AN ANIMALS APPARENT MENTAL STATE (e.g. Vet Nurse Jobs Vet Nurse Jobs View all Jobs Advertise a Nursing Job Why advertise on VetNurse? Most applicable to first year students. INDICATIVE OF A BLEED IN THE LOWER DIGESTIVE TRACT, THE PASSING OF INDIGESTIBLE OR WASTE PRODUCTS FROM THE BODY (e.g. Most applicable to first year students. Brainscape is a web and mobile study platform that helps you learn things faster. nursing, educational, veterinary. idiopathic pain), THE PRESSURE WHEN THE HEART IS CONTRACTING, THE PRESSURE WHEN THE HEART IS BETWEEN CONTRACTIONS, DIFFICULT URINATION, BUT COUPLED WITH A STRONG DESIRE TO URINATE. A starter guide to general veterinary terminology. 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