Which of the following is a disadvantage of advertising? It has high cost per exposure. Which of the following is a disadvantage of advertising as a promotional strategy? Copyright 10. Consequently, it is difficult to get good quality product even after paying a handsome price for it. displays, product placement in films and other occasions, trade incentives, and coupons. C. It does not allow much creativity in message design. Therefore, the buyer is unable to decide as to which product is really good. On its use, they feel cheated. No manufacturer pays for the advertising expenses out of his pocket. B. have a long exposure time. 14. Advertisement is a sort of day-dreaming for the people. Which of the following is a disadvantage of advertising through the Internet? It has fixed messages for the duration of an exposure. b. If a seller gets good price for some inferior product, it becomes a habit with him. Privacy Policy 8. In this reference it is said that some advertisements are in bad tastes. 15. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the percent of sales method of setting promotional budgets? Compare the following forms of advertising to determine which one is an example of narrowcasting. TOS 7. Content Filtrations 6. C. It does not allow much creativity in message design. The brilliance of new products really gets on their nerves. Fast forward to the early 2000s and famous sites including Flickr, MySpace and YouTube emerged in 2005 with Facebook, and Twitter the following year, there are now hundreds of millions of users on social media sites. For a limited time, find answers and explanations to over 1.2 million textbook exercises for FREE! Course Hero is not sponsored or endorsed by any college or university. An advertising-driven promotion strategy is used when: Strategic Marketing Implementation and Control. They come to realise later that the information given in the advertisement was something else whereas the actual product was quite different from it. According to the critics, advertising has the following disadvantages: (1) Adds to Costs: An organisation has to spend large amount on advertising. It has fixed messages for the duration of an exposure. Which of the following is true about advertising? To meet this expenditure, price of the product is raised. Which of the following promotion strategies is most appropriate when buyers’ information. (4) Encourages Sale of Inferior Products: Every manufacturer projects his product as superior one in the advertisement. Prohibited Content 3. Many times, foul language and objectionable pictures are used in advertising in order to attract a particular class. Before publishing your articles on this site, please read the following pages: 1. c. It does not permit totally accurate measurements of results. There are many advantages and disadvantages of internet advertising, and you should be aware of these before you decide whether or not you wish to place an ad. Report a Violation. High cost per exposure. prospective purchasers with the objective of making or influencing a sale. _____ refers to communications placed in the commercial media at no charge to the, 17. Such kinds of advertising are generally opposed by the people as it hurts their feelings. Taking it as a social evil, it can be said that advertisement undermines social values. What are the Four Important Advantages of Advertisements. While cheap rates, good targeting and analytics are advantageous, it is also easy for people to ignore and distrust online ads. 16. D. It provides low control of message content. It causes decay of social values. Thus, people lose confidence in advertising because of wrong presentation. It is expensive due to high cost per contact. Those who hold this opinion are, as a matter of fact, the critics of advertising and they hint at its evils. Plagiarism Prevention 4. Which of the following is a disadvantage of advertising A It has high cost per, 27 out of 27 people found this document helpful. This preview shows page 2 - 5 out of 8 pages. They want to buy them but have no resources at their command. Which of the following is a disadvantage of the percent of sales method of setting, 18. 19. _____ consists of verbal communication between a salesperson and one or more. B. Disadvantages of Search Advertising High Competition. b. It increases the cost of the products. _____ consists of activities such as, trade shows, contests, samples, point-of-purchase. Traditionally, the biggest disadvantage of radio advertising has been that radio ads A. are expensive. a. 12. Therefore, it is said that advertisement encourages the sale of inferior products. A. a. It allows very little control over the final promotional message. Advertising B. d. Untimely. Disclaimer 9. A. Image Guidelines 5. Public relations C. Personal selling D. Interactive marketing Answer: B Difficulty: Easy Page: 353 17. Top 5 Advantages and Disadvantages of Social Media Marketing Social media started in 1997 with a site called Six Degrees . They may be insulting to a particular class. University of the Fraser Valley • BUSINESS 420, University of the Fraser Valley • SSS 111. Consequently, they start feeling upset with their present status. Short message life. d. It cannot be adapted to either mass audience or specific audience segments. Image Courtesy : simpli.fi/wp-content/uploads/11037-outdoor-advertising-1.jpg. One of the most obvious disadvantages of search advertising is the fact that there is a limited number of ad slots on each search-engine-results page (SERP for short), especially for the more popular queries. Get step-by-step explanations, verified by experts. No manufacturer pays for the advertising expenses out of his pocket. B. Disadvantages of Advertising Advertising results in increased expenses for the company because all modes of advertisement like radio, television, and internet are expensive and advertising is not a one-time measure rather it is a continuous process on which the company has to spend every year which in turn results in pressure on the profits of the company. It affects other sellers also. Through its medium people get information about new products. These days it is taking the people away from reality and into the realm of artificiality. Content Guidelines 2. Advertising, therefore, leads to unnecessary rise in prices. Many a time distorted version of reality is shown in the advertising. In this reference it is said that advertising costs are passed on to the consumers in the form of high prices. Introducing Textbook Solutions. c. Low information content. Important disadvantages of advertising are as follows: While on the one hand, advertising is regarded as the life-blood of modern business; on the other hand, some scholars are of the view that money spent on advertising is a waste. To meet this expenditure, price of the product is raised. Believing in advertising, consumers buy the product. According to the critics, advertising has the following disadvantages: An organisation has to spend large amount on advertising. 13. D. It provides low control of message content. Which of the following is a disadvantage of advertising? In this reference it is said that advertising confuses rather than helps. Only very few products are of any use for them. It increases the cost of the products.

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